By forestfae7

2.1K 146 36

❝ You are quite the character Mr. Edgeworth. I do not understand what you have done to me, or what caused the... More

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139 11 1
By forestfae7


【( 03 )】

Miles Edgeworth was taken aback by the girls unusual formalities, wondering how such an unimportant character would speak in such a manor that mimicked his own. Nevertheless, he kept his well-known cold gaze fixated onto her.

"I look forward to working with you," Vivienne stretched out her hand but Edgeworth was too stuck in his mind to even pay attention. A female like her, so young, work with him. This must be some kind of joke, he thought to himself.

The young girl held her hand out, but realizing that he wasn't going to take it, repelled it back. However, she didn't seem cross, or even annoyed, she simply glued on a warm smile, "I see. Don't do handshake sir? No need for worries, I know plenty others who posses the same qualities."

"I don't have time for impractical jokes," Miles spoke, sending a shiver down Viv's spine. His tone was like ice, and yet it sent her into a wave of unknown emotions. Miles was overcome by annoyance just staring at the girl in front of him. A complete waste of time.

Detective Gumshoe was looking back and forth between the two figures beside him. One with such a joyous attitude, and the other cold as night. Vivienne cleared her throat, ignoring his last comment, seeing as the man had been so lost in thought that he needed a step back into reality, "Anyways, enough with that. My name is Vivienne Autry. I'd be stopping by the Prosector's Office later today so I do hope we meet again," Vivienne took one last look before paying her full attention to Gumshoe. Although the man was attractive, his lack of social skills was clearly evident that it wasn't going to get anywhere.

"Detective, Chief Gant has informed me that you will be showing me to my office so whenever you find the time to be right, I shall take my bidding downstairs for a bit of exploration," Viv's tone was similar to a strong, yet passionate woman who's eyes were filled with growth and achievement. Edgeworth couldn't help but to look at the girl. She had a petite figure but had such a strong sense of appraisal that it came off as flattering. In fact, something about the girl left him curious for more, like an unread book hidden in the back of the shelf.

"Right! I can take you there now!" Detective Gumshoe said with a shout of happiness, knowing that he'll get to spend time with someone who treated him fairly unlike Von Karma.

"Well, off we go then," Vivienne trudged on down the hallways before turning back to meet Edgeworth's gaze, "Oh, it was a pleasure meeting you Mr. Edgeworth." And with that, she was off onto her own little adventure with the detective.

Edgeworth stood flabbergasted at the whole situation. He hadn't uttered more than a single sentence yet he felt like this woman knew everything. With a shake of his head, erasing the unnecessary thoughts, he entered Chief Gants office to discuss an upcoming case revolving around the death of a councilman.

As soon as Miles stepped into the office, he was greeted with the informality of Chief Gant. "Worthy boy! How nice of you to visit!"

Miles tried his best not to roll his eyes at the Chief, knowing well enough that it was rude to do so. Even so, he couldn't stand him. The way he talked, the way his tone was always too loud, the way he clapped and clammered, everything about him screamed loud and obnoxious, something Miles had little patience with. However, this was the Deputy Chief of Police, and he had to play his best to fit the role.

"I simply came by to run over evidence about the Laren Mills Case," Miles declared, taking a seat across the Chief. Damon Gant thought about it clearly, deciding whether or not he should put the new employee to the test. Her paperwork was impressive, he thought, so an interest spiked in him.

"Oh Worthy! You won't be answering to me anymore!" Chief Gant boomed out with a sly smirk on his face.

Miles face looked cross once those words echoed out of his mouth. What kind of game is this man playing at, Miles thought to himself.

"As you know Worthy, we have a Deputy Chief now! And you'll be answering to her from now on."

Edgeworth did hear about the new employee coming in but didn't expect the time to be so soon. "Her office is simply down the hall. You'll find the name Deputy Chief plated on it! Ohoho!" Gant boomed out with happiness at having his work now spilt in half with the new employee's arrival. He knew, somewhere in his heart, that she was meant to do wonderful things.

Miles didn't bother to say another word, but instead, nodded his head before walking into the hallway. His head scanned the various offices plastered with nameplates and job descriptions until he stumbled upon one who simply had the word Deputy Chief scribbled on, without a name.

Edgeworth didn't take it into consideration much. All he wanted to do was get his evidence confirmed by the department and be on his way back to his office. Since this was a new employee, Mile's bothered to knock on the door before letting himself in without hearing a word from the other side to come in.

To his astonishment, Detective Gumshoe stood at the end of a large desk, and the petite girl he had seen before was sitting in it.

"Well, what do you partake of the office Mr. Gumshoe," Vivienne let out a joyous laughter, taking in every crevice of her new office. It was big, much larger than the one back home, and had plenty of privacy. The walls were practically, soundproof, so she could easily focus on her work without erupting in a pit of migraines by obnoxious workers.

"It looks amazing Deputy!" Gumshoe commented, slightly envious of the enormous area she had managed to get. However, he knew that she must be someone special to be able to get a place like this at such a young age.

"Oh please, you can just call me Ms. Autry-," Suddenly, a knock was heard on the door but before Vivienne was able to let the individual in with a holler, he opened the door without any invitation. Not to her surprise, Mr. Edgeworth stood at the doorway, holding some documents along with a bag full of what she can only assume was evidence.

"Oh, Mr. Edgeworth, nice of you to stop by!"

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