SOLDIER ─ marvel

By solobarnes

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"When you look in a mirror, who do you see?" "I don't know. But I want to find out." ─ BOOK 4 of the FALLEN... More

I. The Man In The Mirror
II. The Phone Calls
III. The New Accords
IV. HYDRA's Savage Beast
V. Drinks And Unlikely Calls
VI. Moonlight Serenade
VII. Sunrise Serenade
VIII. Poisonous Guilt
IX. A Living Nightmare
X. Steve Rogers
XII. The Team Up
XIII. Wakandan Woes
XIV. Lemongrass
XV. Innocence
XVI. Birds In Cages
XVII. Forest Walks
XVIII. Confrontations
XIX. The McClain Private Airport
XX. A New Perspective
XXI. Piecing It Together
XXII. The Missing File
XXIII. The Remington Cabin
XXIV. Brainwashed
XXV. Parted But Never Apart
XXVI. Old Foes And New Friends
XXVII. Mandy, The Savior
XXVIII. Passing The Flask
XXIX. The Pentagon
XXX. More Than Just Pawns
XXXI. Guilty Or Innocent?
XXXII. The Trial Of Bucky Barnes Part 1
XXXIII. The Trial Of Bucky Barnes Part 2
XXXIV. Choices
XXXV. The Arrangement
XXXVI. My Promise To You
XXXVII. Together

XI. Fear And Faith

503 33 10
By solobarnes

Chapter Eleven

I'm pushed into the cell and I fall onto the stone floor, letting out a yell as my shoulder breaks my fall. I try to push myself up but I only manage to roll over off my shoulder, giving me enough time to see Zemo smile at me as he shuts the cell door.

"Bucky?" I hear a familiar voice ask. I look to my left to find Sam Wilson sitting on the floor, his body tied in ropes not chains.

I try to push myself up again and with a groan, manage to sit up, scooching myself across the floor towards him. "Sam? What the hell are you doing here?"

"Zemo broke into my house and kidnapped me. I woke up in here a few hours ago. Did the same thing happen to you?"

"More or less. He broke into Steve's house and used him as bait to get me. My brother in law and I went there and things didn't go as planned. I-I'm not sure whether either of them are okay or not. They both were shot, I was knocked out before I could see how bad things were." I explain, bowing my head.

Sam looks greatly distressed at the thought of something being wrong with Steve, but confusion sinks in as well, prompting him to ask; "Brother in law?"

I lift my head up and smile at him ever so slightly. "Soroya and I are engaged. Alex and Khari got married a few weeks ago, and Khari was the one who went with me."

Sam smiles at me, but it's half hearted. "I'm sure Khari is fine, he's strong. Congratulations though, I know you and Soroya will be very happy together."

I lean my head against the wall, letting out another groan as I adjust my shoulder. "That's if we ever get out of here. I don't even know where 'here' is or how long we've been here."

"I'm not sure either. I doubt we're in America, so maybe Russia or somewhere in Europe. That doctor is German, perhaps we're in Germany."

"He may be German but he's been in Russia for decades. His name is Dr. Bauer, he's a HYDRA scientist. He worked on the super soldier program."

Sam's eyes widen, his jaw tightening. "What do you think he wants with the two of us?"

I shake my head, remembering what I heard him say earlier. "Bauer tried to use my passwords but they didn't work thanks to Shuri. Afterwards he commented that my blood is still useful even if my mind isn't. Whatever he has planned it can't be good."

"You said he worked on the super soldiers? What if he's trying to restart the program using your blood?" Sam wonders aloud.

I think on this for a moment, and the longer it's on my mind, the more it makes sense. "Bauer also said that Zemo shooting the other winter soldiers is what caused him to have to use me for their project. If they're trying to restart the program that makes sense."

Fear rises in Sam's eyes as I takes it one step further; "Do you think that's why I'm here? To be one of his subjects for the program?"

"I wish I could tell you, but I don't know. I pray to god that isn't the case," I tell him, meaning it more with every word as I say; "I wouldn't wish this on anyone."

"I guess we'll find out soon."



"We're done having this conversation." I tell him, slipping on my shoes as I sit on the edge of my bed.

"No we are not," Khari replies, already starting to get himself out of bed. I drop my left shoe and reach for him, pushing him back against the mattress. "It's my fault that James was taken, I have to help you find him."

"This was in no way your fault. This was Zemo's fault, and his alone. But if you've forgotten, he shot you and you almost died. You are in no condition to hunt for Zemo."

"I can't just sit here and do nothing."

I sit back down on the bed, but this time I'm right next to Khari. I bring one of my hands up and caress his face, particularly around a bruise he has on his cheekbone. "You won't be doing nothing. You're a general, I'm sure you have other things to do. Isn't your monthly meeting with your people this week? That's something to occupy your thoughts with. Your people already don't like me, I think if I take you away from the Jabari again your soldiers will impale me. They need you."

"James needs me more."

I let out a sigh, my tone becoming earnest as I grow desperate to convince him to stay out of harms way. "What he needs and what I need is you alive. You can't even walk for long periods of time because you're in so much pain. You'll get yourself killed if you come with us."

"If the situations were reversed you would be arguing with me about going."

"Not if I saw how terrified you were for my life," I tell him, cupping his face in my hands. "We haven't even been married two weeks and I almost lost you. If you won't do it for yourself, please just stay behind for me."

Khari lets out a sigh, looking over my worried face for a few moments before turning his head in my hand and kissing my palm. "Alright...but I have some conditions."

"I'm listening."

"You have to keep me updated on everything that happens in the case, every lead, every move you make. And if you need help, you have to call me. If I find out that you contacted anyone else for assistance in this case besides me, you'll sleep on the couch for a week after you return."

"Deal. You have to promise me that you'll go see Shuri if you feel any discomfort or pain. And don't do anything straining at work."

Khari nods, bringing his hand up to my chin and bringing my face towards his, brushing his lips gently against mine. I instantly feel myself relax, my tensions and worries fading at the feel of his kiss. But as he pulls away from me and smiles, my fears return as I remember I almost lost him. I can't even bring myself to think about what would have happened if I hadn't gotten to Steve's house in time.

"I don't want you to worry about me constantly while you're gone. Focus on the case, focus on getting our brother in law back."

I nod, swinging my legs onto the bed and curling up against him, laying my head on his chest. Khari wraps his arm around my waist, linking his fingers with my free hand and placing a kiss on the top of my head. Everett is coming to pick Soroya and I up in a jet in about fifteen minutes, so until then I want to spend time with my husband. I want to be in his arms, to hear the steady beat of his heart, to assure myself again and again that he's okay.

"I love you." I tell him, feeling grateful that I am still able to tell him that.

Khari brushes the wedding ring on my finger, holding my hand close to his chest as he replies softly; "I love you, too. It won't be long until we are all back together, I know it."

"I know it, too. We've all been through too much together, I don't doubt things will work out. If there's one thing I've learned from you, its that the good in this world always triumphs over the bad."

Khari smirks down to me. "And here I thought you didn't pay attention to me when I said things like that."

I chuckle, lifting my head up to reply to his smirk with a cocky grin. "I usually don't, you just caught me on a good day."

He leans forward and kisses my forehead, chuckling along with me. "You're an impossible man."

I wink at him, laying my head back down on his chest. "I thank you for such a high compliment."

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