When The Darkness Meets Light

By Asshna

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"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life;love... More

Prologue- His Pain
Chapter 1- His Dark Soul
Chapter 2-The Beauty Behind The Veil Of Darkness
Chapter 3- His Hatred Or His Lust?!
Chapter 4-Her Dream And His Desire
Chapter 5-First Meeting
Chapter 6- She Is Mine
Chapter 7- Marry Me
Chapter 8- The Torture Begins
Chapter 9- Remorse Is Not A Remedy
Chapter 10- Her Virginty
Chapter 11- Your Life Belongs To Me
Chapter 12- I Am Your God!
Chapter 13- The Face-off
Chapter 14- Shoot Me Radhika!!!
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106

Chapter 84

3.3K 249 61
By Asshna

One month later

Radhika's pov

"Radhika, eat your food it's been almost fifteen minutes since the plate is put in front of you."

I looked at the food with disinterest and pushed it away," I am not hungry, Mariam aunty."

She shook her head," You are pregnant, Radhika, how much nutrition do you think your baby is getting if you keep starving yourself?! I have to literally force feed you to make sure you eat something aleast."

I ignored her chastising me and stayed quiet, not really interested in what was happening around me. I had withdrawn from everything, I had lost the will to live. If not for this child, then I would have done something to myself!

She started to feed me, talking to me about various things trying her best to engage a conversation with me but I seldom replied.

After feeding me, she picked up the plate and left me alone with my desolate silence that had consumed my entire being.

One month had passed and there was no news about him. It's as if he vanished in thin air as if he never existed. I was a lifeless body just breathing and passing my days with no life left in me. He bargained his life in exchange of my and our child's life. This must have been the most selfless thing he ever did but now I have to live this hopeless life to bring up our baby.

I tried to get things out of Mathew but he had sworn to secrecy and he never revealed anything. I knew they knew something but they could not break it to me. I didn't try harder because I didn't had the courage to hear that he was no more! I can live in my denial, that is still acceptable but I won't be able to breath if I hear, his has stopped.

"Radhika, it's Arjun, they have found him." Mark said as soon as he entered inside.

"I want to see him." I jolted up from my seat.

He nodded his head, both of us have buried our differences and accepted that we need to be together for Arjun. It's not like he has suddenly warmed up to me because he has made it clear that Martha Mehra was his rakhi sister and he cannot be nice to me but he will be civil with me. 

After an hour long drive, we finally reached the hospital and a minute had not passed since I stopped praying. I want him back at any cost, please God if I have been a good person, give him back to me. Give me back what is mine please God, you took away my mother but you can't take him away.

As we entered the hospital premises, Mark filled in the receptionist about who we were looking for. They informed us that he was in room no 104 which was on third floor. We took the lift and in no time we reached room no 104, with shivering hands I pushed open the door.

My breath was caught in my throat when I saw him, lying on the bed with bandages covering most of his body.

"Arjun." Words failed me as nothing came out of my mouth except his name.

"Radhika." He said, opening his eyes, his beautiful face marred with bruises.

I rushed to his bedside," You are alive! I thought....." I sobbed, holding his hand bringing it to my face.

"Not a chance! I had promised you and Arjun never breaks a promise."

"How did all these happen?!" I asked him, shaken by what was before me.

"He had planted a bomb in our house and he wanted to burn everything down. I jumped off the terrace....."

I cut him off,"You what?! You actually jumped off the terrace?! You could have died...."

He glared at me,"I would have died if I had stayed inside the house. When I woke up, I was in the hospital with broken ribs and a fractured hand."

How easy it is for him to say all these so casually! If only he had listened to me and not underestimated Veer but no Arjun Mehra never listens to anyone! If he listens then his height will decrease by an inch!

I fumed,"How easily you are saying all these?! Do you know what I went through?! I was lifeless and I use to keep asking myself that why did I listen to you and left you alone with him?! Why did I let you promise him to save my life?! I use to keep thinking what I could have done to change your mind?! I use to keep thinking what will happen to me if something must have happened to you?!"

"Radhika, I....."

I cut him off,"Shut up! I am not finished yet, you will listen to me, you put me through so much, Arjun. I never thought I could forgive you but here I am crying for you! You have made me so helpless, so weak and so vulnerable. I have cried so much in the last one month that...." I broke down reliving those moments of sheer purgatory.

He looks remorseful,"I am sorry, baby. You are my talisman, my lifeline, my ladyluck, my everything. You and this little one kept me alive, without you in my life, I am as good as dead."

"How did you survive the fall?!" I asked him.

"Radhika, I have been an adventurous guy always, the things I use to do if I tell you, then you'll start hitting me. I wasn't scared when I use to pull all those stunts because I didn't care if I lived or died but this time I was so fucking scared that I could hear my pounding heart in my ears. I landed on the grass that surrounds our house and I think I was blown away by the explosion. I am just happy I didn't break anything that couldn't be fixed. So back in one piece!" He chuckled but I didn't because I didn't find it funny at all. He has the nerve joke about it and laugh it off but I take a deep breath in to calm my anger down.

"When will you be good to go home?!" I asked him seriously.

"You should ask the doctor that but I think I am good to be discharged."

"We will see." Not until you are fit to go home.

He stared at me,"How are you?! How is the baby?!"

I smiled,"I will be lying if I tell you I am fine and the baby is fine. I complete my fifth month tomorrow so we can get to know the gender now if you want to know."

"I want to know the second they can tell us." He smirked.

"Why am i not surprised?!" I teased him.

"Healthy first but a boy will be a wonderful thing." He said dreamily.

Of course, he wants an heir to pass on his legacy and of course he is paranoid about having a babygirl but I know he will love her with all his heart once she will be here. How can you not love your own flesh and blood?!

"You need to rest, sleep." I remind him.

His joyous gaze stayed on me,"I want to keep looking at you, in that one moment, I thought I will never see you again, I will never be able to feel my child growing inside you, I will never be able to hold him, I thought everything is lost but your face flashed in my mind, and I knew I had to come back to you and nothing could tear us apart. I love you so much, Radhika."

Even the thought that you could have died is enough to gives me unbearable pain. I can't live without you, I have grown so used to you, your temper tantrums, your arrogance, your love, your care, your 'I know it all' smirk, your looking at me in a way that makes me feel you have eyes just for me, your unshakable determination to put others before you, your wanting to make everything alright, I can never imagine my life without you.

"I love you too." I confess.

Even though he looks tired, I see a glimer of hope and happiness in his eyes.

"Say it again."

"I love you." I repeat.

"Again." He persist.

I kiss the uninjured hand I was holding,"I love you."

"Again." He insisted like a child.

"I love you." I say with tears running down my cheeks.

"I can never get tired of hearing it, this three words mean the whole world to me." He said truthfully, staring at me without blinking his eyes.

"Please rest, Arjun. You need to rest."

"I am fine, you are not going to get rid of me that easily."

I shook my head at his impossible nature and leaned down to kiss his forehead, I carressed his hair the way he likes it," Sleep Arjun." I said sternly this time and miraculously, he listened, closing his eyes.

I smiled, a huge weight was off my chest finally. Not only he was back but he was back in one piece and I had told him how I really feel about him. I know he is a difficult man, short tempered I agree but I also know he loves me to death. I cherish how he looks at me in a way that tells me that I am his whole world and nothing is as important as me.

His gaze resembles a child who sees magic for the first time, his eyes are always full of pure adoration and I know it's set in stone, that his love is forever no matter what. I silently say my prayers, thanking God for bringing him back to me. God has been so kind to us and I am so grateful for everything. I just pray that our sufferings are over and we can be happy with our family now.

I am heartbroken that we lost our home, so many bittersweet memories were attached to that place. I still remember how we use to have breakfast, lunch and dinner together as a family every day. Arjun and Sam's constant bickering that use to make us laugh. I had thought that my child will live his childhood there where his father lived his but I guess we don't always get what we want.

I have to ask Arjun where are we going to stay now because honestly I am not keen on staying in the house that we are staying in right now. We need a bigger place and I know we are not going to stop at one child so all the more reasons to get a bigger place. I know nothing can match up to Mehra mansion because it itself was like a palace, magnificent palace but I do want a house like that where all our family members can live comfortably and have their private space.

I want to ask him what happened to Veer, I hope he isn't alive and he died in the explosion he caused. I know it is evil to wish death on someone but this is the man who is a threat to me, my child and all the other children we will have. If he is alive, he will not let us live in peace and I don't want anyone from our family to go to bed with a constant sword hanging over their heads.

I signed in relief as I looked at him, sleeping without a care of the world. It's very rare to see him sleep like that especially because he is such a light sleeper and he wakes up very easily. I want him to take rest and recover fast so we could go to see the baby together. I can't wait to know what we are having and I secretly hope its a boy, nothing will please be more than having a son who is as devoted as Arjun is to his mother even after so many years.

A nurse came inside to change his dressing and even he was awake by now. He smiled at her so I could pick up that they were familiar with each other especially because she must be taking care of him since last one month.

I observed her, to decipher if she was interested in anything else other than treating my husband. She was pretty in her crisp white uniform, and I felt like a fat little lady in front of her.

"Sir, how are you feeling this morning?!"

"I am fine, Diane. When will I be discharged?!"

"I think you are recovering fast, I think you are good to go but you should confirm with the doctor."

"Ma'am, can I just say you have a very good husband?! He kept taking your name from the time he regained conscious."

"I know he loves me very much." I smile at her.

She is sweet, and doesn't seem to have any ulterior motives.

"You are one jealous little madam." He remarked as soon as she left.

"You were nice to her! I have never seen you being nice to anyone other than family." I couldn't help but taunt.

"She treated me with so much care in last one month and she is easy on the eyes, you see." He teased me.

"I will scoop your eyes out if you look at her!" I threatened him.

"I was just kidding, the only reason I was nice to her because she wasn't throwing herself on me or salivating over my looks. She was just doing her job."

"Better, but don't form any friendship with her."

When one's husband is as good looking as Arjun is, then that girl should keep a watch on her husband. Not that he will cheat or stray but I don't like when other women lust after him.

He winked at me,"Aren't you being too bossy?!"

"You must listen to me."

"I don't befriend women, Radhika. I have stopped a long time ago." He said.

"I know, she was unlucky to lose your friendship." I said, referring to Lily.

"Let's not talk about that whore." I wince at the animosity in his tone and decide to end that topic.

"Okay." I give in.

He smiles,"We should talk about ourselves."

I smile back lowering myself upon him and gently placing my head on his shoulder," You think it's over?!"

"Not yet. Rehan and Rahil are alive but you don't have to worry, just think about your health and the baby."

"Where we will live?!"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He smirked.

"You won't tell me!" I made a face.

He smiled,"No because I want to give you a surprise in fact it's pretty much a surprise for Mariam and Sam as well."

"I want a garden surrounding the house where our kid can play." I tell him.

"Kid?! You don't think we are going to stop at one, do you?! I want at least five children!"

I think my jaw dropped on the floor with his statement.

My eyes get as big as saucers,"Five?! Are you crazy?! I don't want to deliver five children...."

He gave me a smug look,"Did you forget the carrying part?!"

I glare at him,"Shut up! I do not want so many children."

"I can convince you and you know that. I want five boys, I want to have a small tribe for myself." He declared.

"All boys?! No girls?!" I pouted. A little girl who will be the apple of everyone's eyes.

"Why you want a girl?!" He asked me.

"Of course I want at least one girl in the family. I want a daughter who I and Sam can dress up."

He stared at me with disbelief,"You want a daughter so you and that stupid sister of mine can dress her up?!"

"No I also want a daughter for other reasons as well." I tell him honestly.

"I hope they are not as stupid as wanting to dress up a girl." He stated.

"No they are not but you hear me, we are going to have a girl one day."

"As you wish, my love." He pecked the side of my head," You have started to show now and man, it's so difficult to just look at you and not be able to fuck you!"

I blushed furiously at his words to which he chuckled," You have no idea how much I want you right now."

"I am not letting you touch me until you are fully recovered." I say composing myself.

"Radhika, we haven't had sex for two months and...."

"And nothing! It's not the end of the world, I am sure you can wait for another one month."

"So not even blowjob?!" He asked all of a sudden making me speechless!

How can he even come up with these things in such an environment?!

"It is inappropriate to talk about these things here."

"You are my wife and I can say whatever the fuck I want to say. You haven't even kiss me since you came inside." He stated in an irked tone.

I leaned in and pecked his cheek but he turned his face in a way that our lips met instead. He captured my lips in a searing kiss, kissing me as if his life depended on that kiss. I kissed him back softly holding his face, giving him all my love and expressing how much I have missed him. With him back, we can finally start afresh and let the bygones be bygones.

To be continued.....

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