Just a Slice of Life (Actuall...

Da Ryokazuya

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*I'm shit at descriptions. I'm sorry* You decided to go study in Canada instead of in your hometown. While ca... Altro

college though, am I right?
why so soon tho...
let's get to know her, shall we?
Angel beats
Sunday with Stephen
Meeting at the Park
The universe hates me
jelly jelly
Never have i ever...
Crush culture.
2 am thoughts
Butterflies and Lust 🦋
Scarlet's House party
Rooftop Rendezvous
the terrace.
Stoned at 3 AM
Summer break ☀️

Coffee and a Smile

362 18 46
Da Ryokazuya

You woke up because the sunlight hit your eyes through a crack in the curtains. You were so happy that you couldnt contain yourself; you were singing in the shower, dancing as you changed and smiling like an idiot.

Last night seemed so unreal and dreamlike now, and you felt like it had gone by so fast; too fast.
God damn. I wish i could replay it. Just thinking about it makes me feel so fluttery.

You felt like dressing up a little more than usual for today's afternoon classes and also just for the day in general. So you wore this with a messy high ponytail (oml hello gorgeous i would be gay for u *creep mode activated lol*).

(Totally cool if you dont like the outfit. I just want to be interactive)

You met Hosuh on the way downstairs. He treated you like he normally did so you assumed he didnt know yet. You decided to tell him at breakfast.

You sat down across Hosuh when Daniel and Stephen walked in. You blushed as you caught Stephen's eye, and he smiled reassuringly.
Stephen took the seat next to you, as usual. You werent sure whether it was going to be you or Stephen telling them that you were dating, so you chose to wait and see what would happen. You were halfway through your breakfast when you figured that it was a good time to break the news to the poor, unsuspecting daniel and hosuh. In an attempt to make it less of a shock, you tried to say it as casually as possible, "oh. By the way, Stephen and I are dating now."

Daniel, who had been chugging coffee, choked and coughed for a good 10 seconds, violently punching his chest to prevent the liquid from entering his lungs.

Hosuh had been eating a sandwich, and after hearing what you had to say, he dropped it on the floor and just stared at you.

It was quite the spectacle: a person gaping at a girl, his sandwich on the floor, completely ignoring a choking, dying, gasping man beside him.

Once everything was back to normal, dan asked, "wait so who confessed first?"

Timidly, you pointed at yourself.

"Well fuck," daniel said rummaging through his pockets. Then he handed hosuh 50$ and said, "looks like you were right hosuh. I honestly thought (y/n) woudnt have the balls."

Hosuh took the money and just said, "ahAH."

"Wait wha- you kept bets on who would confess first?!" Stephen said.

"What can i say. Fate can sometimes lie in a 50$ note," dan laughed.

"Well shit. I didnt know my crush on Stephen was so easy to read," you said.

"Trust me (y/n). You're an open book," dan lazily pointed his spoon at you.

"Well i have to head to class," hosuh said as he left the table.

"Same," dan followed.

"I'm going to the uni's library. Do you want to come?" Stephen asked.

"Well duh! Let me just get my notebooks," you said, rushing up the stairs.

———time skip from the shirts off gang———

The sweet scent of apple blossoms hung heavily in the cool air. The sun shone pleasantly, and ragged clouds were nowhere in sight. Spring was here, and it brought gleeful, twittering birds with it.

You admired the scenic day from within the library walls, through a large window. This season made you nostalgic for home; it was when you and your family would go on plenty of hikes and picnics, picking pretty flowers to take back home.

A few minutes upon arriving at the library, a professor had asked Stephen to join him in the conference hall, leaving you all alone.

Oh well. I might as well pick a book and read. There's such nice sunshine here, perfect for reading.

"Hey, (y/n)!"

You turned to see who it was, because it obviously didnt sound like Stephen.
Oh fuck. Not this again.

It was Mark.

You were not in the mood to entertain any bullshit and anyone who looked at you would clearly see 'fuck off' written all over your face, but that didnt seem to stop Mark from talking to you.

"I wanted to talk to you about something-"

"No, Mark," you cut him off.

"You have no choice. We're already paired up for a huge project; the computer science one," he said.

"What?! When did i consent to that?" You stood up with a jolt.

"It's too late. I knew you wouldnt talk to me otherwise, so i convinced the professor to let us do it together."

Oh no. Not the computer science project. That project is worth 25% of my final grade. And the c.sci professor is so rude, he'll probably give me a zero if i tell him i don't want to work with Mark. Shit.

"Fine," you said through gritted teeth.

"Great! Give me your number so that we can discuss when to meet and stuff," he smiled smugly. You wanted smack that bitch's face so hard, hard enough to knock his teeth out.

"What's... going on?" Stephen walked in, with two paper cups of coffee in his hand. They were from the university cafeteria.

He handed one cup to you, but he was watching Mark and his eye contact was strained.

"Oh nothing, Stephen. Just asking the pretty lady for her number. We're working on a project," Mark said cockily.

"Okay, Mark. I don't know what you're playing at, but back the fuck off from (y/n)," Stephen growled.

"Tch. Why do you care? She isnt your girlfriend."

"Actually, i am," you said brusquely, "come Stephen, let's go," you held stephen's hand and pulled him with you, away from Mark.

You walked outside towards the cherry trees and benches. Students hung around like usual, but you were too upset to acknowledge them. When you finally stopped your aggressive power walking, you realized that you were still holding Stephen's hand. You switched your gaze from your hands to his face, which was blushing so adorably AHhHh. UwU x 10000.

"I-i'm sorry," you briskly let go of hand, a little embarrassed.
"Why? You said it yourself; you're my girlfriend," he chuckled, gently intertwining his fingers with yours, "plus, i like it."

Oh ma gaH. Talk about boyfriend materiaLL.

You were mentally fangirling over Stephen when it dawned on you like Jesus himself; he's holding my hand... on campus... lot's of people... can see us...
then you looked around you and you were right; everyone was watching you, even the ones who usually didnt care. Who could you blame them? It wasnt everyday that people saw a public display of affection from Stephen Ng, that too on a first year. It was even more surprising because no one knew that the two of you were dating. And Ashley Wonbae's words flashed through your mind, "Stephen Ng is the forbidden fruit."

But Stephen didnt really seem to care whether people paid attention or not. He continued to hold your hand, swaying it gently as you walked aimlessly around the campus talking about silly things that made you laugh.

"Ok. This is pretty random, but let me hear your best pick up line/corny line," stephen said.

"I'm pretty bad at this but uhhhh. If you were paperwork, i'd do you on my desk all night?" You laughed.

"Woah there Nelly. I thought you would say something cute and fluffy, but you went straight for the sexy one. You dirty, dirty person," stephen was having one of his loud outbursts again.
You puffed your cheeks and playfully slapped his back, "i can't help it! You have to admit it's pretty hot! Ok then fine. Let's hear a 'cute fluffy' one from you," you crossed your arms, raised an eyebrow and smirked at stephen, who just finished laughing and was literally wiping his tears.

Stephen heard you and stood up.
He slowly raised your chin with his finger, looked you in the eye, and said, "7 billion smiles in this world," you blushed as you held your gaze, "but yours is still my favourite."

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