The Female Supporting Charact...

By kolein

449K 10.2K 357


114 Ending (Part 1)
115 Ending (Part 2)


1.8K 44 0
By kolein

  "Drip--" In the 

    empty and quiet office, a sharp and harsh alarm sounded suddenly. Lu Jingyan was shocked in his heart, and suddenly looked up at the screen, his cold pupil suddenly tightened. 

    Accurate to the map of every laneway in the country, the red positioning coordinates move fast on the W city highway. Lu Jingyan realized that Chi Ying might be kidnapped. His heart seemed to be suffocated by a big hand, sore. But now is not the time to panic and distract. Lu Jingyan closed his eyes and forced himself to calm down, and the ups and downs of his chest gradually subsided. 

    At this time, Longyang ’s dialog box also sent a message: "President Lu, I just found Chi Ying had appeared in L City the day before yesterday. Unfortunately, she has left, and the next track is broken again. But I ca n’t think of two days. , Should be able to give you a definite answer. " 

    Lu Jingyan looked calm, slender fingertips struck the keyboard quickly, and quickly responded to him:" I know where Chi Ying is now. She is in danger in W City and may be kidnapped. The phone can be reached, but no one answers. I will give you the location. You will take some people to pass. "In the 

    north of W city, at the foot of an empty mountain, there was drizzle. Karl, the chief leader responsible for kidnapping Chi Ying, came out of the driver's seat with a sharp sneer in his mouth. He was tall, with three scarlet brown scars creeping on his dark cheeks, and he looked extremely fierce.

    Karl walked around the car, bent his fingers, and effortlessly opened the trunk lid. The gloomy dark light shines in, and the girl's stunning face is revealed. She was wrapped with strong ropes, and her white porcelain skin was drawn with bloody red marks. The long eyelashes closed tightly, and apparently had fallen asleep. 

    Karl snorted twice in his heart. It is indeed a woman of Lu Jingyan, who can look beautiful in this situation. But when his eyes fell on the car plate behind her, the smile instantly solidified: "Why does she still have a mobile phone ?!" 

    Wen Yan, his partner Lao came down from the front passenger seat, and his face covered with Qiu was angry . He squeezed the old man's machine they just snatched hard, as if to crush it: "I said, how could anyone use the old man's machine in this era ?! We are too careless, will she call the police? "" 

    Karl picked up his phone and looked at it. The interface remained at the place where the password for the lock screen was entered. The battery's red square was approaching zero. He smirked: "Alarm? She can speak with strength after one shot? Even if the alarm is issued, what can we do? We came here in a hurry. How good is the police to find it, and you overestimate them." 

    Lao relaxed his nerves and flexed his fingers on the old man's machine: "You are right." 

    "Inform Lu Jingyan first, I can't wait any longer." Karl turned off the phone, slowly put his pocket in, and then clicked A cigarette. The sparks of the cigarette butts glowed scarlet, especially in the gray tones of the cloudy day. 

    There was a flash of excitement in Lao's eyes, and he was a little trembling with excitement. But after a series of numbers pressed down, the mechanical sound repeated in the ear. Lao frowned, and played a few more times, gradually losing patience: "How did Lu Jingyan shut down ?! Is this number provided by Mr. Cheng likely to be fake ?!"

    "How do you doubt today, when someone's mobile phone is not turned off." Karl glanced at him, not paying attention to it, biting the cigarette with ease, "We are doing physical work, let's eat first." 

    Chi Ying gradually replied In consciousness, five hours have passed since the medicine was given. In the chaotic thinking, she faintly realized that she was lying on the cold floor, the endless coldness spread all over her body, and the tight bondage of the rope for a long time made her hands and feet numb. The air was extremely humid, with a faint smell of wild birds and a rusty smell of the door panels. The spicy breath that escaped from soups and dishes made people almost vomit. She opened a slit in her eyes, and in the blurred vision, several burly men squatted beside her for dinner, not knowing whether it was Chinese or dinner, and the bowl-shaped bowl was steaming with heat. Chi Ying gradually wakes up, and the surrounding conversation gradually enters the eardrum. 

    "... Lu Jingyan is not a good person to deal with." 

    "Even if his mind is smart, he is a man, outnumbered by others. The instruction given above is that we first ask for money, and if we are capable, we will take our lives when the money arrives ... … ” 

    One of the men heard the words, and his face instantly turned into a purple sauce:“ Take, take, take ... Take your life? That ’s Lu Jingyan! Is Cheng Ye crazy, he ’s crazy, we ’re not crazy !! Hands on! The person is not him. When the East Window happened, how easy was to blame !! Cheng Ye borrowed this ... Borrowing a knife to kill, Karl, you must not be fooled by him. Lu is not something we can offend. ... " 

    Someone immediately echoed:" Yes ... " 

    Karl was irritated by their cowardice, and smashed the wine bottle to the ground, and the liquor was splashed out:" Everything is elm! The rich Lu's, if Cheng Ye After annexation, it will be the world of the Cheng family. What are you afraid of ?! How many things did Cheng Huan commit, how many games did you see him? After mixing for so long, Is it all useless ?! " 

    Even if the thinking is dull, Chi Ying can understand their intentions, and her lips tremble gently. Knowing that this is the case, she should not ask Yue Zhuo for help. She hopes that the call for help system is fake. This is not a simple kidnapping at all, it is a conspiracy planned by Cheng's, and the danger here is outrageous.

    Karl's voice landed, Chi Yinghuan's scattered eyes gradually focused, and cold eyes looked at them, but his hoarse voice was a little weak: "What do you want to do?"

    Yao Jin hadn't passed yet, her volume was very weak, almost covered by the patter of rain, but Karl still heard it. He froze for a moment, got up and walked to her, and the tall, muscular figure cast a shadow on the ground. 

    Karl looked at Chi Ying's paper-white but still exquisitely impeccable face, and smiled coldly: "The vitality is so tenacious? It's really unexpected that when you are tied up, you can take out your mobile phone. So fast, what did you hear? ” 

    Lao felt uncomfortable and could n’t help but put down the tableware and took out a brand-new needle from the coat pocket and walked to Chi Ying:“ I ’ll give her another needle. ” 

    “ Wait Wait. "Karl stopped him sharply, with dangerous light shining in the cold-eyed eagle's eyes." Call Lu Jingyan first, would Chi Ying wake up, wouldn't it be more interesting? " 

    " Lu Shiyan, Chairman of Osh? "Chi Sakura looked blankly at the man called Karl in front of her eyes, and her still misty eyes were filled with confusion. Her lips twitched slightly: "Are you guys catching the wrong person." 

    She looked really confused, and the blankness in her expression was not false at all, Karl was almost cheated by her. He suddenly remembered that Chi Ying's identity is far more than Lu Jingyan's woman. She is still a hot star in acting, just known for her acting skills. Karl sneered: "Mrs. Lu, how many women in the world do you think can be as beautiful and attractive as you are, and can make Lu Jingyan's indifferent sex ... you should be more confident?" 

    Mrs. Lu. Chi Ying's heart twitched, and she never felt that these three words were so harsh. 

    "And--" Karl squeezed her chin with her rough fingertips, and the touch under her fingertips was shockingly delicate. He had never seen a woman with such delicate skin. It took a while until the fair skin turned red and the jaws murmured, "You have to know that if you have nothing to do with Lu Jingyan, your life will be less valuable. As long as I move a finger, you can Forever disappear from this world. I advise you to be more obedient. "

    "If you want to do it, do it." Chi Ying seems to have no strength to struggle, let him squeeze, his eyes dark and calm, "Me and Lu Jingyan have broken up, you threaten him with me, it will not be useful." 

    Chi Ying's calmness made Karl feel irritable. He lowered his gaze and slammed her loosely. "Old-fashioned. It's useless, but you can't 

    figure it out ." Karl suddenly relieved his strength and Chi Ying raised the cloth She fell to the side occasionally. She didn't move. She just pretended to be choked by dust, coughed violently, and cleared her throat. 

    Under Karl's instructions, Lao called Lu Jingyan's phone again. His mood is no longer as excited and excited as it was at the beginning, leaving only anxiety and tension. If the phone still doesn't work ... they don't know when they will stay in this dilapidated warehouse.

    Lao turned on the speaker, everyone held his breath, and the next moment, waiting for the "beep ......" echoing in the storeroom, clear and loud. Lao breathed a sigh of relief. 

    Chi Ying held her breath and felt the extreme tension. 

    A moment later, the phone was connected, and the man's low magnetic voice came from that end: "Hey." 

    Her heart tightened suddenly and her eyes were astringent and hot. 

    Lao was about to speak. Karl had seized the phone from his hand and said provocatively: "Mr. Lu, I heard that you are looking for Miss Chi. It has been a long time." 

    Lu Jingyan's voice was cold and boneless, and there was boundless anger : "Who are you?" 

    He said only two sentences, but many of Karl's men have been weakened by his cold and angry voice. Karl sneered inevitably, and Lu Jingyan was so nervous that it just meant that he had tied the right person. His tone was frivolous, full of insignificance: "Who we are is not important, what is important is that the person that President Lu loves is in our hands at this moment. Your every move, everything--" At 

    this time, Chi Ying suddenly Interrupted him, and said coldly, "Who is his beloved person, don't use this word to disgust me, I haven't had anything to do with him. No ... we have never had anything to do with it, Lu Jingyan even connected me. I never touched my fingers. If you need money, go to my boyfriend now. He is a real estate tycoon and has a lot of money. He lives ... " 

    Her voice does not sound weak, compared The tiny volume just now was completely judged by the two, and the tone was full of hate and decay, even with deep disgust. Karl didn't expect Chi Ying to have the power to say these words suddenly. He was in doubt for a while and forgot to interrupt her. After half a minute, he reacted afterwards, which is obviously Chi Ying's trick! But every man hates betrayal, and no one will be angry when he hears this! Especially the arrogant and noble man like Lu Jingyan, even if he had the heart to save Chi Ying, it must be almost extinguished now! 

    "Shut up !!" Karl interrupted Chi Ying angrily, pulled her body, and stuffed a damp towel into her mouth.

    Chi Ying frowned, her dark eyelashes trembling violently. 

    At the end of the phone, Lu Jingyan held the steering wheel with his fingers. It was her voice, he had n’t heard her say so much in a long time, but ... there was a lot of cold pain in his chest, and there seemed to be a roaring anger in his throat. But the heart was so full of holes that she continued to stab the knife. Lu Jingyan glanced at the car screen, which showed that he was less than ten minutes ’drive from the target location, but still said coldly:" Location. " 

    When Lu Jingyan's voice came again from the earpiece, it was amplified by the speaker to everyone It can be heard that Chi Ying's heart was freezing and falling fast. She closed her eyes in pain and her eyelashes were moist. Why did he come to save her? Don't come. 

    Karl hanging in the heart down, license to evoke the mouth, the eyes of more and more concentrated interest: "W city." 

    Lu Jing Yan coldly: "What a coincidence, I happened to travel in the W city." 

    "Yeah," Karl laugh? Suddenly, the scars on his cheeks became more and more scarlet, and even he did not expect that the progress would be so fast. Her life was lost. ” 

    Karl hung up the phone, and the opponent said,“ It ’s unexpectedly smooth. You remember, when I let you do it, you must make a quick decision. This is a remote place. The foundation of W City is not deep, he is not so easy to call manpower. "

    "And you." Karl walked to Chi Ying, looked at her weak look, and grinned sternly, "Did you just shout loudly? You didn't have the energy so soon? If you don't obey ... wait I ’ll send you to my funeral. ”The 

    rain was pulsating underground, and the city of W was damp. Bentley galloped off the high speed, Lu Jingyan looked stern and calmly said to Jiang Chong: "You call the police now, I will go in by myself, find a way to reach her, and wait for me to notify you, then you will take action." 

    "No, too risky, Then you will be in danger. "Jiang Chong tightened his eyebrows. The other party's power is unknown, and the power is unfathomable. Lu Jingyan went alone, not only did not have the possibility to rescue Chi Ying, but also very likely to become a hostage. When they go to the rescue, Lu Jingyan and Chi Ying may be in danger. With his understanding of Lu Jingyan, Lu Jingyan will certainly ignore his own safety and protect Chi Ying's comprehensive ... 

    Lu Jingyan said coldly: "Do you still understand? They are not Chi Ying at all, but me. Without me, she would not be kidnapped at all. " 

    " Lu Zhai also sent additional staff. They are likely to move the tiger away from the mountain and transfer the target to Chi Cheng. Before I return Do n’t let him leave home. The kindergarten also asks for leave first. ” 

    “ Mr. Lu! ”Jiang Chong got out of the car and vigorously went to pull the window.“ You think about it again! ” 

    Lu Jingyan broke his finger:“ No Time can be wasted, there are orders to follow, do you want to be dismissed? "After 

    he finished, Bentley cut into the trail and arrived at the foot of the mountain after a while. The road ahead is narrower and vehicles cannot pass through. Lu Jingyan couldn't help but say that he got down from the car and quickly looked around. A hundred meters away, there was a dilapidated old warehouse. 

    At the fork in the trail, two men on duty stood. They are the same height as him, but they are much stronger than him. When he saw Lu Jingyan, he showed an unexpected look.

    Lu Jingyan came too fast, and was only five minutes before and after Karl texted him. It takes at least two hours to travel from the downtown area of ​​W City. Karl counted the time, still explaining things in the warehouse, temporarily letting the two of them look at the wind at the door. If a policeman approached, they could quickly evacuate instead of letting them meet Lu Jingyan. As a result, they naturally didn't understand hospitality, and Karl didn't even give them the task. But since Lu Jingyan had come, they certainly did not dare to neglect, and one of them said ecstatically: "Mr. Lu, wait a long time." 

    Lu Jingyan heard trembling surprise and wincing in their voices, probably judging, Their psychological quality should not be the leader of this operation. This time it can be regarded as a preemptive action. Lu Jingyan snorted in his heart, and then asked sharply, "Where is she ?!" 

    He didn't have so much time to wait for the answer. With a clear intuition, he stepped up to the direction of the warehouse. The two on duty will break in when they see Lu Jingyan. After a short glance, Lu Jingyan holds one arm and stops him from going forward: "Wait! We must first confirm that you are coming alone. Let you go in. " 

    Lu Jingyan's eyes narrowed, his knees bent straight to the point, although he was outnumbered, it was still more than enough for one enemy. At this time, one of them panicly took out the communicator, intending to convey the message to the warehouse. Lu Jingyan's eyes tightened, his palms cut straight to the man's wrist, and he immediately released his strength and thumped, and the communicator fell into the muddy field. 

    He did not have the patience to deal with them, and strode forward to the warehouse. At the same time, he informed Jiang Chong that there were few personnel deployed nearby, and he could bring people close. 

    In the treasury, Karl was still instigating. Their original intention in this industry was for the benefit, and no one would choose to sacrifice themselves. This time the mission is special, they fear the authority of Lu's, and it is inevitable that the military will be scattered. At this time, the door of the warehouse was slammed open with a loud bang, the iron filings on the door rustled down, and the cold rain fell obliquely. 

    Lu Jingyan stood tall at the door with his back spine, his body covered with a cold breath that was three points colder than Qiu Yu. The ice-bladed gaze looked round every corner of the dilapidated warehouse, and the warehouse, which was full of loud noises at the previous moment, suddenly became silent.

    Lu Jingyan's gaze finally settled on the southeast corner of the warehouse. Chi Ying was bound by a rope, lying weakly and embarrassedly on the ground, and the red blood stained on the thin, foldless autumn shirt. The dark hair was scattered in a mess, and his face was pale as snow. She was still awake, shook her head desperately with a towel on her face, her eyes red and wet. 

    At the moment when the eyes were opposite, Lu Jingyan's heart seemed to be clamped tightly. The scene in front of him reminded him of her falling into the pool of blood in the rainy night. What followed was a burst of pain that almost dismantled consciousness, bursting out in his brain, forcing him to stumble, and sweating in vain, having to hold the door with his hand. 

    Chi Ying stared at him, Tong Ren tightened accordingly, why did Lu Jingyan look so weak, what happened to him! 

    Seeing this and this scene, Karl's sharp lips made a frivolous arc, and said in a playful tone: "Mr. Lu came very quickly, but I'm afraid that I haven't spoken yet? This is the business in the media. I do n’t think it ’s the most powerful man. ” 

    Lu Jingyan gritted his teeth and tried his best to stabilize his body. He was too swallowed by the overwhelming remorse and annoyance before he could digest all the sudden things. He could have reached her by surprise while no one had responded, but because of the accident, Chi Ying had been held in his hand. The man was nearly one and nine meters tall, holding a dagger with white light, and pressed it directly against her neck, as if she could cut her throat at any time. 

    Lu Jingyan stared at the man in front of him, his reason gradually collapsed and collapsed. He said indignantly: "Let her go!" 

    Karl's eagle eye was like a hook, and his wild eyes were impregnated with boundless desires: "Wanting her life, exchange 40% of the shares of Osh Group, Lu What do you always think? " 

    Karl sounded rough, especially clear in the closed narrow space, and even echoed, like the summer thunder. 

    Everyone in the warehouse couldn't help but take a few breaths, Karl is he crazy or Cheng Ye crazy! As we all know, Osh Industries has a wide range of industries, and each of its subsidiaries is a leader in the industry. It is a delusion to use a woman to exchange for a value that is so outrageous!

    It's a pity that Karl didn't feel that he was delusional. In front of him, the calm and calm Lu was rumored to be obviously unable to breathe. Karl waved openly a thick stack of documents. That was the contract that Cheng Ye had already prepared. He once again used words to excite him: "You think about it, come over and sign. If you sign, I will let her go "The 

    cold air suddenly became quiet, the sound of the rain was clearly audible, Karl's patience was limited, and his schematic gaze suddenly struck Gerald, who held Chi Ying. 

    Gerald quickly signaled that the cold dagger pressed tightly against Chi Ying's sensitive and delicate neck, because Lu Jingyan's brief silence, the sharp blade was brought closer, and a fresh wound was cut, and the red blood beads slowly oozed out, smooth With a white neck sliding down shockingly, Chi Ying's chest was red in a moment. The pain of the heart spread, Chi Ying's face was pale, but there was no expression of pain in his face, only the eyelashes shuddered uncontrollably. 

    Lu Jingyan slipped and said coldly, "Sign." 

    "Lu is always happy." The scars on Karl's cheeks seemed to be stained with joy, and he couldn't help but laugh a few times, arrogantly. Glanced at everyone in the field. He has long said that he will succeed. Lu Jingyan's words are undoubtedly the best proof of his judgment. 

    At this time, Lu Jingyan's eyes narrowed sharply: "But if you want me to believe you, let her loose first." 

    Karl Wenyan temporarily smiled and glanced at Chi Ying. When her hands and feet were tied for a long time, the medicine made her muscles weak. Even if she was loosened, she might not even be able to lift her hands. No matter what thought Lu Jingyan had in mind, the cooked pigeon could not fly, Karl smiled fearlessly: "Okay." 

    After he finished, he walked to Chi Ying and pulled the rope from her body: "This is The man you said doesn't matter at all, Miss Chi, you are really charming enough. " 

    Chi Ying stared at him, Karl's eyes fixed on her hand that could not be lifted up, with a smug smile.

    Chi Ying stared at Jing Yan in an instant, and in sight, he walked in front of Karl, took over the proposed contract, and took the pen silently. She has been pretending to be weak, but in fact her strength has been restored. She does not know how much it has recovered, but she still wants to escape while Gerald is taking it lightly. She had only one chance, and she had to try it anyway. She did n’t want to be his handle. Lu Jingyan did n’t have to bear it. She could n’t watch Landing ’s effort. 

    Lu Jingyan was about to sign, and Chi Ying suddenly grasped Gerald's wrist with sharp force, and his sharp nails were embedded in the flesh of the pulse. The sudden pain in his wrist made him unable to resist the obvious trembling, and the blade briefly left Chi Ying's neck. At that moment, Chi Ying pushed all his arms away and tried to escape from him. 

    But she was wrong. Gerald and her body were quite different. She had just taken a step and he took her back directly. Chi Ying found the right time to bend his knee to attack his lower body, the pain exploded, Gerald stepped back, and then angered! He raised his dagger, his eyes were scarlet, and he was about to pierce Chi Ying's chest. 

    Karl also felt the movement over there, and squeezed him sharply: "Stop--" 

    Lu Jingyan threw a signature pen and flew away, ten meters away in an instant. He blocked the dagger that would pierce her body with his bare hands. After a few strokes with bare hands, the dagger fell to the ground. At that moment, Lu Jingyan protected Chi Ying behind him, his shirt was rumpled, and his back was still upright. 

    Karl's face changed abruptly, and Lu Jingyan was able to cross half of the warehouse in a flash, which was beyond his expectations, and even beyond everyone's expectations. None of them reacted, and nobody stopped him! Losing Chi Ying as a hostage, Karl instantly realized that the situation would develop in an irreversible direction, and could not help shouting: "Tie them !!!" The 

    strong man swarmed up and surrounded them according to the planned plan. Lu Jingyan sneered and pushed Chi Ying into the corner behind him. It is impossible to escape, so I can only wait for Jiang Chong's rescue. He was fortunate that he had reached her, and there was no way to keep her safe.

    Lu Jingyan struggled to resist the delay. Half a minute later, a sound of bullets sounded in the storeroom, slashing through the air, and the bullets hit the air, and Karl's men fell one after another. 

    "It's okay, don't be afraid." Lu Jingyan whispered to her, breathing heavily and quickly, the cold sweat from the back of the spine had wet the shirt. But the moment he gasped, the man who deliberately lay down suddenly jumped up, picked up the sap and swept towards his abdomen. Lu Jingyan groaned, and his slender body gradually rose and fell against the wall. 


    Two days later, Lu Jingyan's eyelashes fluttered and slowly opened his eyes. There was a sweet smell in his throat, and he almost spit out blood. In the blurred vision, I just saw Chi Ying left behind. 

    His thoughts were immediately clear, his eyebrows were raised, and the amplitude was too large to hold a burst of pain in the stomach and abdomen. He pressed the broken groan of his throat, and his lips were pale and bleeding. 

    Chi Ying heard the movement and turned back in surprise. Lu Jingyan didn't know when she had woken up, or even approached her. 

    She was too late to speak to him. Lu Jingyan's sweaty big hands clasped her shoulders tightly. The next moment, she was pushed against the corner. 

    His eyes were dark, his phalanx was white, and his voice was very low but very light: "Where do you want to go? No more escape." 

    Chi Ying looked up at Jing Yan's pale face upon landing, his heart tightened, and his tone said softly: " I just saw you sweating and wanted to get a wet towel. Would you lie back first? Okay? You ca n’t get out of bed yet. ”After she finished, she reached out and pulled him. His clothes were soaked, causing her heart to tighten. 

    Her words were very gentle, like the clouds of smoke in the early days of April, Lu Jingyan stared at her deeply. He will never believe her gentleness again, she just deceived Jing Zheng in such a gentle way. 

    "Let's finish talking first." Lu Jingyan held her hand persistently, and pressed it against the wall, pressing down the pain that was rippling all over her body, and said to her, "I don't mean to force you, even if you don't have anything in your life Forgive me and ask you to agree to let me protect you. I can do it without disturbing you and your future life. "

    He looked serious and seemed to say goodbye to her very seriously. Chi Ying panicked, tears in her eyes uncontrollably: "Lu Jingyan, do n’t say that, you never did anything wrong, and you ca n’t talk about forgiveness or forgiveness. It ’s my waywardness. I apologize for my departure. 

    Right ... " Lu Jingyan interrupted her in a low voice:" Chi Ying, listen, even the lowest creature in this world knows to seek advantages and avoid harm. I understand all the reasons why you are against me. But I still want to explain one sentence, I have n’t liked other people, let alone plan a car accident. I do n’t know what kind of news you have heard in the past, but in the past Shu ... I have n’t touched one finger of Lin Yousheng. There is also an engagement matter, There are a lot of misunderstandings here. If you want to know, I can slowly tell you. " 

    Lu Jingyan just said ... car accident? got engaged? Chi Ying was terrified, Tong Ren tightened: "... What are you talking about?" 

    Lu Jingyan said pale lips, and said hoarsely: "I remember what you remembered, too." 

    In the warehouse, he saw her covered with blood, While lying on the cold and wet floor, he remembered the rainy night in the nightmare and then remembered all the things of his previous life. 

    He witnessed the car accident and then suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. He is still a man who can be called a powerful man, unable to wake up from the nightmare, let alone her personal experience. He couldn't imagine the despair and pain she experienced at the time, but if death was a relief, let her be reborn and regain those awareness, which is undoubtedly a torment. Wu Xun never told him that when the world restarts, they may carry the emotions and memories of their previous lives. 

    After a short silence, Chi Ying stared at him and said seriously, "Then I want to tell you, don't blame yourself anymore. I walked into your room that year, not because of any conspiracy and yin, but only because ... … " 

    " I like you. "

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