The Farm Girl

By mjishkanyan

24.9K 612 59

When the Company of Thorin Oakenshield camped for a night in an abandoned farm house in Arnor, they didn't ex... More



2.6K 57 3
By mjishkanyan them of course!"

Disgruntled, outraged cries erupt from the dwarves. Bilbo grinds his teeth and tries not to make his eyeroll so obvious to the trolls. The dwarves, still hurling insults at him, can't bloody well see what he's trying to do, can they? Bilbo Baggins has never been so frustrated in his life. Dwalin curses him from the spit with angry pointing while Gloin tries to wriggle towards him. There are shouts of "traitor!" and it's all Bilbo can do stay focused on his task.

"What a load o' rubbish!" one of the trolls protests. "I've eaten plenty with their skins on! Scarf 'em all with boots still on!" Out of the corner of his eye Bilbo sees a grey shadow flit across the beginnings of the sunrise behind the giant boulder at the edge of camp. He tries not to turn his head as the grey robe and staff duck behind a bush and out of sight.

"He's right," Snot-Nose cackles. With one meaty fist he picks Bombur up by his feet. "Nothing wrong with a bit or raw dwarf." He dangles Bombur over his hideous maw, Bombur's long red beard almost hitting the trolls couple remaining teeth. "Nice and crunchy!" he cackles, tongue reaching upwards ready to consume the wriggling dwarf.

Neither has Bilbo ever been so quick with his words. "No, not, that one. He's infected!"

"He wot?!" the troll at the spit asks, eyes crossing in confusion.

Snot-Nose and Bombur both turn to look at Bilbo with wide eyes. The similarity in their expressions would be comical if not for the predicament they are currently in. "Yes, yes, he's got worms... in his... tubes!" Bilbo says, fumbling over words. With a yelp of protest, the Snot-faced troll throws Bombur away who lands with a thud on top of Oin, Kili and Fili, eliciting grunts of pain at the weight.

"In fact they're all infected, infested with parasites," Bilbo adds quickly. "It's a terrible business I won't risk it if I were you., I really wouldn't."

"For goodness sakes, did he say parasites?" Oin demands.

"Parasites?" Kili cries in indignation, "We don't have parasites, you have parasites." The rest of the dwarves join in, hollering at Bilbo while he tries very hard not to curse them and their stupidity. A sigh and a partial eye roll are all he allows himself.

He catches a glimpse of realization in Thorin's eyes. There is a swift kick and Thorin doesn't even look at the rest of the dwarves lying on the ground. It goes quiet for a moment while they all look at each other.

Oin and Kili look at Thorin, then at Bilbo.

Almost hesitantly Oin says, "I've got parasites as big as my arm."

"Mine are the biggest parasites you've ever seen! I've got huge parasites!" Kili adds and suddenly all the dwarves are hollering about their parasitic infestations. Ori and Dori on the spit holler, "We're riddles, yes riddled," as the rest join in. Finally, Bilbo thinks to himself.

"What would have us do then?" The flat-faced troll asks Bilbo, stalking over to him. "Let 'em all go?"

"Well...," Bilbo trails off.

"You think, I don' know what you're up to?" the troll yells at Bilbo, one big finger jabbing into the small hobbit's chest. "This ferret 'ere is takin' us for fools!"

"Ferret?" Bilbo splutters indignantly.

"Fools?" the cook asks.

"THE DAWN WILL TAKE YOU ALL!" Gandalf appears up on top of the boulder, silhouetted in the pre-dawn light.

The dwarves and Bilbo look up with hopeful faces.

"Who's that?" Flat-face asks.

"No idea," says the cook troll.

"Can we eat him too?" asks Snot-nose.

Gandalf raises his staff over his head and with a mighty crack brings it down on the boulder.

The rock splits in half, sunlight streaming into the clearing. The trolls shriek and bellow in agony, trying desperately to cover their eyes as the sunlight casts its light across them. There are creaks and groans as before the astonished eyes of thirteen dwarves, one wounded woman and a hobbit, three gigantic mountain trolls turn to stone.

Bilbo blinks a couple of times to clear is eyes and make sure what he's sees is real. He looks at the sun, then the trolls, a comically confused expression on his face.

Whoops and hollers of relief and triumph explode from the dwarves. Bofur's crazy chuckle comes from the spit and even Thorin cracks a relieved smile.

"Oh get your foot outta my back," Dwalin says grumpily from the spit.


With the immediate danger past, the dwarves set about freeing themselves from the sacks and the roasting spit. Gandalf unties the knot at Bilbo's neck first and then the hobbit frees the dwarves on the ground around him as Gandalf undoes the ropes on the spit. Within little time, the dwarves are free and exchanging relieved congratulations and muttering about sore backs.

When Bilbo helps him free, Fili turns immediately to head towards the woman bound to the tree. Seeing his nephew set off with such purpose, Thorin studies the girl carefully as Fili approaches her. Gandalf comes to stand by his side and they exchange considering glances as Fili reaches her. She looks half-dead and harmless but something about her is strange and while the company may be eager to discover her identity, Gandalf and Thorin are much more cautious.

When Fili unties the woman from the tree, she sinks bonelessly to the ground and he barely catches her. She feebly tries to stand but her legs can barely hold her weight and it takes many tries before Fili is able to help her prop herself up against the tree, one leg bent to alleviate the pain from the laceration on her leg. Her eyes are feverish and glassy and she seems to be trying to say something but her lips are parched and chapped and her throat dry.

"Bilbo!" Fili calls to the hobbit. Bilbo looks up over at him with an inquisitive gaze. Fili beckons him over. "Hand me your water skin, would you?" Fili requests and Bilbo hurriedly hands it over when he sees the girl leaning heavily on the oak. Fili holds the mouth of the skin to her lips and she chokes a bit at first but then her throat starts working again and she manages to swallow a mouthful of water before coughing forcefully. Alarmed, Bilbo helps support her as her body curls into itself.

"Is she sick?" Bilbo asks Fili worriedly. Fili shakes his head as Kili comes over to observe them.

"No, she just hasn't had any water in too long. Her body can only take a little at a time." He gently rests a hand at the nape of her neck to help steady the woman as she manages a second sip, and then a third, her throat starting to relax and her stomach finally accepting the water. She is oblivious to them all, only worried with getting enough water to slake her thirst.

When she finally is able to breathe normally and some of the haziness has cleared from her eyes, the woman looks at the dwarves and hobbit surrounding her, all eyes now on her ragged appearance and injuries. Her words are barely audible but Fili can hear her croak, "Thank you."

Kili is the one who voices the question that's on all their minds. "Who are you?"

Her heavy eyes swing towards him and she opens her lips slightly but then stumbles forward and Fili catches her and gently lowers her to the ground. "Perhaps later would be a better time," he says quietly and sees gratitude in her eyes before they flutter closed and she passes out in his arms. Fili lays her back against the tree.

"In all my years, this is a new surprise even for me," Gandalf says and Fili, Kili and Bilbo turn to see that Gandalf and Thorin have come up behind them and are regarding the girl. Gandalf looks curious but Thorin looks slightly hostile. "I wonder who this strange young woman is?"

"What was she doing in a troll camp?" Thorin demands. "That's the more important question."

Gandalf looks at him with a faint smile. "I very much doubt she was in league with them." Thorin doesn't reply, even in jest, just turns away from the wounded woman to consult with Dwalin. "So serious," Gandalf murmurs to himself although Bilbo overhears. He turns to look at the woman.

"She's injured," Fili says and Gandalf gives a small "ah" and kneels at her side. He gently takes her face in his large, rough hands and tilts it side to side, studying her likeness. She looks haggard and aged but she is young underneath the dirt and exhaustion and her skin is tanned from sun-exposure. Her lip is split in various places and there is dried, crusted blood along her hairline but he can see no evidence of a head injury. He softly feels along her ribs for wounds and clucks his tongue disapprovingly as his hands find bruising and misaligned ribs.

"Who could she be?" Bilbo wonders aloud as Gandalf gently probes the wound on her leg. She stirs briefly in pain at the pressure but doesn't wake.

"Well, whoever, she may be, she has several broken ribs on her left side and a nasty laceration deep on her thigh," Gandalf says. "She will need medical attention, beyond my skill and most likely beyond even Oin's. We will need to bring her with us until we can find a town or herbalist nearby. The ribs can be set but I fear the thigh might be infected and that is something we will need herbs to treat."

"Kili, find Oin," Fili says to his brother. "He may be able to help at least a little." As Kili nods and goes in search of Oin, Gandalf can't help but notice Fili's obvious concern for this woman and gives voice to it.

He is surprised to see the dwarf prince flush slightly but it is Bilbo who speaks up. "She saved my life, Gandalf. We should be concerned for her well-being as well. Without her, those trolls would have done worse to me." Fili gives Bilbo a grateful smile and the wizard nods sagely.

"Still, it is very strange to find a woman alone in the wilderness, especially one who can fend for herself in battle," Gandalf murmurs. "And if I am correct, you also saved her life, Master Baggins." Bilbo flushes slightly at the admiration. He turns to look back at the woman. "A most strange woman indeed."

She stirs slightly, brows furrowing in pain and her eyes open. Those storm grey irises lock onto Fili, the gaze fierce and in that moment Fili realizes that something about this woman is going to change his life. He may not believe in fate or gods but something is starting in this moment, all because of her.



Although Fili does not want to leave the woman's side, he reluctantly responds to his uncle's call. Thorin is standing at the edge of the clearing, surveying the dwarves as they finish pulling themselves back together.

"Yes, uncle?" Fili inquires.

"What do you make of it?" Thorin asks, eyes roaming under dark brows towards the wizard, woman and hobbit next to the tree. Fili follows his gaze and sees that Bilbo is supporting the woman as she stirs. She's weak, the thin bones of her arms standing out like old tree branches from her frayed sleeves.

"She's...," Fili takes time to think of the right word. "She's... mysterious." He settles on the word even though it isn't quite right. "Gandalf wasn't sure what to make of a lone woman in the wilderness, let alone a woman who knows how to fight. That's rare."

"Agreed," Thorin murmurs. "It begs the question what she was doing out here."

"I doubt she's a threat to us, uncle," Fili says quietly. "As much as I know we shouldn't judge that until she's stronger, I highly doubt that she is a spy. No spy worth their trade would allow themselves to be captured by trolls, even as part of an elaborate ruse to gain our trust."

"You have a point there," Thorin says with a small chuckle. "Good assessment. You're learning well, far faster than that rash brother of yours," he says with a smile and nod in Kili's direction. Fili's face warms slightly at the praise.

"Thank you," he murmurs. They watch the dwarves for a moment as Gandalf peels away from the woman to join them. He wanders between the petrified trolls, rapping one on the head with his staff, give a small "ah" of satisfaction as he makes his way to Thorin's side.

"Where did you go to if I may ask?" Thorin asks in his gravelly voice.

"To look ahead," Gandalf replies simply and good-naturedly.

"And what brought you back?" Thorin asks.

"Looking behind," Gandalf says with a touch of amusement. Even Thorin allows himself a small smile at that remark.

"Nasty business. Still all in one piece though," Gandalf says, brushing the whole troll incident off far too lightly for Thorin's taste.

"No thanks to your burglar," he says reproachfully, tilting his head to regard the wizard.

"He had the knowledge to pray for time," Gandalf says just as reproachfully. "none of the rest of you thought of that." Thorin sighs and gives a faint nod, the only acknowledgment he'll give the old man for the moment.

"They must have come down from the Ettenmoor, " Gandalf muses.

"Since when do mountain trolls venture this far south?" Thorin ponders.

"Oh, not for an age," Gandalf replies, his brow turning dark as the subsequent thought enter his mind, shaking his head slightly. "Not since a darker power ruled these lands." The wizard and the dwarf king exchange a dark look and then the moment passes.

"They could not have moved in daylight," Gandalf remarks, thinking aloud.

"There must be a cave nearby," Thorin says, already turning to scan the area. He sets off, now having a goal. As Fili moves to follow him, Gandalf catches the younger dwarf's arm. "Keep an eye out for the woman, Fili," Gandalf charges him quietly. "Of all of us, she trusts you face most next to Bilbo's. Something about her is different."

"Do you think she's dangerous?" Fili asks, concern coloring his voice as he looks across the clearing at her.

"For the moment, no," Gandalf says with a chuckle. "But her trustworthiness is unknown yet and I would rather we be careful not to reveal too much. Better not to involve her in our affairs unless dire circumstances necessitate otherwise."

Fili nods. "I will watch her."

"Good," Gandalf replies.


Bilbo gently supports the woman as she stirs. Her eyes take a moment to focus and then she looks at him, a curious kind of consideration on her face. Her lips move and she winces as they split again, so dry for so long in captivity. "You are.... the small one who... who freed me?" Her words come out slowly, between heavy breaths. Gandalf has warned him her broken ribs would cause her pain. Her words however make him blush self-consciously.

"It was nothing really," he says, hiding his face. Something about this woman makes him nervous. No not nervous; goodness Bilbo Baggins is unnerved by her because he thinks she's beautiful and he's never had a beautiful, brave woman speak to him like he's a hero before. He busies himself rebinding her leg.

Her fingers on his arm stop his ministrations. They are small, thinner than his but scared from work. He looks up at her and is startled by the look in her grey eyes. "You saved my life. I owe you a great debt." Her voice clears the more she speaks and her eyes are regarding him closely. "Who are you?" she asks gently.

"I'm a hobbit," Bilbo says, blurting the first thing that comes to mind. She cocks her head inquiringly at him. "Bilbo Baggins at your service," he says, feeling oddly formal as he does. She shifts slightly to move weight from her ribs and he is shocked out of his daze. Goodness she is mesmerizing in a way no one he has ever met before is. He helps her sit higher to relieve pain from her side.

She gasps a bit before settling back against the tree trunk. "Well,... Mister Baggins. You have my gratitude and service for as long as you require it." Shocked by her pledge of service, he stutters a bit.

"That's, that's not necessary," he babbles. "I don't think I'm one to need protecting. I'm hardly in danger." His words run together as he chatters. "Now Thorin, and his company, they may, but not me. I'm just a burglar-er-hobbit."

She regards him and something like a faint smile creases her face. It's like seeing a ray of sunshine through the clouds. "Oh, I see," she says softly, a touch of amusement in her voice. Bilbo can't help himself, he smiles back at her and gently touches her arm in return.

With a sudden jerk, her body arches away from the tree and she gasps. Her eyes see past him even while looking right at him. She cries out in pain, her fingers tightening painfully into his arm, her mouth open in a wordless shriek of pain. Her eyes expand and she shudders hard. Unsure what to do, Bilbo looks over his shoulder to call for Gandalf but the wizard is already striding towards them, Fili close on his heels.

As suddenly as it started, the shaking recedes and the girl falls back, Bilbo just barely catching her head before it hits the tree. Her eyes slam shut and she blacks out before Bilbo catches her. "What happened?" Gandalf demands as he kneels at the woman's side.

"I don't know," Bilbo stutters, just as shocked as Fili. "One moment we were talking, I touched her arm and then she went sightless."

"Sightless?" Gandalf says sharply. Bilbo looks at him in confusion.

"It was the first word I could think of to describe it. Her eyes weren't seeing anything in front of her. It was like she was seeing something else," Bilbo says. Gandalf looks at him for a moment in consideration before turning back to the woman.

He gently places a hand on her forehead. "What are you, my dear?" he murmurs to the farm girl.

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