HTTYD One-Shots

By nightfurywrider

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My one-shots of Hiccup and the gang in the Viking/canon era with the dragons! Some may have trigger warnings... More

Not A Baby Dragon
Memorial Feast
Birthday Blues
A Mother's Love
To The Gates of Valhalla
The Hofferson Lullaby
Anniversary Surprises
Path to Acceptance
An (Unfortunately) Tuff Lesson
Saved By Jealousy
Return to the Great Beyond (part 1)
Return to the Great Beyond (part 2)
Bonds by a Hiccup
The Bright Side of Farewells
Loki Day Mishaps
Saving Snoggletog


985 8 0
By nightfurywrider

"Bye Astrid, and I'm really sorry you have to do this, I don't have a choice," Hiccup sighed as he saddled Toothless and packed some books, with Astrid scowling at him with crossed arms.

Hiccup and Fishlegs were departing to explore and carry out research on another island for two days, and had to leave the rest of the gang behind as Snotlout and the twins would just be a major distraction to their calculations. This also meant that someone had to stay back to "babysit" them, and there's only someone else left: Astrid. Oh, and not to forget that Gustav would be staying over at the Edge for the next few days and someone had to help him settle in when he arrives in the late afternoon. The fact that Gustav would be showing up definitely did not make Astrid feel any better.

"Hiccup, freaking Gustav is coming, aren't you worried he and Snotlout are gonna team up and flirt heavily with me? Neither care about the fact that I'm betrothed," Astrid complained, obviously trying her best to come up with a convincing excuse.

"If that does happen, I'm pretty sure you have the strength to toss them both back to Berk, and I'll be back to feed them to the Edgewings first thing tomorrow morning."

Astrid groaned in annoyance and surrendered to Hiccup for the first time ever. "Fine."

Hiccup sighed and walked over to the hot-headed blonde, giving her a hug. "I'm sorry, I would love for you to come with us since you're not as distracting as the others, but we really need someone here to watch the Edge, especially in the presence of the four dumbest knuckleheads of Berk. I promise we'll go for an evening flight tomorrow night, how does that sound?"

Astrid smirked. "Oh you better not forget that or the Edgewings will get to eat three people," she replied while elbowing his stomach, earning an "oof" from the scrawny boy.

"Sure thing," he wheezed out. At the same time, Fishlegs and Meatlug flew over, beckoning Hiccup to leave.

Hiccup turned to Astrid. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be here as early as possible," giving her a kiss on the cheek before mounting Toothless and departing, leaving Astrid alone, waving from the clubhouse.

As soon as the two disappeared over the horizon, she heard an explosion behind her, bringing her back to her senses. "Ugh, Ruffnut, Tuffnut I swear..."


Evening arrived. Astrid was losing her mind with the twins and Gustav when he made an obnoxiously grand entrance in the afternoon. Ever since then he trie every moment he had flirting with her, knowing that Hiccup wasn't around. What she didn't expect was a surprisingly well behaved Snotlout. Wow.

It was only after dinner did she realise something was up with Snotlout and decided to talk to him. She too needed someone to talk to, since Gustav is purely insane and the twins were too busy blowing up things.

Astrid left her hut and found Snotlout grooming Hookfang outside the clubhouse. He was too distracted by Hookfang's teeth that he didn't even notice Astrid approach him, until she tapped his shoulder, earning her an ear piercing shriek.

"For the love of- Astrid! Don't do that, especially at night, we're on the Edge for Thor's sake, not Berk. Anything could happen." Hookfang snorted as he watched his rider freak out.

"Huh yeah whatever," she said while rolling her eyes. "Since when were you so serious... and paranoid?"

"Aaaaaand since when did you care about how I am? It's not your business, is it?" he shot back, turning back to Hookfang's teeth.

"Since I noticed how sane you were today. Seriously, what's wrong with you?"

"Look, I'm gonna say this once and only once alright? Tuffnut burnt my bed to ashes and Gustav is taking my spare bed, so I'm planning to bunk with the dragons for the night till Hiccup returns. I wasn't in the mood of taking advantage of Hiccup's absence on you because of that, and it made me realise what an idiot I've been towards you as I watched Gustav chase after you the entire day. So let's just say that I'm sorry for the chaos I've caused and I swear to Odin I wont be on your nerves ever again," Snotlout said in one breath.

Astrid was shocked, and also a bit impressed. "Wow, the great Snotlout has had a moment of reflection and is apologising. And it all started with your bed turning into ashes."

"I'm trying to be sincere to you, Astrid."

"And I'm fully aware of that," Astrid replied with a genuine smile. "I'm glad you realised my frustration with guys like you, and it's fine, after all we're still friends right?"

Snotlout turned to face her. "Right. Thank you Astrid," he said, returning the smile.

"Oh and you don't need to wait for Hiccup to return to fix your bed problem, he placed me in charge until then. So instead of sleeping with the dragons, how about you use Fishlegs' hut for the night?" Astrid suggested.

Snotlout immediately lit up. "Really? Thank you so much Astrid! The red beast here would've lit me on fire in the middle of the night," he replied as he glared at Hookfang, with the dragon looking away innocently.

Astrid laughed and said good night to him, petting Hookfang's snout before walking back. She stopped on the way, shouting back "dont forget to not touch anything in his house or Hiccup will kill us!"

Snotlout showed thumbs up back as a reply, then turned back to scrubbing Hookfang's horns. Astrid made her way back to her hut and off to bed.

The next morning, Hiccup and Fishlegs returned as soon as she finished her breakfast. She ran out of the clubhouse to greet them, grinning ear to ear, and engulfed Hiccup in a tight hug as he dismounted Toothless.

"Someone in a cheery mood I see. Not much a problem right?" Hiccup chuckled.

"Oh the twins and Gustav were a pain, but seems like Snotlout had some development in his personality. Probably wouldn't have survived if he was his usual self. I let him sleep in Fishlegs' hut last night, Tuffnut burnt his bed to ash, and his spare was occupied by Gustav," she explained calmly, her grin still on her face.

"Nice work, I'm proud of you," Hiccup replied. "Tell me all the details during our flight tonight."

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