♪ With Love, Your Secret Admi...


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Discontinued, no longer friends with original creator of fic. More

At A Circus • Chaper Nine
Picnic Time! • Chapter Ten
Chills And Scares • Chapter Twelve
Doki Doki Literature Union • Chapter Thirteen
Visitor • Chapter Fourteen
New Pet! • Chapter Fifteen
Alones (Last?) Goodbye • Chapter Sixteen (Filler)
A/N (Not a chapter)
(BACK IN BUSINESS GUYS!) The Mall • Chapter Seventeen

Hidden Oasis • Chapter Eleven

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-insert a very well written smut scene because I'm lazy and even lavendersunrisesxoxo thought it was a good idea to skip it-

(Third Person)
Panting, both agreed to take a shower together to not waste time to get ready to sleep. They were both tired and wanted sleep because they planned a hiking trip in the afternoon, yea yea, there's a lot of trips like the circus and that picnic that didn't really go as planned, but I mean they gotta have a lot of fun at some point! You can't just stay inside cuddled up in a blanket, reading and or animating, while listening to Bendy And The Ink Machine music or YouTube. (maybe or maybe not a reference to me-) After they showered they basically just yeeted themselves to bed cuddled close together, little did they know something... Or someone had watched them have... their "fun" together...
(???s POV)
As I watched MY Albert have fun with that... STUPID excuse for a boyfriend.. I'm f-cking disgusted. How could someone as beautiful and sexy as Albert even THINK of sleeping with that- that- WHORE!. I shouldn't worry though. When I get my hands on Albert I'll show him real pleasure. It's only a matter of time. I opened my notebook filled with pages upon pages of info and pictures of Albert, tearing out a page. I quickly scribbled something on to it in black pen.

"Hello my dearest Albert; I was watching you and that whore last night. Don't worry your pretty face though darling, soon enough you'll be mine! I'll show you real pleasure in bed darling~

With love,
Your secret admirer"

I opened the unlocked window, and snuck inside. Placing the note on the bedside counter, I looked longingly at Albert. I leaned over and planted a small kiss on his head. He smiled in his sleep, making my heart skip two beats. I snuck over to the windowsill, before looking back over at the two. I whispered "Soon Albert, soon you will be mine. No one will get in the way of me, not even that clown.". I lunged over to the outside silently, before walking away into the night.
(Alberts POV)
I woke up from a bad dream, panting and sweating. I tried to remember but I couldn't, all I remembered was a shadowy figure whispering something from the window.
At this point, G0z had woke up and stretched. He looked over to me tiredly and asked, "Al you okay dear?". I shook my head 'no' before pulling him into a hug. I mumbled into his chest "I had a nightmare..". He rubbed circles on my back calmingly for a bit. I yawned and looked up at him, smiling softly. "Let's get breakfast." I practically whispered. He ruffled my hair, getting out of bed. "Okay but your not cooking this time." G0z teased, laughing a bit. I huffed playfully responding, "That was ONE time!"
G0z just giggled in response. I got up, going to unplug my phone from it's charger when I noticed a note neatly folded on my bedside counter. My blood ran cold as I picked it up and neatly unfolded it. I read it once, twice, practically crying. Someone was stalking us, and I didn't know who. About fifteen minutes passed by staring at the note before I saw G0z enter the room in my peripheral vision.
"You didn't- Oh, hey, what's wrong?" He asked worryingly, briskly walking over and kneeling in front of me. I shakily handed the note to him without a word. I watched as his eyes scanned the paper, his expression one of anger and fear.
"Who-" he began to ask before I cut him off "I don't know.." We stared at each other before he placed the note back on the counter. Intertwining our fingers he said, "Let's just eat breakfast, okay? Try to get our minds off this..". I nodded and let him help me up, leading me to the breakfast table where we are in relative silence.
"Should we cancel our hiking trip today?" G0z asked softly, looking up at me. I shook my head 'no' before saying "We'll be fine. There's lots of guards and other hikers there. Plus, it'll help get our minds off this whole thing". He nodded quickly, eating the last bite on his plate.
"Well then, we have some time before we go. Wanna watch a movie?" He asked, looking up at me. I shrugged before saying "I should probably record a video or two before we go.". He nodded before asking jokingly "Can I join you as a guest star?". I giggled before replying "You sure can, superstar".
(G0zs POV)
After finishing the video and sending it to Paige to edit, Albert got up and stretched, smiling at me. I got up and did the same, kissing Albert on the forehead. He giggled a bit before saying "We should get ready to go out, it's already 11:37.". I nodded in agreement before walking over to our closet, picking out

To wear. We then went to the kitchen to get the necessaries like food and water for the trip G0z then pointed out "Hey what if we wanted to swim in like a lake or something?" "Hmm, oh we can pack some swim trunks too then!" I would smile, a smile anyone would die for, at G0z. He flushed up a red color, almost as red as his nose! But not as red. I giggled at him, then he joined in after a second or two. After we packed up everything we needed we walked out the front door to the car. I saw a flash of a figure in the corner of my eyes, but I ignored it, because it could've been an animal or something like that. We have lots of those around here! When we got to the car G0z opened the door for me, god I'm glad he's my boyfriend! We listened to some casual music and chatted a little on our way there, we joked around for a little before getting to the place we needed to go.
He parked in a place near the hiking area, but not too close, just at a parking lot a few feet away. We got out the car and he locked it. We started to walk to the hiking area to get ready for the hike, this is gonna be so much fun!
(Time skip to hiking time)
We started to climb up the hill, it wasn't easy but it also wasn't hard, it was like in the middle! It was fun! We then started to look around, we started to walk diagonally, and the ground had become a bit more stable and strait. We then heard water rushing quietly so we checked to see what it was, then lo and behold, there was a lake! We stared at it in awe for a moment before G0z said "This is why I asked to pack swim trunks!" I laughed in agreement and then I passed him his trunks and I put on mine, of course we changed into them, we didn't just put them on over our other clothes! When we finished changing we raced to the lake, he beat me, but I just laughed it off. We played around like jumping off the side into the water, playing catch with a ball I forgot I left in the bag, etc! When we thought we should dry off I gave G0z a towel I forgot in the bag, I forgot a lot of stuff in this bag actually! I dried myself off with the other towel, then we both changed back into our clothes. We decided to go to the top of the hill we were on to take a break to eat and drink while enjoying the view, and then hike back down. When we got to the top we set up a blanket and just plopped down and ate food, it wasn't anything special, just a PB and J sandwich, some chips, and water.
We then finished our food, so we packed up our things and started to hike down.
It was a bit harder too sense gravity pulling down and stuff. When we finally got down we returned the things we borrowed, like bandaids and a hook for staying attached to stuff. When we got in the car I said "Today was fun!" But then I heard a giggle from G0z before he said "You sounded like a little child!" I started to laugh too after a second after understanding what we meant. G0z then started the car and put on some casual music before driving. When we got home I picked up the backpack while G0z got the bag of trash, we walked inside and put the stuff away, of course we were tired so we decided to shower together again. We dried off then get dressed before heading off to bed...
'Today was a good day...' I thought before sleeping a peaceful sleep. I heard a whisper though, something quiet that a human ear couldn't hear unless it was quieter then the flaps of a mocking bird..

"Don't worry my dear, you'll be with me soon...."

I was creeped out.. And I hoped I wouldn't get another nightmare

PLEASE FOLLOW lavendersunrisesxoxo
PLEASE FOLLOW lavendersunrisesxoxo
PLEASE FOLLOW lavendersunrisesxoxo
PLEASE FOLLOW lavendersunrisesxoxo
PLEASE FOLLOW lavendersunrisesxoxo
PLEASE FOLLOW lavendersunrisesxoxo
PLEASE FOLLOW lavendersunrisesxoxo
PLEASE FOLLOW lavendersunrisesxoxo
PLEASE FOLLOW lavendersunrisesxoxo
PLEASE FOLLOW lavendersunrisesxoxo
PLEASE FOLLOW lavendersunrisesxoxo
PLEASE FOLLOW lavendersunrisesxoxo
PLEASE FOLLOW lavendersunrisesxoxo
PLEASE FOLLOW lavendersunrisesxoxo
Anyways sorry bout that but goodbye my peeps!

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