bloom. h.s āœ”ļø

By vanillasoy

1.3M 32.8K 100K

// "Shit Flower, I miss you." // In which a former drug dealer who fell in love with the bosses' daughter fin... More

a flower cannot blossom without sunshine, man cannot live without love
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.
thirty four.
thirty five.
thirty six.
thirty seven.
thirty eight.
thirty nine.
forty one.
forty two.
a shameless promotion

twenty one.

35.4K 821 2.7K
By vanillasoy

A cool breeze danced across my face and I savoured it for a moment, my eyelids no longer heavy but just the feeling of them closed felt nice and refreshing and I appreciated the fact that I had slept really well.

It wasn't like I wasn't sleeping well at the moment, because I mean I was, my life was good. It had just been this last week, leading up to yesterday and I knew the reason why obviously.

But now, thanks to last night I felt like everything was okay again.

The sound of running water met my ears and I opened my eyes slowly only to close them immediately again as I was met with a very bright room and I laid there listening to the water instead.

I reached out an arm to touch the other side of the bed only to meet the empty but still slightly warm sheets and I assumed in my morning haze that it was Harry in the shower I could hear.

I smiled to myself slightly as I closed my eyes again and laid there instead of getting up and being a normal human being and besides, this was Harry I was listening to; there was a good chance it wasn't even eight in the morning yet.

I jumped as something wet touched my face and my eyes shot opened and I blinked rapidly in shock. My sleepy eyes finding a large black and tan dog laying alongside me on the bed, his nose incredibly close to my face and I laughed slightly.

"Good morning puppy."

Gatsby's thick tail thumped against the quilt making me laugh again as I reached out to stroke his head, the thick fur warm against my fingers as I tickled him and I sighed, turns out I really fucking liked this dog.

"Guess I should get up huh?" I asked Gatsby who just looked at me and I rolled my eyes at myself, I'd never had a pet before but who would have guessed I was someone who spoke to them.

"Bet your Dad's already up." I rubbed my face, my eyes slightly sticky and I had my tears last night to thank for that. And as always I'd slept longer after crying, I hope Harry wasn't annoyed.

I ran my tongue around my mouth as I pulled myself out of bed and stood, the cool breeze hitting my bare legs and I flushed as I looked down, how could I have forgotten I was wearing a pair of Harry's boxers.

I picked up my jeans and changed into them quickly, folding the boxers and left them on the end of the bed as I headed towards the door on the right side of the room, my feet padding against the cool wooden floors.

I chewed my lip as I realised that this was Harry's closest before I stepped through the second door and came upon the bathroom and I raised an eyebrow at my reflection above the sink.

I poked the skin on my cheeks for a bit, annoyed at the redness that my face seemed to have adopted lately before I did my business on the toilet and washed my hands. I bit my lip as I looked at the tube of toothpaste laying on the sink side, I doubted he'd miss a little bit.

I squeezed a tiny amount out onto my finger and rubbed it haphazardly around my mouth before I cupped my hands under the tap and attempted to gargled the still kinda lumpy toothpaste before spitting.

I stepped back into the walk in closest, my mind a bit more aware of things now and I snuck a sneaky glance at what he had in here. I didn't expect Harry to be a closet kind of person, he definitely didn't have one in his old flat.

Although the majority of the stuff hanging up in here looked like his work clothes considering it was a lot of shirts and suit trousers and I smiled slightly as I fingered the pair of tan and black checkered trousers he'd been wearing when he asked me on our first date.

A pile of what looked like paper caught my eye as the trouser legs swung slightly and I tried to get them to stop before I looked closer at the substantial pile of paper on top of the built in drawer set.

I frowned as I caught my name scribbled on the top piece, Harry's easily recognisable slant wrapped around my name and I picked it up gently. I turned it over in my hand, there was nothing but my name.

As I looked at the back I realised it was actually an envelope and underneath the one I'd picked up there was another one, with my name again and I pushed that one to the side to find a pink envelope with my name scribbled on it again.

I swallowed nervously as I returned my attention to the one in my hand and I carefully lifted the unsealed flap and pulled out the card, the black background appearing first and then I saw the little daisy scattered across it.

I rolled my lips together as I read the front of the card, the gold letters standing out nicely as my eyes moved crossed them; this day is all yours happy birthday.

I flipped the card open and felt my eyes immediately round out and start to water as I read Harry's scribbled handwriting.


You're twenty four today.

You deserve the best day, and I miss you more than you'll ever know.

H x

I closed the card and slid it back into the envelope as I tried really hard not to start crying as I stood there. I shifted through the pile of cards, counting six other cards. I frowned as I tried to work out why there would be six cards.

I jumped as a loud bark sounded through the flat and I quickly put the card back and stepped away from the pile. I rubbed my hands against my thighs before I walked out of the closest and left Harry's bedroom.

I swallowed as I paused in the doorway to find Harry stood leaning against his fridge door with his back to me and Gatsby sat next his empty bowl and I bit my lip.

"Hi." I said quietly, watching as Harry's head snapped over his shoulder and my favourite lopsided smile was thrown my way.


Gatsby padded back over to me and I smiled as I patted his head gently, he'd just seen me, who knew Harry would get a dog as clingy as he was.

"D'yeh' want some breakfast?"

"I used some of your toothpaste, I hope that's okay."

I rolled my lips together as we both spoke at the same time and I felt my cheeks heat as Harry smirked at me and nodded slightly.

"Tha's fine." Harry said and I smiled.

"What are you having?" I asked making Harry flick his head over his shoulder and I wandered across the room until I came to a stop next to him.


"Can I have some, please?" I asked quietly and Harry nodded before he stepped around me to get into the fridge and held up a slice of bread towards me and I nodded.

I assumed he was asking if I wanted one or two slices.

"Thanks for letting me stay."

I didn't know what was wrong with me, why was I so awkward? Last night was nice, better than nice actually, we'd actually talked things out and we were in good place.

A Harry and Poppy place, again, at least.

"S'alrigh', did you sleep okay?" Harry asked and I nodded as I smiled at him. "Good."

Silence covered the two of us as we waited for the toaster and I twisted my fingers together as we stood there. Why was this so awkward?

Did Harry not want me to stay?

I mean I'm sure he wasn't planning for me to stay over and maybe it was weird that I was still here.

"Does Gatsby usually sleep on the bed?" I decided to ask just as Harry's slice of toast popped up, mine close behind and Harry glanced at me.

"Sometimes," Harry shrugged as I watched him reach for a cupboard and he handed me a jar of marmite a few seconds later and I felt my cheeks heat as I smiled at him. "Why?"

"He was on it when I woke up."

"M'know." Harry breathed a laugh, "Got a couple of cute photos if yeh' want."

I turned towards Harry wide eyed as I paused mid spread of marmite and I watched his own eye twitch before he took a bit out of his toast and did something on his phone.

"Sent." Harry said through a mouthful of toast and I frowned.

"Oh, my phone is dead." I said watching as Harry rolled his eyes. "Sorry."

Harry raised an eyebrow at me and I swallowed as he held out his phone towards me, my fingers brushing against his as I took a hold of it and I forced myself not to react like an absolute psychopath.

"Thank you." I said quietly, Harry humming in response. "He's so cute."

"He's alrigh'," Harry teased making me laugh, "What are you doing today?"

Was that his way of telling me to get out? Probably.

"No idea." I admitted as I finished off my toast and considered whether or not I wanted to put one of those photos on my instagram. Gatsby did look really cute and he was a nice contrast to Harry's bright white bedding.

"I was thinking about going to see some cats today but I haven't done anything about that. I also wanted to find a gym to join but I don't even know where to start." I admitted.

"Yeh' wanna join a gym?"

"Yeah." I sighed, aware of Harry's eyes dropping down my body and I shifted. "I need too. I started in New York because I wasn't exactly the healthiest and now I just eat way too much sushi."

"Yeh' look smaller."

My eyes fluttered closed at the compliment as I bit my lip and I felt the flush run down into my neck before I looked up at Harry and smiled at him.

"Thanks!" I said sincerely, "Hit my goal weight just before I came home."

"We could go look at cats." Harry said instead of acknowledging my statement and I was suddenly worried he thought I was weird.

"You'd come with me?" I blinked as Harry put our plates into the dishwasher and I tried not to let my brain run wild with ideas and fantasies I had of Harry and I doing things like couple things.

"If yeh' want." Harry smiled and I flushed as his eyes met mine and I nodded slightly.

I had always wanted Harry to do everything with me two years ago and I guess nothing had changed.

"Do I need to like book an appointment or something?"

"Nah, d'yeh' know where yeh' wanna go? I got him from Battersea. Lou and I just turned up." Harry explained.

"I guess Battersea, yeah." I nodded slightly, "Either that or the local RSPCA."

"We could go to Battersea first and then if it doesn't work out, the RSPCA." Harry suggested and I smiled at the idea.

"I need to go home and change."

"I'll drive you." Harry stated and I looked at him in shock before I glanced at Gatsby.

"What about Gatsby?" I asked as I smiled at him, he was drinking from his water bowl but somehow there seemed to be more water on the floor than in his mouth.

"Yeh've got a park next to yeh' flat, haven't yeh'?" Harry asked and I nodded slightly. "I'll take him for a walk whilst you get ready."

I looked at Harry for a few seconds before I nodded slowly before I headed back to where I'd left my flip-flops the night before and Harry grabbed Gatsby's lead.

I made sure I still had my oyster card, keys and my now dead phone before Harry ushered us out of his flat and locked the door before we headed down towards the lift.

"I don't even have any cat things." I said suddenly once we were in the car heading back towards mine as I patted Gatsby's head absentmindedly.

"Can do that after."

"Don't they like, check?" I asked, "I thought I'd need everything before hand." I chewed my lip as Harry shrugged.

"I didn't have shit either, but I put a deposit on him, went home and got all his shit and then picked him up the next day."

"Don't call it a deposit." I laughed, catching Harry's raised eyebrow and I shook my head in amusement.

"What else am I meant to call it?"

"I dunno, an adoption fee!" I laughed again, typical Harry, "You make him sound like he's an object."

"Wish he was a bloody object." Harry muttered as Gatsby pushed his arm with his nose and I watched Harry shove him away with his elbow. "M'drivin' mate."

Harry pulled into the curb outside my flat and I quickly glanced around the street but I didn't see Niall's car on it, either Lindsee was over at his or they hadn't seen each other this weekend.

I hope everything was still good with them.

"Lemme know when yeh' done." Harry said and I nodded at him before I gave him a wave and smile as I headed up to the front door and pressed in the security code easily.

I debated whether or not I wanted to use the stairs but I decided against it as it was only half past nine and already twenty degrees and I didn't really feel like climbing eight flights of stairs.


I pulled my key out of the door just as Lindsee called out for me and I rolled my eyes.

"The only one with a key." I called back, the blonde head of my best friend appearing around the doorframe of the kitchen.

"No need to be a smartass." Lindsee muttered making me laugh and I headed towards my bedroom, aware of Lindsee following. "Thanks for letting me know you weren't coming home."

"Oh shit, I'm sorry." I looked at Lindsee wide eyed as I realised that I didn't even tell her where I was going last night. "It wasn't planned I swear, I was at Harry's."


"Don't give me that look." I laughed as my phone buzzed and I glanced at it, just to see it turning back on and I was briefly surprised at how quickly it happened. It usually took twenty minutes once the battery died.

"Well I'm just saying, if I spent the night at my ex boyfriends I would be getting more than a look, Miss Carmichael." Lindsee said as she took a seat on my bed as I headed for some clean underwear.

"I would support you," I said honestly, "Also you don't have an ex."

"Didn't need to bring that up."

I laughed as I looked over my shoulder at Lindsee, taking notice of her speckled black leggings and crop top. Guess she wasn't seeing Niall today then.

"I think we're good." I said quietly as I grabbed a pair of shorts and a plain t-shirt that was laying on my bedroom floor.

"You and Harry?"

"Yeah." I nodded, sighing slightly. "We talked about it."

"Oh about him being a cunt and leaving you in the middle of the night, two years ago?"

I stared at Lindsee open mouthed as she smiled innocently at me before I shook my head, she was something alright.

"You're so fucking lucky that I love you." I laughed making her roll her eyes and I decided then and there that I wanted to shower and I bit my lip. I hope that was going to be okay with Harry. "Oh Harry's downstairs, can you let him in if I'm not out the shower?"

I looked at Lindsee as I picked up my phone to see it on six percent and I pulled up Harry's messages and quickly typed out a message for him.

I hope it's okay I want to have a shower, when you're done you can come up. Lindsee will buzz you in :~)

Harry's reply buzzed in almost immediately and I bit my lip.

H 10:13am: I didn't think dogs were allowed?

What Igor doesn't know won't hurt him

"Yeah I guess." Lindsee finally answered me and I rolled my eyes before I pushed her shoulder gently making her laugh before I headed into the bathroom.

I flicked on the fan as I shut the door behind me and dumped my clean clothes on the toilet lid, I turned the water on and waited for it to heat up. I busied myself with brushing my teeth properly as I waited, my mind jumping between topics and I rolled my eyes at myself.

I sighed as I stepped into the shower and let the hot water burn against my back and I did my best to keep my messy bun out the way of the shower stream.

I vaguely heard the sound of the front door opening over the stream of water but I assumed it was Harry and I silently thanked Lindsee for doing what I asked of her but I knew she she would. She was a dick sometimes but she was my dick.

"Hi Puppy."

I smiled at the wiggly dog who was sniffing the pair of shoes that Lindsee had left in the hallway before he bounced over to me and I laughed as I tickled his ear before I stuck my head into the lounge to see Harry standing in the kitchen looking at a cupboard.

"Lindsee's gone to yoga." Harry said as he turned to look at me and I nodded, so that's why she was in leggings. "D'ya want a drink? She said I could."

I rolled my lips together to hide my smile, he didn't need permission but it was cute he'd told me he'd got permission.

"No it's alright thanks. Mugs are in the next cupboard along." I advised as I realised he was looking at the pasta cupboard and my eyes widened. "We share that cupboard."

"Didn't say a thing Flower." Harry hummed and I flushed at his amusement expression.

"I just need to do my make up, I won't be long."

Harry nodded at me just as the kettle flicked off and Gatsby followed me into my room and I smiled in amusement as I took a seat on my bed and grabbed my make up bag and very quickly did my eyebrows and mascara.

I debated whether or not if I wanted to put foundation on but I knew it was going to be hot again today and I didn't really want to worry about being a shiny ball in front of Harry or anyone actually.

I decided against it and instead just slapped a little bit of tinted moisturiser on and hoped for the best as I stood and grabbed a pair of low tops, Gatsby watching my every move and I pressed a kiss to the top of his head before he followed me out to find Harry.

"I hope he doesn't think you're taking him back."


Harry glanced at me just as he tapped the excess ash from his cigarette out the window and I had to bite my lip to keep myself together. Did he know he looked really hot smoking?

"I hope Gatsby doesn't think you're taking him back to Battersea. He might think you don't love him anymore." I explained, aware of Harry exhaling in amusement, smoke briefly filling the car and I crinkled my nose.

"Sorry Flower." Harry muttered quickly, "M'don't think his brain works like that."

"How do you know? I bet he remembers being stuck there all alone, waiting for his new best friend." I pouted.

"Well, it clearly ain't me." Harry laughed as he looked at Gatsby who was currently resting his head on the console where my hand was buried in his fur.

I flushed as Harry raised an eyebrow at me before he looked back at the road and I pouted silently to myself. I spotted the big building as Harry tuned into the street and I sighed. Why was I anxious?

I wanted a cat, I wanted a cat really badly actually but now I was here I was nervous, that made zero sense but honestly that was just me.

Harry grunted as he started moaning about parking but I stayed silent, I didn't mind having to walk back but I knew Harry always wanted to park as close as possible to the destination.

Sometimes I wondered how he was in such good shape.

"Is it alright he's coming with us?" I asked as the three of us walked and Harry did nothing to calm my nerves as he shrugged at me.


I looked up at Harry slightly panicked, his eyes briefly rolling at my own worries.

"Hi, how are you today?"

I smiled at the girl behind the counter who was already smiling and honestly I had to admit if I worked with animals all day every day I'd be pretty fucking happy too.

"We're good, thank you" I smiled, "We um, we were hoping to meet some cats today if that's okay?"

The girl nodded and I watched her eyes slide towards Gatsby before she looked at Harry and then me again.

"Of course! Unfortunately the dog won't be able to come in with the cats but if you don't mind you can leave him in the dog run, or one of you can stay with him too."

"Oh that's fine, we just didn't want to leave him in the car." I nodded.

"No worries, just two adults?"

Both Harry and I nodded at the same time.

"Forty eight pounds please."

I slapped my card on the reader before Harry even got a chance to get his wallet out and I knew he was going to try it considering it his empty hand was already going for his back wallet and I knew nothing had changed.

Harry and I followed the girl through the gate and into the building and I felt my heart break as we passed the dog wing and we stopped briefly for Harry to drop Gatsby off and the workers switched out and I smiled at her, only to receive a look in return,

"Is that Mr Gatsby?"

I chewed my lip as she spoke and I noticed her eyes were on Harry, Harry's own gaze slowly moving from Gatsby who was already getting in amongst the dogs that were playing in the sunshine.

"Yeh'." Harry finally answered her. "Hi Chelsea."

They knew each other?

"Hi Harry." Chelsea replied, her tone less than polite as she looked at Harry and I shifted uncomfortably.

I stood there awkwardly as no one said anything, they clearly knew each other and now my brain was running a mile a minute to figure out how and why they knew each other.

Maybe she helped him adopt Gatsby?

"You actually call her after you said you would, instead of ghosting?"

I blinked as Chelsea spoke again, a sneer to her words as she looked at me as if she pitied me and I swallowed thickly.

So it was definitely more than adopting Gatsby.

"We're here to look at cats. Can yeh' get us someone who works with cats." Harry said placidly, and I rolled my lips together as Chelsea narrowed her eyes at Harry before calling for a co worker and another girl appeared.

"What did you do to her?" I asked Harry quietly as we followed the girl into another building and I immediately heard cats meowing and my heart clenched.

"Went on a date." Harry muttered as we stopped at a door and I looked at him in shock. "Nothing compared to you."

My entire body burned as I looked away from Harry quickly as we stopped at a door and I peered into the windows to see all the cats, some were playing and others were running around and I genuinely thought I was about to start crying.

"All of this lot are ready to be adopted, theres varying ages and sexes. Nobody in there has been aggressive or have really bitten any of the staff here but obviously just be careful and if you've got any questions, just ask Clare in there."

I nodded as I listened to the staff member before she nodded at the other worked, Clare and opened the first door for us to step in. Harry and I were pretty close together as we waited to hear the door click and then Clare opened the second door for us.

"Hi I'm Clare." Clare introduced her and I smiled at her.

"Poppy, and that's Harry." I pointed at Harry who simply nodded and my eyes zeroed in on a little ginger cat playing on top of the cat tree. "I'll just warn you, I might start crying at some point. I just love cats."

"That's okay! I'm a crier too." Clare laughed and I caught Harry shaking his head at me and I nudged him before I took another step inside.

I knelt down to stroke a pretty little tabby cat as it bounced around near me and I smiled as it squeaked at me and I decided to sit down as several more cats descended on me.

"That's Bob, he's a bit of talker." Clare advised and I smiled as I rubbed Bob's little stripped chin before he was pushed out the way of a slightly bigger pure black cat and I gasped.

The black cat pushed its way in front of me, a little meow leaving its mouth as I smiled at it and held my hand out for it to sniff.

"Hi sweetie." I smiled as it head butted my hand almost immediately before it climbed over my crossed legs to stand on my thigh and began rubbing its head and body all over my hand and arm.

"This is Pineapple." Clare introduced and I gasped as I looked up at Clare before looking at Harry excitedly.

"It's fate." I said making Harry hum. "Hi Pineapple, I'm Poppy."

"She's about two and has been here since she was about six months, we think." Clare explained.

"How did she end up here?" I asked curiously, as I picked Pineapple up, her little body going with the flow and I held her in my arms, her little black head hitting my chin as she rubbed all over me. "Okay, I'm right here love."

"Her and her mother and like three siblings were found. We were pretty sure they were feral and unfortunately it was only Pineapple who survived. We found out about three months after we got them that her mother had cancer so she was put down. I should say Pineapple and her siblings had cat flu when we got them, that's why her siblings didn't make it unfortunately."

"Cat flu?" I asked, glancing worriedly at Pineapple and then Harry who shrugged at me.

"It's a respiratory disease and it's highly contagious. The majority of wild cats get it, obviously fit and healthy cats recover from it but the likelihood of wild cats surviving it is low. Pineapple was one of the lucky one."

"So she's okay now?"

"She's probably the healthiest of these cats admittedly." Clare laughed and I smiled as I let Pineapple lick my fingers and I sighed.

"Is she okay with dogs?"

I glanced at Harry to see him staring at me wide eyed before I looked back at Clare to see her nodding.

"Yep, we introduce or try to introduce a lot of the cats here to some of the dogs. It's not a requirement but it makes life easier for when they're up for adoption." Clare said and I nodded along. "Obviously not sure about children but as long as you introduce them properly, it should be okay."

I bit my lip as I cuddled Pineapple to my chest and stood, smiling in thanks to Clare.

"Do you wanna meet Harry?" I asked Pineapple, a little squeak leaving her mouth and I laughed as I lent over to Harry who hadn't really spoken to any of the cats here despite the fact I'd seen a few trying to get rub themselves around his legs.

"Say hi." I told Harry who peered at me before he looked at the black cat.

"Hello cat."

"Her name is Pineapple!" I pouted making Clare laugh. "I'm a pineapple pizza person."

"Oh me too!" Clare laughed and I grinned at her as Harry rolled his eyes.

"I would love to have her." I told Clare who nodded.

"That's great! Pineapple is a really sweet cat but I have to say I've never seen her attach herself to a visitor like this before."

"Were you waiting for me baby?" I cooed as Pineapple rubbed the top of her head on my chin and I smiled.

"Did you want to take her home today?" Clare asked and I frowned, shaking my head sadly.

"I don't actually have any stuff for her at home."

"That's okay, you can either take her now or if you want you can come back later today or even tomorrow. Whatever works for you." Clare smiled and I thought about it.

"I can pick her up this afternoon?" I asked, glancing at Harry who was just listening patiently and Clare nodded. "That would be great, I'll bring my flatmate with me too."

"Of course!" Clare smiled, "I'll put her back in her cage and say she's on reserve. I'll grab all her paperwork and hand you back to Becky at the front desk."

"Great! Thank you." I smiled at Clare, "I'll be back for you Pineapple. I promise."

I kissed the cats head gently before I handed her off to Clare who took a hold of her before she let us out the first door and I watched her signal to the girl who let us in to let us out and I watched carefully as Clare put Pineapple into a cat carrier.

"I'm getting a cat!"

I grabbed Harry's arm without thinking and crushed myself to him, I didn't know why I was hugging him but I was happy and I was happy he was here.

I felt Harry's arms come up around me and loosely hold me to his chest as he laughed and I felt the vibration in his chests.

"M'happy for you." Harry smiled as I pulled away from him and I flushed before I lent up and pressed our lips together.

I pulled back wide eyed as I realised what I did to find Harry looking down at me with my favourite lopsided smile and I smiled at him until I spotted Clare heading our way with some papers.

"Alright, so there's an adoption fee," Becky the girl at the main officer said and I nodded, "There's two parts really, there's a twenty five pound security fee just to make sure you come back and get them. And then a seventy five cost to take her home."

"All good." I smiled, pulling my card out immediately making Becky and Harry laugh slightly. "Do you have recommendations for pet insurance?"

"It really depends, I personally just use Tesco because that's who my car insurance is with." Becky explained. "I'd shop around, maybe look into your current home content insurance is with. You can usually get a good deal on that."

I nodded and made a mental about that, I couldn't even remember who my contents insurance was it. I hope Lindsee did.

"We recommend getting them microchipped, Pineapple is already spayed so that's a cost you don't need to worry about. Her vaccinations are up to date and won't need to be redone until next year."

"Thank you." I smiled as I pushed my card into the machine and tapped in my PIN easily. "I'll be back this afternoon, I'm not sure what time sorry."

"That's fine, just know she'll be waiting for you." Becky laughed and I bid her a goodbye.

"I just bought a cat!"

I squealed once the three of us were back on the street making Harry laugh as Gatsby sniffed a lamppost.

"D'yeh' want me to come with you to get supplies?" Harry asked and I bit my lip as I texted Lindsee about Pineapple, her excited reply coming through immediately.

"Don't you have better things to do than hang out with me?" I laughed watching as Harry sucked his teeth before he shrugged.

"Suppose I could go see Niall."

"I mean, you can come if you want." I offered, suddenly feeling bad. I'd expected him to laugh along with me.

"No s'alright. He'll get shitty if I don't see him at least once this weekend." Harry rolled his eyes making me smile. "I'll take you home though."

"Thank you." I said quietly as we headed back towards the street where we'd parked the car. "I mean it."

"Hm?" Harry hummed as he lit a cigarette and looked at me.

"Thanks for everything, this weekend. I probably wouldn't have gone if you hadn't been with me."


"Dunno, you know me." I shrugged, "Anxiety."

"Wouldn't change yeh' though."

I bit my lip to contain my smile as my cheeks heated and I lent over to kiss Harry's cheek and I swore the tip of his nose tinted red.

"Can I kiss you?" Harry asked once I'd sat back and I looked at him in shock.

Why did he always ask? I clearly didn't ask earlier on and I felt bad about it, especially considering Harry always made sure he had consent.

"Always." I breathed.

I laughed slightly as he pushed Gatsby's head away as he lent over the console, one hand holding onto his cigarette and the other gripping my neck as he pressed our lips together and I felt his lips twitch.

Harry's tongue slid along my lip after a while and I complied, my senses immediately invaded by the taste of Harry. Although his mint taste was overpowered by the tobacco but I couldn't be mad about it.

"Let's get you home Flower, yeh've got a cat to get ready for."

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