𝑷𝑳𝑨𝒀•𝑩𝑶𝒀 : 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒆�...

By renhatesthee

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{𝑨𝑴𝑩𝑾} {𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄✔️} "Like someone once told me before.. Moments like these, when tears fill your e... More

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90 8 7
By renhatesthee

Chapter seven: Shhh, Unknown Emotions

♥ ▸⚬☉⚬◂ ♥

That starry night forced the world to continue rotating, letting the sunrise and through the window hitting Daniel's sleepy eyes that sprung open catching Renesmee in his sight as she laid her head in the window for support. Easing himself up he sat next to her properly before laying her down in his lap. Daniel's once so heavy eyes soften looking down at Renesmee that cuddled for warmth into him.

"Why did you have to come after me?" narrowing his eyes, watching her shiver.

Like the non-gentleman he is, Daniel took off his leather jacket and placed it on top seeing the girl becoming more comfortable. He couldn't contain his smile.

The pain from below shook him out of it and the broken male searching for the girls' phone that was hiding in the middle console, Daniel made the call to a man that was a fatherly figure to him but the sad thing about it was the father figure male worked for his mother, his mother that had a lot to do with everything...everything bad.

Daniel waited for his precise ride thinking about everything he had said last night and he wanted to take it all back, the things he said to Renesmee was it and the playboy became frustrated just sitting there for a long ass period of time staring... at her.
           The boy started talking out loud thanking the gods she was still asleep but not in those wet clothes that he blamed himself for.

"Ren, you really didn't need to come after me. I'm a playboy, a lowlife, a fuckboy in heat, the guy that walks around with a chip on his shoulder and hates the world so why do you stay? Why do I? Last night I lied. I didn't go looking for a fight but they surrounded me from both sides and I thought I could get back into the building; of course, it didn't work because with my luck trouble follows. For the kiss, I feel bad for the reason why I kissed you. The kiss itself isn't what I feel bad about."

There was a smirk in the corner of Daniel's lips as he glided his thumb across her cheek, "If it makes you feel better. You were my first kiss."

That smile became even bigger as if he was having a full-on conversation with sleeping beauty when looking up started to become a sport from this cheeky playboy when his driver had arrived.

The driver waited outside his black car for Daniel though it seems like the rich boy was too caught up thinking about his outburst and confession; many things told him to stay away from this sleepy beauty. His thought was ugly, wet, vulnerable, nice, and innocent that he awed over her.

    He still thought about leaving her there and giving her gas to go home but when he awed he said "Fuck it" and carried her to his car, took her home, and left Renesmee with a note before tucking her into bed.

That dangerous boy that freely walked inside and out of her house was full of confusion and loneliness colliding with a girl bringing him something he can feel and it felt like he was hitting a wall being confronted with reality.


Magical adventures were being set into place. The walls stopped spinning, she got warmer, and she remembered...


My pulse went up, my hands shaking, and sweat pouring down my head and neck dreaming about everything bad again.. thinking about him. He got me up and I found myself tucked in bed, nothing less of me just worrying with him gone. I checked the whole room, bathroom, and idiotically my shower with hard-hitting questions having me dance around my room for 10 minutes going on and on.

How the hell did I get home?

Passing out on the bed I tossed and turned until I came into view with a letter saying 'Read me' and knowing me, of course, I did.

I didn't think I would write to you but since I am I better tell you this while I have this chance and that is, you don't belong in my life. What happened last night was nothing to me because I expect it and you just don't fall into it.        I told you what would come and it came so you got your answer and I expect you to stay away from me for now on. There is no reason for us to see each other again, understand. I don't want you around nor did I want it from the start. Don't be an idiot and come looking for me or try talking to me because I will act like I don't know you. You need to know you're nothing but the dirt beneath my foot.

P.s. try not to make yourself sick with me being gone.

Just because of him I started to think more and more about these things. More about him and here was this letter telling me to leave him alone. What was the trouble for being alone with Daniel? Every chance he got he told me to stay away but it only made me worry more about him and who might he be. This playboy wasn't going to be easy to figure out. Although, it only made me want to know more and damn it! Why wasn't I like this when our eyes first met? Just maybe two years ago would be different from today. And he was just gone.

Was I being stupid like he said? I laid back on my back with an unpleasant face that could make me cry but nothing came out but that throbbing pain in my chest that told me Daniel Choi did leave a mark on me. That I stopped fighting.        Stopped fighting to have whatever emotion this was, this wasn't about figuring him out anymore it was something deeper than it needed to be. Balling up that letter I threw it at my bedroom door that suddenly started to open and entered my mother with that same unpleasing face, without the tears through her anger shined brighter.

"Good, you're home! Where the hell were you this morning? Do you not know how worried I was not to find you in your room? I thought you left for school earlier this morning but when your school called I just knew it, YOU DIDN'T COME HOME LAST NIGHT AND YOU SKIPPED SCHOOL!"

"Mom," you cried, "I'm sorry. It's still morning, right? I can make it to school right now if I change and go get my car...well I don't think I can get my car with it still being in the middle of nowhere, " I babbled on and on crying for some unknown reason.

"This isn't like you."

I sat up in the bed already understanding the situation, "I know this isn't like me and I'm sorry for it. I had a long night and I got stranded with my car running out of gas. My phone got wet in the rain and yes, I over studied at the library."

I lied. My mother and I had a beautiful relationship and I lied, for what?

"Hun," she says, softly sitting on the bed and hugging me, "Your car is fine. It's outside but no more staying at the library until closing to study all day and night, you can do that at home."

"Huh!" I said, running over to the window seeing my car like it was brand new. After the rain, dirt, and blood I was for sure I'll be dead, "Do you know how it got here, "I cluelessly asked my mother.

"Excuse me! Are you telling me you don't know how you got home?"

I turned to her glaring eyes and denied, "What, no! Uh, Thetic, I gave her my location to pick me up along with Jessica who got gas to put in my car and followed us to drop me off."

"Yeah? Where are they now?"

"Yeah! And they're at school. I told them when I get rested I would meet them so you should go and let me get dressed."

"Alright," she said, getting off the bed and letting me help her get kicked out by her seventeen year old daughter, "By the way Renesmee.."


"You're already dressed and you're glowing," she smiled, walking away from the door before I closed it. My mom was right, I felt warmer than that night, then that night with him. I thought about it while pressing my back up against the door as my hand did it's own searching.

My fingers came into contact with a familiar touch, why didn't I notice it before? I shifted the hanged coats behind my door and that leather jacket of his hung there. I thought he wanted me to stay away from him? 

There was some type of excitement there and I wasn't going to sit home and wonder about it. Instead I grabbed his leather jacket, my shoes, and my keys on my desk. Running out the door as I tell my mom I'm going to school.

This wasn't a lie. I was heading to school and no I didn't think he would be there but I didn't know where exactly he lived. There was only one opinion left-break into the school and steal his personal information.

I need you to meet me. It's important.

I texted the only person I knew would be there for me in this time of need.

I'm already there. Just tell me where.

Outside. By the front office.

I'll be there.

I knew I could text Jessica and she would be the person to help me.
       The mother of the group I missed the most. She always had an in somewhere in the part of the school, she worked the office through the years but peeping into other's files wasn't something she'll do. When I got there the only way she could help was make a big distraction.

"Is that his jacket?" Jessica asked.


"You're one of his girls?"

"It's not like that."

"If you liked him you could have let us know. We miss you around, Renesmee. Thetic misses you and you know how stubborn she is but to let a guy get in between this friendship is beyond us."

"There's no in-between and this friendship..is... that I need time to figure some things out. To clear my mind and I promise, I'll be back."

"But will you be the same person? I understand people change day by day but Renesmee do you not realize you've fallen for this guy that you got to this point of not answering my question," I was completely silent by Jessica's speech. That lump in my throat came back and throbbing in my chest became unnerving, I clenched my chest.

Jessica grabbed my arms squeezing her palms, "I'm not here to judge. I can tell you're going through some things that you have yet to figure out and it's taking a toll on you which I don't enjoy seeing. There is one thing I'm happy to see."

"And what's that?"

"You're glowing, " she said, as I smiled, "You're not..."

"No, I'm not pregnant!"

"Good girl. Be afraaaaiddddd, " she joked, about the whole sex thing.

"Shut up!" I huffed a laugh. We walked to the building still goofing off, "So, what's the big distraction?"

She smiled a big devious laugh, "You'll see. Just like how everyone in this school will. I think we all deserve a little fun since this second semester of junior year could kill because the killer part will be set in flames."

© Ren Sherman Nonfiction

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