Inazuma Eleven: Ore Tachi no...

By Kaitou_Mighty_ZX

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The event of this story is few years after the incident in Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy. It's about Endou Kaminar... More

Let's go! Raimon Eleven!!
The Match! Raimon vs Kaiou!!
Let's Play Together Again!
Soccer Festival! The Wind Returns!!
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Final Match! Teikoku Academy!!
The Strongest Hero! Kaminari's Keshin!!
Hakuren's Blizzard! New Power!!
The Strongest Defense!
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Heat Up! Match on the Hot Field!!
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Clash! Raimon vs Arakumo!!
Blow Everything! Sunshine Break!!
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Intense Clash! Raimon vs Kidokawa Seishuu!!
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Special! Camping Trip!!
Bad or Worse! Shinsei Inazuma Japan!!
The FFI Vision 3! Begin!!
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Breaking Our Limit!
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The Nationals Tournament!

498 11 21
By Kaitou_Mighty_ZX

Raimon won the final match of the Kanto district prelim for the Soccer Festival. Now they in the Nationals tournament of the Soccer Festival, and will be meeting with many schools that won the district prelim of their areas. And one of the most unexpected thing is that Kaiji transferred to Raimon and join the soccer club.

At Raimon's soccer field...

The players are practicing while thinking about the National tournament would be.

Kaminari: Hey, Kaiji what makes you transferred here?

Kaiji: I follow my family here because of their work. And Raimon is the closest school from where we living now.

Yuuya: That is why you transferred here.

Kaiji: Yeah. Guys at Kaiou also said that I've should join Raimon so I can play in the National tournament.

Yuuya: I see. Then make sure you get along with our play.

Kaiji: I'll try my best.

While training, Tenma look at the tablet to read about Kaiji's personal data.

(Player Info)

(Dan Kaiji)

Number: (in Kaiou) 11 / (in Raimon) 13

Position: (in Kaiou) Forward, (in Raimon) midfielder(main) / defender

He's a second year. He has greyish-blue hair, green eyes with a scar under his left eye. In Kaiou Academy, he is the captain and have a good reflexe when in the right time. He always make a quick decision in the right time but he sometimes hesitate due his past injuries that didn't let him play in the Soccer Festival last year. When he's in Raimon, he mostly play as midfielder or defender.

(Info Over)

Kaiji is dribbling the ball toward the goalpost while Higashi ready for him to shoot the ball.

Higashi: Come at me!

Kaiji: Okay!

He kick the ball and Higashi caught it but the power pushed him back near the goal line.

Higashi: What a power...

Kaiji: Hehe. This is only when practice.

Kaminari: Hey, stop chatting and get some practice. We have a National tournament to win here!

Kaiji: Oh, sorry. Let's continue, Hazama.

Higashi: Just Higashi is fine. Here in Raimon, we mostly call by the first name.

Kaiji: Sure, then just call me Kaiji then.

Higashi: Sure!

Homura and Ren keep dribble the ball while up and down the field while panting. Homura is slowing down but Ren still have some more energy as he keep up the dribble.

Homura: *pant* Ren-kun... *pant* can't we... *pant* have some break for a few minutes...

Ren: No, we need to practice. The opening ceremony for the Nationals tournament is in few days, and we don't know which team we'll in the first round.

Homura: *panting* I can't keep up... I'm too tired...

She fall and lying on the ground while still panting heavily. Riko and Asuka went to her and give her a drink as she sit up. Homura drink some water as she wipe the sweat at her forehead.

Homura: Ren-kun is mean...

Riko: That's how he is. If you can't keep up, then just train in your own style.

Asuka: Riko-san is right.

Homura: *look down* I know that...

Riko: What's wrong?

Homura: I didn't get to make a goal in any match in the prelims... Not even once...

Asuka: But you did great in assisting the team!

Homura: The only technique that I know is Fire Tornado... Papa didn't teach me more than that...

Riko: I'm sure that he's a reason for that.

Homura: Because I'm not really his daugther...

Asuka: Huh?

Homura: *look away* You guys should have know, right? Papa isn't really my real father... I'm only his adoptive daughter...

Asuka: W-We know...

Suiryuu: Don't think about that too much.

The girls look up and saw Suiryuu. He is balancing the ball on his right knee and then kick it away.

Suiryuu: Did you forget that I'm also not real younger brother to Hakuryuu?

Riko: Huh?

Suiryuu: Just like you, I don't really have a real relative. But as long as I have Haku-nii, I'm fine.

Homura: What do you mean?

Suiryuu: Those who take adoptive children or sibling, that means they have reason for it. Gouenji-san might have a reason why he didn't teach you all of his hissatsu technique.

Homura: That's...

Suiryuu: You said that because you didn't spend much time with him, right?

Homura: Huh?

Suiryuu: Just think positive. Haku-nii also taught me one of his hissatsu only so I can create my own original hissatsu technique.

Homura: My own original... huh?

Kaminari: What are you guys doing?! This is practice time!

Suiryuu: Oh, sorry, Captain! Let's go, Homura.

Homura: O-Okay...

While they still practicing, Tenma look at the schools that went to the National tournament from all areas in Japan.

Tenma(In mind): If we use the Black Room 2 to train, this still going to be hard for us. There's a lot of rivalry between all school that wanted to win in this year's Soccer Festival. Our only Keshin user are Kaminari, Kaiji, Shinji and Ren. The only problem is...

Kaiji keep kick the ball toward Higashi as he keep catching the ball.

Higashi: Kaiji, use one of your Keshin shoot!

Kaiji: Eh? Are you for real?

Higashi: Yeah! If I can catch your Keshin, I can catch other Keshin shoot!

Kaiji: That doesn't guarantee other about stopping Keshin shoot. But if you asked for it...

He shout as bluish-black aura come out from his back, summoning his Keshin.

Kaiji: Kaiou Poseidon!

Higashi: Shoot at me!

Blue flames energy covered the ball as move around Kaiji while Poseidon ready his trident.

Kaiji: Trident Thrust!

He kick the ball as Poseiden thrust ahead his trident. Higashi make "X" with his hands before jumped forward and huge hand appear at his right hand as he push forward.

Higashi: God Hand X!

He successfully catch the ball as the huge hand disappear.

Kaiji: You really did catch it?!

Higashi: Like I said, I can catch any Keshin shoot when using this technique! This hissatsu technique is belong to the coach of Little Gigant, Rococo. Also it was the technique that Kaminari's great grandfather created me!

Kaiji: Okay then, we'll let you handle the goal.

Higashi: Just leave the goal to us!

Tenma: It still no good.

Then they turn to Tenma.

Tenma: It's true that you can stop Keshin shoot, but that doesn't make you invincible. Every technique can be broken through. That is why keep on the practice and become even better than you are now. Kaiji, you as well.

Higashi/Kaiji: Yes, sir!

(Time Skip)

At Japan's Youth Soccer Association...

Gouenji is busy with paperworks and some more work about the Soccer Festival. He look at his laptop about the matches for the first round before he heard knocking at the door.

Gouenji: Come in.

When the door opened, it shows Homura. Gouenji didn't saw Homura come to his office so much.

Homura: Papa...

Gouenji: Oh, Homura, is there something you need?

Homura: Um... Actually... Please! Please teach me more of your hissatsu technique! I never get to score a goal during in the Kanto prelims at all! So please, teach me more!

She close her eyes tightly while bow and begging at her foster father. Gouenji fold his hands at his chest while looking at Homura.

Gouenji: Teaching you Fire Tornado is already more than enough.

Homura's eyes widen as she look up toward Gouenji.

Gouenji: Homura, you don't get it, don't you? Just teaching you my own hissatsu technique won't change anything.

Homura: What do you mean?

Gouenji: Think about it yourself. Like I said, Fire Tornado is more than enough. If you wanted to learn my other hissatsu technique, then watch the matches I play in the past.

Homura: Why...?

Gouenji saw that a bit of tears at Homura's eyes before flowing down to her cheek.

Homura: Why did you always like that? I asked you to teach me but... why didn't you?

Gouenji: *sigh* You still don't get it at all. Make sure you do your best in the Nationals.

Homura: Papa always like this!

She run out of the office with teary eyes while Gouenji just stay calm. Then he look at the picture when Homura still a little girl along with him beside her.

Gouenji: If only learned my ability, that doesn't make you're better. *smile* I know... that you'll understand what I said.

(Next Day)

At Raimon soccer clubroom...

Everyone: Hakuren Jr. High?!

Tenma: That's right. Our opponent in the first round of the Hakuren Jr. High.

Enji: No way...

Shinji: We only reach to best 8 because lose to Hakuren last year!

Gento: To be able to fight them at the first round... this is the revenge match for us.

Kaminari: What is makes hard to fight them is their hissatsu tactics, Zettai Shoheki.

Tenma: We able to break through their Zettai Shoheki with our hissatsu tactics, Double Wing. But I'm sure that they don't use that much anymore since many school able to break through that defense.

Suiryuu: Then, what is our plan on fighting against Hakuren?

Tenma: We'll come up with a new tactics that might help us to fight against Hakuren.

Kaminari: Hakuren have the most fastest players in Japan. I, Suiryuu and Ren are the fastest here.

Suiryuu: It's true that we are the fastest among everyone here.

Ren: I'll show them who's the fastest!

Tenma: *smirk* Now, let's get training and prepare for the match!

Everyone: Yeah!

Riko and Asuka look at each other before smiling. They are happy for them because they determined to win the Soccer Festival. The players went to the Black Room 2 while Tenma is talking with Kaminari.

Tenma: Kaminari, have you complete that hissatsu technique?

Kaminari: You mean the one I come up with after Thunderbolt...? No, it didn't complete.

Tenma: Make sure you complete that technique. Before the match or during the match, make sure you able to use it.

Kaminari: Yes, sir!

(Time Skip)

One Week Later...

The team are riding in the Inazuma Caravan toward the place where the Nationals tournament will be held.

Kaiji: Geez! I can't stop from getting excited!

Asuma: What do you mean?

Kaiji: Well, this is my first time I went to the Nationals! Even not in Kaiou, representing in Raimon is still too exciting for me!

Asuma: I know how you felt! I'm so exciting myself! I'm having trouble sleep last night because of this moment!

Kaminari: Don't get too excited. If we lose at the first match, then it would be over already.

Asuma: Y-Yes, Captain!

Kaiji: Sorry, I make the moment.

Kaminari: And I want you to stay aggresive as the time when you in Kaiou. Soccer isn't that soft.

Kaiji: Sure, I'll keep up my usual play.

Homura still keep looking down while thinking about what Gouenji said. Suiryuu realized that she is so down but there's nothing he can do much.

Suiryuu(In mind): *sigh* If I wanted to help her, there's nothing I can do.

Kaminari: Homura. Homura!

Homura: Huh? Eh? What?

She look up and saw Kaminari look at her from his seat. Yuuya also take a look at her with some did.

Homura: Wh-What is it, Senpai?

Kaminari: Are you okay? You didn't pay attention much in this whole week and right now.

Homura: I-I see. Sorry, I just thinking a lot of stuff.

Kaminari: Then don't forget to concentrate during the match. We'll need your ability in the game.

Homura: R-Right...

Tenma(In mind): *glance back* If Homura doesn't clear her mind in time, she might not be able to play in the first match.

Ren: Wow! Is that the place?

Most of them look outside the window and saw the huge stadium building where all the Nationals matches are held.

Kaminari: That's where the matches will be held, the Russian roulette stadium.

Gento: That is where we lose in the Nationals and only reach best 8. We won't do that mistake again.

Enji: This will be our last matches for the third years.

Shinji: We'll win no matter. We can't afford to lose again.

Kaminari: Don't worry, we'll win this year Soccer Festival.

Asuma: Captain's right!

Suiryuu: But we shouldn't let our guard down. There will be more stronger players every year.

Then they arrived at the stadium. Many team from all around the nation come here to play and win the Nationals tournament.

(Time Skip)

At Amano Mikado Stadium...

All teams that win their district prelims went to the field and stand in one each one line each schools.

"The Soccer Festival that decides who's number one in jr. high soccer finally open it's Nationals tournament! Now, thw strong players who have won the premilinaries are gathering here at Amano Mikado Stadium in droves! I, Kakuma Keita, will being the commentary!"

Kaminari: Finally, the Nationals...

"Now an opening statement from the tournament commitee chairman, Mr. Gouenji Shuuya."

As Gouenji went on the stage, he look at the players as he give a speech.

Gouenji: Players who have won their way to fight the Nationals... I officially proclaim the opening of the Soccer Festival competition. The real fight starts right here. I look forward to seeing how you fare the challenges. And maybe the best school wins!

"Now, at last, the fierce fight begins! This year features a Russian roulette stadium, divided into five separate areas. Each team will hold their game on a ground chosen at random! And the last two schools who remain standing at the end will the finals here at Amano Mikado Stadium! The first of these don't-miss games will begin tomorrow, each at their own Russian roulette stadium!"

After hearing the speech from Gouenji as the chairman of the Youth Soccer Association, all player from all school get excited when the tournament will start tomorrow.

Kaminari: So we'll be fighting against Hakuren Jr. High, huh? It would be a tough fight for us.

Yuuya: Losing isn't an excuse.

Suiryuu(In mind): Haku-nii is watching. I'll do my best for the team!

(Next Day)

At the Festival Liner...

Since the tournament have changed the name, they change almost all of the name that have connection with Holy Road. Raimon walk near the train after they arrived at the station.

Tenma: This train will take us to the stadium where our match against Hakuren will be held.

Kaminari: Yeah.

Asuma: I'm so nervous!

Shin: Me too!

Shinji: Let's just hope that we'll win.

Kaminari: We're not hoping that we'll win. We will win this match.

???: Kaminari-kun!!

Kaminari: *shiver* Are you kidding me right now...?

He turned around and the others look at Kaminari before look where he's watching. A girl with long purplish-blue hair with snow crystal hairclip at the left and blue eyes wearing Hakuren tracksuit running toward him. The girl jumped to hug him but Kaminari dodge her and she fall on the ground, face first.

???: *mumble* You're mean...

Kaminari: Nice to see you again, Nanae...

The girl is Yukimura Nanae, the younger sister of Yukimura Hyouga. She is one of Kaminari's childhood friend. They met with Endou bring Kaminari to visit Fubuki at Hakuren. Since long time ago, Nanae has a little crush at Kaminari but he felt annoyed with it. She quickly stand up and turn to him.

Nanae: I'm so happy to see you! I love you so much because of the stoic face of you!

Kaminari: Oh boy...

Raimon Players: Love...?!

They all were suprised about it including the manager except for Tenma that already know long time ago.

???: Stop it, Nanae. Don't do that before or during the match.

It shows Nanae's older brother, Yukimura Hyouga. His appearance still the same. Now he's wearing red jacket with blue jacket inside, grey long pants and dark blue shoes.

Kaminari: Hyouga-nii.

Yukimura: It's been a long time, Kaminari-kun.

Ren: Hey, who's that?

Homura: That's Yukimura Hyouga. He's the ace striker of Hakuren when he still in jr. high.

Ren: Oh...

Then all the Hakuren players along with their coach, Fubuki Shirou, has arrived at the station. Yukimura is busy training to keep Nanae from doing too much stuff before the game.

Fubuki: It's look like that Raimon and Hakuren are destined to fight again in this year.

Tenma: Let's hope the best team wins.

Both team went into the Festival Liner. The train transport them toward the stadium where their match will be held. The choosing for the stadium is random so they won't know what kind of stadium they'll be at. After few minutes ride, they arrived at one of the five stadium. The players change into their school jersey. When the door opened, they already can feel the cold breeze from the stadium.

Riko: C-Cold...!

Asuka: Did the air conditioner have a problem or something...?

When they get to the stadium, Raimon players completely suprised. The whole stadium is covered with ice. The field is made of ice as well.

The Snowland Stadium...

"The stage for Raimon versus Hakuren is in... the Snowland Stadium! Raimon Jr. High led by Coach Matsukaze and Hakuren led by Coach Fubuki. Raimon lose to Hakuren last year, this will be their revenge match. Which of this two team will won this match? Will it be Raimon, or Hakuren? The match will begin momentarily!"

Both team went to their bench and talk with their coach while doing warm up before the match starts.

Homura: *shivering* Hey, aren't this place is too cold?

Shin: *shivering* Y-Yeah. I agree with our junior here.

Kaminari: Don't complain about this the temperature.

Most of them are having trouble on moving on the ice field because it's hard. The floor is so slippery.

Enji: Hey, it's hard to move here!

Gento: I can't use my hissatsu technique at place like this!

Kaminari: I said don't complain.

Tenma: Homura, Kaiji, I'll be benching you for now.

Kaiji: Okay.

Homura: Why me?

Tenma: We won't need your ability right now.

Homura: But...!

Tenma: That's all.

Meanwhile at the Hakuren bench...

Yukimura: Remember, we're putting everything in this match. Don't even think about holding back.

Hakuren Players: Right, Trainer Yukimura.

Yukimura: Good. *turn to Nanae* Nanae, you're the team captain. Make sure you lead the team in the right way.

Nanae: Riiight!

Yukimura: Can you be less childish at some point?

Nanae: Riiight!

Yukimura: *sigh* I don't know how to deal with you for some reason...

Fubuki: You guys, play with all you've got. Make sure you satisfied with your play.

Hakuren Players: Yes, sir!

Nanae: Kiba, Susumu, Jingo, Ataru, let's do our best!

Kiba: Captain, please being like that...

Susumu: Nothing we can do. She always like that.

After the warming up, both team went to their position on the field.

"The match will begin with Raimon's kick-off."

As the whistle blown, Yuuya pass the ball to Kaminari and they went up. Yuuya still having trouble with the ice field but Kaminari run like usual with Suiryuu and Ren follow him from behind.

"What's wrong? Only the captain Endou, Kazemaru and Suiryuu can move normally!"

Yuuya: Hey, how come you three can move without problem?

Kaminari: Use the spike at your shoes!

Ren: It'll help you to move like usual. Use it so you can slide to maintain your balance!

Shinji: Easy for you to say!

Suiryuu: Hurry and just get used with the surroundings!

"Three Raimon players went ahead toward Hakuren's field. They immediately went into offensive!"

Nanae: I knew that he'll do that in just short time.

Kiba: Let's go, Captain!

Nanae: Yeah!

Kaminari able to maintain his balance while keep the ball as Nanae and Okami tried to steal from him.

Kaminari: *back pass* Sorry.

Ren: *receive the ball* We went ahead first!

"Endou is just a feint! Okami and Yukimura fell for it!"

Nanae: Hey, no fair!

Kiba: Crap!

Ren: See you guys later! Let's go, Suiryuu!

Suiryuu: Yeah!

Ren keep running as he get pass Susumu and Jingo along with the midfielders and defenders.

"Kazemura is so fast! He able to get pass Hakuren's midfielders and defenders so quick! As expected from Raimon's fastest player!"

Ren: *pass the ball* Suiryuu-senpai!

Suiryuu: *receive the ball* Okay!

Both of them keep running toward Hakuren's defense line. As two defenders get close to Suiryuu, he pass the ball back to Ren.

Suiryuu: Score it, Ren!

Ren: Okay!

He grab the ball and spin it with his legs causing wind start to cover it when the ball engulf with green energy.

Ren: Storm Drive!

He kick the ball as it move in a small typhoon toward Hakuren's goalpost.

"Kazemaru shoot! Will be the first score for Raimon?!"

Ataru: I won't let it get in!

He push forward his right hand with holding his shoulder as a snow crystal appear in front of him.

Ataru: Crystal Barrier!

As the ball hits the crystal, it stops and freeze into an ice cude as it fall on the ground.

"He blocked it! Hakuren's goalkeeper Ataru stops the shoot with his hissatsu technique, Crystal Barrier! No goal for Raimon!"

Ren: Tch!

Ataru(In mind): *sigh* That was close... That shoot is fast, if I miss the timing it might went in...

Nanae: Ataru-kun, over here!

Ataru: Okay!

He kick the ball hard and it went right toward Nanae as she jumped and grab it. Then she run up along with Kiba.

Nanae: It's time for counter!

Kiba: Yeah!

Shinji/Asuma: We won't let you! Woah!

Before they could move toward them, their movement went unbalance because of the ice.

Kiba: Too bad that you're not good on ice field!

Nanae and Kiba keep passing the ball with each other as they keep going toward Raimon's field while Raimon players are having hard time on the field.

"Hakuren's passing are connected! They easily get pass the defense without having any trouble with the ice field!"

Shin: Nii-san, I can't move properly!

Shun: I can see that! Me too!

Gento/Enji: We all do!

Kiba: *pass the ball* Captain!

Nanae: *receive the ball* Okay!

"Yukimura is already in front of Raimon's goalpost! She now one-on-one with Hazama!"

She shout as bluish-black aura come out of her back, summoning a Keshin. Her Keshin is a woman with turquoise hair and blue eyes with snow/ice style armor, and holding a spear.

Nanae: Gousetsu no Saya!

Higashi: Sorry, but I can Keshin shoot!

Nanae: This won't be a mere Keshin shoot!

Higashi: What?

Nanae: Armed!

Saya disappear into particles of black aura with yellow highlights as the aura went to Nanae. The aura cover her and then disappear, showing that she's wearing her Keshin as armor.

Higashi: What?!

Kaminari: Nanae can use Keshin Armed?!

Kaiji: How come?!

Nanae take her position to kick the ball as Higashi take his position to catch the ball. The fight has get even more tougher.


"Nanae can use Keshin Armed? This is going to be a hard time. Raimon is struggling to win the first round so they can advance to the next one! Will Raimon be able to use Keshin Armed?"

"Next time, Hakuren's Blizzard! New Power!!

"This is super-dimensional soccer!"

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