My Stupid Senior (Troyler AU)

By SoobinsEuphoria

565K 21.3K 20K

Would you know that you and another person are meant to be if he lived in the same room as you? In most cases... More

Chapter 1//Troye
Chapter 2//Troye
Chapter 3//Troye
Chapter 4//Troye
Chapter 5//Troye
Chapter 6//Tyler
Chapter 7//Troye
Chapter 8//Tyler
Chapter 9//Troye
Chapter 10//Troye
Chapter 11//Troye
Chapter 12//Troye
Chapter 13//Troye
Chapter 14//Troye
Chapter 15//Troye
Chapter 16//Troye
Chapter 17//Troye
Chapter 18//Troye
Chapter 19//Troye
Chapter 20//Troye
Chapter 21//Austin
Chapter 22//Tyler
Chapter 23//Troye
Chapter 24//Troye
Chapter 25//Troye
Chapter 26//Troye
Chapter 27//Austin
Chapter 28//Connor
Chapter 29//Troye
Chapter 30//Tyler
Chapter 31//Troye
Chapter 32//Tyler
Chapter 33//Troye
Chapter 34//Troye
Chapter 35//Troye
Chapter 36//Troye
Chapter 37//Tyler
Chapter 38//Troye
Chapter 39//Troye
Chapter 40//Troye
Chapter 41//Tyler
Chapter 42//Connor
Chapter 43//Troye
Chapter 44//Troye
Chapter 46//Troye
Chapter 47//Troye
Chapter 48//Troye
Chapter 49//Tyler
Chapter 50//Troye
Chapter 51//Troye
Chapter 52//Troye
Chapter 53//Troye
Chapter 54//Troye
Chapter 55//Troye
Chapter 56//Tyler
Chapter 57//Troye
Chapter 58//Troye
Chapter 59//Tyler
Chapter 60//Troye

Chapter 45//Tyler

6.3K 298 185
By SoobinsEuphoria


*Smut Warning*

I nod my head almost too eagerly at his question not trusting myself to speak. He smiles against my ear then trails his lips over my ear until he gets to the lobe. He pulls my ear lobe between his teeth lightly grazing his teeth over the skin. He moves away from my ear settling back down on my shoulder letting his lips wander the pale expansion if my skin. His soft lips brush against the sensitive skin of my nipple.

He takes my nipple in his mouth swirling his smooth tongue lightly around it lightly then sucking it as I let out a soft moan. This seems to encourage him as he gives the same treatment to my other nipple. He sucks at my skin and I'm to focused on the amazing experience he's giving me to worry about explaining the marks to our peers later.

Troye wastes no time pulling my boxers off and sliding his tongue across my almost fully hard member. He takes me in his mouth after licking strips across my member and sucking at the skin of my balls. He swivels his head down caving his cheeks in causing an incredible pleasure to spread through me. I buck my hips into his mouth and he pulls his mouth off my member with a popping noise. He pins my hips down looks me in the eyes.

"No Tyler. Be good." I moan at how hot his voice sounds. It's low and gravelly and he sounds so dominant that I can feel myself struggling under his grip.

"Please, Troye?" I whine looking eyes with him. He pulls away and I groan at the loss of contact. I run my thighs together to gain the friction that I so very desire right now.

"Stop touching yourself. Please, what?" He's going to make me beg for it. He's going to make me say exactly what I want him to do. He reaches into the bag searching for the things he knows I put into the bag.

"Take me, Troye." I beg as I hear the click of a cap opening and closing. The next thing I'm aware of is cold fingers sliding inside of me. I gasp at the sensation not having bottomed in quite awhile. His fingers feel so good inside of me thrusting in and out and curling just enough to make me moan his name. "Troye, I need you now." He smirks at me pushing my legs back and settling himself between them before rolling a condom onto his long hard cock. I watch the way he is almost lazy with his movements frustrating me to no end. I have to keep reminding myself that the longer I have to wait the better it will feel when he finally gives me what I want.

He trails his hands over my chest and stomach lightly as he teases my hole with the tip of his member. His feather light touch leaves me shivering and he kisses the goosebumps on my skin as he slowly pushes himself into me. I wrap my legs around him and grasp his shoulders tightly as he continues to push inside of me. I'll be honest that wasn't one of the most pleasurable experiences of my life. It hurt quite a bit but eventually I got used to the feeling of having him inside of me. I clench around him not fully trusting myself to speak at the moment.

He looks into my eyes and I nod at him. He begins to move inside of me thrusting in and out slowly at first almost lazily. He's probably just trying to make sure I'm okay. For this being his first time topping he's doing-

"Right there Troye. Faster! Ahh!!" Troye finds that bundle of nerves and I moan almost embarrassingly loud. Troye doesn't mind though only thrusting into me harder. I can hear the sound of our skin slapping together as I can feel my high approaching. Troye's hand finds my member loosely gripping it as he begins beating it off to the rhythm of his thrusts. I warn Troye just as I'm about to cum and he stares intensely into my eyes as we both cum within seconds of each other.

*End of smut*

We head back to our respective cabins after cleaning up and walking around for a few more minutes. We stop in front of Troye's cabin and I can hear Shane and Chris talking inside the cabin. I rest my head against Troye's shoulder and he pulls me into a quick hug. He pulls back to give me a quick peck on the lips then he moves his mouth to my ear.

"Goodnight, my Tilly." He whispers then walks inside with no further word. I turn around and begin heading back to my own cabin. Back to Phil Lester, Joey Graceffa and Jordan Jansen. I can hear them talking cheerily inside as I step into the cabin and they continue not talking any note of my presence.

Eventually I join their conversation and I genuinely enjoy talking to them even when we are talking about stuff that doesn't matter particularly. We sit on the bottoms bunks talking to each other for a long time and as the hours get later more serious topics start being brought to our attention.

"Troye's only a Sophomore, right?" Joey says around 2 a.m. sitting on the floor between everyone else cross legged. I've been trying my hardest to forgot about this but I knew it'd come up eventually.

"Yeah..." I say trailing off at the end not knowing what to say. Phil looks concerned for me and I can't help but be envious of the fact that Dan and Phil are the same age. Troye and I haven't really talked about what we are going to do about the fact that I'm going to be heading off to college while he's stuck at JMA with no Connor and no me.

"Where have you been accepted to?" Joey asks and that's definitely not the thing I thought he would ask next. I thought he was going to ask something more personal than that.

"One in California, and one three hours from home." I say loud enough for all of them to hear but I almost mutter the next statement, "But I don't really want to go to the one close to home." I look up at them I can see the shocked expression on their faces. Most people probably expect me to do anything to stay close to Troye. That's not exactly the case though. I obviously want to be near the love of my life but I want the opportunities that LA can provide me. I won't know until I get the balls to talk to Troye about this but I'm pretty sure he would want me to take the chance and go for my dreams even if it means being away from him for awhile.

"You want opportunities that here can't provide, don't you?" Jordan says flipping his messy fringe out of his face. I think they get it. I think they understand at least somewhat what I'm going through.

"Yeah. I mean it'd only be a year with me visiting as often as I can." I say picking at my nails absent mindedly while I look at the boys confused faces. Oh yeah we haven't told anyone about Troye skipping a grade yet. "Troye's taking more classes so he can graduate early. He's going to skip his whole junior year."

"Have you told Troye that you are going to California?" Phil asks leaning back to rest his head against the wall. They are going to tell me I'm stupid. They are going to think I'm an absolute idiot.

"No. We haven't talked about what happens after my graduation." As expected they all look at me like I'm insane. I've just been really scared to talk to him about it and to be honest it's kind of effected our relationship a bit in the last few weeks. Like sometimes everything seems alright, like today, but other times everything is just awkward.

"Tyler graduation is only a little over two months away. You need to figure out what you are going to do. We can all tell how much Troye means to you, but we don't know your relationship. Do the right thing, please."

"I need some time to think. I'll be back later." I grab my jacket and walk out if the cabin before they can say anything else. I really just need to think about this more. I've been purposely avoiding even thinking about it because I don't want to think about leaving him here while I'm off somewhere else.

The cold early morning air hits me as I step outside and begin to walk around the perimeter of the camp. I'm thinking about a lot of things. Like how I should talk to Troye about this. How he's going to react to what I want to do. How we are going to work through this.

I need to talk to him about this but I can't right now seeing as it's almost three a.m. I guess I'll just have to talk to him about it tomorrow. I hope it goes well. I know I've already imagined a thousand scenarios where things didn't turn out to well even though I know he loves me. I can't know how he's going to react to this when we've never had to deal with something like this before.

I head back to my cabin cold and exhausted and fall into my bed wishing Troye was cuddling me. Despite only getting a few hours of sleep I wake up pretty cheerful. I see the boys slowly pulling themselves out of bed stretching and yawning adorably. I really got some of the best looking boys in my cabin. Other than my boyfriend of course.

"Ty get up breakfast is in ten minutes." Phil says to me fixing his fringe in the small mirror. I pull myself out of bed getting dressed quickly and fixing my hair as best as I can. The boys wait for me and we head to the dining hall together. I'm overwhelmed by the scent of blueberry pancakes as we walk closer and closer to the mess hall.

I run into the mess hall eager to get food. I get a plate and immediately start filling it with anything that looks good. I sit at a table with my cabin mates not paying attention to them as I scarf down the food on my plate.

I see Mr. Yovanna make his way to the middle of the room and clap his big hands together just as I've finished my thirds. Everyone else seems to just be finishing up and I look over to Troye for the first time this morning seeing his adorable flat hair that is curling due to the lack of product. I focus on Yovanna, I mean Will, as he starts speaking.

"When I am done talking you will have one hour of time to spend with your friends doing whatever you like then we will met at the picnic tables for another challenge." I race over to Troye as soon as Will is finished talking knowing that it might take me some time to work up to talking about this. I lead him to the river side and we sit down looking at each other a little nervously. He can feel how tense I am, he knows somethings up. It's a long while before I sigh saying words that I probably shouldn't have said.

"Troye we need to talk about something." he looks nervous and a bit scared but I take his hand trying to reassure him. God dammit I fucked up. He thinks something really bad is happening and me droning on in my thoughts probably isn't helping his nerves. "No not like that. Troye I love you."

"I love you too, Tyler." he says quietly not looking me in the eyes even though he still has a tight grip on my hand. He's still scared. How am I supposed to do this? How am I supposed to talk about this with out breaking down? I don't want to leave my baby.

"We need to talk about what's going to happen after graduation." Troye starts shaking his head and I can already see tears brimming in his eyes. I pull him into my arms and he curls his arms around my waist. He's holding me tight and I know what he's thinking right now. He doesn't want me to leave. He's scared of me leaving. He's scared he's going to lose me. "Shh. Don't cry, please don't cry." I kiss the top of his head and I make sure he's calmed down a bit before I pull back slightly and start speaking again.

"I got accepted to a college in LA." Troye looks at me like I'm insane the blood drains from his face and his lips start moving but no words are coming out. Eventually Troye manages to get a few shakes words out.

"What about the one near home? You got accepted there too, right?" He's almost frantic, like he can't remember what life was like before we were friends. Like I'm the only thing that really matters to him.

"I did but I don't want to go there. I want to go after my dreams and I'm not going to be able to do that sitting in a community college in a small town. I want to get out of this stupid small town feel and go for something bigger. I want a diversity that a lame community college can't offer." Troye's first ball up on my back taking my sweater with them. His eyes are brimming with tears again and he looks angry but then his face softens. He thinks hard for a moment before he asks me something.

"If I asked you to stay, would you?"

Hey it's Amanda and this is another cliffhanger haahahahahahahaahhaaha. I don't like writing serious things and this is hard and I don't want to do things but things must be and ahhahhhababaaaaabaaaaa. I like this chapter somewhat a lot and I don't know. if you liked any part of this chapter please:


I love you pritty pritty door knobs.

Tumblr/Twitter: SmilingTilly

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