Their unknown Children

By SunshineCj9

6.4K 160 11

Just like the title says More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven

Chapter seven

445 13 0
By SunshineCj9

Lucy point of veiw ~ It's been a few weeks since the kids, the puppies, Juvia and I stayed and Lyons and Grays place. Over the last few weeks the kids have started to get to know their fathers more. Which is pretty adorable. But when the kids hang out with them they want me and Juvia near by. It's good that the kids want to learn more about their fathers.

Right now me and Juvia are in our office. She was busy designing some dresses and outfits for her new line. I was busy writing some new songs. We've been really busy lately. We had a lot of things that we needed to prepare and get ready for the up and coming months.

I had finally come up with lyrics to one of the new songs. I looked at Juvia and saw that she finally started drawing. I started writing the lyrics down when their was a knock at the door. Me and Juvia looked at each other.

"Let's ignore it maybe it will go away" she said and I nodded and continued to write down the lyrics. But whoever it was is really persistent. Me and Juvia sighed I got up and went to open the door. I looked and saw gray and the others behind him.

"Is there something you need" I asked in an annoyed tone "we had a meeting today" gray said with a raised eyebrow I looked at my phone and saw that it was eleven in the morning the meeting was at one in the afternoon "Your two hours early why" I asked "all of our schedules were free for the next two hours so we decided to get the meeting done early" Gray said

I groaned "were you guys busy" Levy asked "yes yes we were" Juvia said behind me I sighed "come on in I guess" I said and they came in. The boys had suits on while the girls were in dress suits. Unlike me and Juvia. Juvia was in a black long sleeved crop top shirt. With blue high waisted shorts. With light blue socks and slippers. She had silver hoop earrings on with a silver necklace.

I was in a red long sleeved crop top shirt with blue high waisted shorts. Light blue socks and red slippers. I had gold hoop earrings on with a gold necklace.

Our hair was in a high ponytail with three braids on the top.

They sat at the meeting table while me and Juvia sat at our desk. They were just staring at me and Juvia. "I thought this was supposed to be a meeting"Juvia asked "it is but are you going to wear that for the meeting" Ultear asked pointing to our clothes

"Why would we change we always wear normal clothes to meetings it's not like it would effect the way the meeting would turn out" I said "plus it's more convenient and comfortable wearing normal clothes" Juvia said "but that's totally unprofessional" Zeref said "old people seriously" I mumbled and Juvia snickered at my comment.

"You and all of our other business partners may think so at first but you realize that we really don't give two fucks about what you think" I said "plus why would we dress in fancy clothes it makes you look stuck up and they really are uncomfortable we don't even make our staff members wear business clothes. Hey can wear whatever they want as long as it's appropriate" Juvia said

"Wait how come we have to business clothes for the past four years" levy asked "That's because you never read your contracts and I'm betting you still haven't read them" I said "but it doesn't matter if that's what you want to wear then you can we aren't gonna stop you" Juvia said the girls nodded

"So what exactly is this meeting about" I asked "you don't know" gray asked "no we don't your secretaries just told us that you were coming for a meeting but didn't give our secretaries any details" Juvia said

They looked at each other Gray and Lyon looked down. "We've been thinking and we believe that Gray and Lyon should file for custody of the twins and triplets" Lucas said

No point of veiw ~ As soon as those words came out of his mouth they felt the air shift around them. "Oh is that so" Lucy said her bangs covered her face

Juvia gave them a cold look "what gives you the right to decide that" Juvia asked her voice as cold as her look

"Well we believe that since they are the biological fathers of the twins and the triplets they should have time to spend with their kids" Mavis said "you know they could come and visit their kids whenever they want. We knew that when they found out that they would want to spend time with their kids we were never going to take that from them" Lucy sneered

That made them all slightly flinch "we believe that they should be with their fathers also. They deserve to be with their fathers I mean they would probably be in better hands with their fathers. I mean what type of mother makes their kids move around constantly. And up until this point they probably have never had a decent childhood or friends at all of that matter. And also what type of mother gets three to two dogs all at once. Plus wouldn't it be better if they could have a family that could provide for them better and love them better" Ultear said everyone went wide eyed at what she said except for Lucas, Zeref and Mavis

"Ultear you shouldn't have said that" The girls said "sis apologized" Lyon and Gray said. Lucy slammed her hand on the desk. Everyone turned to her and Juvia they both looked extremely pissed.

"Listen her you stuck up bitch don't you ever say shit like that you don't know what we fucking went through these last six years. You don't know what we fucking go through now just so our kids can be happy. You don't fucking know us so don't act like you do. Everything we do is for our fucking kids so they can be happy and live happy lives. We always make sure that we are always there for them even though we are fucking busy they will always be our number one priority. So don't you ever say that we cant provide or give our kids the love they need" Lucy sneered glaring at Ultear. Lucy stood up and left the room.

"Tell me Lyon and Gray do you agree with what your sister said" Juvia asked in a cold tone "no we don't" Lyon said "we never thought that she would say all that" Gray said "oh so you knew that she came here to tell us that they want a custody battle" Juvia asked in a even colder voice "yeah we did but we didn't mean for it to come to this we are so sorry" Lyon said

Juvia ignored him "tell me did you girls know about this" Juvia asked looking at them "each we did but we didn't know that she would say that either" Meredy said looking down "We are terribly sorry" Erza said "your not going to lose your jobs if that's what your really worried about" Juvia said in a blank tone "we aren't" Mira asked "no your not" Juvia said "thank you so much" Evergreen said "but if you want a custody battle that's what you will get but just so you know you won't win" Juvia said glaring at Ultear

"Yeah right we have Alvarez Law behind us" mavis said with a triumphant smirk "we have the Thirteen stars behind us" Juvia said and they all went wide eyed "your lying that's the best law firm around Alvarez comes in second" zeref said Juvia pressed a button and thirteen people came in

"Hey Juvia where's princess" Loki asked "Leo Lion aka Loki Celeste Leader of the thirteen stars" Lucas said "she left because the woman with the raven hair got her mad" Juvia said "what she do" Mini asked "Yeah what did she do" Gem asked Juvia took out a remote and showed them the security camera

"You have cameras in here" Natsu asked "of course we do" Juvia said "there are cameras everywhere in this entire building" Virgo said Juvia showed them the video of today the stars gasped "I'm going to go find the brat and calm her down Juvia come also" Aquarius said and left with Juvia

The stars glared at Ultear "you really shouldn't have said that to those girls especially not to princess they've been through so much with those kids" Virgo said "what do you mean especially not Lucy" Cana asked "we'll the triplets were originally supposed to be twins" Aries said

"What do you mean" Freed asked "Well Grayson wasn't actually supposed to be born she didn't know until she was pushing him out that she was having a third child" Libra said everyone went wide eyed "How didn't she know" Gray asked "its because he was smaller then his siblings so he never appeared on the ultrasound so they told her she was having twins" cancer said

"But anyways when she was pushed him out they both almost don't make it. Grayson had to be put into an incubator. Lucy had to go into surgery to save her life" Pi said "Lucy, Juvia and their kids spent two months in the hospital to make sure everything was alright with them after they were released things got much harder for them since they had no one to help them" Cease said

Everyone went wide eyed processing what they had heard "it gets worse after that but the rest is not our story to tell" Scorpio said "Tell is do you really want a custody battle. Because if you do you won't win" Oprinius asked "do you really want to rip the kids away from their mothers after they went through so much with them" Taurus asked "they are the only people that keep those girls sane. They love their kids like crazy and their kids love them like crazy. They don't know what they would do without their kids and their kids don't know what they would do without their mothers"Capricorn said and they left the room leaving the others to think about what was just said.

End of chapter to be continued I don't own fairy tail or the pictures or the videos that I have on here

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