A Hero In The Dark

By ezdesilva2020

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Chapter 1: A Story Come True
Chapter 2: Better Left Unseen
Chapter 3: An Otherworldly Emergency
Chapter 4: Run, Hide, or Die
Chapter 5: The Strange Bunny
Chapter 6: Safety
Chapter 7: Meet Dave
Chapter 8: Pixie
Chapter 9: The Journey Continues...
Chapter 10: A Friend Hath Shown
Chapter 11: Welcome to Paradise
Chapter 12: A Chance
Chapter 13: Meet The Alien
Chapter 14: The Transformation
Chapter 15: To Give Answers
Chapter 16: In The Chimรฆra's Mind
Chapter 17: Next Move
Chapter 18: A Deep Admiration
Chapter 19: Enter Marina And Ella
Chapter 20: To West Virginia
Chapter 21: Just Be Careful
Chapter 22: The Bold One
Chapter 23: Greetings Vishnu
Chapter 24: The Girl On The Stone
Chapter 25: An Energy In The Air
Chapter 26: The Plan
Chapter 27: The Traitor
Chapter 28: Hope Meet Fear
Chapter 29: Layers of Dread
Chapter 30: Unforgivable
Chapter 31: Thou Shall Not Despair
Chapter 32: Magical Levitation
Chapter 33: A Promise Worth Keeping
Chapter 35: Escape of a Madman's Clutches
Chapter 36: Sunshine Sweet Sunshine
Chapter 37: Nightmares Within Nightmares
Chapter 38: Uncharted Love
Chapter 39: Confusion Sets Promise
Chapter 40: Eneration
Chapter 41: Let Me Go
Chapter 42: Toughening It Out
Chapter 43: Death Shall Come
Chapter 44: Charted Love
Chapter 45: Thy Stone Brings A Vision
Chapter 46: Mixed Messages
Chapter 47: Dire
Chapter 48: Free, Don't Feel
Chapter 49: A Deal, Is It?
Chapter 50: Think Telepathy
Chapter 51: The Rumble
Chapter 52: A Lot
Chapter 53: By Ra
Chapter 54: An Entity's Spark
Chapter 55: The Tale of the Loric
Chapter 56: Glacen in its First Form
Chapter 57: Push Through
Chapter 58: A Connection With The Dead and Mighty
Chapter 59: A Technological Wizard
Chapter 60: The Battle
Chapter 61: Interchanging
Chapter 62: A Brand New Day
Chapter 63: Turning Point
Chapter 64: Wake in a Strange Light
Chapter 65: Oh Child Oh Prisoner
Chapter 66: Studying Abroad - part 1
Chapter 67: Supper of Royalty
Chapter 68: Training - part 1
Chapter 69: Mogadorian Aid
Chapter 70: Love Sparks an Agreement
Chapter 71: LoRTnOC oReZ
Chapter 72: BeAt AnD bEaTeN
Chapter 73: The Traitor Returns
Chapter 74: The Moonlight Kiss
Chapter 75: Enough!
Chapter 76: Our Exit
Chapter 77: Conquered
Chapter 78: The Winner and The Loser
Chapter 79: Training - part 2
Chapter 80: Studying Abroad - part 2
Chapter 81: Notetaker
Chapter 82: Precision to Freedom
Chapter 83: A Mystical Aura
Chapter 84: Together As One
Chapter 85: Amped to its Max.
Chapter 86: A Tourist in a Past Memory
Chapter 87: The Untouchable Child
Chapter 88: Agatha
Chapter 89: The Awakening
Chapter 90: Hold On
Chapter 91: Unity
Chapter 92: Her in a Vision
Chapter 93: The Good Mogadorian
Chapter 94: The Tenth
Chapter 95: Stronger Than Pain
Chapter 96: A Friend, A Home
Chapter 97: True Strength
Chapter 98: Hot and Cold
Chapter 99: A Quiet Night Gone Loud
Chapter 100: Here We Meet Again
Chapter 101: Komodo Dragon Rescue
Chapter 102: Extraction
Chapter 103: Drained
Chapter 104: Loss, Change, & Points In-Between
Chapter 105: To Train
Chapter 106: A Hopeless Level
Chapter 107: Damned Broadcast
Chapter 108: The End is Nigh
Chapter 109: Fiery Inferno
Chapter 110: Blast After Blast
Chapter 111: Our World Reborn
Chapter 112: A Brave New World
Chapter 113: A Perfect Birthday
Chapter 114: The Day After Tomorrow
Chapter 115: can't fight the drift
Chapter 116: A Flashback of Pain
Chapter 117: Fit To Be Tested
Chapter 118: Garde Rescue Garde
Chapter 119: Friend or Foe
Chapter 120: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 121: Tire and Pain
Chapter 122: Last Sunset
Chapter 123: Muddy Waters
Chapter 124: Absolute Peace
Chapter 125: Living to End
Chapter 126: How I Survive
Chapter 127: The Lie
Chapter 128: The British Lady
Chapter 129: Model of Desire
Chapter 130: Fine at Last
Chapter 131: Activation Required
Chapter 132: A Deal of Two Sides
Chapter 133: Battle at Engelberg
Chapter 134: The Blood Blade
Chapter 135: Choose Hope
Chapter 136: Going Home
Chapter 137: Back to the Present
Chapter 138: The Demon Inside
Chapter 139: Empty Space
Chapter 140: Defeated, Lost, Vengeance
Chapter 141: The Options
Chapter 142: Parasidal Parasite
Chapter 143: Pre-Restoration
Chapter 144: A Fierce Step
Chapter 145: Destiny
Chapter 146: Truth Revealed
Chapter 147: My Love Gone
Chapter 148: Same School, Different Academy
Chapter 149: Master of My Will
Chapter 150: School Brawl
Chapter 151: f***ing scared
Chapter 152: Monsters Never Die
Chapter 153: Cry
Chapter 154: Burn to Fly
Chapter 155: The Test
Chapter 156: Broken
Chapter 157: Whirlwind
Chapter 158: Fun Times in Hard Times
Chapter 159: A Promise Worth Keeping?
Chapter 160: A Hero In The Dark
Chapter 161: Eternal Love

Chapter 34: The Legacy Lives

115 5 0
By ezdesilva2020

When consciousness fades in, it takes a moment to realize where I am.

There is a bright white light staring down on me, making it difficult to focus. I'm lying on a table. It is cold and hard against my skin; made out of some kind of metal I assume. I can't move. My arms and legs restrained shoulder length apart with thick leather straps.

I try to look around the room but can't strain my neck to see anything else. My whole body feels numb and stiff, aching with fresh pain that wasn't there previously. I feel sick to my stomach.

A panic sweeps over me and I try to pull free from the restraints. The leather bonds hold me firmly. I can't move. That doesn't stop me from trying until I hear his voice from somewhere nearby.

"You're awake," Setrákus Ra says calmly before approaching my side. He looks down upon me with satisfaction.

Dread shoots through me in that instant where my eyes meet his.

I gulp and give one solid tug on the restraints at my wrists. Nothing. They do not give. What is this?

He then proceeds to place a hand on my stomach and gently presses down until I feel something vicious and alive spreading to various other parts to my body. I try not to vomit even while I can taste bile creep up my throat.

He must see the unpleasant expression on my face because he takes his hand away.

There's a moment of relief in me, but that doesn't last for long. He rests the palm of his hand on my forehead, as if checking me for a fever.

Tears sit behind my eyes, ready to be released. I do everything I can to hold them back.

"Are you feeling alright child?" he asks with an odd sense of care.

"Why do you care?" I reply hatefully, struggling to keep my voice stable.

"You are my most important guest. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you," he answers.

"You mean most important prisoner," I correct.

"Nonsense. After everything I have witnessed, I believe there is more value to you than I originally thought. There is no need for me to kill you. You shouldn't worry," he says steadily.

"Go to hell," I say, though I would love to yell those words at him, but I just don't feel I have the energy with whatever poison I feel inside me.

"Now. Now. There is no need for that. If you would only assist me in accomplishing my goals, your time here would be much more pleasant," he continues, not even the slightest amount offended.

There is a note of patience in his tone. Apart from our last encounter when anger fueled his system, now he is a man of patience. It both surprises me and frustrates me.

"I told you; you are not getting anything," I say harshly.

He chuckles at that.

"Oh, dear. If only you knew. While it is true you have refused to be of much use, there is nothing stopping me from finding out the truth through science," he says. "It is all in the name of Mogadorian Progress."

"Fuck that," I say instantly and he immediately grows tense. "You destroyed an entire planet and killed thousands of people. I know you plan on doing the same to Earth. You tricked the FBI, government, and media about why you're here. If they knew the truth, you'd be dead in a heartbeat."

He takes a deep sigh, but otherwise continues unnerved.

"The Loric refused to accept Progress. The humans are different. I have not tricked them. I simply offered them Progress," he explains patiently.

"And what exactly does that mean? What exactly does Progress look like to you? Planetary genocide? Destruction of all life sustaining planets in the universe? That is not Progress you twisted fuck," I continue.

He sighs deeply before continuing, "It merely means to adapt and expand. Using the resources provided, such as Lorien's Gifts and Legacies, we are able to adapt. Precisely why my first great conquest of Lorien was called The Great Expansion," he explains.

"You're insane," I say simply.

"Say what you like, but eventually you will see reason in my ways," he states coldly.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"Since you're not very vocal or enthusiastic about giving me the information I want, I've decided that it's probably best if I take it myself," he replies.

"How the hell do you plan on doing that?" I ask.

"Please. I'm a scientist. It's what I do. I'd like to find out what you are truly capable of and how you managed to develop a Legacy. As well as pick out any useful information from your brain," he clarifies.

"You'll never get away with that," I say defiantly.

"Oh. You think I haven't started already? Do you think I will fail? Child. You should know by now; I never fail," he says, staring daggers into my soul.

And just like that, the terror is back.

He hits a button for something nearby and the sound of his own voice through a makeshift voice recorder seems to play:

Test 1. Subject is Emily De Silva. Human. Female. 15 years of age.
She knows all of my intentions; how I plan to strip Earth of its resources as I did to Lorien and make the Mogadorian species the most prominent life in the universe.
Although she is not familiar with what exactly Mogadorian Progress is, she believes it is cruel for humans and the Loric. She is wrong. My methods are far more valuable than preserving the life of such a planet like Lorien or Earth.
She knows what happened to the first three Loric; how they died.
She knows of Adamus Sutekh and his betrayal.
She knows of Malcolm Goode; of his capture, whereabouts, and escape. I must put Ashwood Estates on lockdown.
She knows of Rexicus Saturnus, future traitor to Mogadorian Progress. He will die soon.
She carries more information that I thought possible for a human, including knowledge on the second ship that departed Lorien soon after I conquered it. The Chimærae. The pilot.
She too is confused as to how she has developed a Loric power. According to the records in her mind, a Loric Entity stationed at the Sanctuary in Mexico has the power to distribute its energy throughout Earth. I must inform Phiri Dun-Ra.
Apart from information in the subject's brain, there is no trace of reason for why or how she has developed Loric power. Interesting. I will need to run more tests.
There is much to learn. I must analyze more in depth. Then, victory will be guaranteed.

His voice on the recorder fizzles out when finished speaking. I'm left in shock with the information he's found.

He knows.

He went through my brain. I don't know how. I don't know what he's done to me, but somehow, he found information. How did he do it?

Then something comes to mind.

Does he know where the safehouse is? If he does, the others are in danger.

I stare at him in shock, unsure of what to say in reaction.

"That is only a small chunk of information I managed to dig up. I look forward to finding more," he says, which terrifies me.

"How? How did you do it?" I say in disbelief.

He simply smiles and approaches me, putting his hand on the back of my head, as if petting me like some kind of prized possession. I try to pull away, but my movement is limited due to the restraints.

I show him my teeth.

"It was simple. Once I knew the formula, your brain was easy to hack," he answers proudly.

"Y-you can't do this," I stammer fearfully.

He gently caresses my cheek. Uncomfortable, I try to turn away, but there's nowhere to turn away to. I'm stuck. I cringe as I feel his chill hand touch my cheek.

"Oh child. There is nothing I cannot do. If you don't realize that yet, then you will come to understand it soon," he says with a laugh.

I'm angry. Rage boils under my skin. Henri told me not to let him do anything to me. To avoid giving him any information, and I already failed. He stole that information from my brain. As helpless as a lab rat trapped in a cage. I didn't even have a chance to fight back.

"Where is Henri? What did you do to him?" I question angrily.

He takes a moment before replying.

"Dead. I saw no use in him. I do not need him anymore. All I need is you," he replies and smiles, then brushes a hand through my hair.

I hate him.

I am not his pet; I am not his toy. I am an enemy that will kill him when given the chance.

Though what he's saying to me about Henri leaves me wondering, did he really kill him?

I feel myself shrink away, my muscles becoming rigid and compact.

"No..." I trail off, not wanting to believe it.

I stare at him, emotionless and in disbelief at the thought of Henri's death.

I just want to get out of here and never see him again. I want to see Henri. I want to leave this place with him. He has to be alive.

"Why does it matter to you? You are not one of them," he says coldly.

With intense anger, I close my eyes. Try to forget seeing Setrákus Ra's face for even a second. But I can't. He is always there, constantly in my head. He won't leave me alone.

"I refuse to believe that he died without a fight. There's no way you could kill him. He's far too strong to give up that easily," I say, trying to reassure myself; trying to give myself some form of hope.

"You put too much faith in him. He is just like all the rest; weak," he says confidently.

Anger surges through me as I shut my eyes tightly in an attempt to forget that this is even happening.

I am trying to forget. I want to forget.

Suddenly, I hear something shatter.

I open my eyes to find that a syringe has broken, smashed into a million pieces under extreme pressure. What pressure? I am not sure. Based on Setrákus Ra's tone, it's clear he isn't either.

Though that's not all I notice.

Everything in my vision is blue. That's strange. The light shining bright above me is now a vivid cobalt blue instead of a pristine white. What was once a dull and grey room is now full of different shades of blue. A light blue, sky blue, cobalt blue, dark blue. Even purple blue.

I feel an overwhelming surge of Energy inside me, fueled by rage.

All the change in my vision; all the adrenaline in my body; I hardly notice any of it. All I feel is the rage.

I want vengeance on the creature that has tortured and hurt me so.

The One whom has killed and hurt many. The One whom has destroyed and obliterated. The One whom plans to take the life of all. My planet, my people. Children, mothers, fathers, grandparents, animals, pets.

I can feel their despair; their death; their blood.

I grit my teeth, knowing that I cannot stand by.

A voice sounds.

It's not my own or anyone I am familiar with. It is gentle and calm. Divine and rich. Soothing and lively. A tone between deep and shallow; low and high. It comes from deep inside of me.

It speaks to me; "You are worthy. Break free."

I don't know what it means, but I do.

And at that point I scream.

Emitting a massive wave of Energy through every pore in my body. Being exposed to all there is in the room. Being exposed to the monster close by.

I hear him shriek in pain.

I pull again on the restraints until the bonds tear.

And I stand.

I am free.

Setrákus Ra looks at me in shock, leaning over another specimen table in a crippled form. He holds his forearm as if it has been burned. But I barely notice.

I rush towards him, eager to bring forth the same pain upon his being that he has brought to me.

My speed is unlike anything I can register. Moving at what must be around 60 mph.

Within seconds, I reach him and deliver a punch to his chin and a kick to his groin, waves of Blue Energy ejecting out of my body whenever my fist or foot makes contact.

I am too fast, and he is not able to dodge in time.

He doubles over; falls to his back to the floor. I stand over him with fists at my sides, anger coursing through me.

Though before I can attack again, he puts up a barrier of telekinesis, preventing me from going any further. My legs are swept out from under me and I collapse to the floor.

Still, it isn't difficult for my Enemy to pick himself back up and resume with the roles reversed.

He grabs me by the ankle and lifts me off the ground, so I hang upside down at his upturned image. A frown lies on his face which I interpret as a smile.

"I never knew a human could hold such extraordinary power. Do you even know what you are capable of child?" he says amazed while his haggard breathing returns to normal.

I don't reply, the blood rushing to my head and my arms lying limp below me.

With a swing of his arm, he throws me. I scream before my back hits the far wall and my body slumps to the floor.

I blink away the blue from my vision and the colour returns, the dullness of the room in its place. My energy levels are low. I feel my body weakened as it was.

I'm covered in sweat, grime and blood. I don't know what I just did, but I'm glad it happened.

"Where? Where is Henri?" I spit once swallowing some of the blood in my mouth, attempting to pull myself to my feet.

He only smirks, and I realize that it's pointless.

I want to get out of here. I need to get out of here.

Slowly, I manage to get back to my feet, an arm clutching my stomach.

What should I do?

I managed to break free from his control. I can't go back. Should I make a run for it? Try to fight? I already know the answer; don't even need to think about it.


I need to find Henri. Hopefully he is still alive.

And so, before Setrákus Ra can stop me, I burst out of the room. 

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