The Marriage/ James Sirius Po...

By im0a0slytherin

75.3K 1K 361

James S. Potter has loved Arabella Malfoy since 1st Year. As events throughout their years at Hogwarts bring... More

First Year: Meeting James
Second Year: Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy
Third Year: Just a little help
Fourth Year: The Ball
Fifth Year: Quidditch Accident
Sixth Year: Truth or Dare
Head Boy and Head Girl
Starlight Ball
Muggle Studies
Get to know the Author!!!
Pictures and Misters
So this is Christmas
This is the New Year!
Day Out
The Confession
They really do
Bathe me in Holy Water for this Announcement
Jealousy's a good look on you (Part 1)
Jealousy's a good look on you (Part 2)
'Till .... School do us part?
Time of our Lives

At the Potter's

2.6K 41 13
By im0a0slytherin

AN- Hello, quick question! What song should Arabella sing at her mother's concert, I was thinking of a song where you're confused about your emotions for the person.

I was thinking 'If Only by Dove Cameron' or '

3rd POV

James woke up with the Winter Sun in his eyes and lightweight on his chest, he looked down to see Arabella sleeping peacefully with her long black hair behind and her head on James' chest.

He looked at the clock on the wall realising that it was already 7:25 and they would be leaving for the Hogwarts Express at 8:30.

"Arabella it's time to wake up" he whispered into her ear, she mumbled something under her breath, "Two more minutes Scorp" usually it was James that slept late and deep but Arabella was up late finishing her song lyrics for her Mothers Concert (what song should it be?)
"Now, now Bella darling I don't think that will be such a good idea as we have to finish packing," he said strolling her hair

Her eyes shot up to him and in the moment of distraction when he gazed into those eyes, he fell in love with she pushed him off the bed and threw cushions at him while down.

He sat up with a groan and a sore back and bottom while she frowned and said
" Don't call me 'Darling', Potter!"
" Darling Potter love it! Call me that more often will you love?" He grinned at his comeback

She just glared and stood up to get ready for the day, "Dang it" she cursed while trying to reach her suitcase from above the closet. James saw her struggle and stood to walk over to her and grabbed her by the waist and lifted her, "Potter put me down, you're tall enough to get it yourself without lifting me!" she shrieked and squirmed in his arms

"Just get the luggage sweetheart, besides its good workout" he grinned

She grabbed the suitcase and James put her down but still held her waist, "Did you know that snogging burns 6.4 calories a minute!" he said, she raised an eyebrow confused to what James was saying "Wanna work out?" he smirked and came closer with mischief in his eyes.

Arabella was flustered but did what she would have done a few years ago, she grabbed the suitcase and hit him with it

"Oww, Arabella! You wound me" he says and gasps falling to the ground sticking his tongue out acting dead. "What are you 7?" she asks holding back a laugh

He looks at her and pouts, Bella just rolls her eyes and starts packing her books and clothes.

Timeskip to the train ride cuz I'm lazy

Arabella sat in a Compartment with Dom and Roxy, talking about the holidays and their husbands, well Dom and Roxy are. When a part of the conversation caught her attention but was still lost in thought, "Don't you think that it's weird that James seems to be good at so many things?" asks Roxy "I mean, he's good at Quidditch, Potions, DADA, Transfiguration, he has some good pick up lines, and has brilliant pranks. Also, he is quite handsome" she said

"I suppose, but he's probably horrible at something" laughed Dom, "He's probably a horrible kisser" she laughed

"Not really he's pretty good at that as well," said Arabella without thinking still lost in thought

The Compartment went silent, Dom and Roxy grinning ear to ear, Bella looked up all of a sudden realizing what she just said, covering her face blushing madly.

"Jamie is a good kisser eh?" said Dom with a knowing look

"I never said, I heard it from another girl!" Arabella said quickly trying to cover the situation with a lie

Roxanne was over the moon with happiness, jumping up and down in her seat while squealing, "I knew it, you like our cousin!" "No no I don't" Bella retorted

That conversation went on for another 40 minutes, with Dom and Roxy planning "Jella's" wedding (Bella and James). Until the door was swung open and four boys came falling in. James, Fred II, Lorcan and Lysander fell on top of one another. James grounded the loudest as he was the one at the bottom, "Get off of me you, me overweight Goblins" he said while pretending to suffocate.

"Were you eavesdropping on us?" asked Roxy looking at her twin, "We weren't James was!" said Lorcan and Lysander at the same time pointing at James, "He wanted to listen if Arabella was confessing her love for him so that they could be together forever and ever!" said Fred while sitting in between Arabella and James who decided to take the free seat next to her, Fred swung his arms around the blushing pair. "Isn't that right Jamie?" he nudged his best friend.

"N-no" he stuttered while blushing scarlet,
"Now, now Fred we don't want to get between their love do we?" asked Dominique

" I know, but they're taking longer to get the guts to admit and stop being oblivious to the obvious facts" he retorted, referring to James telling Arabella that he likes her and for Arabella to stop thinking that he was just teasing and trying to annoy her.

"They'll find their way to each other, true love always does" answered Lysander
"We're right here you know!" interrupted James and Bella at the same time while getting redder realizing that they were in sync.

They just ignored them and kept on talking until they arrived at Platform 9&3/4.

They got their luggage and went to find their families or hosts.
The Malfoy siblings stood next to each other while standing awkwardly in front of the Weasley Potters and the Granger Weasleys.

The two families decided that they would have both of their houses next to each other as they were best friends and family.

" Arabella, Scorpio's! It's so great to see you again" said Ginny happily hugging them both
"Thank you, Mr and Mrs Potter, for letting us stay with you while our parents are out and it's great seeing you as well" answered Bella politely while shaking Mr Potters hand

"No troubles at all, besides you mother, told us that you have a quite a few events and that you have to stay with James, which reminds me that he won't stop talking about you in his letters home," said Mr Potter grinning at his oldest lovesick son
"Dad!" exclaimed James from beside Albus and Lily
He just chuckled and answered "Well we better get going, we'll all Apparate to Potter Manor, everyone chooses a partner that can apparate and let's go"

Bella looked at Scorp and he nodded, before she made them apparate he whispered "Potter won't shut up about you, eh?", he laughed knowing of his sister's slight crush on her 'husband'.
"Shut up, or I'll tell lovely Rose that you won't stop talking about her fiery red hair and gorgeous eyes," she said while drawing hearts in the air.
"Fine, let's go" they apparate to Potter Manor

Saying goodbye to Rose and Hugo when they go to the neighbouring house
"Alright, Arabella you will stay with James because you well have to or your fingers will be cut off by that bloody ring! And Scorpius you will stay with Albus, Dominique and Roxanne will come over in a few days and stay in the guest room" said Mrs Potter while opening the door.

"James show Arabella to your room and make her feel welcome, Scorpius you can go with Albus. We will have dinner in a bit" said Mr Potter 

Bella and James walked up the staircase into a room that screamed James Sirius Potter. There were Gryffindor banners all over the room, Quidditch Posters, Pictures of Friends and Family. A king-size bed and big windows with a balcony. Bella was impressed at the tidiness, "How come you can keep your room tidy but you can't control your hair to not make it look like a Hippogryphs nest." she commented 

"My Grandfather and father have the same problem. It drove my mother nuts when she couldn't brush my hair as a child. It's not that it has knots but you just can't keep it down" he said laughing, she nodded and set her suitcase down

They unpacked in silence and went downstairs once Mrs Potter called the kids down. Mr Potter sat at the head of the table with Mrs Potter on his right and James to his left, next to him sat Arabella and Scorpius. On the right next to Mrs Potter sat Lily and Albus. They had small talk throughout dinner. Once they were done, they all hung out and talked about Christmas and the next Hogwarts Quidditch Matches. Scorp and Bella spoke about when they should pick up the presents for everyone and when their parents were coming home. 

Lily went to bed an hour earlier than the rest, when they all chose to go to bed they said their goodnights and sweet dreams. Bella and James fell asleep immediately once their heads hit the soft red pillows. The entire house fell into a blissful silence and peace. The two unknown lovebirds slowly moved closer into each other's arms with every minute of the night passing until eh point you wouldn't even notice if they were truly in love and married or just bloody brilliant actors. 

I know that this chapter sucked, but I didn't know what to write so I just wrote this, some new Characters are going to be introduced in the upcoming. For my lovely Vampire Diaries lovers, Candice King will be playing Victoire Weasley and Lukas Jade Zumann from Anne with an e, will playing Elijah Greengrass. 

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