Legend of Y/n: Lost. (Variou...

Od Red-Ramen

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- "All I want to do is be more like me and be less like you." - Y/n always searched for an escape as little... Viac

Chapter 1. The kids in the ice.
Chapter 2. The Avatar Returns.
Chapter 3. Southern Air Temple.
Chapter 4. The Kyoshi Warriors.
Chapter 5. The Crazy King.
Chapter 6. The Spirit World, Part 1.
Chapter 7. The Spirit World, Part 2.
Chapter 9. Jet.
Chapter 10. Memories of Guilt.
Chapter 11. Captured.
Chapter 12. The Fortuneteller.
Chapter 13. Family is Hard.
Chapter 14. No More Fire.
Chapter 15. The Nothern Air Temple.
Chapter 16. The Waterbending Master.
Chapter 17. The Fight of the North Pole.
Chapter 18. The Fight of the North Pole, 2.

Chapter 8. The Scroll and The Pirates.

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Od Red-Ramen

~No one's P.O.V~

Appa was flying above the mountains, carrying Y/n, Sokka, Aang, and Katara. Momo on Y/n's shoulder.

Sokka was talking to Y/n, sitting beside her on Appa's head while she held the reins. Everything went fine to the point where Sokka got tired of Aang's pacing and heavy breaths, "Would you sit down?" He asked, turning around from his perch on Appa's head, "If we hit a bump, you'll go flying off. What's bugging you anyway?"

Aang stopped his pacing, pointing at Y/n, "How are you not freaking out?!" He asked, making the girl turn her upper body to him, "You're supposed to master all four Elements before the comet arrives!"

"Well, let's see. She pretty much mastered Airbending and that only took a hundred years." Sokka told Aang in a sarcastic tone, turning to him with an amused expression, "I'm sure she can master three more Elements by next summer."

"Aang, relax." Y/n sighed, chuckling a little at the stressed boy, she got up and jumped into the saddle, taking ahold of his wrist. She made the boy sit beside Katara.

"If you really want me to get working, I'm sure Katara has a few tricks up her sleeves," She looked at the Water Tribe girl in a questioning manner.

She nodded in response, "I can try to teach you some of the stuff I know."

Sokka grinned from Appa's head, "Maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash in."

~No one's P.O.V~

"Nice puddle." Sokka said with a frown while Aang and Katara looked at the river and waterfall in front of them with ecstatic faces.

Y/n dotted Sokka's shoulder, "Why do I feel like every time you're sarcastic, it backfires on you?" She asked while Appa flew down into the river, creating a huge splash that soaked only Sokka.

"Oh." Y/n scratched the back of her head, "Because it does." She laughed while Appa turned over and floated on his back.

"Yeah! Don't start without me, boy!" Aang shouted to his bison, throwing his shirt off and jumping out of his pants, jumping into the river.

Y/n took the top of her robe off, but Katara caught her action, "Remember why we're here." Y/n stopped for a moment, looking at the girl before continuing to take her top off, tying it around her waist, "I know, I usually get really hot when I train, so I don't have my robes on."

Y/n made her way over to the shore, sitting down by it. Katara' eyes caught sight of Y/n's bandage wrapped tightly around her lower arm. She frowned, something felt wrong about that injury.

She shook her head before taking her steps to her new -- and only -- student, "This is a pretty basic move, but it still took me months to perfect. So don't get frustrated if you don't get it right away."

Katara began moving her hands back and forth, making small waves in the water, "Just push and pull the water like this. The key is to getting the wrist movement right."

Y/n studied Katara's movement for a second before getting up beside her, standing in the same way as her, "Like this?" She asked, doing the same hand movements as Katara, but nothing was happening."

"That's almost right." Katara told the girl, looking over at her, "If you keep practicing I'm sure eventually-"

"Hey, I'm bending it already!" Katara looked over to her again to see Y/n bending much bigger waves than herself, and in her first try.

"Wow, I can't believe you got that so quickly." Katara said with surprised, before turning a little... Jealous, "It took me two months to learn that move."

Y/n shrugged, stopping her Waterbending, "You had to figure it out on your own. I'm lucky to have a great teacher." Y/n told her, smiling to try and get her mood up again.

It was true, she was a lot better than her past teacher.

"Thanks." Katara's mood shifted immediately, a blush covering her cheeks as she smiled.

"So, what's next?"

"This is a more difficult move. I call it streaming the water." Katara answered, moving her hands and raised a stream of water from the river into the air and moved it around, "It's harder than it looks, so don't be disappointed if-"

Katara cut herself off in shock when she saw Y/n already controlling a stream of water, moving it around and above her body and neatly coiling it back into the river, much to Katara's dismay.

"Nice work." Katara crossed her arms, "Though the over-the-head flare was unnecessary." She stared with a frown.

"Sorry." Y/n shrugged. It wasn't her fault she was good, "Well, don't stop now! Keep 'em coming!"

"Well, I kind of know this other move, but it's pretty hard. I haven't even totally figured it out yet." She turned back to the water, "The idea is to create a big, powerful wave." She moved her hands up, shaking, starting to get a big mass of water to rise out of the river, but it popped before splashing back into the river.

"So, like this?" Y/n questioned, lifting her hands to create a massive wave that towered over their heads.

Sokka was working on cleaning Appa, he looked up and stared at Y/n's wave crashing towards him in fear, "Y/n?!" The wave threw Sokka off into the water, his head slowly rising out of the water, annoyed. Aang had sprawled out on the ground by the shore, laughing his butt off.

"Looks like I got the hang of that move! What else do you got?" Y/n asked, panting slightly, wiping beads of sweat off her forehead.

Katara didn't even catch her worn out expression when she turned away from her, "That's enough practicing for today." She stated, angry.

Aang looked at Y/n with worry, she was getting worse. He knew. Despite of anything she told him.

"Yeah, I'll say!" Sokka agreed, his head still sticking out of the water, "You just practiced our supplies down the river." He pointed to the left, where a group of bags floated away.

"Sorry." She smiled a little, "I'm sure we can find somewhere to replace all this stuff."

"My life was hard enough when you were just an Airbender." Sokka said in a mutter, his head sinking back underwater.

He couldn't believe who he was falling for.

~No one's P.O.V~

The team soon found themselves walking through the streets of a city market and port.

"We've got exactly three copper pieces left from the money that King Bumi gave us. Let's spend them wisely." Sokka said out loud, adjusting the bag over his shoulders.

"Uh, make that two copper, Sokka." Aang gave him a nervous smile, "I couldn't say no to this whistle!" He told him, pulling out a white whistle that looked like a bison.

Aang took a huge breath and blew into it. It didn't make any sound.

"It doesn't even work." Aang stopped blowing when Momo squeaked at him, "See? Even Momo thinks it's a piece of junk." Sokka told him, gesturing to the lemur, who jumped back from Aang's shoulder to Y/n's.

"No offense Aang, but I'll hold the money from now on." Katara told the Airbender, he handed her the two copper pieces without a second word.

"Oh! You there!" A man ran up to the walking group from his ship, a grin on his face, "I can see from your clothing that you're world-traveling types. Perhaps I can interest you in some exotic curios?" The man blinked to the group. They all stopped, looking at him weirdly.

"Sure!" Aang agreed, walking back to the man, "What are curios?"

The man looked confused, blinking a couple of times, "I'm not entirely sure. But we got 'em!" Y/n frowned when the man put his hand on Aang's shoulder, walking him into a ship.

Something smelled... Fishy.

Y/n, Sokka, and Katara followed as they entered the ship. It was filled with strange collectibles.

Y/n was looking at an random item when a voice sounded behind her, "I've never seen such a fine specimen of lemur." The voice stated from the dark doorway as Y/n passed by with Momo on her back, "That beast would fetch me a hefty sum if you'd be interested in bartering."

She turned to see a man walking into the light, an Iguana Parrot squawking on his shoulder.

Momo hissed at the bird before Y/n pulled him close, "Momo's not for sale."

"Look at this, Y/n. It's a Waterbending scroll!" Katara called on the girl, giving her an excuse to leave the man with her lemur still on her shoulder, she went over to the girl, looking over her shoulder, "Check out these crazy moves."

Aang turned to the man, having heard what she said, "Where did you get a Waterbending scroll?" He asked him excitedly.

The captain slammed his hand onto the scroll and pulled it out of Katara's hands, "Let's just say I got it up North, at a most reasonable price, free." He told them as he rolled the scroll back up and puts it back in its shelf.

Sokka turned to look at the captain from the other side of the room, "Wait a minute... Sea loving traders, with suspiciously acquired merchandise," He raised his eyebrows, almost yelling, "And pet reptile birds?!" He quickly turned to the man that guided them onto the ship, Oh, spitting in his face, "You guys are pirates!"

Oh placed his arm around a terrified Sokka's shoulders, "We prefer to think of ourselves as high risk traders."

"So, how much for the, uh, traded scroll?" Katara asked, her gaze shifting from the copper pieces in her hand to the pirate in front of her. On the other side of the counter they leaned on.

"I've already got a buyer, a nobleman in the Earth Kingdom." The man responded, leaning over on the counter, "Unless of course, you kids have two hundred gold pieces on you right now."

Aang turned to Katara, "I know how to deal with these guys, Katara. Pirates love to haggle." He whispered, the girl dropped the copper pieces in his hand, "Watch and learn."

He made his way over to the counter, leaning against it, "Let's say to the price of, one copper piece!" He smiled brightly, dramatically presenting the single coin.

He laughed hysterically in respond, holding onto his stomach, "The price is two hundred gold pieces. I don't haggle on items this rare."

"Okay, two copper pieces!"

The captain started to glare at the twelve year old boy, "It's not as amusing the second time, boy!"

"Y/n, can we get out of here? I feel like we're getting weird looks." Katara whispered to Y/n, who was keeping a close eye on Aang and the captain.

She nodded, making her way up to the boy, she wrapped her arm around his shoulders, "Come on, Aang. Let's go." She turned and walked towards the exit with him, "Sokka! Come on!"

"What was that about?" Aang asked as soon as the team had left the ship.

"Yeah, I was just starting to browse through their boomerang collection." Sokka agreed as they started walking down the street.

Y/n noticed when Katara's eyes shifted back to the ship with worry, "I'll just feel a lot better once we get away from here."

"Hey you! Get back here!"

Aang turned around to face the ship the shouts came from, "Well, well. Look who's come to their senses. Told you the haggling would pay off." The others turned to look behind them.

Suddenly, the group of armed pirates jumped out of the ship and ran towards the group.

Y/n's eyes shifted to Katara with a slight growl escaping her lips in pure irritation, "I don't think these pirates are here to trade with us." She stated, gripping Katara's wrist, starting to run with her fellow companions and the pirates behind them.

Half of their group ran down one street while the other went down the one next to it.

Y/n let go of Katara's wrist, keeping the pace to run next to her, "You took the scroll, didn't you?" She asked with a frown.

"I did." Katara smiled as if it was a good thing. Y/n ignored it, shaking her head. The team turned a corner, Katara turned around briefly, freezing a puddle behind them for the Pirates to slip on.

"Cabbage heads!" Sokka shouted, running into a cart of cabbages, causing some to fall. Katara did the exact same thing.

Aang used his Airbending to jump all the way over it.

Y/n jumped through the space between the cabbages and the top of the cart, avoiding making any heads fall, but as soon as her feet touched the ground, she turned around, using her staff to send a blast of wind that threw the cart into the group of pirates behind them.

"My cabbages! This place is worse than Omashu!"

Another group of pirates jumped out of another street and immediately chased the group, making them turn the other way.

"I hope that lemur of yours has nine lives!" They could hear Oh shout as they turned a corner.

A dead end.

They turned back around to see Oh and the pirates corner them in the dead end of the street, "Now," Oh began, swinging his blades, "Who gets to taste the steel of my blade first?"

"No thanks." Y/n stated while Aang shook his head, at the same time, they span around and hurled two similar blasts of air at the pirates that send them backwards into a house.

"Come on!" Aang shouted, running towards the pirates. Y/n opened her glider and Aang followed, "Grab on tight!"

"I thought we were running away from the pirates!" Katara shouted while jumping to get a grip on Aang's glider.

As soon as Sokka jumped, grabbing onto Y/n's glider, they lifted off into the air.

"Just hang on!" Responded, flying over the pirates' heads and into the distance.

~No one's P.O.V~

Y/n landed by their camp followed by Aang, Sokka and Katara jumped off.

Y/n span her glider as she closed it.

"I used to kind of look up to pirates, but those guys are terrible." Aang stated as he closed his glider and put it away.

"I know. That's why I took this." Katara announced in a mischievous voice, showing the group the Waterbending scroll.

"No way..." Aang sighed, leaning back on a rock.

Katara turned to look at Y/n, who had crossed her arms, her staff in hand and a slight glare sent at her, "Isn't it great?!" Katara asked excitedly, clearly ignoring Y/n's expression.

"No wonder they were trying to hack us up! You stole their Waterbending scroll!" Sokka shouted at his sister.

"I prefer to call it high risk trading."

Aang laughed a little, "Good one, Katara."

"Sokka, where do you think they got it?" Katara asked her brother, crossing her arms, "They stole it from a Waterbender!"

"It doesn't matter." Y/n stated, "You stole it, Katara."

Sokka looked back at her, "She's right. You put all our lives in danger just so you could learn some stupid, fancy splashes!"

"These are real Waterbending forms." Katara told him, shoving the scroll in his face, "You know how crucial it is for Y/n to learn Waterbending!"

Sokka shook his head in disbelief, walking away in frustration, "Whatever!"

Y/n watched as he walked away, she sighed, looking back at Katara, "I don't like the fact that you stole it. Not at all. But... We have it, we might as well learn from it."

~No one's P.O.V~

"I've checked all the shops on this pier. Not a lotus tile in the entire marketplace." Iroh told his nephew, who stood with an angry frown and crossed arms.

"It's good to know this trip was a complete waste of time for everyone!" Zuko shouted in response, they had probably lost track of the Avatar.

"Quite the contrary. I always say, the only thing better than finding something you are looking for," Crew members began walking past Zuko and Iroh with said man's purchases, "Is finding something you weren't looking for at a great bargain!"

"You bought a tsungi horn?" Zuko asked in a confused tone as a man walked by with the instrument.

"For music night on the ship." Iroh simply answered, "Now, if we only had some woodwinds." He muttered, walking on.

~No one's P.O.V~

"I just want to try this one move first and then it's all yours." Katara told Y/n while pointing at the open scroll.

Y/n -- Who had already tied her robes around her waist -- Lifted an eyebrow, but shrugged.

Katara gave the scroll to her, "Here, hold it open for me." Y/n sighed, but did so, Katara took a few steps back before her eyes scanned over the scroll, "The single water whip. Looks doable." She attempted to do the move, but ended up hitting herself on the forehead, "Ow!"

"Ha ha ha!" Sokka laughed from his spot beside Aang on a large rock. Katara turned her burning gaze to him, "What's so funny?"

"I'm sorry, but you deserved that." Sokka answered before turning his head to the girl, who still held the scroll open, "You've been duped; She's only interested in teaching herself."

"Y/n will get her turn once I figure out the water whip!" Katara shouted before Y/n could say anything, trying again, she hit Momo instead, who screeched at her, "Ugh, why can't I get this stupid move?"

Y/n looked at the scroll briefly before placing it down, walking up beside Katara, "You'll get it." She smiled, but Katara only glared at her.

Y/n lifted a good amount of water up with her Bending, "You just gotta shift your weight through the stances." She said as she shifted on her feet and the water moved with her, she stretched her arm and the water whip was perfectly made on her first try, "There." She smiled, dropping the water back into the lake, "See, the key to Bending is-"

"Will you please shut your air hole?!" Katara screamed at the girl, harshly turning her to face her, "Believe it or not! Your infinite wisdom gets a little old sometimes!" She screamed, shoving Y/n back.

Aang's eyes got a little wide, "Katara, leave her alone!"

"Why don't we just throw the scroll away since you're so natural gifted!" Katara shoved Y/n again, making her trip over her own feet and fall into the lake.

Y/n's eyes widened in fear as the water surrounded her, she got panicked, splashing around in the water, trying to get up.




Aiden's shout sounded behind the girl as her father pulled her closer to the lake by their house.

"Aiden, go back inside." Y/n told her brother before she was yanked by the collar of her shirt.

"Aiden, I mean it. Go back inside." Y/n told him firmly, he looked down with watery eyes, but turned around and walked back in the direction of their house.

Y/n's father forced her to stumble out on the little bridge by the lake, lifting her by her shirt so her feet barely even touched the tree planks below her.

"You need to do as I say, Y/n." The masculine voice sounded just by her ear as she got yanked again, "No questions. No disobeying. No relaxing. Nothing." His voice turned harsher as he held the girl out from the bridge, "You do exactly as I tell you when we train. Or else," He pulled her closer, whispering into her ear, "You're no use to me."

Her father's grip loosened as he threw the girl into the lake. The girl who was never taught to swim.

She threw herself around in the water, trying to get a grip on something as she kept the oxygen in her mouth.

She held her eyes slightly open in the dirty water, desperately trying to cling onto the bridge not far from her.

Y/n coughed as Aang pulled her out of the water Y/n looked up at Katara with a glare. She crouched down beside the girl, "Oh my gosh, Y/n. I am so sorry, I don't know what came over me." She told the soaked girl, almost placing a hand on her shoulder before she slapped it away.

"Don't touch me." She warned, getting up, her glare turned stronger, "You know nothing about my Bending, and what I went through to get where I am." She growled, shoving past her and into the woods.

Sokka shot his sister a look before making his way after the girl.

The very moment Y/n's shoulder and hers hit each other, the Water Tribe girl felt it. The heat emerging from the girl was too hot to be normal in any way.

Aang's usually cheerful eyes were filled with anger as he looked at Katara, "Look, Aang-"

"No." The young boy cut her off, standing with crossed arms, "She's right. None of you know anything about her. You know nothing at all so you don't have the right to say anything at all." He began to walk away, but turned back to snatch the scroll, "Keep your mouth shut next time, please." He told the older girl as he walked away with the scroll in hand.

~No one's P.O.V~

It was in the middle of the night when Sokka was shaking awake from his comfortable sleep.

He turned in his sleeping-bag to complain, but stopped once he saw the girl who had refused to come back to camp earlier, Y/n.

"Sokka, where's Katara?" Y/n asked in a whisper, having arrived at the camp seeing all by her in their sleeping bags or relaxing. Sokka looked up to find Katara's sleeping bag, indeed, empty.

He quickly got out of his warm space and went directly to his bag, "Don't tell me..." He ruffled through it, turning it upside down to get everything out in a hurry, "I don't believe it."

"What's wrong?" Aang asked with a yawn, sitting up.

"She took the scroll, didn't she?" Y/n crossed her arms, looking over Sokka's shoulder, "She did. She's obsessed with that thing! It's just a matter of time before she gets us all in deep-" Sokka was cut off by his own yells as a bola suddenly wrapped itself around his wrists, pulling him forward.

He rolled away before charging at the man before him, a pirate. Y/n was about to help when someone attacked her from behind, and she suddenly found herself in a net on the ground.

Aang right beside her. A pirate dragged Y/n away while another dragged Aang, "Come on!" He shouted to the pirate previously fighting Sokka.

"Oh, what? I'm not good enough to kidnap?" Sokka asked, left behind. A net was shot at him and he was soon dragged away, too.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Nice work." Zuko told the pirates in front of him. One held Y/n's right arm while another held the left. Even though they were tied behind her back.

Aang was simply tied around his wrists along with Sokka, who struggled furiously to get out of the rope.

"Y/n, this is all my fault." Katara, who was tied to a tree, confessed.

"Yeah." Y/n nodded. Not intending on holding her thoughts hidden.

"It kinda is." Iroh added from beside Katara, making her glare at him.

"Give me the girl." Zuko demanded. Glaring at the pirate captain. The Waterbending scroll tightly held in his hand.

"You give us the scroll." The captain replied calmly. Suddenly...

"You're really gonna hand over the Avatar for a stupid piece of parchment?" Sokka's voice sounded.

"Don't listen to him!" Zuko's voice quickly followed, pointing an accusing finger at Sokka, "He's trying to turn us against each other!"

"Your friend is the Avatar?" The captain asked Sokka while he turned to Y/n.

"Sure is, and I'll bet she'll fetch a lot more on the black market than that fancy scroll." Sokka stated with a suggestive grin.

"Shut your mouth, you Water Tribe peasant!" Zuko growled at the teen, pointing an accusing finger at him.

"Yeah, Sokka, you really should shut your mouth." Aang agreed with the Firebender for once, sending a look Sokka's way.

"I'm just sayin' its bad business sense. Think how much the Fire Lord would pay for the Avatar. You guys would be set for life." Sokka said, looking around on the different pirates, who all seemed to begin smiling and smirking.

"Leo the scroll; We can buy hundreds like it with the reward for the girl." The Pirate captain told the banished prince, making him frown in anger as he turned to walk away.

"You'll regret breaking a deal with me." Zuko snarled at the man, he and two of his soldiers sent a blast of fire at the pirates.

The pirates jumped back to avoid the blast and Oh ran out, throwing smoke bombs and jumping into the cloud as the fight ensues.

Some of Zuko's soldiers ran towards out to Sokka, Aang, and Y/n, who were struggling with their ropes, but were stopped by several pirates.

Soon enough, Y/n found herself in a cloud of smoke, separated from her friends, taking a quick glance around, Y/n flickered her hands up when she didn't see anyone looking at her, fire ignited from her index fingers, burning through the rope around her wrists.

"Y/n! Are you there?!" She could hear Sokka's voice a bit away from her.

"I'm over here! Follow my voice!" Y/n shouted, trying to look through the smoke to find the nonebender.

"Where? I can't find you!"

"I'm right here!" Y/n grumbled under her breath, twirling around, she spread her arms to the sides, removing the cloud around her to reveal several pirates and soldiers stopping mid-fight to look at her.

She clapped her hands together above her head, making the smoke-cloud assemble, covering everyone again, "You know what, I'll find you!"

After small amounts of time, Sokka found his way out of the dust cloud, climbing his way out on his knees and hands. Y/n vaulted over him in a full sprint, "Run!"

Down the river the two found Katara and Aang, trying to push the pirate ship into the water.

"You're okay!" Y/n smiled as she ran down to them, Sokka in tow.

"Help us get this boat back in the water so we can get outta here!" Katara said in an almost pleading voice.

Y/n and Sokka looked at each other briefly, nodding before beginning to help pushing the boat. But it didn't move an inch.

"We'd need a team of rhinos to budge this ship." Sokka said, looking up at its large form.

Y/n crossed her arms, sighing, something she seemed to do a lot, "A team of rhinos, or two Waterbenders." She looked at Katara, "I'm still mad at you, but I do believe you have potential, Katara. And a bunch of it."

Katara couldn't smile any brighter, but Y/n simply turned to Aang, "Can you help him onto the ship?" Aang nodded before carelessly air-kicking Sokka onto the ship before getting himself up there with a jump.

Y/n and Katara stood on each side of the ship, pulling and pushing the water again, and again, and again, the water getting higher each time, to the point where it carried the ship off the shore and into the water.

Y/n quickly looked down the shore, finding the Fire Soldiers and pirates already was trying to get to them. She took Katara's hand, helping her up as she twirled her wind around her.

"Sokka! Can't you make it go any faster?" Aang shouted down to the older boy, having spotted them too.

"I don't know how. This thing wasn't made by the Water Tribe!" He excused as he stood by the stealing wheel.

The pirates sailed up along with the ship, jumping onto it. Y/n frowned, spinning in the air as she pulled an enormous amount of water onto the ship, washing the off again.

Y/n turned her head just in time to see Sokka being thrown by one of the pirates, "That's good..." Oh complimented the pirate. Y/n jumped down behind and Airbended him into the back, knocking him down into the railing. The other went to move, but she landed in a handstand, sending another kick towards the man, sending him overboard before getting back on her feet.

"Hey! You did the Water Whip!" She heard Aang's cheerful voice, assuming it to only be Katara he talked to.

She jumped over the railing and down to the lower deck, helping Sokka up.

"Y/n! Look!" Katara shouted down to the girl, pointing forward. She looked up, dread filling her eyes when she saw the ship heading towards a huge waterfall, "Oh no..."

Oh came up behind her, a knife in hand. She turned her head, standing up to face him as she pointed her finger right behind him, "Aang! The whistle!" Oh stood confused as he looked at the girl's smile. Aang blew the whistle at the same time Sokka came up behind the pirate, shoving him right off the ship, "Have you lost your mind?! This is no time for flute practice!"

"We can stop the boat! Y/n, together, push and pull the water!" Y/n ran to stand on the middle of the ship with Katara, getting into position, the two pulled the water with their Waterbending, slowly but surely creating a whirlpool that stopped the ship, "It's working, it's slowing down! We're doing it!"

"But we have another problem!" Aang announced loudly, pointing at Zuko's approaching boat. They screamed as the boat rammed into the ship and Sokka, Aang, Katara, and Y/n had nothing to to besides, "JUMP!" And as the ship tilted over, the four jumped, diving down the waterfall.

As they fell, Appa reached them, letting them all land safely into his saddle as he flew them to safty away from pirates, princes, and waterfalls.

Aang grinned as he held the whistle up, "I knew a bison whistle would come in handy!"

"Yeah," Y/n agreed, sitting on the bison's head, "Thanks Appa." She thanked as she ruffled his fur.

""We owe you one." Sokka agreed. Appa let out a little roar, as if replying. Y/n leaned down to take ahold of the reins, leading the team to safety.

"Y/n, I still owe you an apology." Katara started, making the girl look over her shoulder, "You were just so good at Waterbending without really trying." She looked down in her lap, "I got so competitive that I put us all in danger, I'm sorry."

"We all make mistakes, Katara." Y/n said as she looked straight in front of her, away from the ones behind her, "It's okay, I guess."

"Now that we talk about it." Sokka teased as he held the Waterbending Scroll out in front of Katara. She smiled as she reached out for it, "The scroll!"

Sokka put his hand in front of him to keep Katara from grabbing it, "First, what did you learn?" He asked, smiling a knowing smile.

"Stealing is wrong." She said, Sokka gave her the scroll and she snatched it out of his hands, "Unless it's from pirates."

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