Wedding Bells

Autorstwa siyeon10

22.7K 1.2K 519

Kim Bora didn't expect her best friend (and longtime crush) Kim Minji to return from her trip to Europe with... Więcej

17 (Epilogue)


1.1K 64 48
Autorstwa siyeon10

I woke up with a start, clutching my chest. It took me a couple seconds to catch my breath as I processed what had just happened. What was wrong with me? Here I was in the middle of trying to wreck my best friend's marriage in order to win her over, dreaming about my accomplice for this crime instead of the girl I was doing all of this for.

I shook my head, running a hand through my hair. Clearly my brain was fried from the stress of this week. That had to be the explanation. Still, I couldn't help the goosebumps cascading along my skin as I remembered the feeling of Siyeon's lips on mine in my dreams. The hair on the back of my neck bristled as I savored the softness of her hands which had run themselves all over my body. Shit, this was not good. To make matters worse, the very last person I wanted to see burst through my bedroom door right as I was trying to calm myself.

"Morning, partner! Looks like you slept well. I'm sure glad I came to check on you, because you are gonna have to get ready real quick if we wanna sneak in the room before the others get there!" Siyeon greeted me with a grin.

"Right, sorry. Guess I needed the sleep to recover from yesterday. I'll be ready in a jiff. Let's meet in front of the sunroom," I told her, scurrying to grab everything I needed.

Siyeon saluted and exited my room, closing the door behind her. Once she was gone, I turned to look at my reflection in the mirror.

"Keep your eye on the prize. It's Minji you love. You've loved her for your entire life. Don't throw this all away for some stupid dream that means nothing. Got it?" I scolded myself, poking the glass.
About twenty minutes later, I had finished primping and was ready for the shower. I headed over to the meeting place we'd agreed on and saw Siyeon waiting for me. I hadn't gotten a good look at her when she came into my room (mostly because I was avoiding eye contact), but she looked good. While I had opted for a dress, Siyeon had chosen a navy blue pantsuit with a low cut neckline. Her hair was tied in a neat ponytail and her makeup enhanced the sharpness of her eyes. She looked powerful. I realized just how fragile I was next to her, even more so because of that stupid dream. I caught myself playing with my hair, a habit I only reverted to when I was nervous. It was rare for anyone to intimidate me, but Siyeon was beginning to have that effect.

"Wow, you clean up good! I never would have guessed you were in a hurry to get ready this morning," Siyeon complimented me when she noticed my presence.

"You know, that sounded like a bit of a backhanded compliment, but I'll take it. Anyways, let's get this show on the road," I replied, giving her a small smile.

I was grateful that we were in a hurry. I didn't want to be alone with Siyeon for much longer. The dream I'd had last night scared me, and while I knew I'd eventually forget about it and move on, right now its contents felt all too real.

The two of us headed into the sunroom, searching for the objects we needed for today's mission. It was easy enough to locate them. Siyeon grabbed the pile of papers containing the activities planned for the shower, and quickly hid them in her clothing. I went for the cake, which had been delivered ridiculously early this morning. With careful movements, I gently removed the many toothpicks that had been placed in the cake to hold its shape. Thankfully, it held its form, but the next person who touched it would be in for a surprise. With that, our work was complete. Siyeon and I nodded at each other before sneaking out of the sunroom, careful not to be seen.
Later that morning, everyone congregated in front of the sunroom before the event. Minji and Yoohyeon seemed to have resolved any tension between them from last night, or else were maintaining appearances for the bridal shower. Yoohyeon was practically draped over Minji's arm, the two of them unable to stop smiling at each other as they greeted their guests. Both of them looked like princesses, dressed in white sundresses with their hair styled to perfection. Everyone kept commenting about what a perfect couple they were and how excited they were for the wedding. The brides-to-be gave everyone the same grateful response, their smiles never leaving their faces. Thankfully, the charade was cut short when Gahyeon and Handong announced that it was time for everyone to come in and find their table.

I shared a look with Siyeon before we all filed into the room. It was still a bit awkward for me to make eye contact with her, but we needed to be on the same page in order for everything to go according to plan. Besides, I was sure that that dream was a fluke anyways. I focused on finding my seat, pleased that I was put in between Minji and Gahyeon. Siyeon was seated on Gahyeon's other side, a perfect vantage point for us to exchange signals without being noticed. Everything was shaping up quite nicely for this morning's festivities.

Our hostesses stood at the front of the room in order to welcome everyone before things got started. Gahyeon, being the more confident of the two, clinked a fork to her glass in order to call everyone to attention. She cleared her throat before projecting her voice for us all to hear.

"Good morning, everyone! Thank you so much for coming today. My name is Gahyeon and I'm a friend of Minji's. This is Handong, and she lived with Yoohyeon's family for many years as an exchange student. We are both so grateful to be included in the bridal party for Minji and Yoohyeon's wedding, as well as to be in charge of their bridal shower. Breakfast is about to be served, so please stay seated and your meal will be brought to you. We'll let you all enjoy your food, and then we'll be back to introduce some fun activities we have planned. Once again, thank you for coming. We hope you enjoy your meal!" she announced before she and Handong walked off to join us at the bridal party's table.

Sure enough, the food arrived as promised. Everyone made pleasant conversation as they ate. I took the opportunity to people watch, and check out who had made the guest list. It was obvious which table belonged to Yoohyeon's family. All of them were dressed in such extravagant rich people clothes, it felt like they might as well be fanning themselves with dollar bills. Minji's family had a table next to theirs, I recognized her mother and some of her aunts that I'd met. Next to them was a table that contained some of Yoohyeon's college friends, and I could smell their pretentiousness from a mile away. All of them might as well have tattooed "I think I'm smarter than you" on their foreheads.

Last but certainly not least, I spotted the table with Minji's friends. I was surprised devil horns didn't sprout from my head at the excitement I felt seeing so many of her exes in the bunch. I hadn't even had to meddle and invite them, Minji had done that all on her own. She had probably done this to extend one final olive branch and give them closure about things truly being over. After all, Minji was friends with basically all of her exes, but most of them still had it bad for her. Her decision to play nice was about to bite her in the ass if everything went according to plan.
Once almost everyone had finished their breakfast, Gahyeon and Handong returned to the front of the room. On their way, they headed over to the spot Siyeon and I had been messing around earlier, most likely looking for the documents we'd stolen. When they realized that they were missing, the two girls looked much less composed than before. Unsure of what to do, they stared at each other in panic. I felt for them, I really did. I wished things could have worked out to where we didn't have to sabotage their event, but Siyeon and I had to pull out all the stops if we wanted to get our way.

"Er, I apologize for the delay, but it seems that we've misplaced the games we'd planned for today. We'll keep searching, and we apologize for this. Feel free to have some more food in the meantime!" Gahyeon chirped, trying to smooth things over while she and Handong frantically searched the room.

Siyeon nodded at me, and I stood up in my spot. Everyone looked up at the sudden movement and soon all eyes in the room were on me. My cheeks colored a bit at this onslaught of attention, but I made sure to speak loud enough for everyone to hear.

"It's okay, Gahyeonie, we don't need a plan to have fun! We can bring back a tradition from high school. Do you remember the boast and roasts? It can be like a fun, more casual way for us to toast the brides before the wedding. After all, we're all friends and family here!" I suggested, looking at Minji in hopes that she would approve.

"Oh my gosh, Bora, that's a great idea! Those were always so much fun," Minji agreed, standing up with me.

"Er, what's a boast and roast?" Yoohyeon asked, with several others (especially the old people) nodding at the question.

"It's this thing we used to do every year for seniors at our high school. Basically, everyone gets the chance to say one good thing, a boast, and one embarrassing thing, a roast. Since it's only the two of us being roasted and boasted, we can give anybody who wants to do it a chance! What do you guys say?" Minji spoke to the room, getting several positive replies.

"Alright, we'll open the floor for a roast and boast. Bora, maybe you should demonstrate with Minji so that people understand what to do," Gahyeon said, smiling gratefully at me for saving the day.

"Okay, but you're giving me a pretty easy target. Minji and I have known each other a pretty long time," I warned, winking at Minji who pouted for show.

Even though I had plenty of dirt to dish, I knew better than to be the bad guy in this situation. All it would do is turn Minji away from me for betraying her trust. I would leave that to her exes, and I was sure they wouldn't disappoint. Maybe that made me even worse since I was willing to use other people to take the fall and make myself look better. Still, I had already come this far, I might as well keep going. With all eyes still on me, I turned to Minji and got started.

"Alright, let's start with the nice stuff. Minji's my best friend and is easily one of the most caring people I have ever met. I remember one time when we were ten, she made me stand with her in the middle of a rainstorm so that she could make sure all of the worms that came up from the ground would be safe from getting stepped on," I paused to let everyone collectively coo at the story before continuing, "but since I'm her best friend, I also have the power to roast her mercilessly. Since it's her big week, I'll go easy on her. In all my years of knowing Minji, I have kept a running tally of how many times she was on-time for anything. She has not been late a grand total of eleven times," I chuckled, everyone joining in shortly after.

Minji burst into laughter at my revelation, and even Yoohyeon smiled. I took a seat, pleased with how everything was going. Siyeon patted my shoulder once I was seated, leaving a cluster of goosebumps in the spot she'd touched. What in the hell was wrong with me? I grabbed my glass and took a generous swig of whatever was inside. Thankfully, my turn was over and the floor was open for someone else to go next. Minji's mom, always the life of the party, volunteered to go next. After her, a handful of Yoohyeon's friends combined their efforts in the lamest roast ever. I barely even knew her and I would have an easier time demolishing her than those geeks. Hopefully Yoobin would deliver on that front. Siyeon was too whipped to be a promising prospect, and Handong was too nice. The plan didn't even need Yoohyeon to be roasted, but what can I say? I'm petty when I want to be. Unfortunately, Yoobin didn't end up getting a turn before shit hit the fan.

A girl named Mijoo, probably the most volatile of Minji's relationships, stood up and I immediately knew all hell was about to break loose. Without even realizing it, I had grabbed onto Siyeon's hand since Gahyeon was no longer sitting between us. She gave me a confused look, but I was too busy biting my nails and awaiting the disaster that was about to strike. Minji, oblivious as ever, gave Mijoo a dazzling smile and encouraged her to take the floor. Mijoo returned the gesture with a look that had the power to make just about anyone else pee their pants. The entire room awaited what she was about to say, and the suspense made me squeeze Siyeon's hand even harder.

"I'm confused, isn't this supposed to be a good thing? I thought we wanted Minji's scary exes to speak up," she whispered in my ear.

"I mean, yeah, but this chick is the most terrifying of the bunch. I just hope we all make it out of this alive," I explained in a hushed tone, gesturing at her to pay attention.

"Minji, babe, you were the best I ever had, in every sense of the word. Being with you was like being on top of the world," Mijoo began, giving Minji a swoon-worthy grin.

This action caused Yoohyeon's to wrap her arm around Minji protectively. I can't say I blame her. Mijoo is one of those girls who makes everyone around her look like a potato in comparison. I caught myself doing the same thing whenever I watched her come on to my best friend when they were dating.

"Unfortunately, that whole world came crashing down when you ghosted me, you flaky bitch! God, I've waited so long to say that. Me and the other girls were talking about it during brunch. Right, ladies?" she went for the kill, seething with rage.

To make the situation even worse, the rest of Minji's exes in attendance all stood up and chorused their agreement with Mijoo's statement. Minji's eyes widened as she realized just how many of them she had invited. Yoohyeon looked equally mortified, probably just now realizing how many people Minji dated before her. Soon, a small riot broke out of girls airing their grievances at how Minji treated them. Some of them even warned Yoohyeon to keep an eye on her, lest she get ditched at the altar. It was a complete disaster for the next several minutes, and there was nothing anybody could do to stop them.

Thankfully, the exes decided to leave after their mini venting session. The group strutted out of the room in a line, all looking mighty satisfied with themselves. One girl even kicked the gift table over as she was leaving. The tension in the room was palpable once they were gone. Minji's mom looked like she was ready to keel over, and Yoohyeon's family looked scandalized. Minji herself stood with her jaw dropped. She had been completely blindsided. Beside her, Yoohyeon was holding her head in her hands. No one was sure of what to say, so the room remained silent until one of Yoohyeon's aunts spoke up.

"My, Minji certainly has led quite the life, hasn't she? I suppose opposites attract. Our Yoohyeonie has always focused on broadening her mind rather than spreading her legs. I just hope this marriage is something you plan to be loyal to, young lady," she declared, directing her last sentence at Minji with a hostile glare.

"Excuse me? I will not hear such things said about my daughter! Yoohyeon is lucky to have her, especially if she can tolerate marrying into a family like yours! You people are so snooty I have to physically will myself to tolerate spending time around you!" Minji's mom snapped, storming over to their table.

"Mom, stop, we don't need any trouble," Minji weakly protested, clearly on the verge of tears.

"Everyone, please, let's not fight. Why don't we all enjoy some cake? That can help smooth things over after these unfortunate events," Yoohyeon offered, trying to make peace.

"Excellent idea! I'll cut it right now!" Handong agreed, racing over to the cake.

Even though I knew it was going to happen, I winced when the cake fell apart at her touch. The splattering sound as the Eiffel Tower collapsed into a mushy pile of frosting and dough made the entire thing even more tragic. Handong stood frozen in shock, staring at the ruins of the cake. This was the icing on the cake (pun not intended) for Minji. She raced out of the room, barely holding back tears. Yoohyeon helplessly watched her go, trapped in the role of hostess. She was left to smooth things over between their families and try to appease the guests who had been exposed to this entire spectacle.

Consumed with guilt, I chased after Minji myself. Siyeon watched me go and threw me a subtle thumbs up, which I did not return. I was not in the mood to celebrate anything that had just happened. I followed Minji to her bedroom, where she flung herself on the bed to lay down and cry. I closed the door behind me, locking it so no one would disturb her privacy. I gently sat down beside her and began to stroke her hair in order to calm her down. I admired the softness of her curls as they trickled through my fingers.

"Bora, what do I do? Yoohyeon probably thinks I'm such a slut! Her family sure does. Why would she ever want to marry me after embarrassing her like that? I'm such an idiot for inviting my exes, who even does that?" Minji sobbed into her pillow.

I felt my heart break seeing her like this, especially knowing I had caused her to feel this way. I bit my lip and continued caressing her hair.

"You did nothing wrong. It was your exes who decided they wanted their fifteen seconds of fame with that dramatic display. That Mijoo deserves a punch to her stupid, perfect nose. Besides, I was the one who suggested the boast and roast. If anything, this is all my fault," I told her, truly meaning it.

I considered spilling everything, and letting her know what a terrible thing I had decided to do to her. I couldn't do that without getting Siyeon in trouble as well though, and I was not going to double cross her. She and I had made a pact, and it was my job to stick to my end of the bargain. No matter how guilty I felt, I had to keep my eye on the prize. Being with Minji was the most important thing, and everything else was a means to an end. I focused on the feeling of her hair as I stroked it, something I could enjoy every day if we got together. She was beautiful, even with her makeup running from her tears. I grabbed a box of tissues from the nightstand and began gently dabbing away the trail of mascara streaking down her face. Minji sniffled and smiled up at me.

"Don't blame yourself, Bora. You were just taking care of me, like you always do. I'm so lucky to have you. Poor Gahyeon and Handong. They worked so hard on that shower, but everything turned into a big mess. Thank you for trying to help, but I guess the universe just didn't want today to go well," Minji laughed bitterly.

Minji's words sunk my stomach. It killed me to know that me and Siyeon's sabotage had led her to believe that fate was out to ruin her day. Was it really worth it to keep hurting my best friend like this? If she knew what I was doing, would she even want to be with me at all? I was at a loss for words. I didn't know how to comfort Minji because I didn't even feel worthy of being called her best friend. Just then, Yoohyeon knocked on the door, bringing my time with Minji to an end.

"Minji, are you in there? Can we talk? Sweetie, please open the door," she pleaded.

Minji patted my hand before getting up to let her fiance in. The two women embraced, Minji collapsing into sobs once in Yoohyeon's arms. I sat on the bed, unsure of what to do or say. Yoohyeon turned to address me while Minji's head was buried in her shoulder.

"Thank you for keeping an eye on her. If you don't mind, the two of us need some privacy. I sent everyone home from the shower so you're free to do whatever you'd like," she told me.

I nodded and scurried out of the room as fast as I could. The door slammed behind me. I remained outside of the room, listening to their muffled voices. They spoke in hushed tones, so I was unsure of what they were saying. Anxiety flowed through me, and I felt like I was going to throw up. The other bridesmaids joined me, obviously worried about what was going on. Well, in Siyeon's case, she was pretending to worry. I could actually feel the glee radiating off of her at how today had gone. I wished I could share in her enthusiasm.

"Oh my god, I feel awful. We really blew it. Minji and Yoohyeon might have had the most awful bridal shower in history. I hope we haven't ruined their entire week," Gahyeon despaired.

"Don't worry, Gahyeon. Today definitely sucked, but you shouldn't blame yourself. Any relationship that dissolves over a simple party isn't meant for marriage anyways. I'm sure these two will bounce back, as long as they address the underlying issues between them. I can't put my finger on it, but there is definitely something bigger going on here," Yoobin speculated, stroking her chin.

"Geez, Yoobin, you sound like a sage over there. Anyways, we should all relax. It's useless to try and make predictions about how things will go. Things often have a strange way of working out," Siyeon breezed, winking at me.

While I was already on edge about Minji and Yoohyeon, my heart managed to beat even faster at Siyeon's action. It dawned on me why I was having second thoughts about this plan. It was more than the dream, or my guilt about hurting Minji. When Siyeon said things have a strange way of working out, she was clearly joking. It turns out, though, her words actually held plenty of truth to them. In fact, things were shaping up to be an even bigger mess than I thought. I was totally screwed.

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