nct chatroom 🀩

By straw_berrymilk

166 6 1

where taeyong makes one big group chat with all 21 nct members. ⚠️notice - lower case letters - grammatical e... More

wHo sToLe mY fOoD

neo crackhead technology

68 3 1
By straw_berrymilk

Tyong 👑 added JohnJohn 🇺🇸, TaeIl🌙, Jay 🍑
and 17 others to the group chat
Tyong 👑 named the chat "Neo Crackhead Technology"

Bold= English
Italics= Chinese

Tyong 👑
hey everyone, i made a group chat with all 21 of us! how cool is that?

Dooyoung 🐰
not cool.

Tyong 👑
wow, such a blanket of negativity

BlueHairKunIsIconic 🦕
is this another group chat?

Dooyoung 🐰
why is my name like this.

BlueHairKunIsIconic 🦕
i don't know, i think taeyong hyung made them

LoseLose 🐶
hi guys!

Chittaprrr 🐱
hi loselose 🤣

LoseLose 🐶
stop it :(

Tyong 👑
okay.... everyone let's not make fun of each other.

LoseLose 🐶
hyung, why did you have to make my name "loselose"

Tyong 👑
sorry, winwin...

Xuxiii 🙉

Junguwu 🥺
hello uwu

Dooyoung 🐰
i still can't get over the fact that you named me "dooyoung."

TheAnnoyingOne ☀️
hey everyone!! the life of the party is here!!!!

Chittaprrrr 🐱
oh great...

TheAnnoyingOne ☀️
is that sarcasm i'm witnessing?

Chittaprrrr 🐱
oh stop acting like no ones ever been sarcastic to you.

Ronjon 🦊
sarcasm basically represents my entire existence

TheAnnoyingOne ☀️

Chittaprrrr 🐱

TheAnnoyingOne ☀️
anyways... why is my name "the annoying one?"

Dooyoung 🐰
because you're the annoying one

TheAnnoyingOne ☀️

Dooyoung 🐰

TheAnnoyingOne ☀️ changed their name to FullSun ☀️

Dooyoung 🐰
how do you change your names?!

FullSun ☀️
seriously  -_-

TaeIl 🌙
what's going on?

FullSun ☀️
dooyoung hyung doesn't know how to change his name in this group chat

Dooyoung 🐰
don't call me dooyoung! >:(

JohnJohn 🇺🇸
lol, dooyoung.

Dooyoung 🐰 changed their name to Doyoung

i changed it!

LoseLose 🐶
hyung! teach me how to change my name

Tyong 👑
why is everyone so disappointed in their names 😔

couldn't you think of any better ones?

Tyong 👑

hi everyone! i hope you enjoy reading these text threads of the nct members! (and blue haired kun will ALWAYS be iconic)

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