By Ztaoffy

64.2K 13.2K 3.9K

๐ŸŒœUNEDITED and ON HOLD๐ŸŒ› Teniola Oluwademilade's parents gave her no other option than to repeat her S.S.S. 3... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Shout outs!!!
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
A quick recap of characters.
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Not An Update, but Please, Read๐Ÿฅบโค๏ธ
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Twenty Two

1K 255 27
By Ztaoffy

Someday, I want to be great and well-known as a famous writer but then, it all starts somewhere. I was checking through a profile, when I suddenly saw hers. Thank you, itz_leeyah, for making me and every other person who checks your bio  know I was one of those that inspired you to start writing. I never expected it and it means a lot🥺❤️

° ° °

"I don't care if I don't look pretty.
Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking."
- Sia.

• • •

I still couldn't process everything that happened back in class but all I know is that it made me moody all day. I shared the cakes and drinks I brought from home to people who deserved it. My friends gave me birthday gifts too and some juniors.

Today is Wednesday and we're all in the lab. We've been here since we got to school today. We had our Physics practical class first and now, we're having our Chemistry practical class.

I was on the second table with my group members; Demmie, Biola, Dami, Emmanuel, Dayo and Sarah. We were all working hand to hand. I'm glad they actually cooperated. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

"Good afternoon, sir." A junior boy who just entered the lab said to our Chemistry teacher.

"Good afternoon." He replied.

"Sir, Principal said Senior Demilade, Senior Demola, Senior Sarah and Senior Lydia should see him in his office after they're done with their class."

"Alright." Mr. Mayowa said as the junior student ran out immediately. "What did you people do?" He asked, facing us.

"We don't know ohhh." Demmie said.

"It can't be more than spelling bee." Sarah said.

"Ooh, that's true sef." I said.

"It's okay oh! Continue your work and no noise!" Mr. Mayowa said, banging his hands on his table.

We continued our practical class and after about an hour, we were done. After arranging the lab, Sarah, Lydia, Demmie and I walked to the Principal's office. Thomas decided to follow us to know what the principal wanted to say.

Aunt Tilly saw us going to the principal's office and called us. The guys grumbled and hissed while we laughed. We all entered her office. We greeted her and the guys reluctantly greeted her too.

"Where are you people going?"

"Principal is calling us." Thomas said.

"For what?" She asked.

"We don't know, ma. That's what we want to go see him for." Demmie said.

"Abi it's you people that are going for the spelling bee competition?" She said.

"Yes. Something like that." Lydia replied.

Facing Lydia, she said. "Okay. You, Jetemi and Demilade should come and meet me after you're done there oh."

"Ahh. Ma please we're busy. We still have practicals and all that." Lydia said, scratching the back of her neck.

That was a lie though, but because we didn't want to work. I bought the lie too.

"Okay oh. You can go." She said. We all walked out and headed towards the Principal's office.

"This Aunty will just be using you people like her slaves." Demmie said and hissed.

"Is it your business ni?" Lydia said, eyeing him.

"Sorry oh." Demmie said.

"She's not using us as slaves sef. We're just assisting her because she's pregnant." Jetemi said.

"It'll get worse when she gives birth. You people will turn to babysitters. Oshi sha." Demmie said and hissed again.

I laughed and they all turned to look at me. "Why is Demmie so worked up about us helping her? Shebi it's us that will get tired, why are you nah vexing on top the matter?"

"Abi oh." Thomas said.

"It's true sef. Lemme mind my business." Demmie said and all of us laughed.

By now, we've gotten to the principal's office and we were waiting for the teacher in the office to leave before we enter, so as not to interrupt their discussion. After about five minutes later, the teacher left the principal's office and we walked in one after the other.

"Good afternoon, sir." We chorused.

"Good afternoon." He said, looking at our faces one after the other. "Is this everyone of you from science class?"

"Yes, sir."

"Ademola, Demilade, Sarah and Lydia, if I'm right?"

"Yes, sir."

Looking at Thomas, he said. "So, why are you here?"

"I escorted–"

"The junior that came to call us called his name too." I said to stop Thomas from saying he only followed us here. The Principal will scold him if he should say so.

"Oh, alright. Anyway, I only called for Sarah, Ademola, Demilade and Lydia."

"Sorry, sir." He said and walked towards the door.

"I didn't tell you to leave, did I?" The Principal said to him.

"No, sir."

"Then stay. I never said you can't listen to what I called them here for too."

"Oh, alright sir." He walked back to where he stood before.

"Anyway, we got a message from the Ministry of Education in the state that five students would be representing for the state-capital spelling bee, not three anymore. We've picked those of you to represent us. The four of you and Ella from B class are the participants. I want you all to start preparing from now on. You all must get to the finals and bring the trophy home. Can you hear me?!"

"Yes, sir." We chorused.

"Excuse me, sir." Demmie said.

"Yes? Any question?"

"Sir, what about Lilian Moris? She's pretty good and she was one of the second position in the spelling bee yesterday."

"Of course. She should have joined you but she has a speech to deliver at a meeting with the governor that very day. The teachers and I found out she's the right and most qualified person to deliver the speech from your set, with the senior boy and girl so she'd be going with them that day while you people go for your competition."

"Alright, sir."

"As I said, no more playing around for you. This is a time to prepare hard for your WAEC exams and also this competition."

"Yes sir."

"Sir, what about Alex?" Sarah asked.

Oh, true. Why isn't she representing the school? I thought they planned to take her with us since she's pretty good in spellings.

"She'll be representing the school for the state spelling bee, since she's in SS2."

"Alright, sir." Sarah said.

"You can get going. Don't forget everything I told you guys, okay?"

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." We said and walked out of the class. Immediately we were out of the principal's office, they started arguing.

"Wait oh, how come five people want to represent one school?" Demmie said.

"Seriously, it's not possible." Thomas said.

"But that's what they want nah. They probably decided to change their rules this year." Sarah said.

"Or maybe three people are actually spelling, while the other two would be part of the audience." I said.

"Ah mad oh." Demmie said.

"That one will be worse oh, people will vex." Thomas said.

"Till then sha. All of us will sha prepare." Lydia said.

"Abi nah." Sarah said.

The day went on like that, uneventful. Most of the guys played games all through, while most B class girls were with their phones all through. Some of us just placed books on our tables but didn't read. We just kept talking.

When it was closing time, everyone left the hall to buy things outside the school gate. Some were leaving for their homes already. Since our WAEC starts next week, they've stopped the evening lesson with us. They only advise us to read. Some of us choose to stay till 5:00pm still. I'm one of them.

Thomas, Demmie and I have started our own study group. Though, we get distracted with stupid discussions most times, it still helped alot. Reading with them was both fun and helpful. Sometimes, either of us buys snacks for everyone. So, we eat while studying and it's just so much fun for me.

I checked my wristwatch for the time. It was 3:30pm already. The guys were not back from outside the school yet. I wonder if they've forgotten we have study class this evening. While waiting, I brought out my Maths series, a pen and a notebook to start solving till they arrive. I was in number four already when someone drew a chair to my side and sat down. I raised my head to see it was Demmie. He placed his two legs on the book on my table.

Hitting his leg lightly, I said. "Guy, take your leg. You'll stain my book."

Smiling a bit to me, he said. "And if I don't?"

"Oya, please ah." I said.

He lifted his legs from the table and placed it on the floor, sitting properly. He took my Series on the table and began to open the pages.

"Demmie, I'm reading nah. Get your books and start reading too, don't disturb me. By the way, where's Thomas?"

"He didn't tell you?"

"That?" I asked, raising my eyebrows in a confused way.

"He's a bit sick. So, I told him to go home to rest."

"Awwn, my baby. He didn't even tell me." I said.

"Pele oh, because you're his mum abi?"

"Whatever jare. Give me my Series and let's read." I said.

"We ain't reading today." He said, closing the series and dropping it in my table.


"We want to talk about someone." He said, placing his legs on my table again.

"Stop placing your leg on my table seh. Are you in your father's house?"

"Shut up and stop talking like a teacher jare. It doesn't fit you." He said, eyeing me a bit.

"Whatever. Who do you want to talk about and why do you want to do ofofo about someone?"

Smirking, he said. "It's called gossip, not ofofo. Stop putting Yoruba words in between English sentences."

"Pele oh, dictionary." I said.

"Anyway, it's about you sha." He said, staring at me.

"What? Me? Why? What happened?" I was surprised. Why does he want to talk about me?

"Calm down nah." He said.

"I'm calm. What happened?"

"Apparently, yesterday was your birthday and you've been dull since yesterday afternoon. What's wrong? Is it because I didn't give you birthday gift? Come on, you're not a baby nah–"

Laughing at his stupid words, I said. "Shut up, guy. Why will I be dull because of birthday present? I wasn't even expecting presents before sef."

"So, what happened?"

"Nothing jor. Mood swings."

"It's lie that will still kill you, this girl." He said, staring at me disgustingly.

"I'm not lying nah." I said.

"Shut up. Tell me, what's wrong?"

"Well, Daniel almost kissed me and Jared walked in at that moment. I'm sure he's annoyed with me." I said.

"Jared? You like him?"


"Since when?" He asked, staring at me.

"Ahah, how does that one concern you bai?"

"Hmm. Anyway, have you tried talking to him?" He said.

"No, I'm shy, kind of. We don't really talk in school sef. We only chat."

"And you're here saying he'll be mad at you. Tell him everything nah, so he won't have the wrong impression. You know the type of person Jared is, he has pride. He'll never ask about what happened from you. He'll just keep watching you."

I sighed. "I'll try. I'll message him when I get home today."

"Message who? Are you normal bai? I said you should talk to someone, you're saying you want to message him. Explain everything to him in school. If you tell him face to face, he'll know you're really serious about it."

"But I'm . . ." I stopped halfway.

"Shy? When did you suddenly turn shy because of a boy?"

"I've always been shy when it comes to guys I like."

Raising an eyebrow, he said. "This one you're talking to me freely, does that mean you don't like me again bai?"

"No nah. You're my number one person." I said, about to laugh but holding it in.

Smiling to me, he said. "Better oh." He dropped his leg from my table and dusted his shirt. The shirt didn't have any dirt though, I wonder why he dusted it. "So, try to call him aside, maybe tomorrow and tell him sha."

"No problem. Thanks a lot."

"And you too, cheer up. Before you look like a living ghost." He said as he stood up. He turned to start walking towards the door. I stood up too and walked closer to him.

"Demmie." I said and he turned back to look at me. I walked to meet him and hugged him. He didn't hug me back at first.

"I wonder what this is for but oh well, it's good." He said and hugged me back.

"Thank you so much. Talking with you really helped." I said, smiling. He couldn't see my face though, because he was still hugging me.

Laughing, he said. "Sia said '. . .but even superwoman sometimes needed superman's soul.' I'm your superman mehn."

"Something like that." I said and we both laughed. After about two minutes, he released me from the hug and I smiled to him. He winked and turned to walk out the hall. He was about leaving when Fiyin walked in.

"Demilade, your dad is waiting for you outside." Fiyin said.

"My dad ke?" I asked.

Why will my dad come to pick me in school? It's so unusual.

"Ehn nah. He's waiting outside sha."

"Alright, thanks." I said to him and began to pack my books in my bag while Fiyin walked out of the hall together with Demmie.


Hey guys! I love you guys so much to be honest. Y'all have given my book a total of 19+ reads and 2.5+ votes. I really love you all❤️ By the way, all the comments i haven't replied in the past chapters, i'll definitely still reply them. Thank you so much🥺 Each and every of your comments made me smile😩❤️☺️

I received so many messages to update too. Thank you all so much, I really appreciate your efforts. I promise to post all of your reviews on this book as a chapter when I'm done with this book. Thank you so much and God bless you😊❤️🌈  Y'all are the best, for real🥰  Stay home and stay safe, please🙏❤️

- Tao.

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