The Student of A Raven (Male...

By VinylScratch7

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Follow the story of Y/N on how he became the student of Raven Branwed and how he became the world known Hunt... More

Chapter 1: The Student of the Black Raven
Chapter 2: Black And Red
Chapter 3: Beacon I
Chapter 4: Beacon II
First ever Story art for The Student of a Raven
Art scene from Chapter 4
A Fan art by Me Before and After
Chapter 5: Beacon III
Chapter 6: Beacon IV
Chapter 7:Beacon V
Chapter 8: New Start
Chapter 9: First Day
Chapter 10: Jaune Arc
Chapter 11: Fall Part 1
New Art and Chapter 13 will be up soon
Chapter 13: Change
Chapter 14: A New Semester
Chapter 15: In Thought
Chapter 16: Arrival
Chapter 17: Group
Chapter 18: The Plan
Chapter 19: Investigation
Chapter 20: Round One
Chapter 21: Journey Part I
Chapter 22: Journey Part II
Chapter 23: Journey Part III
Chapter 24: Journey IV
Merry Christmas!!
Chapter 25: Journey V
Chapter 26: Journey VI
Merry Christmas to my Readers!

Chapter 12: Fall part 2

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By VinylScratch7

Chapter 12: Fall Part 2

Written by: VinylScratch7

Its been three hours and you couldnt sleep for some odd reason, getting up from your bed you look out the window and see the crack moon. Its been weeks and you couldnt help that Jaune might be stress about something.

As you were going to retrieve towards the window, from a far you spotted somebody in the roof by the left side of the building, curious about this you grab your Jacket and walk out of your room and someone how you knew who it was on the roof.


You opened arrived towards the entrance of the room and slightly opened the metal door, spotting Jaune standing and eyeing the moon like you were just a minute ago. Completly opening the door Jaune get spook and notice you standing behind him.

"Oh Y/N heh what you doing up so late" Jaune asked making you to walk towards him and stand next to him.

You look up towards the moon and shrug "Meh you know, couldnt sleep" You said getting Jaune to nod and continue on looking up towards the sky.

Neither of you exchanges word, only thing that the two of you did was looking towards the sky, you look towards Jaune and you notice some hint of sadness in his eyes. You smirk and got back looking towards the sky.

"Alright whats wrong." You ask getting Jaune to look at you.

"Oh..nothing really" Jaune Lied.

"Jaune i could tell that you have something in your mind, so spill it." You said crossing your arms and eyeing him.

He looks towards the ground and was in thought for a moment " you think im going be a good Hunter?"

Raising an eyebrow in confusion on his question "What you mean?"

"I Mean...Huh we've been at this school for almost two or four weeks now and i dont feel any progress on my training." Jaune said.

"Yeah so, Jaune your starting out nobody perfect"

"Easy for you to say!" Jaune shouts getting you shock by his outburst

"All my life i wanted to be like my father and his father before him..." Jaune looks towards the ground. "But all i did was cheat my way here"

"What you mean Jaune?" You said in confusion.

"I Cheated Y/N..i dont belong here. im no warrior like you or the others." Jaune said while feeling hurt inside.

"Jaune..dont say that come on...what if you cheated to get in this school, so what" You were about place your hand on Jaune Shoulder but he suddenly slaps it.

"No you dont dont understand that im dont understand that im a failure at everything....i cant even unlock my semblance or get cardin off my back..."

You were about to say something but Jaune stormed out the roof and dissapered towards the exit getting you worried about your friend..



"Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so." Professor Goodwitch said.

It was broad daylight and you and your classmate are now located in the foever falls, after the event of last night you couldnt stop thinking on hows Jaune doing, you stab the tree with your tool to collect the sap and waited till the jar was full.

For few moments of silence you suddenly felt somebody next to you, Blake was collecting her sap in the tree next to you and right now you didnt felt like having a conversation with anyone so you stood quiet.

"You've been quiet since this morning, anything you want to talk about" Blake said.

"Hm.." You stood quiet for a moment.

"Come on..will be here all day so whats on your mind." Blake said while pulling out her book and waited for the sap and you answer her.

You sigh in defeat, you explain to her about everything that happen about last night and as of right now you didnt know what to do in this situation, you never had friends in your childhood and you never knew how to solve this problem, somehow you just want to help Jaune and to let him know that he's not alone.

"Give him a push" Blake said closing her book and looking at you "Jaune is somehow lost..he trying to find the right direction to catch up with his friends where there in all in a difference direction than the rest of why not you give him the right direction...sometimes a little push at the right direction can make a difference" Blake said with a light smile.

You look towards the ground "How should i do that?" You ask

"You are a smart boy Y/N you can figure it out." Blake said.

Her word was now in your head and somehow something telling you to find him and talk with him about his situation he's in right now. You got up from where you were sitting and went to get Jaune. At a far distance Pyrrah notice you leaving your tree and got curious on where you were going.


You were searching for Jaune everywere and somehow you couldnt find him, you asked some of the students but they didnt saw him.

"No" You heard Jaune voice getting you to look towards the source on where it came from

"Jaune?" You said while getting closer on where that voice from.

Getting closer and closer you stop in a little hill side where you could see Jaune Plus Cardin and his Group. You slowly crouched down and listened to their conversation.

"No." Jaune said towards Cardin getting him aggrivated

"What did you say?" Cardin said getting closer to Jaune while standing infront of him.

"I said... NO!" Jaune grips the jar tightly knowing the fear that bundling up inside of him.

He turns and throws the jar at Cardin, instantly recoiling his hands to himself as he looks at Cardin's breastplate covered in sap. The other team leader, however, just looks at himself and laughs darkly.

"Oh you done it now" Cardin said.

Jaune humorously laughs to himself once more with his hands still raised in an attempt for defense as Dove Bronzewing and Sky Lark grab Jaune's shoulders and pull him in so his terrified eyes.

You were about to help him but then i thought pop in your mind that if Jaune wants Cardin to knock it off he needs to confront him. So You stood still and Watch the whole scenario.

"You know that wasn't very smart, Jauney boy." Cardin picks up a bruised Jaune again while the rest of Team CRDL watches and you were on top of the hill watching "I'm gonna make sure they send you back to mommy in teeny tiny pieces."

Jaune head hanging back "I don't care what you do to me..." he looks at Cardin with fury and you shows a smirk "... but you are not messing with my team."

"Thats a start" You said while watching the scenery

"What? You think talk like that makes you tough? You think you're a big strong man now?" Cardin said while feeling fury building up to him.

Jaune smiles in defiance. An enraged Cardin roars and raises his fist again, but just as the hit connects, a bright light shines from Jaune, and when the white fades from the screen, Cardin is crying out in pain as he holds his hand.

"I knew you have a semblance Jaune" You said while smiling at your friend.

Jaune, now back on the ground but completely healed, looks confusedly at his hands as they faintly glow white. While he stares, though, Sky Lark kicks Jaune in the back and gets him on his stomach, but he looks up and glares at the approaching Cardin.

"Okay enough watching" You said while watching Jaune getting gang up.

As you were about to get closer to help your friend, out of nowhere a huge ursa came next to, it was too late you were sent flying to the near by tree where Cardin and the other were.

"Y/N!" Jaune said while witnessing you crashing in the tree.

It leaps forward and stands over the terrified students, lifting its head in the air to smell the sap on Cardin's breastplate. It lands back on its forelegs and roars at Cardin while his teammates heroically flee.

"That's a big Ursa!" Russel said.

You were trying to get up from the ground but your body was in so much pain that you couldnt move that much, lifting your head you see the ursa getting close to Cardin, it was attracted to the sap on cardin chestplate.

"Jaune help cardin" You said with a weak voice and getting up from the ground while holding your injured arm where you were forcefully hit by the tree.

Meanwhile, the roar of the giant Ursa is heard by the members of Teams RWBY and JNPR, still collecting sap on the other side of the forest.

"Did you guys hear that?" Ruby said

Suddenly, the remaining members of Team CRDL are seen running the other way from the roar through the other students.

"Ursa Ursa!" Russel screams while accidently runs into Yang.

Yang unfazed by his collusion she picks him up by the front of his shirt "Where?"

"Back there! It's got Cardin and it got the Y/N kid pretty bad!" Russels said

Pyrrah drops her sap and remember that Jaune was with Cardin "Jaune!"

"Yang! You and Blake, go get Professor Goodwitch!" Ruby orders getting Yang to drop Cardin and ran to get the professor with blake while


Cardin is attempting to run from the following Ursa, but it leaps over its prey and claws him away. He tries to get up and crawl away.

"Crap Crap!"

Pyrrah, Weiss and Ruby arrives at the scenes and they spotted Jaune trying to lure away the Ursa while also noticing you bleeding in one arm and trying to help out as the best you could.

"Y/N!" Ruby screams your name but it was no avail you couldnt hear her.

They watch as the Ursa leans over the helpless victim, raising its paw and swiping it down... only to be blocked by Jaune's shield, Crocea Mors. He struggles to defend a stunned Cardin from its attempts to lean on him, but Weiss lifts Myrtenaster as she prepares to go help.

"Wait!" Pyrrah stops Weiss and continue watching the scene.

Jaune takes the shield out from the Ursa's paw and slashes at its stomach, causing it to lash out and try to crush him. He rolls out of the way and jumps over its swipe at his feet, but he is unprepared for when it launches a claw at him in midair. He lands far away, yet is immediately back on his feet and passing Cardin as he charges again. The Ursa knocks Jaune behind it when he tries for a leaping attack, and he looks at the Scroll in his shield to find out that his Aura level is in the red. He grows angry again and starts to run at the Ursa as it also begins to dash towards him.

As they are just about to clash in slow-motion, Pyrrha sees that Jaune has left himself completely open to the Ursa's attack, and lifts her hand out to him, gathering dark red energy in her arm. Just as the Ursa is about to hit him, the glow surrounds Jaune's shield and makes it lift up to block the swipe. Jaune uses the surprise defensive move to lean on the ground, push his shield back up, and swing his blade right through the Ursa's neck. The head falls to the ground as the body slams onto the ground.

Ruby smiles "Uhh..what?"

"How did you...?" Weiss was amazed and look at Pyrrah.

As Pyrrah was about to explain her semblance, far at a distance a hooded figure was laughting and was watching the whole scenery "Oh fun wont stop here" He said while send a needle towards the Ursa corpse getting a blood red glow gettting you to first notice it before Jaune and Cardin.

"Wait.." Pyrrah notice the Ursa getting up and was Shock on this Event "That...impossible..." Pyrrah said.

As the red blood Ursa roars furiously up in the air and was about to strike down his prey Jaune and Cardin his paw was stopped by you who was holding the vicious animal, you scream in pain while holding the animal paw with both arms.

"Y/N!" Jaune scream in shock while seeing his friend holding off the Grimm.

"GO!" You scream while still in places.

"What about you!" Cardin screams.

"Just get the teacher! im not going to let neither of you die even tho if the other one is a jerk." You said while feeling the Ursa putting more strength into his paw making you make a little gap in the ground and getting you to spit blood.

"Lets go Jaune!!" Caridn said while pulling him away from the scene.

"NO Y/N let me help!" Jaune said while strungling Cardin grip.

"Dont worry ill be fine.." You said with a smile.

Jaune saw your smile and then let Cardin take him where the girls was standing, he place Jaune next to them and then turn around where the Ursa and Y/N was standing. Goodwitch, Yang and Blake arrived in the scene while noticing you were in quite a pickle.

"Y/N" Goodwitch said while preapare to attack the Grimm.

Yang flown towards the Ursa hitting it with couple of blows but it was no avail, the monster wouldnt face, the whole team of RWBY and JNPR tried to help out and couldnt do much damage to the monster not even the teacher.

Yang quickly looks at her Teachers for some hope "HELP HIM!"

Goodwitch was thinking on what to do but at that very moments in her thoughts a loud slam with a huge crater was made getting everyone shock by the monster doing.

"Y/N!!!!" Everybody screams

You were down in the ground bleeding heavely while still under the monster paw, you were about to pass out until the sound of a sword and mace connected in the monster backside, the Ursa turns and see's Cardin and Jaune hitting the monster together. While it did no vail on it.

It growls and was getting angry by it "Let him go, you freak!!!" Cardin screams while hitting it a couple of time.

"Let go of my friend!!!" Jaune screams from the top his lungs. until your voice echoes through his head

"Hey Jaune dont be down, you'll get better in no time" The memory of you helping him up pops in his head while you were showing a smile at him.

You open one of your eyes and saw everyone doing their best to help you out of there, even the teacher who was screaming some powerful spells that you never heard of before, you close your eyes and memory from your childhood was replaying in your head.


"Y/N" Raven said while you quickly look at her.

"Yes?" You said

"Remember when you hit that tree with your strength." Raven said while looking outside that was raining.

"Yeah. that i broke my bone and you told me not to use it" You said while feeling a sting in your arm.

"Yeah, listen i change my mind, whenever your in a tight pickle use it" Raven said while still looking outside.

You were confuse by this and then look at your arm "But why?" You ask.

Raven stood silent for a moment until she look at you for a moment and smiled for the very first time "Because sometime you need to do something rash to get out of it."


"So Remember our training"

The Ground suddenly shook getting everybody to stop and was wondering what was happening, the Ursa notice you lifting he's paw up, while everyone notice your rising up in the ground.

Your body was surrounded by electric energy giving you a boost to push the Ursa paw up and look at him with your Deep blue that was also surging with power. The mystery being was looking from a far smiling as you were showing you hidden strength.

"You aint touching my friend you ugly go for nothing Grimm!" You said while using you bad arm to form a fist and strike it in the grim belly.

Getting the grimm to fly across the forest and bursting into flames until it dissapears in mid burst. The mystery being smiles even wider while looking at you bloody corspe standing and watching as everybody going towards your aid.

"Y/N L/N...interesting....Interesting indeed" He vanish in mid air leaving the scenery..

You watch your friend running towards your aid and was helping you keep you up, Yang was holding your left arm while Blake was in the other, Goodwitch was screeming in her holocrom for medical assistance at her location.

Jaune was standing infront of you shock at your display and was smiling that you were okay, you raised a first towards him and saw his face form a confuse one.

You smiled "Like i said your going get better" You said getting him to smile and hitting you with a fist bump.

as you were walking slowly while blake and Yang was by your side, Cardin was staring at you amazed and you smirk towards him.

"Cardin...i dont know what made you come to beacon but i can tell you this, what you saw now is what a huntsman is truly about..helping other while sacrificing everything on the line, hopefully you can change after witnessing this" You said while slowly walking away while cardin stood quiet.

As this moment you can tell this was a very interesting day in the foever falls.

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