๐™ฒ๐™ท๐™พ๐™ธ๐™ฒ๐™ด๐š‚ ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ’š

By Pretty_Vibess

54.6K 1.2K 463

"I had a choice to tell you or not too" ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ’š -Two hearts one bond ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’š๐’๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ ๏ฟฝ... More

Meet The Cast ๐Ÿšจ
27 ๐Ÿ’š


1.4K 38 9
By Pretty_Vibess

Kay's pov 🤍

Fast forward to Lunch

Everybody was sitting at the table talking about the party tomorrow. But I was distracted by something else.

I would've loved it there huh 😅

Yep you already knew that tho that's why you txtin me 😌

Lol ok shordy you got it like that I'm fucking wit you 🖤

As I looked down at my phone I couldn't help but smile. I like this lil game we're playing it's fun and he's kind of intriguing to me. "What you up to girl" Key said trying to look in my phone. "Boy nothing now mine yours" I said with a smile. "You haven't said anything this whole time but you been all in yo phone smiling" Daija pitched in.

"Girl I been watching Instagram videos that's all" I said lying. It wasn't a secret or anything I just didn't want the boys trying to scare him off. Especially when he already thinks I got a thing for key. Which I don't. I was definitely going to tell Daija later when we got home though.


Just then the lunch bell had rang letting us know to clear out. We had last lunch but everybody decided to skip last bell to prep for the party. So I rode with Key and Daija rode with Waun and Ray. "So what's up Kay you been in yo phone all day and I'm not buying that Instagram shit" he stated. "Haha boy calm yo ass down you don't pay this phone bill so I don't gotta tell you what's going on in it" I smartly replied. "Oh forreal" he questioned while still watching the road.

"Yep" I simply stated going back to what I was doing. "Bet" he said then grabbed my phone and stuck it out the window. "Tell me Kay or I'll drop it" he threatened. "Boy gimme my damn phone back before I crash us ion gotta tell you shit you ain't my daddy" I shouted reaching over him trying to get my phone. Maybe I was doing too much but I didn't feel like I was obligated to tell him shit and the fact that he thinks that I have to pissed me off he was fucking bugging.

"Kay stop fucking playing with me" he demanded as he turned into a parking lot. He turned the car off and just stared at me. "We won't go anywhere until you tell me" he stated. "Ughhh not this stupid shit again Keshawn if I don't want to tell you I don't fucking have to who the hell do you think you are you don't control me" I yelled at him. "Who you getting loud with" he shouted back grabbing me by my neck pulling me closer to him.

"You nigga" I sassed getting in his face while he still had me by my neck. "Ohh you lucky you my best ughh I would just mmm" he stated making me laugh at his reaction. Whenever we were in an argument he'd choke my lil ass up just to see who was going to back down first me or him. To be honest it was usually me but not this time. He had me fucked up but I couldn't help but laugh at how he reacted to giving in.

"Look we can stay mad at each other like this or we can forget this happened and go to the party so we can prep" I calmly said. "Aigh-" he got cut off by a phone call. "Yo" he said answering the phone. "You sure Aight bye" he said getting off of the phone. "That was Mere he said they don't need us anymore they got everything they need for the party tomorrow" he stated. "What about Daija" I questioned. "Waun's taking her home" he assured. "Oh ok" I said.

He started the car and I assumed we were headed for Daija's house so he could take me home. "You hungry" he questioned. "Yea" I answered. It was quiet and awkward and I didn't like that. "Key you mad at me" I questioned. "Nope" he plainly answered. "Yes you are, I'm sorry Best" I apologized. I really hated when we weren't talking or were mad at each other and I didn't feel like being at odds with him so I just apologized.

"You good ion care" he said coldly. "Key why you being like that" I asked. "Being like what kay?" he asked back. "Do you really wanna know that bad cause it's not that serious key you dragging it" I said. "Nah cause I would think us having a whole conversation about this secret shit yesterday would establish the fact that we're not keeping shit from each other anymore" he said annoyed. "Bro that's why you mad cause I won't tell you what I'm doing on my phone, really Key" I said giggling.

"Nah never mind forget it cause I don't see what's funny" he stated. "It's funny because it's not that serious and you're making it deeper than what it is" I said. "I met a boy he gave me his number and were texting, that's it that's all" I confessed. "You did all that over a nigga I should find out who he is and beat his ass" he stated. "Whatever we good now" I questioned. "Yea Kay we good just don't be mad when I get me a shordy and start not telling you about her" he said. "Boy boo your girlfriend's stalk me I'll find out about her and not tell you" I said joking.

"Yea Aight" he said pulling into a chick-fil-a drive-thru. We waited in line and got our food then he was on his way to Daija's house to drop me off. "Aye do you still got all my school work and shit" he asked. "Yep it's in my folder at the house" I told him. "Aight bet" he stated. "We can go over there and you can help me catch up" he said. "Aight fasho" I agreed.

10 mins later

We pulled up at the house and got the food and got out of the car. Aunt Brittney was still at work and didn't get off till later and Daija was still with ray and them. So it was just me and Key per usual though. "Aye Kay the food a lil cold ima microwave it and you can get the books and stuff" he said. "Aight sure" I responded.

I went upstairs in the room to get all his work. It was in a folder on my nightstand. I grabbed it and some pencils and books and headed downstairs. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs I smelled the delicious scent of chick fil a fries. I walked in the kitchen and he had microwaved all the food and was currently putting it on plates or was about to before I stopped him.

"Boy what you doing we gotta wash those" I said taking the dish out of his hand. "Use the plastic ones" I slowly said placing the plate in his hands. "Girl get outta hea with that I ain't slow" He stated laughing. "Mhmm sure" I sarcastically spoke. "Cmon let's just get to work" he said Walking to the living room where the books were. "Haha Aight boy bet" I stated getting the work out.

30 mins later
Since we took a little cat nap after eating we ended up finishing late and by the time we actually did finish it was nighttime. Daija had gotten home and so did my aunt Brittney but we were upstairs in my room studying so no problems. "Aight Kay that's it we done we did it best" he cheered high-fiving me. "Yes now all you gotta do is go home and sleep cause tomorrow we got that science test in Ms.Spencers class" I reminded.

"Aight cool I'll see you tomorrow love you Kay" he said putting on his shoes getting ready to leave. "Wait let me walk you out" I told him putting on my jacket. I walked him out and made sure he got in his car safe. "Aight see you later Key love you night" I said giving him a hug and walking back to the house. "Love you too" he stated before pulling off.

Excuse any mistakes luvs 💕 I tried to make sure they were all gone but if you read and still spotted a few my apologies 🤍

Now that I got that out the way y'all  already know what I'm about to say 😂


1. Do you guys think that Keshawn overreacted a lil when kay didn't tell him what she was doing on her phone 🤔

(Ion kno abt y'all but I feel like he ODED js a bit)

2. Do y'all think daija and the guys were able to handle prepping for the party or do you think they probably screwed it up in some way 🤷🏾‍♀️

3. And last but not least are y'all ready for this party because I'm pretty sure some shit is about to go down stay tuned 😚

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