Two Wicked Courts

By bitysmith

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Una and her sister grew up being told wondrous and terrifying stories of the Fae, unearthly beings who can he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 14

296 26 7
By bitysmith

I had dried off and put my undershirt back on by the time Casimir returned, followed by the maid carrying our meals. I was warmed through because of the bath, and my extremities were in no danger of falling off thanks to Casimir, but I was still incredibly sore from a full day of riding.

The maid set the tray on the small table. She eyed my state of undress and glanced at Casimir, the speculation unmistakable.

"That will be all," Casimir said roughly, tossing our packs onto the bed.

She scurried out.

"That wasn't very kind," I remarked as I crossed the room to rifle through my pack. I withdrew the tub of Raiden's salve with a grin.

"She will gossip."

"About the half-naked human in the Unseelie King's room? Oh my," I winked and set about smearing the ointment across my skin, wincing at how cold it was from being outside. "You didn't strike me as someone who cared about idle gossip."

"Mostly naked," Casimir corrected disdainfully.

"You didn't seem to mind my lack of clothing before."

He ignored me, taking off his cloak and hanging it on a peg on the door. "I dislike people knowing of my private affairs."

"Fair enough." I rubbed the salve onto my thighs, using my thumbs to apply pressure to the muscles underneath my skin. A slight prickle of power ran down my back and I straightened, pulling the undershirt back over my thighs. I slipped into a fresh pair of underwear and leggings from my pack and pulled the old undershirt off, my bare back facing him. More of the salve was massaged into my lower back, and again, I felt his gaze flicker to me. I grabbed a clean undershirt and said, "shall I pretend I don't feel your eyes? Look freely, if you wish. It's not like I haven't been ogled by your kind before."

I pulled the shirt over my head and turned, sneering at how he had averted his gaze. "What is it about humans that your kind find so fascinating? We're so pathetic and distasteful, yet we're all you desire. At court, they marveled at how delicate I was, how easily I could bruise, and how little force they needed to inflict pain. Would you like to know these things, too?"

"Yes," he admitted in a soft whisper.

"Too bad," I remarked. "I don't plan on ever being delicate again."

Casimir had taken off his boots and started eating, entirely focused on the hot food in front of him.

I gathered my things and moved them to the floor as my stomach growled. I shook my cloak out and hung it beside his on the door before joining him at the table. I wolfed down the food, roasted dark meat and gravy with withered, late season vegetables. It was nothing compared to Aisling's cooking, but I was too hungry to care.

His eyes followed the movement of my hand as I raised each bite to my mouth, growing increasingly unsettling. I paused to take a drink of water, but he watched that too.

"What?" I snapped.

"You seem to be eating well," he said, leaning back in his chair. "You look much healthier than when I found you."

"Yes, well, the princes seemed to think we could survive off nothing but Fae wine and their attention."

"How did you?"

"You know I was forbidden from attending Leander's studies and Lys was always too involved with Alana to notice my absence. I used the time to explore the palace and found the kitchens. I would eat there, take food back to Alana." I pushed the empty plate away.

"And you weren't stopped by guards?"

"No. I always thought they assumed I was sent to perform tasks for Leander. Glamoured humans aren't very threatening."

"So no one but Leander knew you couldn't be glamoured?"

"Lys probably did and he disapproved. He wanted Leander to get rid of me from the start. No one else. Others may have suspected I wasn't glamoured, but they didn't know why. Leander wanted me and my secret to himself."

Casimir was quiet for a few moments. "Surprisingly wise, for him."

I frowned, playing with my fork and scraping the metal against the plate until it made a grating sound.

Casimir's hand stopped mine firmly, taking the fork from my fingers before removing his hand. "They would have killed you if they knew."

"Shall I thank him next time I see him?"

Casimir ran his hands across the surface of the table. "Hardly. Next time you see him I hope you strike a fatal blow with your dagger. I expect nothing less."

I rubbed my face, exhausted. "This is what my choice has brought me to. I truly had no idea what would happen when I did that ritual in the woods."

"If you knew, would you still do it over again? You seemed to have escaped your betrothal quite permanently."

"Don't ask me that," I snapped. "I can't change it. I must live with my choices now."

He stood and gathered the plates and cutlery into a neat stack. "I can do nothing to fix the wrongs done to you other than protect you from any others and vow to offer you Leander's death, but I hope we've made your choice bearable."

He sounded strangely sincere. Emotion rose and clogged my throat until I couldn't speak. I couldn't bear to look at him. Niceties and truths were still too tender for me to process. I wanted barbs, I wanted taunts, I wanted insults. I wanted to be hurt because that was all I had ever known.

Instead, he wanted to protect me.

My attention was drawn back to him as he moved across the room. He grabbed fresh clothing out of his pack and removed his shirt to reveal his pale skin. I marveled at the contrast between the dark cloth he always wore and the white expanse of his back. He bent to take off his socks, then straightened to unbuckle his belt.

I felt dizzy as he lowered his trousers and couldn't help but stare at his lean form. I had grown so accustomed to his unmistakable height and his presence filling entire rooms that I was surprised to see how thin he was when his clothing was taken away. The muscles in his back were defined, but only just, and worked down his spine to the curve of his ass.

When he turned to face me, my mouth went dry. One glance at the considerable length of him was all I allowed myself before I snatched my eyes away.

His grin was vicious. "Speechless, Una? I suppose I should feel honored, since you seem to always have something to say."

"You're a vain bastard, you know that?"

"There it is! I was afraid I had broken you," he laughed. "I do enjoy how you look at me."

"I look at you and it hurts," I started breathlessly, then laughed at his falsely satisfied smile and finished, "because you give me headaches."

He stepped into the clean pants and pulled them to his waist, striding over to the door and peeking his head out. I heard him speak softly. Moments later the maid came in to gather our dishes and dirty clothes.

"And fresh water for the bath, please. No need to heat it."

"As you wish, my lord." She bobbed her head, arms full with our things, and left.

Casimir poured my bath water out the window. I was surprised he managed to lift the large metal tub but I never did realize the true extent of Fae strength. The maid returned with large buckets of water, which she poured in as she tried not to look at Casimir's bare chest. She bowed when she finished, and Casimir let her out.

Then he dropped his trousers and bathed, gently placing his crown aside. I stood and tried to make myself busy, starting with going through my pack and reorganizing it. I wiped the blade of my dagger with cloth until it gleamed. My fingers braided my damp hair down my back as I cursed its length.

It was fully dark outside and the wind had picked up again, whistling through the trees. The inn was warm with bodies and roaring fires, but our room at the end of the hall only had a meager fireplace and the fire was getting low. I added more wood and stoked it, relishing in its heat. My toes had chilled after the bath but they warmed on the stones of the hearth. Goosebumps spread across my skin from the difference in temperature and I wrapped my arms around myself.

"You humans are so fascinating. You need so much heat to survive."

"And I suppose you don't?"

"I'm Lord of the Winter Court of Elphyne. Ice is second nature to me."

"I'm glad you had such a pleasant ride through the pass while I almost died," I said dryly. "Remind me to throw on a third layer before we leave tomorrow."

"Now that we're in the Autumn Court it won't be so cold. The northernmost point of the Vinastrian Alps splits off to the west and the mountains protect the Autumn Court from most of the harsh winds blown off the sea. It won't be warm, but I doubt there will be snow." There was a sound of water dripping as Casimir got out of the bath and dried off.

I yawned again and approached the bed. "Do you have a preference?"

I had no illusions that he would take the floor and I refused to even contemplate taking the floor myself.

"For a side? No. Do you?" The way he grinned put me on edge, like it was a test.

I was too tired to play games with him. The evening in the inn with him was more exhausting than the travel. I just crawled to the far side, closest to the wall, and slipped under the covers.

I didn't understand him.

Casimir went back and forth, confessing to me like I mattered to him, then antagonizing me like I didn't, like he couldn't decide.

But I couldn't decide either.

The bed moved slightly and I opened my eyes to see him lying in the space I had left him, above the covers. He had redressed in his trousers and a loose, gray shirt. His black hair was slicked back to his scalp as he leaned on his elbow, eyes shining. "Taking the least exposed side so I can cover the door and protect you? Smart."

"Aye, because I'm so concerned about the lowly townsfolk breaking into our room."

"They could be assassins. I am a highly prized target, you know, for the regicide."

"How often do you tell yourself that? Does it make you feel better?" I smiled.

"You wound me," he grinned back.

"Tell me, are you above the need for rest, too?"

"Sadly, no."

"Then go to sleep, Casimir." I turned on my side to face the wall.

It was a terrible idea. As soon as I turned, the chill of his gaze ran down my spine. I sighed and laid flat, adamantly looking at the ceiling instead of him.

The candles that lit the room flickered out, one by one, until we were surrounded by darkness and the only light that remained was from the fire. The bed jostled as he moved to get comfortable.

"It's been a long time since I've shared a bed with anyone."

"This is a matter of circumstance, not choice. Don't let it go to your head," I muttered.

"The floor is right there."

"I'm fine where I am. Be quiet."

He fell silent, but I could feel his gaze sweeping across my profile. As gentle and tentative as a single finger, it brushed from my temple to my cheek, then trailed down to my jaw, and skimmed across my throat. My heart stuttered.

"Please..." I whispered.

"Please, what?" He purred, his voice low and soft.

"Please let me sleep," I hissed back.

His gaze fell away and he let out a long breath.

I turned back to my side and brought my knees to my chest, forcing myself to breathe deeply and relax. I eventually allowed myself to whisper, "I like how you look at me, too."

He said nothing and I fell asleep pretending I didn't feel his fingers stroking the end of my braid against my back.

* * *

We wasted no time getting ready the following morning. Everything we did had to be accomplished quickly. We dressed, ate a hot breakfast, Casimir helped me into the saddle of my horse, and we set off to the west.

The days began to blur together, their repetition soothing. Traveling was mostly the same, only warmer. Casimir occasionally obliged my need for conversation to fill the silence. We found inns every night, but didn't share rooms. The small quarters were too quiet, even with the noise of other patrons, but Casimir always managed to find an excuse to see me just as I found myself getting lonely. Sometimes he brought his dinner with him and ate with me, other times he wanted to give me additional information about Dagny's court. I enjoyed his company regardless.

Each night after he left, I poured over our conversations, tossing and turning. Every taunt and compliment replayed in my mind. I imagined his cool fingers racing across my skin, splaying over my throat, dipping between my legs.

The dreams were worse.

When I asked about the woods we traveled through, Casimir explained that one dense forest covered most of the Autumn Court. Unlike the evergreens of the Winter Court, the trees had leaves that hadn't yet fallen. Their colors were like flames in the sunlight; brilliantly red, orange, and yellow, so bright my eyes could barely stand it. Strangely, the trees grew taller with each passing day.

We rode through villages and towns, and once he let us stop at a market so I could try the pastries I saw displayed. He pointedly ignored the baker's look of confusion as I was allowed to choose whatever I wanted. He watched me as I nibbled on the treat and he laughed when the powdery sugar stuck to my nose.

He laughed and smiled frequently, and I found myself happy more often than not. His laughter kept me warm even when the brisk autumn winds blew back my cloak.

On the last day of our journey, I watched as he shuttered himself. He put on his crown that morning, which he had neglected to wear since the first day. He turned quiet as we rode and brushed off or blatantly ignored my attempts at conversation. The growing stubble that spread across his jaw made him look hardened and allowed his immense age to creep into his eyes.

When we entered Rowanhall, I hardly noticed. It was a sprawling city, but the streets and buildings were tucked around the impossibly large trees. The Autumn Palace was carved out of the trunk of an immense, living Rowan tree that towered over the rest, its leaves the size of houses. Fae citizens stopped and bowed deep when they saw Casimir's crown, and a group of guards flanked us on the road.

"Lady Dagny requested we escort you to the palace."

Casimir ignored them all, his back straight and rigid with tension. His fingers curled around the reins until his knuckles turned white. I followed his lead silently.

We stopped in the palace's courtyard and were helped from our horses. I marveled at the tree's astounding height. Windows and balconies dotted the tree bark and spun upwards to the branches.

"How is this possible?" I laughed.

Casimir silenced me with a hard glare, and beckoned me to follow. I sobered.

The Favored act had begun.

I followed meekly, my chin dropped to my chest. Almost as soon as we entered the palace, we were set upon by servants.

"Take us to our rooms. Dagny can wait. See to it that my Favored has a room beside mine, will you? Have her cleaned while you're at it. She's disgusting." His lip curled into a cruel grin.

I paled at the sight of it. I no longer wanted it directed at me, but I consoled myself knowing that he didn't mean it, hoping that he didn't mean it.

Doubt wanted me to think his kindness on the road was a lie.

The servants whisked me away into small, homey quarters, and stripped me of my clothes before I could protest. I was led to a large bathtub and pushed in without warning. My head dunked under the soapy water and I emerged gasping for breath. They scrubbed me with rough sponges until my skin was raw and ran a comb through my hair, tearing out knots, until I whimpered.

I felt small. I felt powerless.

It was exactly the same as the Summer Court. Knowing I truly wasn't his Favored didn't matter.

I was dried off and placed in front of a mirror. One of the Half-Fae heated her hands and ran them through my hair until it was dry. She braided the hair away from my face, close to my scalp, and finished the braid early so most of my hair fell freely down my back. Another servant massaged oil into my skin with quick, efficient fingers, while another took small brushes to my face. He lined my eyes with black and painted my lips red.

I didn't look like myself when they finally slipped me into a silk dress. The dress was the darkest blue that shifted into a fiery red towards the skirt. While not short and sheer like the gowns of the Summer Court, it seemed to be made of panels of silk, gathered at the waist with a belt, and left much of my torso and chest exposed. The long skirt was split to the hips twice to show off my legs. They finished by easing golden sandals onto my feet.

Another facade for another court.

The chill of Casimir's gaze swept across my back and I met his eyes in the mirror. He leaned against the wall, appraising my reflection with shining eyes and a wolfish grin. He had bathed, shaved, and a new crown of silver and black stones nestled in his styled hair. He was dressed in midnight blue, but his sleeves tapered to the same fiery red of my skirt.

I smiled when I realized we were supposed to match.

He all but pushed the servants away as he swiftly approached me and turned me towards him, his hands like ice on my bare shoulders. He captured my chin in his fingers and looked me over like I was his property. His face was sharp and pitiless.

I met his gaze without fear. "Does this please you, my king?"

He glanced to the servants, who awaited further instructions. "Leave us. I will find my way to the ball when I'm ready."

As soon as they departed, he let go of his cruel expression. I watched him soften before my eyes.

"You look..."

My lips thinned in displeasure. "Like a groomed pet?"

" you will tempt me to damnation."

My cheeks warmed and I laughed. "What do you know of that? I didn't think your religion dealt with underworlds, especially not judgement for your actions."

"It doesn't. I was talking about your Hell."

I mocked horror. "Aisling would be appalled that you know anything about Christianity."

He ducked his head closer, his cold breath dancing across my cheek. "I know that if Eve looked like you do right now, I wouldn't have only tasted the fruit."

The humor died under his intense gaze. My heartbeat sped. "And what exactly would you taste?"

"I'm afraid I'm mostly unfamiliar with your myths. You might have to direct me," he whispered in my ear.

I tilted my head back and exposed my vulnerable neck, choosing to ignore how my survival instincts screamed at me to stop. "You could start here."

He dropped his icy mouth to my neck and I jolted into his embrace. When his tongue slid across my pulse, I shuddered and went limp. He chuckled as his lips swept down my throat and I savored every moment of it. "Where else would you want me to taste you?"


I wanted him so badly my knees shook. I wanted him so badly I could taste it, but I couldn't speak.

"Mmm... there's that desperation..." He lowered himself before me, his hands finding purchase on my hips, his mouth tracing a damp trail to my chest.

I closed my eyes and shook my head to banish whatever spell he had cast over me. "The ball... Dagny..."

"Ahh, yes, the ball." His lips vanished from the top of my breast and he cleared his throat as he stood. "Your resolve is formidable, Una."

I smoothed my dress and watched as he looked around the room. He must have spotted what he was looking for and retrieved it. He held my belt and dagger.

"I don't believe it matches the dress," I crossed my arms.

He looked between the belt and the dress. "I suppose not. I shall return promptly," he said and left me in the room alone.

I tapped my finger on my arm impatiently and waited for several minutes. When I could no longer bear it, I crossed the room and was stopped at the door.

Casimir smiled and held the sheathed dagger in one hand and a band of supple leather in the other. He ushered me back in and closed the door behind him, then looked down at my dress. "May I?"

I nodded even though I didn't know what he intended.

He knelt in front of me and brushed the fabric of the skirt aside. I had to brace myself against the wall when he placed his hands on me. He looped the leather around my thigh, securely hooked it on the inside of the dress with a pin, and fastened the sheath against the outside of my leg.

His grin was wicked when he looked up at me, his fingers tentatively tracing the sensitive inside of my thigh.

Seeing him on his knees before me was enough to excite me, but that wasn't all. My body was so tense I almost vibrated as the heat between my legs grew with each dangerous, maddening stroke of his fingers.

I was breathless when I said, "You are too cruel, to tease me like this."

"Who says I'm teasing?" He leaned in and pressed a kiss to the skin below the strip of leather. He inhaled deeply, his dark eyes watching me through his lashes. "So warm."

My fingers threaded through his hair and I pushed his head away so I could think. "Everyone will see the dagger."

"You resist me even when I can smell your need and you think me cruel." He was unhappy that I had managed to repel his charms again, losing his catlike smile. "I want them to see it. It was my gift to you and I intend you wear it."

"Is it customary for Favored to be given weapons?"

"Of course it's not," he scoffed.

"Then why?"

He stood and brushed off his trousers. "Because I trust you with it, because you deserve to be able to defend yourself, because I think you look magnificent carrying a weapon, take your pick."

I smiled. "Magnificent, hm?"

"Less so when you deny me." He tossed a glare in my direction before turning away from me.

I sighed at his petulance. "I didn't suffer a week of travel for you to distract us from our plan. I would have been more than happy to dress up for you at home, if you asked nicely, but you said you were required to address Dagny and Mikolai and that you needed me to present my case. We need their approval, don't we?"

"Perhaps I simply wanted you to come with me." He shrugged his shoulders and opened the door.

My breath caught but I narrowed my eyes. "Don't give me those words unless you mean them."

"Una..." he started.

"No," I interrupted. "When you finally decide that you want me, you will say it without hesitation, without perhaps and maybe. I would have you with your honesty or I will continue skirting around you, playing these games." He looked like I had slapped him, but I took his arm. "Let's not delay any further, shall we? I'm coming to realize royalty is incredibly impatient."

"What do you know about that?"

"I think I may have some experience dealing with it. Should I count the names? You, my king, are certainly one of them." I reached to trace my fingers down his cheek, letting my nails curl into his jaw. "Do your worst in front of the court. Be cruel to me. I promise you I can take it. I may even like it."

Casimir smiled, but twisted it into his arrogant, ruthless grin. His arm tightened around mine until it was almost painful and he leaned down to whisper, "May I find out how easily you bruise?"

That excited me in an entirely different way.

I nodded slowly.

"Oh, we are going to have so much fun together," he purred as he led me from the room.

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