Born of Blood

By lmtallentstories

104K 5.2K 1.1K

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. __________________________________________ It was odd, seeing them tr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 25

3K 167 40
By lmtallentstories

He could see the challenge in this wolf.

The muscles bunched high and tight in her back, the bare skin visible from her scars rolling and bunching as she paced wildly in front of them. Her tail was stiff behind her, tense with her rage and her legs paused and bunched with muscle as she stared them down. Her hackles were raised, her pitch black fur soaked with water raised to the best of their ability, they trailed down her neck and stopped at her shoulders, her black fleshy scars twitching with rage where her fur should lie. Her muzzle held a large scar that split her lips that curled over her teeth, the fur on the upper right side of her skull thinned where her healed injury was present, freezing water rolling through its thin trails. Her teeth were large, white, and sharp at the tips showing how unused they were; had she even eaten in her wolf form? She had never disclosed how many times she had shifted, and this made Orion uneasy, the less she has shifted the more wild she would be. It took time to tame the wolf in your soul, to become dominate over it, or in Orion's case- become one with it. Saliva foamed at the bottom of her mouth, dripping with the storms battling rain as her hunger grew to tear these men apart. The wolf could see the wide eyes of the elder man, his clothing soaked through to the bone and red marks across his flesh already, his tan skin looked sallow.

Her icy blue eyes landed on the mountain next to him and she snapped her teeth in warning at his heaving body, her paws launching forward into the large puddle underneath her. His being was intense, his height climbing to her neck in his human flesh, his muscles showing the raw power contained in his body. The ink wrapping around his arms and torso left her stomach uneasy- her spirit knew these characters, though there was no translation. The wolf braced herself and let out a warning snarl, curling her head to the side to flash her sharp canines to him, the wolf understood the scent. She had smelt a scent similar to it before, watch it hurt her Flesh despite the bond. The wolf wanted nothing more than to sink her teeth into this Flesh Walker. She wanted to tear his broad muscles from his bones and get revenge for her Flesh, prove they didn't need the Mate. She snapped her teeth at the elder man, water rushing into her mouth from the torrential downpour, he gasped before stumbling to the side and falling into the muddy mountainside, catching himself on a few roots before muttering the wolf's Flesh's name.

She snapped her teeth at him for uttering her vessels title, he had no right to use her name. She knew what he thought, she could smell it in his sweat, welling in his pores with a sour tint that kept her lip curled in disgust. He thought her Flesh was weak, she would show him weak! Her growls and snarls ripped from her chest as she charged the man hanging on the roots to keep him from sliding down to the next level plane of the mountain. He gave a startled shout before releasing his hold just as her teeth caught his fingers, she squeezed the fleshy digits in her teeth until they completely tore through the skin and his scream let her shake her head away from him while he fell to the next level formation. She continued to snarl, her tongue licking her teeth to taste his blood, even nipping her own tongue with her sharp points while she stared at his rapid fall. He landed with a crack and a wail as his leg twisted under him. The rain beat against his flesh and she could hear him gasp against the water, calling for a name she didn't know, she stared at him, making sure he did not rise again before turning her head to stare at the Mate.

He held her gaze, his eyes traveling over her large, yet intensely thin body. Her fur was the color of blended charcoal, deep and dark she seemed to suck all the color from the thriving atmosphere around her. The earth in Ketchikan, Alaska loved the rain, it soaked the water into its soil and the trees showed their appreciation in their vibrant colors, yet this wolf in front of him- his mate- sucked the beauty from the world she stood in. She looked terrifying, Orion knew this, with her scars and her viciously sharp teeth, they way she held no fat in her body and appeared to be such a lean (albeit unhealthy) muscle- she was not going to be easy to wean into their pack. They would see her as a challenge, they did not know her history, they would only think of her as a battle wolf- a warrior and a deadly one. Her intensely dark fur would be seen as an Omen to his religious pack, the Goddess had a hand in creating her, was it good or bad? These would be the superstitious questions he would need to answer, but it seemed- as she snarled and snapped and slowly crawled closer- he might not know the right answer at this moment.

He was not mad at her for her decision about the pup, it was her body. They could have their own children, if it was in their fate, at a later date. But his frustration with her was growing, she refused to allow him to see her in the time of the abortion, even after the child was passed. She would not let him in her room, she would not speak to anyone any longer. Not to the Doctor, not to those who brought her meals, she secluded herself, remaining a ball in her bed from the time the sun rose behind the rain clouds to the time it set behind the rain clouds. Orion knew she was going to need help, he was in the process of having a pack member returned to Sendöw. Merula had found her mate and gone to be with his pack and his family, she had none here with her mother having gone to the mountain three years before Merula found her other half. She had gone to receive her education with the mundanes, become a trauma therapist after her mother's passing, he could see no better time for her to return to her home pack, he could see no better mission to serve than to help her Luna. She seemed more than willing to return and help her Alpha, already on her way though the call was made only a few days ago.

The wolf snarled at the mans calculating gaze, her rage building a fire within her chest, the veins on her thin legs beginning to bulge with her need for revenge beating her heart in overtime. Orion knew that this was a dangerous situation, the hospital wing was built into an extension on the Sendöw Pack House, if she were to run a mile to the right she would reach the main structure. She would reach the mountain village, and she would reach the training grounds not too far from there. He needed to herd her the other direction, though as he moved his foot to the right, the opposite of her, she snapped her jaws together with a snarl that froze him. This was not a snarl of an angry wolf, this was a snarl of a wolf on the hunt. She had zeroed in on her kill and began to slowly creep forward. The beast in Orion didn't hesitate before coming to his Flesh's surface, his electric blue swirling with the milky blue of his eyes under the shadows of the storm around them. A warning growl ripped from his chest, his heart hammering in anger.

He loved this woman, but he would not hesitate to put an untrained wolf in its place, especially on his own territory.

His leg moved forward in a challenge, his calf and thigh twitching with the shift being held back, he could feel his body starting to convulse. The wolf responded with a challenging rush forward, her muscles of her flanks twitching as she waiting to throw herself at her kill, snarls rolled from her throat in a continuous succession and her tongue darted out to clear the remaining blood from her muzzle. Orion knew her volume would soon be heard over the storm, he knew his warrior wolves and those able bodied would come to protect their land. This needed to be quick, his pack could not see his mate like this- he hadn't told his pack he found her yet. They would attack, they would not know that this wolf was just untrained. She would be labeled a Rogue, and that would be her death. His mate snarled and before he could think further she charged him. Orion had to hold his shock at her speed, it took her mere seconds to cross the distance between them- he had not expected her to be so swift. She caught his shoulder in her sharp bite, her teeth puncturing his skin like butter before she lopped behind him and shook her head furiously.

Orion roared as he took his meaty hand and clamped it down on her muzzle, his fingers wrapped between her large teeth, shredding his digits he pulled up with all his strength until her teeth pulled from his shoulder and he threw her head to the side. The wolf's recovery was quick, jumping to clamp down on his hand he used to pull her off, she dug deep and clamped down hard pulling and tugging her head until his flesh ripped and peeled. Orion didn't hesitate to lift his other arm and punch her in the top of her head, the whimper that escaped her tugged at his stomach while she stumbled back and shook her fur out. Orion stood tall, waiting for her wolf to sort itself out and submit to his towering frame, only to feel shock stir his insides as she pulled her body back to launch herself at him again.

He shifted mid air, his wolf's body fields larger than his mates. His beast puffed his chest as she clamped her teeth around the junction of his neck, snarling and removing her teeth before clamping back down again and shaking her head from side to side. His wolf turned his skull to knock into the side of her body, her frail form dislodging easily as his dominating wolf was stronger than his Flesh. She painted as she landed heavily, with a yelp, in the large muddy puddle building from the storm. Orion's black body stood buildings over her as she huffed on her side for a moment before peeling herself from the muddied water. She panted, her pupils dilated at the sight of her mates true form, his build different than any wolf she had studied at Malkún. His tail was shorter, his body clumped with enough muscle to show a strength she wasn't sure she could match. His shoulders were raised high, almost like a cats, towering with sinewy muscle that lifted the hackles on Scarlets wolf's back. His canines were so large, so pronounced, he couldn't physically close his muzzle all the way- her wolf quickly stumbled to her feet, her ears shoved forward and tail held high as she balanced her weight in her legs evenly. She was posed, ready for his attack, her growl low in her throat, evolving, fluctuating with every breath her mate took. His fur was dark, the darkest she had ever seen, and in the shadows of the storm he set off a warning in this wolf's mind. She was not dumb, she knew this wolf had battled many battles, the scars wrapping through his fur was a testament to that, she would not win this.

Though, she owed it to her Flesh to fight, to fight the way she had never gotten to. To protect her in all the ways she had yearned to while trapped beneath the skin. She had felt and heard every thought, every whisper through her brain, while experiencing every trauma in her life- she owed her this. She would show this wolf how strong she was, how much she didn't need him, if it stole the life from her heart. Her growl rumbled through the valley of space between them before it shifted into a battle roar that physically shook her thin body. It resounded through the trees, shaking the water from their leaves, shouting her challenge to the world for all to hear.

So focused on her mission, she ignored the howls in the distance, only noting the twitch in this Alphas ears. The Beast slowly began his walk forward, his canines dripping with his rage. She backed up, until her hind end hit the base of the tree that smelt of this territory. She needed space, she needed this male away from her, he was too close to her skin, too close to the Flesh hiding inside her. She wouldn't allow him near her, near the magic in her blood that shifted her to her skin. She wouldn't allow him to touch her! She snarled before turning to her right and darting at full speed between the corner of the wooden building and the trees. Her rage fueled her sprint, her legs pumping through the swollen grass, ripping up the earth in her race to gain ground between her and the panting mass she could hear close behind her.

The Alpha behind her was so large it was impossible to not hear the earth beneath him supporting his weight. His raging breaths like a thundering bull, his growls snorting with his sharps intakes of air while his claws ripped through the ground. She was fast though, her lithe body twisting through the natural, unmoved, trees with a speed that allowed the space between them to grow. The rain hammered against her flesh of her back and face fiercely, her speed left the falling drops hit her with the velocity of hail, she narrowed her eyes, the sounds of her breathing overtaking the sound of the thundering rain. She could feel her blood boil, the trees began thinning around her, providing less to dodge, until she broke through the last of the overbearing trees.

A large home was settled into a large clearing, and the wolf couldn't help the snarl that ripped from her chest as she eyed the similar setting that she had viewed millions of times in her Flesh's eyes. She darted to the middle before turning and bracing for his advance. His presence wasn't one to be ignored, his snarls and snapping teeth were more than intimidating, her run had enraged the beast, his form stalking back and forth as he growled and roared his unhappiness.

Scarlets wolf could care less, she had room now. She had space to evade this creature and his wants to dominate her, make her submit. He was her Mate, though she would submit to no man, and he would learn that if it took her last breath. She had a revenge to enact, she would do this for her Flesh, her first mate had killed her inside, and this mate would do the same. She needed no male, she needed no commander, no Alpha! Her head dipped low, her teeth on display permanently, as she snapped at the domineering male.

Her wolf startled as he launched himself at her, then passed her. She snapped her teeth at his body, though he ignored her attack like she were a pup, a roar left her throat only to die off as she saw his canines clamp down on the shoulder of an unknown wolf she hadn't heard attempting to attack her from behind.

WhaAaaat, what do you think Sendöw will think of Ms. Scarlet and her Wolf?

What do you think of Scarlets wolf?

Another long chapter guys I'm on a roll. Don't forget to favorite the chapters so others can have the ability to come across my book as well! And don't be afraid to comment! I love reading your guys' feedback!

I have started a new job, it's from 5-2 so I am almost permanently exhausted, but I'm still trying my best to finish this book by the end of the month. I'm hoping to publish a few more chapters this weekend, make you all happy!

Unedited, I will edit it in a few moments if I notice anything.

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