By cxreadercx

19.1K 290 31

Biannca is a small tiktoker slowly rising but then one of her videos blow up and she is recognised by a bunch... More

Part 1 on live
Part 2 on instagram
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5 airport
Part6 landing
Part 7 setteling in
Thank you


359 7 1
By cxreadercx

We finished the movie and we were all tired and Dixie still wasn't here yet so I decided to call her

Dixe is underlined
Biannca is bold

H-H-Hey Biannca
Hey where tf are you it's been 3hours
I'm at sway house I think
Wdym I think
Well I went to a party and griffin got a call so he had to go so I was alone and someone took me home which I'm guessing is sway
Who's someone dix
Random p-person I met
Where are you!
I'm a dark room with no way out or maybe I'm hallucinating
Are you drunk
Very I had the whole bottle of vodka
Send me your location right now

I ended the call and told the girls what happened to dixe. Nessa Mads Addison and Abby went to sway house and hype house just in case avani Cynthia and charli came with me to find her.

She sent me the location and Cynthia was driving but we ended up somewhere in the woods there were two cabins near by.

Cynthia: here take these she said handing us bats and metal pipes
B: why do you have these
Av: shut up guys I hear something

Twigs started to crack and something ran past us I grabbed a knife out my shoe and handed it charli since she did archery as a kid
C: why the fuck do you carry this
Cy: and she was questioning me ha
Av: shh it's coming closer
Charli three the knife as soon as she saw the black figure. Avani ran to the first cabin looking for Dixie and charli ran in the other taking my bat me and Cynthia were alone and the black figure was walking towards us slowly taking off his hood

??:hmm let me think
As soon as I heard that whole name flash backs came back
Biannca Marie Luna Blair are you going to press charges on Calvin Oliver Johnson for rape and abuse 
Yes sir I want to
Calvin Oliver Johnson you are sentenced for 4 years in jail
End of flashback

Cy: why would you want her
??: I will kill your friend if you dont hand her over
??:Calvin? Who's that
B: don't act dumb with me Pull of the mask
He came closer and was 5inches away from us
Av: guys she's not here
C: she's not in here either
Calvin: do you really think I'd not here your phone call she locked up somewhere and you will never get her unless you give me Biannca
Av: what's going on
C: you know him
B: guys meet my crazy ex
Calvin: call me crazy one more time and I'll cut your fingers and kill you slowly.
B: crazy asshole
C: stop Biannca
Av:charlis right
Cy: what do we do
B: give us Dixie and I'll happily come with you
Calvin: deal
He left for a phone call and soon after a black car pulled up and someone came out with dixe they threw her in the floor and she was passed out so charli and avani put her in the car and Cynthia stood in front of me.
Calvin: come on baby girl let's go
B: don't call me that
Calvin: whatever bitch let's go
Calvin: mmhm yeh sure
B: Cynthia it's fine ily okay and tell the rest I love them to even Quinton and while your talking to him go in my room and in my socks draw there's a note there for him just give it him for me please.
Calvin: hurry up hoe
B: coming one sec

He walked of and I whispered in her ear that I'll text her my location later. I waked over to the car and Calvin was cleaning his arm

B: need help
Calvin: I just kidnapped you and your helping me
B: my dad said to me before kindness is the only solution to your problems.
Calvin: wise old man wasn't he
B: yeh anyway need help
Calvin: sure but I hope you know kindness will never help you here
B: it's fine I'll be fine
Calvin: no you won't
B: give me the alcohol over there please
I poured the alcohol on his arm and he winced in pain and I wrapped his bandaid on his arm were charli hit. He blind folded me I was in a black room but with doors every where I sat in the corner of the room and told my self a phrase my dad would say when he was good *modu god joh-ajil geos-ida* (all will be good soon)
Calvin: would you shut the fuck up we know your Korean awesome cool shut the fuck UP!
B: why are you like this you were so sweet the first year then you suddenly stopped loving me our you never did
Calvin: Shut up I never loved you asking you out was a mistake I felt bad you were a ratty old girl who's dad died probably to get away from your annoying ass and I would to

I felt my eyes watering up and I tear roll down my face I got up and turned away from him he grabbed my wrist.

Calvin: I'm not a douche I'm sorry your dad died
B: sure you are
Calvin: look Your beautiful and always has been and i looked at your comment section on insta and you would literally pull every guy and You were out of my league and I was madly in love with you and I got jealous the next week my parents got divorced and I was depressed and I took it out on you then I was sentenced to 4 years in prison and all I wanted was revenge and looking at you right now I know that you loved me back then and you cared about me and I'm just an idiot for letting you slip away and all I want is for you to be happy so if that's the Quinton boy then go for it
B: I'm not happy at all getting cheated on by you fucked me up and it's not that easy Quinton cheated on me. Would it matter if I died no it wouldn't the only thing that ever made me happy was my dad and now that he's gone I pull a fake smile every day not once I have I put up a real smile since the day he died.
Calvin: don't say that I know that Quinton boy truly loves you but cheated on you because he's jealous of how you get boys in your dms without trying I know that deep down you know that to so shut the fuck up and go get yo manzzz bitch
B: thank you so much Calvin
Calvin: no problem but don't forget to text me how it goes
B: will do also don't be afraid to come out to your family they will love you no matter what
Calvin: how do you know
B: I have an excellent gaygar

I ran to the closest Starbucks which was 20 minutes away so when I got there I booked an Uber who took me to sway house. I unlocked the door and ran up the stairs. Josh and nessa looked at me calling my name but I ignored them and ran to Quintons room

B: Quinton
Quinton: Biannca?
B: babe are you okay
He looked angry and sad at the same time so I went closer and hugged him he didn't let go and neither did I
Quinton: how did you get here
B: well a wise person told me that deep down no matter what I know you love me and I love you
Quinton: I'm so sorry I didn't mea-
I stopped him by putting my lip to his finger and telling him that it's okay I pulled my finger away and he pulled me closer and started to kiss me at first it was slow then someone came in It was nessa
Nessa: woahh I just needed to borrow biannca
B: yeh that's fine I'll be there in a minute
Nessa: okay the hype house girls are coming too just come to my room
B: okay  bye nessa
Nessa: use protection hoeee
B: shut upppp
Me and Quinton laughed I looked at him in his eye and walked out

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