Wanted Ransom

By hokorix

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To save her sinking company, Hange needed Levi to help her. Yet it was hopeless. Levi does not want to but Ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

494 40 15
By hokorix

Sitting on one of the cushioned chairs in the sala was Moblit with his head ducked down and fingers intertwined, as if in deep thoughts. The air of solemnity was hovering over him, making him feel worse. It was still early in the morning and the others haven't woken up yet.

His mind wandered towards so many different things. Slowly contemplating whether his decisions were a mistake.

Regret was weighing in his mind a lot. Maybe what he did was a mistake? What if Hange will hate him so much for this? Was betraying her and cooperating with Levi really the right thing?

Speaking of Levi, he was quite odd yesterday.

Moblit was supposed to be on his way to bring the brunette breakfast but stopped in his tracks when he saw Levi walkout from the cell where Hange was supposed to be kept. In a brief moment, Moblit swore he saw a rare surprised look on the usual expressionless raven-haired. Yet, that expression didn't linger too long and it naturally shifted back to his usual look, now grimacing.

"I've brought her breakfast..." Levi stated, eyeing the tray on the taller man's hand. Looking up, he raised an eyebrow at him which made Moblit quite nervous. "Well, there's also an excess tea I brewed in the kitchen. You can go drink it if you want."

This caught him off-guard, not expecting the generosity. Before he could say something in return, Levi already walked away and headed towards his room.

Moblit thoroughly doesn't have an inkling on what kind of person Levi is. The only thing he knew about the raven-haired was that he was a good friend of both Hange and Erwin years ago.

There was also a rumor he had heard from Nifa and the others that the man had something going on with his superior. Much to his dismay, Moblit wasn't there when that happened. He was still studying abroad in London and only came back to their homeland when he has heard of the passing of both Hange's parents.

Hange never told him anything either.

He was starting to doubt his decisions on trusting Levi. He was rather complaisant upon the fact that the two were once in a relationship, trusting that Levi only meant good for Hange. In all actuality, there were still many shrouding patches of fog around the man, his idea of him still mystified.

Levi is a really unreadable person.

Sighing, he only got further drowned in his thoughts until he felt the cushion of the sofa dug down, an indication that someone sat beside him.

"Regretting it, aren't you?" It came from a familiar voice, already have a name in mind. 

He glanced at her, seeing Nifa, his cherry brown-haired coworker sipping on a cup of tea.

Noticing this, she turned to him and flashed a small smile. "The tea is good, you know? It seemed like Sir Ackerman brewed it for all of us despite what he said about accidentally making excess."

Upon the mention of tea, he remembered what Levi had said yesterday. So he still made tea for today?

"I'll go get some then—"

"Wait!" Nifa immediately stops him in his attempt to stand up. "I've brought one for you already!"

Moblit decided to not question her and just accepted the drink willingly. Soon enough, they both found themselves relaxing a little bit, leaning on the sofa.

Sipping on the tea, the warmth it emitted felt good on the tip of his tongue. To be honest, he was never one for teas but oddly enough, the tea that Levi had brewed taste good.

As his eyes wandered towards the female beside him, it brought back the words she had said earlier.

Putting the cup down to the coffee table before him, Moblit began. "To be completely honest with you, I am regretting it very much, Nifa."

This caught Nifa's attention as she glanced back at him.

"I...I just feel so bad for Hange."

"You're not alone in that." She replies back, staring at how the liquid circled around in her cup. "We all feel bad. But just think of this as something very necessary to protect her."

"We could've just told her about it beforehand—"

"Do you think she would just lay low and let us do everything for her?" Nifa cuts him off. The way she spat out the words were so grave as if it had been lingering on her mind for a while now. "Miss Hange's sense of responsibility is too firm. She wouldn't certainly allow this. Even Sir Ackerman said so, right?"

"Still! The feeling of betrayal is too heavy, Nifa. What if she would lose the capability to trust us ever again?"

"Hange isn't that petty. Put some faith in her."

"No, you just don't understand!" Moblit suddenly stood up from his seat, feeling worked up all of a sudden, the tone of his voice rising. "I'm going to talk with Levi and convince him to tell Hange the truth---"

Before he could step away, Nifa immediately latched her hand on his arm, stopping him. "Wait!"

He was forced to take a look on her face. Nifa had a threatening look as if a warning to stop whatever farce he has in mind. It's not that she doesn't share the same sentiment as what Moblit has for their superior but she couldn't risk Levi aborting this mission. They were the ones who had asked help to him after all.

They only exchanged stares at each other, waiting for the other to give up and none was backing down either.

Before the situation could further heat up, a loud thud from somewhere broke the tension between them as they both darted their eyes in unison to where the sound came from. Both could only widen their eyes in confusion upon taking in the familiar figure.

It was Hange.

Apparently, she stupidly tripped on the rolled carpet by the door frame which resulted for her hands to lean over the wooden wall, causing the thudding sound they've heard.

"H-hange-san! How did you get here?!" Of course, it was Moblit who was first to react.

"Relax... relax..." A sly grin formed on her lips, raising both her hands up in the air in defense. "You see, my room was open ever since yesterday so I got braver and tried to get out today."

The two could only stare at her in further bewilderment.

Noticing both her hands up in the air, the realization struck Nifa. "Aren't you supposed to be handcuffed?!"

"Levi removed it."


Hange chuckled at the response, glancing towards the whole vicinity. The two noticed her sudden change in demeanor, looking wary of her surroundings.

After finally scrutinizing the whole place, Hange concluded that it was only the two of them there. Thank goodness she doesn't have to resort to stressful things. "Have you seen my belongings?"

"Your belongings? Why do you ask?"

Nifa frowned at Moblit for even asking that as she regarded a look to the brunette first. "Wait. You're supposed to be in your cell—"

"Answer my question please." The firmness in Hange's voice made them pause.

It was rare for the brunette to address things with an air of authority. Such rarity only happens when she's persistent on a certain thing and have no room for time to kid around.

Seeing that Moblit seemed taken aback by this, Nifa answered on his stead. "Sir Ackerman is the one keeping your belongings. He might've brought it in his room."

Hange began to ponder at the answer. If it's in his room then Levi must've been staying in the master guestroom, the only bedroom that could accommodate guests and the biggest room in the mansion.

Nifa carefully read the look on her eyes, sighing in defeat. "You're going to get your phone, right?"

Instead of answering her question, Hange once again grins at them as she waves her hand. Mumbling a soft farewell, she soon dashed towards another room, probably on her way upstairs.

"Nifa! We should stop her!" It was only when Moblit started to react, the situation dawning to him.

The woman only shrugged, once again sitting on the sofa, enough indication for her rejection.


It was still eight in the morning and based on how Levi usually is and his morning routine that Hange was quite familiar with, that man probably just woke up. The brunette is now in front of the door that she assumes where Levi stayed, thinking of ways how to get inside unnoticed.

Well, just the journey coming up to this point was hard enough. She had to be quite stealthy to avoid the men dressed in black guarding the whole place. Sneaking around in such a huge place is quite convenient. There were too many places where she could hide.

Of course, despite what Levi did yesterday, it only ignited more tactics for escape.

Seduction deemed useless now that he had figured out her intentions. Obviously, it is impossible for her to escape this place by herself. One way or another, help from outside this island is needed. For that matter, there were four people she could reach out for help.

However, reaching out to Erwin, Nanaba and Mike are risky. How is it not guaranteed that they're also not behind this scheme? Knowing Levi, he must've told Erwin about this beforehand.

The three are now out of the picture which leans towards only one person---Zeke.

The guy was a close friend she met through a Science Exhibition overseas. Spending a year with the man and working on the same project was enough time to assess his credibility and how much he is to be trusted.

For that, she needs to contact him. She needs help.

Determination now firmly rooted in her mind, she knocked on the door lightly enough to be heard by Levi's sharp ears. A few minutes have passed but there was still no response from inside which brought a small smile to Hange's lips. Thus, she twisted the doorknob carefully, the door slowly creaked open.

The dimness by the inside of the room welcomed her. At first, she had thought that maybe this room wasn't the one Levi had stayed at seeing how neat the place is as if untouched. However, the lit-up laptop by the nightstand is enough confirmation that this is certainly his room.

Walking inside, the brunette shuts the door close carefully. It was annoying how darkened the room was as it took quite a long time for her eyesight to adjust in the dark.

From afar, she saw her small backpack placed on top of the high-end chair near the curtains. This made the brunette smile happily, hope seemingly close. But before she could take a step forward, she heard how the shower from the bathroom turned on, splashing of water echoing in her ears.

This made her frown. The high-end chair was just across the entrance of the bathroom. It was also half-opened, enough for the small light from inside the bath to seep through. Levi is taking a bath at the moment and if Hange's lucky, he might be still busy washing his hair.

Gulping in the nervousness in her throat and shooing the negative thoughts out of her head, Hange took small steps towards her bag. She continued to steal glances on the bathroom door and she accidentally saw the silhouette of Levi standing inside the shower room.

A silly thought came into mind which made Hange avert her eyes in embarrassment. This isn't the time to think of such indecent things!

Her hands finally caught grasp of her backpack. In a rush, she immediately opened the zippers and tried to fish for her phone. Now that she's in such a dire situation as this, Hange is regretting why she just junked her things altogether. If she was more organized, getting her phone would've been much easier.

Triumph was overwritten over her face when she finally got a hold of the gadget. Taking it outside, she silently squealed upon seeing that it was indeed her phone. However, the sound of the shower shutting off broke her out of her trance, immediately closing her bag and dashed towards the door.

There's no time to waste and the way her heart beats in thrill and adrenaline was quite deafening.

She was in the middle of twisting the doorknob open when a hand suddenly slammed on the door, making her jump in so much surprise.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

"What do you think you're doing, four-eyes?" His husky voice was so close to her ear, making her shudder.

She's caught and the small hope she had slowly fell down the gutter. Words wouldn't come out from her mouth.

This irritated Levi, impatient as he is, he grabbed her wrist and turned her around. Hange's eyes could only widen in surprise, now face to face with Levi and seeing the dark aura on his face.

He's mad! He is certainly mad at her! Thus, Hange could only gulp the lump in her throat.

His grip on her free hand was tight and the way his grey blueish eyes pierced to her was so intimidating.

Hange needs her phone and she needed to get out of here. Instinctively, her hold on her phone tightened, trying to remain hidden behind her back as Levi continued to stare at her eyes straightly in question.

She thought of ways to at least get out of her with the phone in tow. He isn't yet aware that she had taken her phone. An idea came into mind and Hange's eyes trailed down to his bare chest, droplets of water still slipping on the wet skin.

He was half naked with nothing but a towel to cover the most private part of his. Hange blushed at a thought.

Levi, on the other hand, began to get annoyed with the delayed response.

"As I said," He began, furrowing his brows further. Their position was quite complicated taking in the fact that Hange is taller than him and he had to look up. "What are you fucking—"

Before he could continue his words, Hange suddenly hugged him. It was the brunette's diversion to take away his attention and slip her phone between the band of her skirt by her waist. Levi was utterly confused, feeling the fabric of her clothes and the warmth of her body pressed against his.

The brunette strands of her ponytail were sticking closely to his face as he felt Hange tightening the hug further.

Levi was about to question her when he felt her other hand shifting around.

Ah... Hange is indeed not to be underestimated.

Nor should Levi be.

Before Hange could slip her phone in between the band of her skirt, another hand suddenly hovered over hers, stealing the phone from her grasp.

This alerted the brunette and as if on impulse, she stepped back from Levi, pushing him lightly on the chest in disbelief. Her eyes could only widen in horror seeing Levi now staring at the phone he had taken from her.

Oh no. The way Levi's eyes darkened, the scowl in his face worsen and his lips became grim made Hange's heart thump like crazy, nervousness overruling her system.

"Who are you going to contact with this?"

His low baritone and the way he eyed the small gadget---Hange was awfully familiar with that look.

"I'm not contacting anyone, d-don't be stupid." Composing herself, her hand tried to grasp for the doorknob to escape from him. "I will now excuse myself then, now that my attempt at stealing my phone has failed—"

Before she could once again grasp for the doorknob, Levi grabbed her hand. "You're not answering my question, four-eyes. Who are you fucking contacting with this?"

"I said I'm not---"

"Answer it!" The way his voice rose up made her stop.

Damn it. Levi is angry.

Biting on her bottom lip in frustration, Hange decided to quit the lies seeing how Levi isn't convinced by any of it. "I...I was just going to call for help from Erwin—"

"Erwin? Don't play dumb with me!"

"I'm not playing dumb with you!"

"You are!" Levi spat out and Hange was getting confused about why the hell he is so mad. "You're calling that fucking beast, right?"

The way the brunette's eyes widened was enough to confirm Levi's suspicion.

"I knew it... I fucking knew it."

The way Levi was acting right now wasn't making any sense for the brunette. What is he so mad for? She's a prisoner here so of course, she'd want to be out from this place!

"And what does that have to do with you?" She finally lashed out, frustration dripping like acid. "All of you—everyone is a lost cause now for me, Levi! Who am I supposed to call for help now?"

Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance and turned his back on her. Hange could only wince when he suddenly threw her phone on his bed, the gadget jumped on the soft fabric. There was a silence hovering between them, unseen tension in the air before a heavy sigh escaped from Levi's lips, an indication that he's trying to calm down. 

"You... go back to your cell now..."

This aggravated Hange. What the hell is Levi so worked up for anyway?

"I know you're mad with me." The brunette began, her voice shaking. Right now, all Hange has left for her was to desperately escape from this place...this whole damn island. Throwing away the pride she had been building for a while now. "but please... please let me go, Levi. There's nothing you can gain from keeping me here anyway! Please...I'm begging you!"

Her pride can go down to the drain for all she cares now. Hange just wants to go home and fix her properties! She still had responsibilities left back in home! She still had work to do!

The days she had spent in this place made her contemplate fixing every shit she had done and this was probably enough punishment from Levi for her.

"Levi, please! I'm really sorry! I want to apologize for everything! I won't even bother with you anymore—"

"It's too late now, Hange." He replies, voice firm. "Please... just please get out.


That didn't work.

On top of it all, Levi got so mad at her.

Hange is now back in her room, sighing all over again as she thought of what had happened just moments ago. She had underestimated Levi too much. He even figured out that she would be calling Zeke. Ironically, it was dumb of her to even reason out that she would be calling Erwin, Nanaba or Mike. Levi knows her well enough to know that even Hange herself is aware of the risk of calling those three.

Well, so what if she's asking help from Zeke? That has nothing to do with him!

A silly thought came into mind and the brunette only shooed this away from her mind. Levi is already engaged to someone. To think that he'd still be affected by her is just a faraway dream.

Now that she's been gone for a week now, did her relatives ever look for her? Yet, Hange could only once again curse in a realization. The other night before flying to this island, she had bid farewell to them, leaving a letter stating that she wanted to get some alone time with herself and spend it somewhere. She even heavily pleaded there that they shouldn't look for her.

Damn it. Everything is too messed up! Levi got her good.

Glancing towards the small window, she stood up and tried to marvel at the scenery outside.

From afar, she could see the sandy beach and how the sun bid its farewell so peacefully.

If everything went according to her plan, she would've been out there enjoying the shit out of this place.

As Hange continued to ponder for her escape, a certain raven-haired was left alone in the darkened room, his silhouette seen behind the curtains as he stood still by the huge balcony, watching the scenery before him. It looked so peaceful and nostalgic---the sky was manifesting a dusky hue of orange as the setting sun reflected on the calm waves by the sea.

Hange... that stupid woman. She never learns, doesn't she?

He could only furrow his brows in further annoyance, remembering her shitty warmth earlier when she tried to stupidly embrace him just to successfully get her fucking phone. But aside from that, Hange was planning to contact Zeke, that bastard, of all people.

"That piece of shit..." Levi mumbled, remembering that bearded man.

Hange's plead suddenly came back to his mind. The way her voice croaked and the desperation thoroughly laced in her tone. Sighing, Levi could only get that memory out of his head.

It's too late. He already made the choice and so did that four-eyed woman herself.

Thus, with newfound determination, Levi turned his back on the peaceful scenery before him and stepped back in his room, the darkness engulfing him in.

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