Starting A New- Danny Phantom...

By LadyNoir303

626 17 0

After Andi and Lani and their friends saved Danny Phantom from the Guys in White's clutches, Danny struggles... More

Author's note


32 1 0
By LadyNoir303

A few days later...

A large explosion startled the people awake. It was loud enough to be seen all across the town. Immediately Danny was the window with Andi."What the hell could of caused that!" Andi shouted.

"Don't look at me! I don't know!" Danny immediately said. In the distance he noticed something shot out of the smoke cloud let by the explosion.

"Did you see that?" Danny asked."See what?" Andi asked."Something shot out from the smoke." Danny said frowning."I can't see as well as you. I don't know."

Sam, Tucker, Valarie and Jazz stormed into Andi's room."What was that!" Tucker shouted."Something exploded." Danny said. Sam stood next to Danny."You are not going out there. You still haven't healed up completely." Sam said."What if it is Vlad again?" Danny asked.

"Then we'll go out and assist the pro heroes." Valarie said. Danny took a deep breath and let it out.

"You might wanna come see this!"

Izuku said from the door. Everyone ran to the living room."What's wrong?" Valarie asked.

"Breaking news! One of the warehouses at an abandoned dock just blew up for reason yet unknown to us. We take you live to the centre of our city."

The camera footage now showed one Danny's biggest nightmares.

"Danny Phantom! I know you can hear me! Come and save her before it is too late... I'll set your future in stone as it supposed to be."

"Anyone who tried to fight him will die! I have to get out there!" Danny shouted but Sam tackled him."Danny! Please...we don't want to lose you again!" Sam said. Danny looked at Sam, fear showing in his eyes."Hey! Who the fuck is that!" Bakugo shouted.

Danny looked up at the confused and scared people in the room."That's me." Danny admitted as the tears came out again."What do you mean by that! You are right in front of us!" Bakugo shouted.

"He is an alternative version of me! Only I can fight him...if one of the pro heroes tries to fight him then he will kill them. He is more dangerous than any villain out there. He's the Ghost Zone's most evil ghost of all time!" Danny shouted.

He stood up with Sam who was clutching onto Danny."I promised I won't turn into him...I will protect everyone, even Jack and Maddie." Danny said as he transformed.

His suit still hasn't gotten a new suit since it was the least of his worries. He quickly grabbed a black long sleeved shirt and put it on.

"Danny..." Andi said looking worried."I'll be okay." Danny said."You'll need this." Jazz said as she gave him a Fenton Thermos."Do you think it keep him trapped inside?" Danny asked."It will. It's an upgraded version." Danny took it and clipped it to his belt.

"Stay hidden, especially all of you." Danny said before he disappeared into the night. He flew full speed towards the centre of town.

"I'm right here! Let go of my sister!"

"Danny!" Lani shouted as she tried to get out of Dan's grasp."Oh look how weak you look. I heard the Guys in White had you." Dan said."What's it to you! Let Lani go!" Danny shouted again.

Dan is currently floating high in the air."Really poor choices of words." Dan said as he threw Lani. Danny was about to go after her but Dan held him back."Ah ah ah, I'm going to make you watch this one." Dan said."No!!" Danny shouted and tried to escape.

"Lani! Transform!" Danny shouted.

Lani looked shocked at Danny. What's the point in hiding anyway? The government already knows that she is a halfa, but what will her classmates think? Lani closed her eyes.

The cameras were only focused on her falling that felt forever for her or on Danny."Transform!" Danny shouted. Lani's eyes snapped open and she transformed into her ghost form.

"And this just in! Here we have another halfa in our midst!" The camera moved upward as Lani floated higher. No one could see her face but Danny and Dan. Dan smirked as he threw Danny into a building."Well would you look at that." Dan said and floated towards the girl in the purple suit.

"You..." Lani growled. She looked up and everyone saw how pissed she look. Her hand glowed with energy. She clenched said hand and punched Dan in his stomach sending him flying. Dan crashed into a car that was parked in the distance. Lani landed on the street causing everyone close by to back off.

They were scared of her. Her eyes glowed red. It was slowly fading away into a darker purple. The moment Dan stood up Danny came and blasted him into the building closest to Dan.

He went over to Lani."Lani? Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you?" Danny asked. Lani looked Danny in the eye and it made Danny feel shivers up his spine."I'm fine. Just bruised." Lani said. Danny just noticed the bruise on her neck that started to heal."Get back to the dorms. You'll be safe there. I'll take care of Dan." Danny said.

"I'm not going to the dorms. I'm staying."

"Lani he'll kill you!"

"I'm born with death! I can't die! Besides, I'm not letting you do this alone." Lani said."Lani, he won't hesitate to kill anyone. It will help me more if I know you are safe." Danny said. Lani was about to say something but instead Dan stood up."Behind you!" Lani shouted. Both of them dodged into the same direction as one of Dan's attacks almost hit them.

"I'll kill everyone you ever cared for Danny." Danny growled at Dan."Why does he have the same insignia as you?" Lani asked."I'm an alternative version of Danny...ten years from the future." Dan said and grabbed both of them.

Lani dug her nails into Dan's skin. Danny kicked himself free as Dan started to scream."What did you do?"

"What? You can't absorb electricity?" Lani asked."Electricity killed me so no." Danny said."That makes since then." Lani said.

"If you insist." Dan said and took a deep breath. Danny grabbed Lani and went through the ground. The people close by held their ears as they tried not to hear the deaf defying sound. Danny and Lani appeared behind Dan."Stay behind me." Danny said and did the same as Dan turned around for another attack.

Just when Dan's attack was about to hit Danny, he unleashed his Ghostly Wail making Dan's attack pointless and sending him into the streets.

At Sam's end...
The whole class watched as Danny, Lani and Dan fought, but... most of them were trying to wrap their heads around that Lani, who they have probably known for a little over than a year, is also like Danny. A halfa.

"Why didn't she tell us!" Uraraka asked shocked. Andi sighed and looked at the TV in worry along with Sam, Tucker and Jazz. Valarie was mostly shocked since she doesn't know what is going on.

In the background the class was going nuts as they watched the news. Sam was clutching onto Tucker's hand really hard but Tucker was too focused on the TV to notice the pain.

Danny and Lani looked tired and beaten up. Dan was looking like he had a fight but he wasn't weak just yet. Danny thankfully still had the thermos on him. Danny's shirt also didn't hold long as he hoped it would.

Dan smirked again as Danny made a move to punch Dan but Dan, counter attacked Danny's attack and pushed him into the ground landing on his back. Danny groaned from the pain. He was about to get up but Dan pushed his foot into Danny's chest making him scream.

Lani was on the sidewalk somewhere trying to get up. She used a close by car to pull herself up. She almost fell again but she stopped herself. She watched in horror as Danny screamed."No! Leave him!" Lani shouted getting Dan's attention."Haha, look at you. You can barely stand! Pathetic and weak! Both of you!" Dan said.

He looked at Danny who's still underneath his foot. Dan grabbed him by his shirt and then ripped it off of Danny's body making him fall to the ground.

The camera now focused on Danny. Now the whole world new what Danny's body looked like. Danny was bloody, scratched and bruised. Lani looked just as bad. Her suit got ripped. Her jumpsuit's legs was uneven, her one glove got destroyed and most of the top half got ripped off but it miraculously still stayed on her body.

Lani made an elastic band using her powers and quickly tied up her hair in a pony tale. She let up an ecto blast again and shot it at Dan. Dan grunted. He left Danny and went to Lani, who was breathing heavily.

Lani, sucking it up, stood ready. Dan went in for the kill but Lani quickly dodged it and brought up her knee but Dan turned his body into smoke and appeared behind Lani. He kicked her in her back making her fly into a newspaper stand. She stood up as the news papers scattered over the sidewalk.

She looked at Danny as he got up. Dan groaned and turned around."You know, the Guys in White will never bother you again if you just throw away that stupid human half of yours, just like I did." Dan said.

Danny frowned."What did you do to them?" Danny asked."Some got slaughtered and some got killed." Lani shivered at the thought. Just when Maddie was about to pull her out of her cage...Dan caused the explosion outside and then bursted into the building. Some tried to capture him but Lani's eyes widen when she saw what Dan did.

Lani shook away the thoughts. She can't think of that now. While Dan was busy with Danny, she jumped on Dan's back."Get off!" Dan shouted as he tried to shake Lani off. Dan grabbed Lani's arms and threw her into a hood of car.

"Stop it!" Danny shouted and went over to Lani."I'm fine..." Lani groaned as she coughed up blood."Get to the dorms. I told you...please." Danny said."...No." Lani said.

"Oh! I forgot to mention." Dan said and to his surprise there was still a news crew."You all probably remember Vlad Plasmius. This girl is his one and only daughter!" Dan said and Lani's eyes everything changed in that one second.

Danny looked around at the faces that only had looks of horror. Dan blasted Danny again and picked up Lani by her throat."This is the daughter of the man who tried to kill everyone." Dan said."Leave me alone!" Lani shouted and kicked herself free.

Danny stood up. It's time to end this. I have to capture Dan before more damage is done...

Danny's body started to glow and everyone's attention went to Danny. When Danny stood up, he was breathing heavily and he glared at Dan."That's enough!" Danny shouted and a miniature version of the Ghostly Wail came out sending Dan through a wall. Lani dropped to the ground.

"Don't worry. Get to safety."

Lani stayed right where she was. GIW agents started to come to the scene of the fight. Dan came out and immediately went for Danny.

Danny stopped Dan and punched him in the jaw downwards sending Dan into the street.

"You've done enough..." Danny said. Dan struggled to get up.

"No! This isn't over!" Dan said. Just when Dan got on his feet again, he charged at Danny but Danny pulled out the thermos, took of the cap and aimed it at Dan. Dan tried to escape. He grabbed a fallen debris but he was too weak.

"I'll get you both! I'm far from done!

Danny closed the lid of the thermos and clipped it to his belt. He looked at Lani who just lost her transformation."You okay?" Danny asked."Yeah...just sleepy." Lani said as she lost her consciousness. Danny caught her as he too fought to stay awake.

But there is one more problem.

GIW agents surrounded them with weapons aimed on them.

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