ambitious, cunning, adaptable...

By adminslytherin

177K 6.3K 2.6K

Harry Potter has found out the fact that he's a wizard and is on his way to Hogwarts. He is found by a boy on... More

[ Y E A R - O N E ]
chapter two: the sorting
chapter three: first classes
chapter four: first flying lesson
chapter five: private potions class
chapter six: troll attack
chapter seven: first quidditch game
chapter eight: the mirror of erised
chapter nine: christmas shopping
chapter ten: christmas day
chapter eleven: back to school
chapter twelve: detention in the forbidden forest
chapter thirteen: insomnia
chapter fourteen: down the trapdoor
chapter fifteen: the philosopher's stone
chapter sixteen: end of term
[ Y E A R - T W O ]
chapter eighteen: a proper birthday
chapter nineteen: gilderoy lockhart
chapter twenty: invaded quidditch pitch
chapter twenty one: the duelling club
chapter twenty two: proper ettiquette
chapter twenty three: training put to use
chapter twenty four: tom riddle's diary
chapter twenty five: the king of serpents
chapter twenty three: the chamber of secrets
chapter twenty seven: debriefing
[ Y E A R - T H R E E ]
chapter twenty nine: black on the loose
chapter thirty: reunited with pansy
chapter thirty one: the dementor and the death omen
chapter thirty two: sirius black
chapter thirty three: hogsmeade
chapter thirty four: christmas at hogwarts
chapter thirty five: divination
chapter thirty six: final exams
chapter thirty seven: uncovering the truth
chapter thirty eight: the potions master and the patronus
[ Y E A R - F O U R ]
chapter forty: the quidditch world cup
chapter forty one: malfoy manor
chapter forty two: back to hogwarts
chapter forty three: the triwizard tournament + important author's note
chapter forty four: the great rita skeeter
hiatus update
new books !!
chapter forty five : strength
chapter forty six: dance

chapter forty seven: do you like me?

2.4K 107 37
By adminslytherin

"Pansy, Pansy can I talk to you?"

Pansy looked up from her magazine towards Harry. "Hm?"

Harry looked around the room. "Alone?"

Pansy eyed him for a moment before nodding. They exited the Common Room and made their way towards a broom cupboard. They slipped inside and Pansy locked it and cast a silencing charm.

"What's the matter, Harry?"

"Well... I have a few questions."

Pansy nodded and turned in place. She overturned an old barrel and sat on it. "Go ahead."

Harry looked around before sitting on a few crates. "Um... Erm... How... How does one person traditionally go about asking another person out in Wizarding society? You know... In theory."

Pansy's brows shot up. "Well... That depends on your intention. There's Courting, which ends in Bonding. It's a promise of eternal devotion."

"Yeah, not that one."

"Well... Now most people just go on dates. Though there are some pureblooded families that pride traditional dating methods. Millicent's family for one, or maybe Ron's family, or Neville's... Maybe your father's too... I can definitely see Draco's father pushing for it, but.... The Black family definitely and likely a few others."

"Okay. How does it work?"

"Well, usually one sends a letter to the other person's parents about intentions to date. There's usually talk of honour and purity and cherishing the other person. And if the family approves the person moves on to leaving a gift, usually something small - candy, flowers, sometimes letters... They do that for three days. And if the gifts are received with good intention on the fourth morning there's a letter from the person asking to the intended to meet them in a public, but secluded area and there is traditionally a witness and the person asks and if everything goes to plan the intended says yes."

Harry nodded slowly, letting the knowledge sink in. "And who does the witness have to be?"

"Usually it's someone who knows both people well. A friend or an older member of the family."

Harry nodded again.

"If you're intending to ask anyone I'll gladly be your witness." Pansy's voice was soft, and oddly sincere.

"I'll think about it." Harry bit his lip and then looked back to Pansy and gave her a grin. "Now, can I see the pool on who I'm taking to the Ball?"

Pansy's face broke out into a grin and she pulled out a battered piece of parchment. "I'm running this with those two boys from Gryffindor. Thomas and Finnegan. They're wonderful for things like this... They're holding the money and I'm running the bets. It's all very exciting." She smoothed the parchment out on her knees. "Five to one you'll ask Cedric. Three to one you'll ask me. Four to one you'll ask Weasley."

Harry plucked up the paper and looked at the stats. There were a few others on the list. Hermione, Neville, Blaise... he skimmed the list. "Put me down for taking Ginny Weasley."

Pansy made a quiet noise and pulled over the list. "Any particular reason why?"

"Gotta keep people guessing, don't I?"

Pansy nodded her head. "By the way, Harry. If you're going to ask Draco traditionally, you'd better get on it. You have six days."

Harry didn't bother acting surprised or abhorred, he just calmly unspelled the door and opened it. "I know. And don't tell Blaise. I figure you're the one on the list rooting for me and Draco. Throw him off my trail. I want half the gold you win."

Pansy smirked up at him impishly and sprang from her seat to wrap her arms around Harry. "I knew there was a reason the Hat put you in this House."

Harry hugged her back softly. "You'll look over my letter?"

"Of course."

Harry nodded his head and made his way towards Snape's office. He had a favour to ask.

Upon arriving at the door, Harry hesitated for only a moment before knocking quietly. There was the sound of rusting paper and something being put down, and then the door opened. Snape arched an eyebrow down at him, looking surprised to see him. "Do you need a calender to go with your alarm clock, Mr. Potter?"

Grinning sheepishly, Harry shook his head. "No, sir. Could I ask you something?"

The man eyed him for a moment before stepping back and letting Harry in. The desk had a huge tomb on it, explaining the rustling noises. Snape closed the door and then stared at him expectantly. Clearing his throat nervously, Harry kept his eyes on the desk. "Would you mind very much if I asked you a favor?"

Sending the boy a dry expression, Snape crossed his arms and tapped a finger against his upper arm. "That would depend entirely on the favor."

After a moment of pause, Harry met the man's eyes, eyes wide with something akin to desperation. "Would you teach me how to dance, Severus?"

That look of dark amusement slowly bloomed in the professor's eyes. "I believe I recently did just that. Your favor has been fulfilled. Sometimes I impress even myself."

It took a moment for Harry to register that Severus Snape had just told a joke. A half hysterical chuckle escaped him. "I mean dance well. You know, not stumble across the floor like my feet have been switched."

His lip twitching, Snape eyed him. "Ah. A challenge, then. Fortunately for you, I enjoy those. May I ask your reasoning for this turnabout? When we last spoke, I believe you were contemplating suicide rather than be forced to dance."

Harry swallowed. "I was... thinking about asking Draco. He'd be an arse about it if I messed up while dancing with him. So this is a precautionary measure."

The amusement in those eyes became more obvious, and Snape tilted his head. "Oh, I suppose I no longer have to ask you to see Madame Pomfrey." At Harry's odd look, he continued. "I was beginning to fear that you had gone blind."

Ignoring the way Harry sputtered at that, Snape turned and went to the door to his quarters, holding it open for the boy to follow. "I believe music would be helpful in this endeavor."

Feeling vaguely like he had just signed his own death warrant, Harry obediently made his way through the door.

The next hour and a half was spent with Snape making Harry repeat the steps over and over, first on his own, and then with the professor leading. Every time Harry missed a step or held himself wrong, Snape snapped at him like a Muggle Drill Sargent.

When it was finally over, Harry's arms hurt from holding them up for so long. And that wasn't even going into how his legs felt. But his dancing had shown a marked improvement. A couple more sessions and he'd be at least good enough to prevent Draco from criticising.

Maybe. He hoped.

Instead of heading to the dorms, he made his way up to the owlrey. Wishing he hadn't sent off Hedwig that morning, he picked out the nicest looking of the school owls and spent a few minutes writing out as well-spoken a letter of intent he could manage, he was too nervous to show Pansy, and sent it off to Malfoy Manor.

A small part of him worried at what would happen if Lucius or Narcissa forbid him from continuing his pursuit, but shrugged it off. It was out of his hands.

Picking out another set of owls, he set them off with notes and a few galleons to make some purchase orders.

Then all that was left to do was wait.


You have the full support of Lucius and myself in your endeavours of wooing Draco. Personally I myself was concerned this day would never come. As they say love is blind to those who are in it, so it does not surprise me you could not see Draco's reverent attempts of garnering your attention as love. Please do remember Draco is allergic to strawberries and do not attempt them in any gift giving as it would not endear him to you. Furthermore, while he may put up a front, Draco does love flowers. Orchids are his favourite.

Wishing you well.

Narcissa (and Lucius) Malfoy. Transcribed by Quick Quotes Quill, December the Nineteenth, Nineteen-Ninety-Four.

"Oi, Draco's got chocolate!" Someone from down the table called.

Harry carefully but hurriedly folded up the letter and shoved it into his trouser pockets and looked towards Draco. Draco had unwrapped the paper which was light blue (as per Pansy's rather hurried instructions he had been told was the appropriate intended colour), to reveal the expensive truffle chocolates. The blonde's face was surprisingly neutral as he turned the box over in his hands and opened the small envelope that had been attached to the parcel.

"Does it say who it's from?"

Draco shook his head at Blaise's question. "And it's transcribed from a quill to mask handwriting. Whoever did this is covering their tracks."

Harry managed to hide the jump and noise of pain that came from Pansy digging her nails into his knee.

Her face was surprisingly calm. "Well... That's... different."

Draco nodded absently. "Well if the person's already giving gifts that means they've been approved by my parents, but..."

"But who?"

"Very astute, Zabini," Millicent drawled, plucking the note from Draco's hand and skimming it. "They're of limited words, aren't they? Still... Approved by your parents, that's a feat. I'd say go for it."

Draco tucked the chocolates away safely under the table and turned his attention back to his breakfast. "I'll definitely think about it."

By the middle of the second day all of Slytherin, half of Ravenclaw and a good chunk of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor were talking about Draco. Harry was constantly flipping between being proud of himself and feeling like he was going to vomit. Everyone in Slytherin was talking about how the gift that morning - flowers - had been left at Draco's bedside and how that was not only very forward which implied the intended knew Draco personally, but also that the intended was in their House.

The flowers also hadn't come with a note.

However Blaise had studied them and noted there were orchids, orange lilies, daffodils, and white carnations. He had then prattled off their meanings refined beauty, passion, chivalry and respect, and pure love. Most people ignored him, figuring that the person who had sent them was merely sending them because they were pretty. Pansy, however, loudly pointed out that Draco's favourite flower was the orchid and that the daffodil was from the Narcissus family. Harry spent the time of their ensuing argument hiding his smile behind his book and ignore the looks, which were rather pointed.

Instead Harry focused on his book and thought about how both Blaise and Pansy's theories were right and how grateful he was that Pansy had ignored the fact that his mother's name was Lily. Something Blaise, in his wild rantings, had completely glossed over.

After dinner Harry headed to Snape's office for his last dance lesson. Fully prepared for the assault that his feet would go through. Especially since Snape had demanded he wear his dragon hide shoes.

They still needed to be broken in and pinched his toes.

He just had to remember he was doing this for Draco.

By the end of the third day Blaise was going insane. Draco, who was reading his new book of poetry looked rather serene laid out in bed as well as amused by Blaise's antics.

"You know who it is, don't you?"

"I have a suspicion."


"Xenidris Ullbeck."

"The Ravenclaw?!"

"Yes. Her father and mine are old friends, remember?"

"I do but..."

"Well, it seems her father no doubt prompted her into wooing me."

"But --"

"It doesn't mean I'm going to to accept."

"But --"

"Honestly, Blaise I don't know why you're taking such an interest in this." Blaise gaped at Draco who looked over the book at him. "Besides, Xenidris knows I like orchids. Her grandmother grew them and she used to give them to me."

Blaise turned and looked at Harry. "You know Draco likes orchids, don't you?"

Harry looked up from his Astronomy homework. "I do now. If you're shouting is going to continue much longer I'd like to know. This has to be handed in tomorrow." Harry turned his eyes back to his homework.

Blaise twitched violently and clenched his fists. "I'm going for a walk."

Daphne Greengrass paused at the door when Blaise stormed out and looked after him. "What's his problem?"

Harry looked over at her and shrugged. "Dunno. Lookin' for Nott?"

"Yeah. He said he'd help me with Runes." Daphne draped over Nott's bed and toyed with her hair. "Know where he is?"

Draco shook his head. "I saw him at dinner."

Daphne rolled onto her stomach and kicked up her legs. "Is that the latest gift from your secret someone?"

Draco peered over the book and looked at her before nodding. "Yeah. I'm actually really enjoying it."

"Can I see?"

Draco marked his page before handing her the book. She took it and turned it over in her hands. It was quite a thick, large book, that looked rather like a dictionary. She tapped her finger on the hard cover and examined the title. "The Complete Works of W.B. Yeats." She stared at the name. "I've never heard of him. Is he an American wizard?"

"He's a Muggle," Draco informed her in a low drawl. "Irish-English."

Daphne's lip curled unattractively at the cover and she held the book back out for Draco. "I never would have pegged you as liking Muggle work."

Draco rose a shoulder in a shrug. "Some of the things they do fascinate me and are beautiful. You can't fault me for liking their art."

Daphne opened her mouth to retort that oh yes she could, but she was cut off by Nott entering the room. She sat up and smiled at him brightly. "I'm ready for my Runes lesson."

Behind his Astronomy textbook Harry blanched. He peered over and watched as she scooted over on the bed and Nott moved beside her. The two quietly began working and Harry's eyes drifted over to Draco, who was once again reading.

Harry paced. He and Pansy had picked a small area just beyond the Slytherin area of the courtyard for Draco to meet him just before lunch. He was nervous.

"Are you going to stop that infernal pacing? You're going to bore a hole in the earth."

"What if he says no, Pans?"

"He's not going to say no, you twit."

"How do you know?"

"Because I do."

Harry stopped in his pacing as he heard snow crunching and felt a new wave of nausea hit him. The walking stopped just on the other side of the hedge and Harry froze. He heard quiet mumbling in Draco's voice and felt his heart pound. Was Draco giving himself a pep talk? That actually made him feel loads better.

Finally Draco rounded the hedge. He looked oddly calm. Pansy was jumping up and down in place, her shocking neon orange scarf-mitten-hat set with pink trim was nearly blinding as she wildly gestured to Harry as if presenting a showcase. Harry for the most part, sort of just stared at Draco.

Finally Draco broke the silence. "Hi."


"Finally caught on did you?"

Harry flushed and shifted in place. "I thought you wouldn't like me back."

"Because I never let on before, clearly."

"I thought you were just being friendly."

Draco's brow rose and his lips twitched and he let out a laugh. "Idiot."




Draco sniffed softly in the cold. "I'm sorry I was such an arse about the whole Diggory thing. I was jealous."

"I'm sorry I was a blind dolt who pined after a straight sixth year Hufflepuff."

"Damn right you were a blind dolt."

Harry shifted in place. "Do you want to go to the Ball with me?"

Draco's face broke into one of his rare, wide smiles and he ducked his head. "I thought you'd never ask."

Harry grinned and then looked to Pansy, who was watching them with starry eyes. She shook her head when she realized she was being watched. "Oh. Now you take his left wrist with your right hand and he grabs your wrist..."

They moved towards each other and did as they were told and Pansy placed her mittened hands over their arms. "Draco Malfoy do you accept Harry Potter's intentions of wooing and accept the offer to attend the Yule Ball with him?"

"I do."

"Harry Potter do you promise to honour your words to Draco Malfoy's parents and uphold his honour as well as your own and fulfill the request to attend the Yule Ball with him?"

"I do."

"Wonderful, now can we get inside before my toes snap off my feet?"

Harry laughed as he and Draco followed after Pansy. He felt lighter than he had in months.

Despite the new dynamic between Harry and Draco, life continued at a remarkably normal manner. The Yule Ball was just a couple days away, and so it wasn't really enough time for them to do more than get used to the idea that they were dating. And then Pansy had begged them not to say anything, because wouldn't it be so much more dramatic and romantic if they built up the suspense?

It really didn't take much to make them cave into the idea. The drama of it appealed to Draco, and for Harry it meant that he didn't actually have to tell anyone himself. They'd figure it out when they saw them. It was win-win.

At the moment, the three of them were in that unused classroom down the hall, trying to figure out the egg. Harry had already opened it one evening prior, and had dropped the thing in shock. It took five minutes to finally get it, and Blaise had spent the entire time cursing at him.

They tried a variety of spells on it, but nothing seemed to be working. "How are we supposed to know what to do with this?" Harry snapped, shaking the egg in frustration.

"There has to be some sort of clue on how to deal with it." Draco insisted, taking it away from Harry before he broke it. Their fingers brushed slightly, and both went a delicate shade of pink.

Rolling her eyes at them, Pansy leaned back against the wall, twirling her wand between her fingers. "Well, you got it from a dragon. So maybe it has something to do with Care of Magical Creatures?"

Harry thought about it for a moment. "Maybe whatever creature can make a sound like this is what we have to face next?" He went pale. "Could it be banshees? That would be awful. And hard to make into a spectator sport."

The golden egg reflected oddly coloured light onto Draco's face, and Harry watched for a moment before turning away to re-apply the silencing charms to the door. "I don't think it's a banshee cry. And they probably wouldn't do two creature challenges in a row. After the dragons, everything would look unimpressive."

Nodding, Pansy shrugged. "You've got time to deal with this. Can we go? I have better things to do, like look up cosmetic charms. Or snog my boyfriend."

A snort came from Draco. "Please. I'm sure you already know more cosmetic charms than the rest of the girls in Slytherin combined. And you snog Blaise plenty already. You'd better slow down before you kiss so much your lips fall off."

"But what a way to lose them." She smirked. "And you're wrong. Greengrass is the one who knows more cosmetic charms than anyone, and I'll be damned if I have to ask her." Kicking back with her heel, Pansy started creating a beat of dull thumps. "I'm bored. This is boring. And annoying."

Harry huffed. "I just want to have time to prepare, is all." He looked at the egg, which glimmered almost malevolently. "But maybe a break is a good idea. It's almost lunch anyway."

The three of the cancelled the charm and slipped out the door. Draco spun the egg idly in his hands. "Maybe there's a secret message in there? Something hidden in the noise."

"I don't that racket can be anything useful." Pansy replied disdainfully. "It's the worst sound I've ever heard, and I've been near you in the morning, Draco."

The blonde lunged at her, and Pansy dodged with a shriek. She practically screamed the password ("Horklump Juice!") and jumped onto the lap of Blaise, who had been sitting comfortably on one of the couches. "You'll protect me, won't you?" She asked, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

Blaise returned her gaze with a dry look. "That depends. What did you do?"

While Pansy pouted, Harry chuckled and responded, "She compared Draco's morning persona with the egg noise."

At that, Blaise pushed the girl off his lap towards her friends. "You deserve it, then."

His girlfriend made an indignant huff, Millicent, who was sitting across from Blaise with a book in her lap, snorted. "Looks like someone won't be getting any tonight. Better make it up to her at the Ball if you want to keep your own from getting blue." Pansy made another, louder noise, and Blaise threw a pillow at the other girl on her behalf.

Draco eyed Harry, fighting to keep a grin off his face. "Shall we ignore these uncouth peons and put this away?"

"Let's." Harry responded, and the two of them walked away with exaggerated swagger.

Before they could make it to the stairs they were hit with a rain of pillows.

double update, woohoo! i'll try and update more, i promise!

rose x 

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