A Different Side of Cat Valen...

By Grande_luver_5

11.8K 134 27

Everybody used to know cat as the bubbly run ditzy redhead but lately she's been a little off. What nobody kn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Authors Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Authors Note
Holy fuck look who's back

chapter 8

434 5 1
By Grande_luver_5

Cats POV

I woke up the next morning and my race hurt like hell. I got out of bed and walked out into the kitchen for a cup of coffee.

Jade- holy fuck cat
Me- what
Jade- it looks like you were slapped by a fucking smurf
Me- what do you mean
Jade - go lol on the mirror cat

I walked over to the mirror and saw the print robbie left on my back was now a dark black blue and purple. I walked back to jade with my eyes wide.

Me- what am I going to do
Jade- nothing you're going to let the whole school see exactly what that monster did to you
Me- buts it's ugly
Jade- who do you have to impress cat.. not Beck your looks are the last thing he's looking at when he's looking at you
Me- I guess you're right

I walked off in the direction of the shower. I quickly showered and then put on a pair of skinny jeans and a tighter fitting grey and black horizontally striped long sleeve shirt. I let my hair flow naturally today in hopes It would hide some of the bruise. Me and jade got to school and I went straight for beck

Me- hey babe
Beck- hey beautiful what's u...holy fuck
Me- is it really that noticeable
Beck- yea baby its noticeable
Me- well fuck
Beck- follow me

I followed beck down into the hair makeup and costume design wing of the school

Me- what are we doing down here

Beck- I have a friend who owes me a favor
Me- alright and

We walked into a room with a bunch of mirrors and makeup everywhere.

Beck- hey Sasha I'm calling in that favor
Sasha- sure thing
Beck- I need you to work your magic on my girlfriends face
Me- wow thanks babe (giggles)
Beck- (pulls hair from bruise) can you make it less noticeable without making it look like she's trying to cover it.
Sasha- don't insult me beck of course I can

She sat my on a chair and went to work. It hurt like hell at first but after about ten minutes I got used to it. I sat there as she blended the makeup to the rest of my face.

Sasha- you us be that poor girl that Robbie shapiro beat on
Me- unfortunately yea
Sasha- I also heard Hellen let you off the hook for breaking his nose beck
Beck- basically
Sasha- all finished

I looked in the mirror it was still a bit noticeable. I pulled my hair forwards and it basically vanished.

Me- thank you so much (hugs sasha)
Sasha- sure thing doll
Beck- I think I owe ya one sasha
Sasha- nah we even

Me and beck walked back to the main hallway to see jade and tori fighting. I walked up and playfully punched hade to get her attention.she looked over at me and her jaw hit the floor.

Jade- What happened where'd the bruise go
Me- becks friend sasha covered it up with makeup
Jade- nice it's barely noticeable
Me- good

The warning bell to go to class rang and we all headed towards Sikowitz room. Everybody walked around the room talking until the bell rang and a very disgruntled looking Sikowitz came through the side door.

Sikowitz- good morning class I have a slight casting change... lady Macbeth will now be played by cat valentine.

I felt a huge smile appear on my face a d beck squeezed me hand

Beck- (whispering) you did it babe

Sikowitz- we will do a rough run through tomorrow. Bring your scripts.

For the rest of the class we all sat there reading our scripts. Except me o knew the play by heart. As soon as the bell rang I left and me back and jade went to my hudaway for a cigarette well me and jade beck didn't really smoke.

We decided that instead of going to out second block classes we would stay here. I pulled out my phone and went onto my slap account. It showed that i had a new message from Nina Bronson

I see you managed to get ome of the leading roles. I hope you know that you will fail miserably and i wi bet there to laugh you off the stage. Maybe you should just quit while your ahead and leave the acting to the people with talent

I hadn't noticed that my eyes were tearing up when I felt backs hand grasp mine

Beck- what's wrong babe

Jade reached down and grabbed my phone and looked at it. I saw her tense up and she got that enraged look on her face again.

Jade- I'm going to kill her
Beck- who why what's going on
Jade- you know your ex Nina Bronson
Beck- yea
Jade- she's been sending cat awful messages
Beck- that fucking cunt

Beck took my phone from jade and started typing. He could type really fast

Hey Nina this is beck. LEAVE MY FUCKING GIRLS READ ALONE YOU DESPERATE BITCH. You did this to jade and in not going to let it happen to cat to

I took my phone back and read the message.

Me- wait so that's why she's doing this. Because I'm dating you
Beck- yes
Me- alrighty then

We sat there once again just talking about random shit.

Beck- Cat be ready I'm picking you up at 7 pm
Me- for a date
Beck- yes ma'am
Me- yay

And with that me and jade left.


Chapter 8 will be the big date
I felt like it should have its own chapter and most dates will. I'm going to be trying to work tori in here a little more mostly because I feel like I could make things happen

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