Better Together

By Ninjagoshipper123456

21.7K 516 195

Lloyd has never really had a full positive day at school. He would get bullied for many thing such as being t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11 FINAL

Chapter 10!!

1.3K 31 5
By Ninjagoshipper123456


"BECAUSE I NEVER GOT THE TIME TO TELL YOU!!" I gasp loosing all possible ways of breathing. I saw Zane and Kai quickly lift their self up and run up to me. Before I knew it I was in darkness again. I had passed out. Hearing the voices surround me.


I groaned as I lifted my head into the view of a white and clean room. It was empty and quiet and the only thing I could hear was the beep of a screen next to me. Wires were hooked to my hands and stomach as I lift the covers to see myself. I saw my leg to see the cast was gone and I could move it quite well. Then o noticed my neck wasn't wrapped up. Does that mean I can talk now. I'm not going to attempt it though.

"Oh, your awake thank goodness!" Called a sweat voice as I peer to the door seeing a lady walk through. Her blonde hair was tied up into a pony tail and her eyes were a glossy baby blue tat shone through a pair of glasses that she wore.

She raised her eyebrow as I didn't respond. I pointed to my neck telling her that I couldn't talk but she suddenly bursted out laughing.

"Right, I forgot to tell you. Your vocal cords have healed. You voice will just be a little sore but it will come back to normal after some days or so. You have been out for a week. And your friends have been quite worried." She stated glancing to the door with a frown. I opened my mouth ready to speak. I was scared that I would not be able to hear my original voice but it came out the same.

"Friends, I don't have friends. They all left me because of a lie that someone told them at school. Why aren't you scared of me anyway?" I question seeing her smile back to me. She definitely knew I was the son of Lord Garmadon. Everyone knows me. And it's not like people to like me.

"Why would I be scarred of an innocent boy who has been saving Ninjago over and over! I don't understand myself why everyone hates you even though your the green ninja who has been saving them god knows how many times." She laughed turning to leave to the door. I giggled letting her leave. Soon for my mother to walk in with tiers of joy crawling down her face.

"Lloyd! Your ok! I was so worried that you wouldn't wake up!" She cried swinging her arms around me. I was surprised at how emotional she was but not as surprised when I saw a group of five walk inside the room. They all stared down with guilt on their faces. Nya was the most down.

"Hey mum, could you wait for me outside for a minute. I would like to talk to these on my own." I requested trying not to make it sound like I am rejecting my mother from seeing me. She nodded slightly and wondered out the room leaving me with the others.

"So, what did you want to say to me. Your here for a reason, aren't you?" I question folding my arms on the bed. They all just stayed quite listening to me not saying a word. "Hey, you do realise that I'm not mad at you." Their faces rise with shock hearing what I said. Still processing a the words taking it in.

"You don't hate us for getting you into this mess?" Zane was plain and shook. He has never really had to be forgiven as he never does anything to hurt anyone. They all stare at me as I open my arms letting them run up to me. I heard some cries and giggles from them as they all hugged me tight. Soon pulling away.

"You know I didn't mean thoughts things I told you after school that day. I don't even know why I believed Skylar over you. I hate her so much and I love you lloyd, as I best friend." any mentioned with a bright smile kissing my forehead. Jay had her arm around her keeping her close to him.

"Skylar has always been a little b****, she will always have hate on me and some of you but we will always hate her. It's just life. And I would never say anything like that to you all. I love you as much as I can ever have. Without you all I wouldn't be hear right now." I reply making them laugh when I told them about what Skylar was in my opinion. I was telling the truth though and they believed me. That's all that mattered.

"So, about that performance." I questioned my three partners who smiled widely. As it was suppose to be on Wednesday, we would have lots of time to prepare. We just had to go through the song that we had.

"Well, as it's Monday. We have tomorrow to go through the hole thing. Mrs Honest has offered for us to go last on the day to make sure we are ready." Cole explained throwing his arm around Kai's shoulders with a grin on his face.

"Great, that is if we are all in it?" We all turn to Kai seeing his smile turn to wide eyes. He had forgotten that he told us that he didn't want to preform but his wide eyed came to a speech.

"Yes, I'm still doing the performance. I'm always like that when I'm in a mood." Everyone laughed seeing Kai's reaction. He huffed crossing his arms with a blush on his face. Before everyone had their eyes open fully from laughing though. I kissed his forehead making his blush burn up more. I whisper some words to him while doing it.

"If I was able to tell you if we weren't interrupted by Nya I would have told you your answer to your question." I giggled seeing him smile dreamily as I sat up and saw the others give me a confused look. I shrugged it of though making them glance at each other.

We and kai laughed nervously.

Yes, I know it's shorter this time. I am going to make the next chapter longer. Also the next chapter will be the last one making it the end of the story. I have thought of my next book though and it will be about Ninjago like always not like I said before. I am going to do the story a little differently though.

At the moment, I am writing all my ideas on my laptop and putting it into a description and after I will write little descriptions on each chapter for me to remind myself what it's about. I have already created the first five chapter descriptions and the prologue. The reason for this is because I normally make a load of stuff up as I go through the story and I go nuts about it. I'm just making sure I actually have the whole story done and complete before you read it as well. I hope you will like it though. I thinking of calling it 'wolf burn' or something.


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