A Heart on Fire // TonyStarks...

By BadBobcat

82.8K 1.8K 286

The most important thing in Tony's life, his young daughter, is taken just after he announces himself as Iron... More

1. King Iron Man
2. The Final Stage
4. Watch Your Language
5. More Than a Man
6. Eternal Emptiness
7. Cuttlefish
8. Mind Games
9. Cotton Candy
10. He's Winding Up
11. Runaway Train
12. End Times
13. Pep Talk
14. Walk It Off
15. Zucchini
16. Full Circle
17. Sister
18. You Knew
19. Social Skills
20. Goodbye
~ Announcement ~
Cast - part 2
1. I Can't Sleep
2. Two Hours
3. Who's This?
4. My Favorite Holiday

3. Enhanced

4.1K 102 16
By BadBobcat

As people move all around the compound, I close my eyes and find the energy pulses the scepter is giving off. It's acting up more than usual, but that's probably because even the scepter knew that the Avengers were here.

I feel Wanda squeeze my shoulder. I open my eyes and give her a small smile. She returns the gesture and walks back over to Pietro.

"Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill." I hear a voice shout through the speakers.

"We are under attack. We are under attack!"

The twins look to me expectantly. I give them a nod and close my eyes, and then open them again, knowing full well that they are glowing white.

I let my energy reach around the whole compound. Even though my eyes are open, I don't see what is in front of me. I'm seeing all the energy that I'm feeling.

It's kind of like a blueprint, except I can see the people moving around inside of it. Technically, everything has energy. But I can only pick up on big sources of energy. Like people, or the scepter, or even explosions.

I can feel energy from all the people outside and inside of the compound, which can be a little overwhelming at first. But I know how to control it.

I focus on the edge of the compound that was attacked.

I feel multiple people, moving at speeds that are not normal so I assume vehicles, along with some explosions. I feel the banging of vibranium. Probably the American man with the world's most powerful Frisbee.

I feel someone in the air, coming down and bringing lightning with them.

I then feel this giant presence. Lots of anger and rage. No doubt the hulk.

I also feel the energy of someone else flying through the air. I concentrate on that person, and I feel the energy around them. I really focus in, trying to get everything on this person, when I sense an arc reactor.

I blink and my eyes return to their normal shade and I come back into the room. I turn my head back to the twins. "He's here." Wanda and Pietro look at each other again. I can see Wanda's eyes start to glow red.

I know they are both angry, I don't need to read their emotions to know that. While personally I am not angry, I hate Stark for them. If I lived through what they did...who knows what I would be doing to him right now.

Hell, if I had my memories then who's to say I'd even still be alive.

I'm not very good at controlling myself, and I probably would have done something remarkably stupid. I tend to act on impulse.

I look over to the stairs and see Strucker walk in. "Who gave the order to attack?" He booms.

The main control guy sitting at one of the computers stands up to face him. ""Er, Strucker it's the Avengers!" He says sort of panicked. He looks down at his hands and gives the universal gesture of 'I think we're screwed.'

"They landed in the far woods, the perimeter got hit." One of the tactic and strike managers says, walking past with a gun before walking out again.

Strucker turns to whisper something to his head scientist, which I'm assuming is something about the scepter, before walking away.

"Can we hold them?" He asks the main control guy. "They're the avengers!" He says again, completely unsure of himself.

"Deploy the rest of the tanks! Concentrate fire on the weak ones. A hit, could make them close ranks."

He says walking back over to his head scientist, so that he's across from Wanda, Pietro, and I.

I look at him straight on while he gives all three of us the side eye, whispering to his head scientist again.

I can feel his nerves starting to bubble within him.

"Well let's show them what we've accomplished. Send out the trio." I manage to hear the scientist say. He's not too good at whispering.

"It's too soon." I hear Strucker say sighing. "It's what they signed up for. " The scientist says getting more agitated.

Strucker looks over to us and I make eye contact with him again. The twins turn their heads so he thinks they can't hear, but I don't care. He looks at me dead in the eyes before saying back to his scientist "My men can hold them."

He then slowly turns his head from me and walks away.

"This isn't fair. This is what we've been training for." Wanda says in an actual whisper and I join their little huddle. I'm shorter than both of them so I just slip in between.

"They are bound to get through the energy barrier," I say with a smirk, "and we will get our chance at them either way."

I hear Strucker gathering men around to make a mini speech. I unfold out of the two and we turn to listen.

"We will not yield! The Americans send their circus freaks to test us. We will send them back, in bags. NO SURRENDER!" He screams. This causes the rest of the Hydra soldiers in the room to raise their arms and shout "NO SURRENDER!" as well, before turning and walking to their stations.

He was portraying confidence when he said that, but I knew he was feeling the exact opposite.

"I'm going to surrender." Strucker whispers way louder than a normal whisper to the scientist again.

We all look at each other when he says that. "I'm not about to let them get away when they're right here." Pietro says. Wanda and I nod in response.

I jump on Pietro's back and cling to his shoulders, because I'm the small one. He then lifts Wanda, then runs out of the room.

Pietro runs to the outside of the building, and sets Wanda down in the doorway. "Stay here. You're guarding the scepter and attacking anyone that comes in." Wanda just nods her head. You can tell she wants to fight, but she's nervous about going into a battle.

Pietro squeezes her hand one last time, then picks me back up and runs out into the snowy battlefield.

He does a lap around the whole area before stopping to put me down.

"Like Strucker said, concentrate on the weak ones." He says while on one knee, looking me in the eyes with a hand on my shoulder.

I get it. He's 20 and I'm only 14, I'm a little kid compared to them. But I'm ready.

"Well that's not very specific now is it." I say letting my lips curve up to form a smile.

"When they get inside the building let me know. You know how to tell me." Pietro says while standing back up.

"Sure thing boss." I say giving him a mock salute with my two fingers.

He sighs and narrows his eyes on me. "Be careful. For once, please. The goal is not to get caught."

"There's no fun without a little risk. Besides, getting caught isn't really my style." I say shrugging my shoulders.

He rolls his eyes, then turns and zooms off. I quietly make my way through the trees. It's been forever since I've been outside like this. But I know this area like the back of my hand. It's the only outside area I've ever been allowed to train in.

I go up a small hill and see Captain America. I am just about to engage when Pietro runs up behind him, and goes basically right through him.

I expected the Captain to fall flat on his face, but he does a backflip and lands on his feet.

He stands back up and looks around very confused. "We have an enhanced in the field." He says as he runs off.

'Well now I wanna know what they're saying about us' I say inside my head.

I whip my mini hacking device out of my pocket. I made it myself with some spare parts I had found and taken.

Hydra doesn't know of course, they don't exactly trust me. That's why it's my little secret.

It's pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. It allows me to tap into any radio frequency I chose within a 150 mile radius. I know, crazy, and it fits right inside of my ear.

It only takes a few seconds before I'm connected to their frequency.

"Clint's hit!" I hear a woman shout over the loud gunfire around her.

"Somebody wanna deal with that bunker?" She says kind of pissed off. Suddenly there is a loud crash and a roar, which I'm guessing is the hulk. "Thank you."

I decide to run after Captain America, keeping their communication frequency intact.

"Stark, we need to get inside." He grunts while taking out a few guys. "On it." I hear another voice say. 'Stark.'

As the American boy takes down another one of our men, I hide behind a tree close by. I let the energy rise in my palms and my eyes start to glow.

As soon as he's done taking out those men, I shoot out from behind the tree and aim both my fists at him. He must have heard the noise because he turns to face me but all he sees is the blast of white flames headed towards him.

He put his shield up to cover his face and chest. My stream hits his shield and it sends him flying in the air backwards.

I don't wait to see if he sticks the landing this time. I turn and run so that he can't come back and get me.

"There's a second enhanced in the field!" I hear the captain's voice yell out, he sounds out of breath. "Do not engage."

I snicker and start running even faster. 


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