A Different Side of Cat Valen...

By Grande_luver_5

11.8K 134 27

Everybody used to know cat as the bubbly run ditzy redhead but lately she's been a little off. What nobody kn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Authors Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Authors Note
Holy fuck look who's back

Chapter 10

395 8 0
By Grande_luver_5

I woke up the next morning with my head and arm resting on a muscular chest. I smiled and tried to roll over. I realized i can't roll over becks arm is holding me in place. I tried to wriggle out but i couldn't. I looked back to see back smirking at me.

Beck- morning beautiful

Me- morning baby

Beck- how'd you sleep

Me- better than I've slept in months
beck- guess I make a good pillow huh

Me- damn straight baby

I tried to sit up but I couldn't.

Me- let me go (giggles)

Beck- what do I get

I leaned in and gave him a kiss. I felt his grip loosen and i spring before he changed his mind. I walked out to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

Jade- hey

Me- hey

Jade - how'd you sleep

Me- like a baby

Beck came walking out into the main area. He was still in just boxers. We both looked at him

Beck- what it's not like both of you haven't seen me like this before

He was right me and jade had both seen bed in boxers

Jade- yea but when the hell did you get ripped

Beck- around the same time you started trying to kill me on a daily basis

We all went to get ready. Beck showered first. I figured while waiting why not check my slap account. I opened up the app and up popped a notification. It said I had a new message from Nina Bronson.

Me- mutters fuck under breath

Jade- what's wrong

Me- Nina messaged me again

Jade- what did it say

Me- I don't know I haven't read it yet

I clicked on the open button and up popped the message
hello cat you know it's kinda funny how everybody always has to stand up for you. Why don't you get off your fat ass and do it yourself you hoe. Are you ready for the run through better not fuck up all your lines like the no talent piece of shit you are. Like I said before just quit while your ahead

I showed jade the message and this time her anger wasn't held in I watched my phone fly across the room. Beck opened the door and ot missed hime by like 6 inches and stuck into the drywall

Beck- what the fuck was that

Me- my now most likely broken phone

Jade- sorry Cat

Beck- what the fuck happened

Jade- Nina happened

Beck reached over and pulled my phone from the wall and looked at it. Suprisingly the screen wasn't even cracked. He read the message and squeezed the phone so hard the the screen shattered

Me- well if it wasn't broken before it is now

Beck- shit I am so sorry baby

Me- Its fine

Jade- I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to hearing you two say that to each other

We all finished getting ready for school and left. As we walked into the school I was bombarded by questions. I had forgotten about how I covered up the bruise yesterday. It had gotten a bit better but not by much. I went to Sikowitz class and sat in my normal seat. We started the run through of the lines.

Sikowitz- Cat where's your script
Me- don't need it
Sikowitz- why not
Me- I know the entire play off by heart
Sikowitz- I knew I made the mistake letting you do this
Me- test me
Sikowitz- alright what is the line following this and whose line is it

See, see our honoured hostess!The love that follows us sometime is our trouble,Which still we thank as love. Herein I teach youHow you shall bid God 'ild us for your pains,And thank us for your trouble 

All our service

Me - lady macbeths line

All our serviceIn every point twice done and then done doubleWere poor and single business to contendAgainst those honours deep and broad wherewithYour majesty loads our house: for those of old,And the late dignities heap'd up to them,We rest your hermits.

Sikowitz- that's correct word for word

Sikowitz tested me three more times and even made me tell hime what scene and act they were from. Of course I nailed all of them.

Sikowitz- well cat it seems you do know the entire play by heart
Cat- I told you

We spent the rest of class reading through lines. After the bell rang I went to math. God I hated math. We were doing calculus and I sucked. I spent the class texting beck. As soon as the bell rang we went to the asphalt cafe. Tori saw me and walked over

Tori- Why do you avoid me
Me- I don't avoid you
Tori- we keep making plans and then they get cancelled or something
Me- sorry tori the past two weeks have been really jumbled. Come to my place tonight. Bring Andre
Tori- cool

The rest of the day just flew by I was actually excited to have people over tonight. After school me back and jade went right back to my place and started cleaning up. When the place was actually clean it was not a bad apartment.

Me- Jade I wanna show you something
Jade- Cat is it another secret room
Me- yes
Jade- what the hell

I led her to my door and turned. Go in there

Jade- that's the linen closet
Me- is it
Jade- that's what you told me
Me- just go In

Jade walked and opened the door to reveal a bedroom It wasn't big but it wasn't small either.

Jade- Cat why the hell didn't you tell me about this
Me- it was empty till today. I found a cheap bed and dresser and figured I don't want you sleeping one couch forever so here ya go.
Jade- thank you cat that actually means a lot
Me- cool now we need to clean

We all started cleaning again. After about 25 minutes the apartment was spotless. We all sat on the couch waiting for Andre and tori to arrive. There was a knock on the door and I knew that must be them.  I opened it to see robbie standing there.

Beck- robbie did I or didn't I make myself very clear

Robbie- you did I just wanted to talk to cat for a minute
Me- I don't know robbie
Beck- are you willing to do it with me and jade in the room
Robbie- fine
Me- fine robbie

He came in and sat down on the chair pulled out by the table

Robbie- Cat I know that it's going to mean nothing but I'm sorry I shouldn't have ever laid a hand on you
Beck- what about calling her a dumb worthless slut
Robbie- no I meant that

And again in a second flat beck had robbie by the shirt.

Beck- robbie what the fuck possesses you to come here and in front of me say that my girlfriend deserved to be called a dumb worthless slut
Robbie- Cat chose  the wrong guy she should have chosen me not you the guy who will probably fuck and dump her

I watched as beck took robbie out lnto the hallway. I heard robbie yelp and then several more thus and then silence. A few seconds later beck came in with some blood on his hand.

Me- why'd you go out into the hall to punch him
Beck- because my princess shouldn't have to witness tha

Then there was another knock on the door. I opened it to see andre and tori. The came in and sat down. We played a few games of cards until Andre had to leave. It was like 9 pm now.

Me- anybody want a drink
Beck- sure
Jade - sure
Me- tori you want one
Tori- you mean like water
Jade- tori sometimes your stupidity makes me sad inside
Tori- then what
Me- well there's whiskey vodka rum or beer
Tori- I'll have a beer
Jade- pussy
Tori- fine I'll have whiskey
Jade- tori have you ever drank whiskey before
Tori- nope
Jade- Cat can we do a shot
Me- that's a great idea
Jade- this should be fun

I walked over to the cupboard and got out four shot glasses and filled them with whiskey we all grabbed one

Me- ok 3 - 2 - 1 - bottoms up

We all did the shot then I looked over at tori who was still holding hers

Jade- oh come on tori even sweet little cat did it
Tori- fine she tipped it back and drank it
Jade- impressive that's the best first time I've ever seen
Tori- yay

After the shot we all just stuck to beer because none of us wanted to be overly hungover on a Saturday. At about 2 am we decided to go to sleep. Tori was a lightweight so she was shit faced and jade although she wasn't a lightweight did do four more shots. And beck well he only had the shot and three beers so he was ok and then there's me I was tipsy I was really tipsy. I had fallen down several times. Beck finally tool me to bed. I fell asleep in becks arms for the second night in a row

Hey so that was a filler chapter there will be a few of those.

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