Doomwatch - Tracer X Reader

By cheesEPIC

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The events of doom eternal happen in the overwatch universe, however, you as the doom slayer are there to fig... More

Chapter 1 - Hell on Earth
Chapter 2 - An Introduction.
Chapter 3 - Recruitment.
Chapter 4 - The Tour
Chapter 5 - New Friends.
Chapter 6 - Lena
Chapter 7 - Assault
Chapter 8 - Aftermath
Chapter 9 - Training
Chapter 10 - The Gore Nest
Chapter 11 - New mission.
Chapter 12 - Talon base
Chapter 13 - Preparations
Chapter 14 - Cultist base (part 1)
Chapter 15 - Cultist base (part 2)
Chapter 16 - Love
Chapter 17 - Trauma
Chapter 18 - Super Gore Nest.
Chapter 19 - Protection
Chapter 20 - ARC Complex
Chapter 21 - Mars Core.
Chapter 22 - Rescue
Chapter 23 - The Reveal
Chapter 24 - Kings Row
Chapter 25 - Recovery
Chapter 26 - Captured
Chapter 27 - Return
Chapter 28 - Exultia
Chapter 29 - Taras Nabad
Chapter 30 - Nekravol
Chapter 31 - Urdak
Chapter 32 - Hive Mind
Chapter 33 - Iconoclast
Chapter 34 - Crucible
Chapter 36 - A Day Out - Shopping
Chapter 37 - A Day Out - Shopping (cont)
Chapter 38 - A day off
Chapter 39 - Fortress of Doom
Chapter 40 - Plutonium
Chapter 41 - Truth Serum
Chapter 42 - Well Cure
Chapter 43 - UN
Chapter 44 - Deja vu
Chapter 45 - Check Up
Chapter 46 - Slayer
Chapter 47 - Court
Chapter 48 - Los Muertos
Chapter 49 - Back on Earth
Chapter 50 - Ill Advent
Chapter 51 - Christmas
Chapter 52 - New Year
Chapter 53 - Losses
Chapter 54 - Proving
Chapter 55 - Visions
Chapter 56 - Allies
Chapter 57 - The Battle
Chapter 58 - The End

Chapter 35 - New House

376 3 0
By cheesEPIC

I woke up with a jolt. Lena also did and she sat up.

"I guess we're here." I said. Lena started rubbing her eyes and stretched.

"Yeah, seems so."

Just then, our pilot walked through from the cockpit.

"Hello Slayer, hello Lena. We've arrived in Kings Row. I've landed as close as I could to your home, Lena. It's only about a kilometre away."

"Ok then." I said. "Thanks for doing this."

"Yeah, thanks luv." Lena said.

"I'm just doing my job." He said as he pushed a button and opened the door to the outside. It was still night time and was lightly snowing since it was late November.

I stood up and put my suit on. As I did so, Lena got a jumper out of her bag and put it on. It was quite a flashy jumper, it's was like blue and purple with splashes of other similar colours dotted around it. Safe to say, it looked so cute on Lena.

"When overwatch need you for any missions," our pilot said, "This is probably where I'll pick you up from, if you need it."

"Ok then." I said as I picked up 2 of Lena's bags. "Thanks for doing this, and have a safe flight to wherever you're going now. We'll see you soon."

"Bye luv." Lena chirped as she picked up her third bag. We walked off the dropship together and into the frosty outside.

"Brrrrr, it's cold out here." Lena said as she shivered a bit.

"Yeah I suppose it is. Well, let's not dither around then, lead the way to your house." I said.

We were on top of a building, but luckily there was a fire escape down the side of the building which we could walk down. We went to the bottom and walked out into the streets. A light layer of snow covered everything. It slightly crunched under foot as we walked.

"So, how far's your house?" I asked.

"Oh not far luv, just down here and it's on a street on the left." She replied.

There weren't many people on the streets at the time, since it was about 2 in the morning, although those who were on the streets were shocked at my presence to say the least, and none of them were expecting me to be walking around with Lena, who was like a community hero.

We turned onto the street with Lena's house on it and started to walk towards them. I heard something to my left and told Vega to scan the area. He highlighted 4 living beings down a side alley.

"Lena," I said as we walked past the alley. I stopped and put my bags down.

"What is it luv?" She replied, turning to face me.

"Can you hear that?" I said as we stopped moving. We stood for a second and listened. Lena heard it and started walking towards the alley.

"Someone's probably getting mugged." She said. She went to her bag and pulled her guns out before starting to walk through the alley. Soon enough, we came to an overturned bin. We stood on it and saw that there were 3 people who looked like bandits beating up a man who looked to be mid twenties. Lena jumped down to go help him. All 3 bandits looked at her and smiled.

"Alright boys, looks like the hot ones 'ere." One of the bandits said. "We're gonna have more then some fun tonight."

I already wanted to rip him to pieces just for that, but I left Lena to do her thing.

"Oh luv," Lena said sounding obviously angry. "I know how to play well rough, and I'm not afraid to do so."

The bandits laughed at her and smiled.

"Oh, you like it rough, huh? Well, we'll make it rough if you want to."

One of the bandits pulled a Taser out and fired it at Lena. Lena blinked behind him and kicked him to the floor. One of the other bandits pulled a rifle out and started firing at her. Lena blinked out of the way and shot this bandit in the back of the head. The 3rd bandit whistled for help before also being shot.

A truck with several more bandits arrived. One of them had a minigun. Lena blinked over to them and threw a pulse bomb at the truck, blowing it up and killing 2 of the bandits. The minigun bandit started firing at Lena, trying to hit her, but failing miserably. Lena's chronal accelerator started to lose its charge, so Lena blinked into cover and waited for it to recharge. She was about to jump back up when the first bandit she kicked got a high powered Taser out and shot it at her. All her muscles went into spasm and she fell to the floor. All the bandits went over to her and smiled.

"Aw, isn't she cute." One of them said.

"I bet she looks even cuter underneath." One of them said. That was it for me. I pulled my super shotgun out and jumped off the waste bin. All of the remaining bandits looked at me.

"Hey, you there. Wanna join us in having some fun with this one?"

I walked over to the group with my super shotgun drawn.

"What do ya say? Just a cheeky bit of fun, nothing harmful. Nobody ever has to know what happened."

I looked the bandit dead in the eyes. It was just then did he realise who I was, but not quickly enough. My fist met his face which sent him flying backwards into a wall. The minigun bandit opened fire on me, but didn't actually do any damage at all. I fired a shotgun round at him and killed him. One bandit whacked me in the back of the head with a baseball bat. The baseball bat snapped as I turned around to face him. I was about to smack him when Lena blinks over and kicks him in the nuts as hard as she could. He falls to the floor in pain. Lena took a step back before drop kicking his head as hard as she could, causing blood to go flying everywhere and for his eye to explode. It looked like she was taking my approach for this one.

I turned back to the other bandits, all of whom were running away as fast as they could. I turned back to Lena, who seemed to be fine now.

"Lena, are you ok?" I asked as I checked her out like she did to me.

"Yes luv, I'm fine." She said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me close. "The only person whose gonna have some fun with me is you." She whispered into my ear. I smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek. She kissed me back.

We'd completely forgotten about the person who'd just been mugged, who was just watching us. He stood up and smiled at us.

"Lena, Slayer, you guys saved the planet and now you've saved me as well. I don't know how I could ever repay you."

"Oh luv, it's fine. We're just doing our jobs."

"Slayer, is it true that you survived thousands of degrees of heat and still killed the icon of sin by yourself?"

"Yes it is true, although I wouldn't say I did it by myself." I said as I looked at Lena.

We began walking out of the alley when the guy said something to us again.

"Slayer, if it isn't too much to ask, could I like, touch your super shotgun or something, it's like, always been something I've wanted to do."

I turned around to him and smiled. "Sure thing." I pulled my super shotgun out and held it in my hands. He put his hands out and stroked the barrel.

"Oh my god, this thing is so cool!"

"I know, it's the one weapon I've had which has been through hell and back."

"Oh my god, this is amazing!"

I took my shotgun back and out it away. I was about to walk off, but I decided to give him something.

"Hey mate," I shouted back at him. He turned around to face me. I pulled a single shotgun round out and threw it to him. He caught it in his hands and smiled such a big smile.

"Are, are you sure?" He said as his eyes beamed at it.

"It's all yours now." I said as I smiled.

"Oh my god, thank you so so so much!" He shouted. I smiled at him before turning around back to Lena.

We walked back out onto the street. Luckily our bags were still there. I picked up all 3 since Lena looked a little weak after what the Taser did to her muscles. We walked down the street and to Lena's house. She got a pair of keys out and opened the door. Her house was quite a big house, had 2 floors, a big kitchen, lots of space, a big sofa in the living room, 2 bathrooms, a garden section out the back and 2 big bedrooms, although I had a feeling that Lena would only make us use one of them.

"Nice place you've got here." I said as I put Lena's bags down.

"Thanks, if it weren't for the slipstream accident, I wouldn't have been able to afford this place."

"How'd the slipstream accident allow you to buy this place?"

"Oh I had life insurance and when I 'died', they paid out in full to my account, since my dad was in prison and my mum passed away."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your parents."

"Na it's fine, trust me. It happened so long ago and so much has happened since then. Besides, I have you now, and you're someone else I could call dad."

I looked at her pretending like I didn't know what she meant, even though she knew I knew what she meant.

"Anyway," she said. "It's like 3 in the morning so we can talk about all this in the morning, because I don't know about you luv, but I sure am tired."

"Yeah, me too." I said. I picked up Lena's bags and followed her up to her room.

Her room was a big one with light yellow walls and a beige carpet. The windows were very big and had floral patterned white curtains. I put Lena's bags down and started to take my suit off. Lena had already gotten into bed. She must've been knackered, going from a fight with the icon of sin, to talon, to a long flight here to saving someone from a bunch of thugs. I didn't feel too tired, as per usual, but I still got into bed with Lena.

She looked so cute. I shuffled over to her and wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close, thankful that I could still do this, because there was every possibility that the icon of sin could have killed her. I slowly fussed her soft brown hair and kissed her on the forehead.

"Goodnight Lena. I love you."

"Goodnight luv. I love you too."

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