ETHEREAL | P. Lahote

By pickedpetals

527 23 2

Eleanor "Nell" Swan, Charlie and Renee's oldest daughter, moves to Forks, Washington after her younger sister... More



122 7 2
By pickedpetals

Hey guys! If you're liking the story please vote and comment! it always means a lot to know that I'm not just writing this for myself. and if anyone has any suggestions or things they'd like to see let me know! Also if you guys didn't notice already there are curse words in this book. This chapter does have the F bomb in it. 

Over the next few weeks Nell spent her time between school and the reservation before graduating. Bella was usually hanging out with Edward and his family, who Eleanor had spent a few lunches at school with before getting weirded out and finding somewhere else to sit. There was nothing wrong with the Cullens that she could tell other than their behavior, but she was used to Bella isolating herself and being generally weird so it wasn't too weird to her. What was off-putting about the Cullens were the constant warnings that she received from Billy, Harry, and old Quil about the family. They would never go into specifics but they always told her to be weary, and so she was. 

Bella's birthday was today and Nell had spent almost two entire months searching for the perfect present for her sister. Finally she had gotten her hands on an early copy of Wuthering Heights, her sisters favorite book. She even decided to make cinnamon rolls the morning of her sisters birthday for breakfast and had to fight Charlie off from taking one before Bella could. 

"C'mon Nellie" Charlie wined, trying yet again to reach behind his daughter for a roll. 

"no!" she whisper shouted, swatting his hand. "I haven't even frosted them yet, besides, Bella gets first pick" 

Charlie groaned "Fine, then I'm going to go wake her up" He stated matter of factly before making his way to the stairs. Nell laughed before retrieving the frosting from the spot on the counter and hummed to herself as she decorated. 

Bella came down groggy in her pajamas, immediately perking up at the sight of the breakfast her sister had made. 

"Morning sunshine" Nell cooed, resulting in Bella drastically rolling her eyes before making her way to the food. 

"Ah," Nell interrupted, "present first" she scolded, pointing to the kitchen table where Bella's gift was delicately wrapped in brown paper. 

"c'mon, I thought we agreed no gifts" she pouted, taking a seat and reaching for the package. Nell just shrugged, leaning back on the counter with a smile on her face as Bella tore the paper off of the book Nell had gotten her. "holy shit" she mumbled "holy shit!" 

"language young lady" Charlie said as he made his way into the kitchen, restraining his oldest daughter with one arm as he grabbed a cinnamon roll. 

"Hey!" Nell protested, jutting out her bottom lip. 

"mm- I've waited long enough" Charlie managed to say with a mouth full of food. Nell just rolled her eyes before returning her gaze to her sister who was still ogling her gift. 

"Wonder boy coming to pick you up today?" She asked her younger sister. Bella just shook her head 

"No, driving myself to school today" She said before standing to serve herself breakfast. 

"I thought he was a gentleman, what is he doing making a lady drive herself to school on her own birthday?" Charlie complained, seemingly still upset with Edward for the fight he and Bella had that resulted with Bella in the hospital. 

"Dad, its no big deal" Bella said in an attempt to quell her father. 

"I don't know, you're old now Bells. You could break a hip driving yourself or something" Nell chimed in with a crooked smile that Charlie matched. The youngest girl just groaned before grabbing her plate and gift and headed up to her room. 

"What's her deal?" Nell asked her father as she moved to sit in Bella's place. Charlie just shrugged. The phone on the wall started to ring so he soon stood, gesturing to Nell to stay where she was. The girl obeyed and started on her own breakfast, mind wandering back to the warnings that she was given about the Cullen family. 

"yeah, uh-huh, okay" she heard her father conclude before hanging up the phone with a groan. 

"something wrong?" she asked as her father picked up his unfinished plate and set it in the sink. 

"Another bear attack" He spoke, the age on his face becoming more evident with the stress that seemed to grow. "A couple of hikers, the didn't make it" 

Nell winced before giving her father a small nod. Charlie grimaced before turning on his heel and grabbing his uniform jacket that was draped over the bannister. 

"Bell's is celebrating at the Cullen place tonight and I'll probably be at the station late so don't worry about making dinner" He spoke, one hand on the door handle as the other ran down his face in an attempt to wipe the sleep away. Nell just nodded in response to her father. 

After Bella left for school Nell decided to give a call to Leah Clearwater who picked up after the first ring. 

"Wanna go to the beach today?" Nell asked her friend absentmindedly as soon as the girl picked up. 

Leah just chuckled "well hello to you too," she responded "but yes, I can meet you at first beach in say, 30 minuets?" she confirmed with her friend. Nell smiled, even though Leah couldn't see her.

The two agreed then bid there farewells with a promise to meet at the black sand beach that was scattered with driftwood. Nell decided to pack some sandwiches and her favorite 35mm film camera in her fraying shoulder bag before slipping on one of her dad's old letterman jackets from when he was in high school and headed out to her car. 

Before Nell had moved to Forks from Boston she had been saving up her money from tips at the bakery she worked at for a car to buy once she finished high school. When she moved back to live with her father she still decided she needed a car but refused Charlie's help in finding one no matter how many time he asked his daughter. 

Finding an old dull yellow '93 porsche cs coupe about to be scrapped at a yard two towns over the eldest swan girl begged Jacob to repair it for her. She payed him for his labor and he agreed. Taking him only a few weeks the car hadn't given her any trouble as of yet, and she knew that if it did she could easily bring it back to Jacob who was more than kind enough to help.  

It didn't take long for Nell to arrive at first beach and the car ride was filled with the quiet tune of her favorite songs playing from one of the cd mixes she had made for herself. When she arrived she smiled at the sight of Leah leaning on the hood of her own car. The engine lulled to a quiet as Nell removed the key from the ignition and stepped out. 

Smiling at Leah she inquired "you bring a blanket?" The Clearwater girl nodded before retrieving the cloth from her backseat and the two made their way down the beach. 

Setteling on a spot in front of a large fallen tree the two girls spread out the blanket and set the portable radio on one of the corners with the volume on low. Leah relaxed back into the tree, shutting her eyes as the salt filled breeze lightly kissed her skin. 

"How's that job at the diner?" She puzzled. Nell settled in her spot next to her friend and responded with a simple "It's alright." the other girl peaked one eye open and pointed her gaze at her friend. Nell just let out a light laugh and elaborated. 

"Some of the fishermen and loggers that come in from out of town are creepy but at least they tip alright." She prattled, running a hand through her hair that was tousled by the breeze. It was a nervous habit that both of the Swan sisters carried. Whenever things were quiet or they were approached with queries about their personal lives they always slipped a hand through their hair, delicate and pale fingers separating the brown locks. 

The conversation between the two friends soon changed subjects as the girls chatted, taking breaks from bubbling laughter to eat the sandwiches that Nell had packed. As the sun started to kiss the horizon the tranquility between the girls was interrupted with shouts and laughter. Nell brushed it off assuming it was just another group of teenagers making their way to the ocean to catch the last swell. Turning her attention back to Leah she sat rigid when she noticed her friends face was curled in sorrow and betrayal. Whipping her head around to the direction of the noise Nell reached for Leah's hand in comfort as she gazed upon who she assumed was Sam Uley and Emily Young. The couple was accompanied by two other young men similar in appearance to Sam. All three had short jet black hair, a tribal tattoo on their upper arms, no shirts, and cut off jean shirts. 

Turning her attention back to her friend Nell gave her hand a squeeze "Lee," she whispered her friend's nickname "hey, we don't have to stay. I can walk you to the car and come back and pack up." The Clearwater girl remained silent as Nell stood, lifting Leah with her. Draping an arm over Leah's shoulders Nell kept her head low as she led her friend back to the car's, mumbling consoling words to her friend. 

Leah's feet stilled when the two girls heard a voice shout "wait!"Nell didn't even need to turn back to know it was Sam. His voice was deeper than it had been last time she had spoken to him. It had been almost four summers prior, right before Nell and Leah were set to start high school and Sam go into his sophomore year. It was two months before he decided to ask Leah to homecoming, which was ultimately the start of their relationship. She remembers Leah spending late nights giggling to her friend about how dreamy he was. 

Tugging on Leah to keep her moving forward she also remembered the late nights that were spent with Leah crying on the phone when he left. "Lee, c'mon" She prodded. "He's not worth it" at that the Clearwater girl started walking again. 

Once Nell got her friend securely in the passenger seat of her car she sighed at the numb look on her face as her heart ached for her friend. Shutting the door she turned on her heel, heading back to collect their belongings. 

"You're Charlie's oldest, right? Eleanor" she heard someone speak. Shifting her gaze to the voice she scowled when she noticed it was Sam, holding what they had left on the beach with Emily stuck to his side. Rolling her eyes without an answer she accepted her things back from the man  as his two friends jogged their way. Turning her gaze back to her car she saw Leah resting her head on the window with tears finally escaping her eyes as she gazed towards the woods that bordered the beach. Seeing her friend hurt Nell could feel the irritation bubbling up inside her chest as she turned her attention back towards Sam, and finally she spoke. 

"I know I can't forbid you from coming to the beach or other places where Leah might be, but if you see her out somewhere don't even look in her direction let alone try and speak to her." She warned, rolling her eyes when one of his friends scoffed. 

"I wasn't-" Sam tried to clarify to the Swan girl who only raised a hand to cut him off. 

"I don't care what you were or weren't trying to do" she started, finally letting all the anger and sorrow she had witnessed her closest friend go through spill over the edge. "But you did leave her two weeks after you told her father you were going to propose to her and then started fucking her cousin. You disappeared from her life once, so I suggest you disappear from it again and keep it that way" She seethed, shifting her gaze to those in front of her, most of whom held a very taken aback look on their face except one who seemed like he was going to jump out of his skin and attack her. She made eye contact with the man who seemed most angry, her posture straightening to show him she wasn't afraid. He was standing to the right of Sam and as soon as he returned her gaze the trembles in his body stopped and his jaw fell slack. Still too frustrated with the group in front of her and worried about Leah who was still in the car Nell passed off the pounding in her ribcage and tug at her gut as anger as she sharply turned on her heel and sped back to her car. 

The entire car ride to Leah's all she could think about were his eyes and the mysterious look they held when they finally met hers. 

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