Twilight of the Jedi

By Trelhu60962

41 2 0

Kelle Ruffin was Caleb Dume's best friend in the Jedi temple. When Order 66 happens, Kelle escapes to Lothal... More

Before Order 66

41 2 0
By Trelhu60962

I don't own Star Wars Rebels!!!

"Come on, Kelle!" Caleb Dume shouted.

"Shut up, Caleb!" Kelle Ruffin replied angrily "You're distracting me!"

"You can do it!" Caleb yelled encouragingly "Just focus on the—"

"Caleb, I swear if you don't shut up right now—!"

"Go, Kelle!"

Kelle slashed through the last battle droid in the simulator and the training ended. She took off her helmet and glared at her best friend.

"Can you hear a word I say?" She asked.

"Nope." Caleb laughed "Like my master always says, you have to learn to fight with distractions."

"I've never heard Master Depa say that ever."

"Shhh!" Caleb put his hand over Kelle's mouth and smiled "She says it through the Force." He whispered dramatically.

"You're ridiculous." Kelle shoved his hand away laughing "But I still beat the simulation so you're not dead, yet."

"Well, I'm survivin'." Caleb shrugged "Let's go get some food."

The two padawans walked through the halls of the Jedi Temple. They reached the mess hall and got their food before they sat down at their regular table.

"Master Depa and I got a new assignment." Caleb mentioned casually.

"What? When do you leave?" Kelle asked.

"Um, tomorrow."


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Caleb sighed "I just, I have a weird feeling about this mission."

"Why?" Kelle questioned.

"I'm not sure. I've just got a feeling something bad is going to happen."

"I wouldn't worry, my Master and I have a mission in two days. I'm sure it'll be fine." Kelle tried to reassure her friend but in reality, she had a strange feeling about her mission too.


Kelle and her master Stass Allie were on their mission when it all went wrong. The clones that Kelle had considered her friends and practically family, attacked them.

"Kelle, take the ship, get away from here!" Stass shouted over the blaster fire echoing.

"No, Master, I won't leave you!" Kelle cried, deflecting blasts.

"Kelle, that's an order! Go!"

Kelle struggled with herself for a moment but when her master was gunned down, her resolve broke and she followed orders. She ran.

When she was far enough away from the battle and her Master's body was left behind, Kelle broke down and wept. She curled into herself and cried until her eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks were streaked with tears, and her breath came in short gasps.

When she calmed down or at least stopped weeping, she turned on her holomap.

"Where can I go? What about Caleb? I must try to contact him, what if the clones turned on him too?" She thought aloud "Oh, Force, I hope he's okay."

Kelle eventually decided to land on the small planet of Lothal. She sold parts of her ship for credits until it was virtually useless and she had to scrap it. For years, she worked a low paying job in a bar and rented a room nearby. She changed her name to Aris Green.

One day she was walking through the market when a stormtrooper grabbed her arm "Excuse me, Miss, we need to check something."

He held up a data pad and on it was Aris's picture.

"She's the one, take her in."

Two more stormtroopers came up behind her and grabbed her arms.

"What? What have I done?" Aris shouted in confusion.

"You're wanted for crimes against the Empire." One stormtrooper answered.

"Release the lady." A male voice echoed around the square.

"It's the Rebels!"

"Get them!"

Aris pulled her arm away from the troopers and ran. She made a sharp right turn and found herself facing a high wall.

"Ah!" A shot was fired and hit Aris's shoulder, she was too exposed she realized and quickly pulled out the small blaster she kept hidden on her person.

Aris ducked behind the dumpster next to her and started firing. She had her lightsaber in a hidden pocket in her outfit, but didn't dare use it. If she did, she would have to leave and she certainly didn't have enough money for that.

"Need a hand?" A kid's voice asked from above.

Aris, in her surprise, fired a shot upwards at the voice.

"Hey, watch it!"

"Don't scare people like that!"

"Do you want our help or not?" The kid shouted.

Aris hesitated but she didn't get a chance to decide. A large purple, fuzzy creature picked her up and threw her in the air. The boy caught her hand and pulled her onto the roof.

"I guess that's a yes." The kid smirked "I'm Ezra, nice to meet you."

"Kid, fight now, introductions later!" The male who'd fired the first shot's voice came through the com-link.

"Sorry, Kanan!" Ezra grabbed her uninjured arm and dragging her over the roof's edge "Jump!"

They landed on a speeder directly below them. A girl in Mandalorian armor in the drivers seat sped off.

"Spectre-1, we're gonna need a pickup." Ezra said into the com-link.

"What did you do this time?" A woman's voice crackled out.

Aris's vision began to spot and fade.

"Woah, is she okay?" The Mandalorian asked

And Aris blacked out.


"She's waking up!"

"Hey, hey, can you hear us?"

"Back up, Ezra, give her some space!"

"Ugh, what the--? What happened?" Aris sat up and looked around.

She was in a med bay, surrounded by a green Twi'lek, the blue haired boy, Ezra? A purple Lasat, the Mandalorian who was driving the speeder, and a man, leaning on the doorframe.

"You're finally awake." The Twi'lek sighed in relief "You got shot and lost a lot of blood. You've been unconscious for two days."

"Where am I?" Aris asked slowly.

"You're on our ship, The Ghost." The Twi'lek explained "I'm Hera. That's Sabine, Zeb, Kanan, and you've already met Ezra."

"Hey." The blue haired boy waved sheepishly.

"Who are you?" The man, Kanan, leaning against the door asked.

"I'm K-Aris. Aris Green."

"Well, we can take you home as soon as you're ready." Hera offered "Back to Lothal?"

"Back to Lothal. As soon as possible please? I haven't been to work in two days, my boss is gonna kill me." Aris groaned.

"We can be there in two hours." Sabine offered "That'll give us enough time to check for any remaining damages."

"I'm fine, I've been through worse." Aris waved the girl off "Really, I'm okay."

"Well, then you won't have to worry about a checkup." Hera laughed "Sabine, get the med kit."

"No, really, that's not necessary." Aris protested.

"Boys out, girls stay. You're getting checked out." Hera ordered.

Kanan shrugged and tugged Ezra and the Lasat out of the room.

"That means you too, Chopper."

A droid beeped and rolled out.

"Let us see your shoulder." Sabine said.

"I-I really--"

"It's nothing we haven't seen before." Hera tried to assure Aris "You'll be fine."

"I seriously doubt that." But Aris lowered her sleeve to show her bandaged shoulder.

"Just take off your shirt, it's fine." Sabine argued.

Aris pressed her lips together for a moment before she slowly peeled her top off. Hera and Sabine gasped in shock.

"What-what happened?"

"I told you, you've never seen anything like this before." Aris sassed "Just, let me put it back on."

"No, we need to clean that wound." Hera cleared her throat "Sabine pass me the Bacta-patch."

"Are those lightsaber wounds?" Sabine asked, still staring at the scars that criss-crossed the woman's back.

"None of your business."

"Sabine, she's right, it's not our business." Hera scolded.

"But, Hera--"

"No buts. Pass me the patch."

Sabine huffed and passed the patch to the pilot. Hera removed the bandages and pressed the new patch to Aris's skin making her hiss and Hera muttered a quick apology. Quickly she rewrapped the wound.

"There, you can put your shirt back on." Hera said.

As Aris was pulling on her shirt, the door slid open. Quickly Aris jerked the clothing over her skin, but she could feel the horror through the Force.

"Ezra, haven't you heard of knocking?" Hera asked sternly.

"Sorry." Ezra muttered, still staring at Aris's now clothed back "Um, Kanan told me to come get you."

"Okay, fine." Hera sighed "I'll be there in a second. Sabine, stay with Aris." Hera left and went outside "What is it, Kanan?"

"What did you find out about her?" Kanan asked.

"Where did she get those scars?" Ezra interrupted.

"I didn't ask." Hera shrugged.

"Wait, what scars?" Kanan said, nervously.

"Her back is covered in scars. From what I could see at least." Ezra answered "They looked like lightsaber scars."

"Lightsaber scars?" Kanan muttered "How is that possible?"

"It's my business." Aris's voice echoed from the doorway "And if you want to talk about someone with out their knowing, maybe move away from the door. When can we get back to Lothal?"

"I'll leave you two to talk." Hera grabbed Ezra's arm and dragged him into the cockpit "We should reach Lothal soon."

The two stood in front of each other, arms crossed and glaring. Kanan felt his eyes start to water, but he wouldn't blink, he had only been beaten by the glares of two women, Hera and Kelle. But Kelle was dead, she couldn't have survived the clone's attack. He'd never been beaten by anyone else.

Finally his eyes burned and he had to blink. Aris smiled triumphantly and turned back to go back to the Med bay.

"Wait, where did you get the scars?" Kanan called after her, but she shut the door and didn't answer.


They'd returned to Lothal and landed just outside Capital City.

"Thanks for the ride." Aris said, walking off the ramp of the Ghost.

"Kanan will take you back to your place." Hera told her "Kanan!"

"I'll do what now?"

"You're taking Aris home." Hera ordered "Get going."

Kanan rolled his eyes but brought out the speeder bike "Hope on."

Aris sighed and climbed onboard. Kanan drove them through the town with Aris giving him directions. Finally he pulled up in front of a bar.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Kanan questioned.

"Well, a girl's gotta work." Aris shrugged.

"I guess." Kanan muttered.

Aris opened the door and ducked as a bottle flew out, smashing into the wall across the street.

"See you later, I guess." Aris waved as she walked inside.

Kanan could smell the stench of alcohol even with the door shut. He shuddered and quickly sped off. When he made it back to the Ghost he went to the cockpit to talk to Hera.

"Drop her off alright?" Hera asked.

"Um, yeah, it was weird though."

"Why?" Hera raised an eyebrow.

"She had me drop her off at a bar."


"Let's just go." Kanan sighed.

Hera silently nodded and they flew off. They didn't return to Lothal for two weeks. While they were away, Kanan felt strange, like he had just after Order 66 when he thought he'd lost everyone and everything, especially Kelle.

Attachments were forbidden by the Jedi, but Kanan had loved Kelle, deeply. She was kind, fun, sassy, and strong, she was everything to Kanan. But she had died by the clone's hands.

That night, Kanan dreamed of Kelle, of his time at the Jedi Temple, and his master's death. When he awoke, he felt tears streaking down his cheeks and quickly wiped them away. He knew his eyes must be red when he came out of his room, but he slouched into the common room and  sat down.

"What's wrong, Kanan?" Ezra asked.

"It's nothing."

"Thinking about Aris, right?" Ezra smirked "She was pretty cool, I still think we should have gotten her to join the crew."

"Ezra, I told you, I didn't trust her. I think if she joined us there'd be too much trouble." Kanan sighed "Couldn't you sense her emotions through the force?"

"Yeah, she was lonely and nervous. That makes sense, she didn't know us." Ezra pointed out "I think, since we're back on Lothal, we should go visit her."

"We don't know where she lives." Kanan tried.

"But we know where she works."

Kanan sighed "You're not gonna let this go, are you?"


"Fine." Kanan groaned "We can go see her."

"Yes!" Ezra pumped his fist in the air "Let's go!"

"Okay, fine, go get the speeder." Kanan nodded "I'll let Hera know."

Hera agreed that they could go visit Aris but warned them to come back before nightfall. Ezra and Kanan sped off  towards the town. They reached the bar quickly and opened the door, luckily this time nothing was thrown out at them.

Kanan walked over to the bar "Excuse me, we're looking for an Aris Green. I believe she works here."

"Aris? Why are you looking for her?" The bartender asked.

"She's a friend." Kanan said, evading the question "So, she's here?"

"Yeah, she's over there." The bartender pointed to the corner.

Aris was placing drinks on the table of several male aliens. One of them grabbed her wrist and said something. Aris smiled politely and was clearly trying to pull her hand away as gently as possible. The man said something else and Aris's lips tightened into a slight frown.

Kanan got up and marched over to the table "Take your hands off the lady."

"I can handle this." Aris ground out with a smile "Go."

"See, the lady wants to stay." The alien sneered "Get out of here."

"I said, take your hands off the lady." Kanan growled.

"Look, Kanan, right?" Aris asked "Please, go over there. I can handle myself."

Kanan flashed back to Kelle saying those exact words before every mission "You don't have to." He protested.

"Go. Over there. Now." Aris's glare reminded Kanan of Kelle more and more every time he saw it.

"Okay." He muttered backing up.

Aris smiled at the alien who still had a tight grip on her wrist and said a few words. He let go of her and smiled dopily. Aris sighed and walked over to where Kanan and Ezra were now sitting.

"How'd you get him to do that?" Ezra asked in amazement "That's Landel Piccon."

"How do you know him?" Kanan asked, turning to his padawan in shock.

"I met him on a job." Ezra shrugged.

"Why are you here?" Aris interrupted.

"We wanted to check on you." Ezra lied.

"Mm-hmm?" Aris hummed skeptically "Is that so? Well, you've seen me, I'm fine. Buh-bye."

"No, wait, we just wanted to..." Ezra paused "We wanted to know if you'd be interested in joining our crew?"

"What kinda jobs do you do?" Aris asked.

"We, um, we're a part of a Rebel cell." Ezra blurted.

"Ezra!" Kanan glared.


"You're a part of the rebel alliance?" Aris scoffed "And I bet you're a Hutt too, right?"

"No, really!" Ezra insisted "We saw how good you are with a blaster when we helped you and the Empire's after you anyway, so what do you have to lose?"

Aris sighed deeply "I can't fight the Empire, they've taken enough from me."

"They took my parents."

"They took my friends, my partners, my family, and everyone who loved me. I've lost everything and this is my life now. I may not have anything to lose, but I've got to keep my friend's memory alive." Aris felt tears prick the corners of her eyes "I can't let Ca-him die. I let him go once and I lost him."

"Who?" Kanan sensed that she'd been about to say a name but stopped herself.

"My best friend." Came the short reply.

"I understand, my best friend died fifteen years ago. I lost myself when I lost her. But with the help of my crew, everything's gotten brighter." Kanan tried.

"Fifteen years ago?" Aris paused "How did they die?"

"Hey, Aris! Get back to work!" The bartender shouted.

"I'm taking my break!" Aris called back "Anyways," She turned back to Ezra and Kanan "Tell me, how did they die?"

"She was killed by clones." Kanan answered sadly.

"That's friend died too."

"You look a lot like her, to be honest." Kanan whispered.

"What did you say your name was again?" Aris asked "Kanan, right?"

"Um...yeah, that's my name."

"Look, I'll give your crew a try. But if it doesn't work out, no hard feelings?" Aris shrugged.

"Absolutely." Ezra nodded "When do you get off?"

Aris laughed "Hon, I've been working for two days straight. I can leave now if I want."


"I needed the money. Let's go, I'll just let my boss know." Aris stood up and walked over to the bar and said something to the bartender.

"Ezra, comm Hera and let her know we're coming back with Aris." Kanan ordered.

"Ready to go?" Aris asked, coming back to the table.

Word count: 2810 words
I'm starting too many Star Wars Rebels fanfictions but I can't help it! It's all my brother will watch in quarantine so I'm stuck watching it with him. I really like it though so it's okay. Please don't forget to comment, vote, and add to your reading lists!!!
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