Elemental ๐ŸŒ™ NCT Dream [ REWR...

By koryamanent

643 67 222

๐ŸŒ• "We'll be at war." โ˜€๏ธ "What? When?" ๐ŸŒ• "Soon, I guess." โ˜€๏ธ "Haven't heard anything from anyone at all, ho... More

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Quick disclaimer!! Please read before you proceed!
p r o l o g u e
c h . 2
c h . 3

c h . 1

94 11 76
By koryamanent

"So you're staying?" Jiro questioned softly.

He stood right outside the entrance of his mother's house, facing the now empty streets of the village as the sun sets behind the roofs. It was hot no longer, the warmth of the sun
dipped, now replaced with the coolness of the new night.

She huffed, her breath could be seen when she exhaled. She hugged her arms together as a cool breeze whispered into the night. Her hair loosened and flowed with the direction of the wind, strands managing to glaze over her face, her moonlit figure standing out against the dim night.

She shrugged, "Only for a while, that's how it is all the time anyway."

She took slow and quiet steps towards the boy. She couldn't help but admire the night being at peace and filled with a calming silence.

It's something she couldn't have often, especially when you're being constantly chased wherever you'd go, no matter where you hid. It was exhausting, going back and forth places. She knows she's being selfish in a way, but she'd never admitted that.

"So you're going back? Out there?" Jiro turned to Dohui, looking perplexed at the girl's response.

"You heard me the first time right? Or are you deaf?"

"They're not your responsibility Dohui."

"It's my choice what my responsibility is, what I have to do."

"But you don't have to. You really love the empress so much, you even try to protect her people." He scoffed, disappointingly gazing at the girl. The atmosphere grew colder than ever.

"It's not the empress you damned rat." Dohui snarled and sent the boy a sharp glare, the shadow that covered her eyes added a more infuriating aura. "Don't associate me with that disgusting creature." She spat, toxin hinted in her voice.

"Whatever, snake." Jiro rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, turning the other way.

A moment of silence took over, nobody dared to speak up. Both immersed in their own thoughts. Dohui still felt irritated after the interaction. She's always been like this ever since she's 'ran away', an attitude of being defensive stuck to her.

Trying to convince herself that she could fix things, but no one believed in her.

Was it because she kept running away? Because she was an outcast trying to get back in the sea of people she used to be a part of?

Dohui felt a sharp pain hit her chest at the thought. Heat rose up her face, and her previously angered expression faltered. A solemn expression washing over her tired figure, she heaved a long sigh.

Jiro took notice of the girl's demeanor, his irritated expression softened. He took slow and careful steps towards her, not wanting to startle her. He wrapped his arms around her smaller figure and sighed.

Instances like this happen often between them, usually when one is riled up and the other just follows, ending up with both of them initiating a hug or an apology. They thought of each other as a sibling, with constant bickering and arguments that, for the most, didn't make any sense, but also filled with moments of them talking and reminiscing memories and catching up on what's happening in each other's lives.

Their first meeting was one of their favorite memories. Dohui entered the village for the first time to let herself heal after she was caught and nearly thrown back into the Light Empire's castle. Walking drunkenly around the market and stumbling into a big tent filled with different herbs and materials for medical needs. Jiro yelling at her for using the wrong herb and applying it wrong. He ended up aiding her bruises and dried up bloodied wounds instead.

Youra stood by the entrance of her home, a tired expression never leaving her face. Glancing at her two children, according to her, who were having their moment. She huffed,

"It's too early and they've already bickered.." Youra muttered under her breathe.

She knew how the two were pretty well ever since they met, and she could say she's gotten used to their constant arguments, going from laughing at something stupid to calling each other stupid and many other insults. But she was aware of how these words weren't meant to hurt the other.

Youra called out to the two, rasp in her voice as she had just awoken, supposed to drink water. They both looked at the elder and let go of each other, faces tensed as they continued to shuffle into the house past Youra.

They all went into their respective rooms, none of them saying anything. Dohui slid under the blanket that lightly rested on the mattress on the floor. The small room felt colder than usual, perhaps it was because winter was nearing. Dohui's tired eyes closed, letting the cool atmsphere and tired feeling engulf her, letting her drift off to sleep.

The scorching heat of late morning woke two of the three souls that lived in the house, one waking up earlier than the other to cook their late breakfast, and the other waking up only for her to remember originally what she came for.

That's how Jiro ended up having cold water splashed on his figure, now facing Dohui who had her hands on her waist and a mystified expression on her face.

"I did not expect that to actually work, I should do it more."

"Why the fuck would you do that?" His voice raspy, he ruffled his already messed up hair in annoyance.

"To save you."

"Save me from what?!" He exclaimed

"From Freddy attacking you in your sleep?"


"What? Oh nothing." Dohui cheekily smiled, but her expression quickly turned into a more serious one.

Jiro thought of her duality as an obstacle in his life, having to deal with her childish antiques to her bossy demeanor. He was elder, and Dohui knew that, but he knew she wouldn't care as they were almost technically the same person.

"I need my herbals restocked."

"Herbal medicine?" Jiro raised a brow.


"No." Jiro stated sternly, leaning on the wall that stood behind him.

Dohui's hopeful expression turned into one of exaggerated disappointment and desperation. Dohui never specialized in traditional medicine, she was quite horrible at it at first. It was only until she met the Yoon's that she learned how to at least aid bruises and small injuries and the rest of the basics. She would've been dead if she didn't stumble into the market that one night.

"Not even a prepped ginseng?" She pouted, Jiro only looked back at her in disgust.

"Ugh- Yeah okay fine- Just don't do that again!" He shivered in disgust as he got up to go and take a shower. But before he could take a step out of his room Dohui stopped him.

"Where'd you put my Maria?"

Jiro turned his head to face the shorter, a deadpanned expression on his face. "Wait who-" his eyebrows furrowed once he understood what Dohui meant.

"You benders are weird.." he muttered.

"She's in one of the crates in the corner, left side, don't open the right." He narrowed his eyes at her and finally left the room.

Dohui eyed Jiro suspiciously before she ran over to the wooden crate that hid in the corner of the room. She blew on the dust that touched the head of the crate, the blow causing the dust to fly into the girl's face. Her head jerked back and she coughed, fanning the dust away with her hand.

She pushed the head of the crate open after getting rid of the dust. Inside she found a bunch of small decorations, but she immediately turned her gaze to a dirtied white pouch made of silk, which stood out more to her than the rest. She reached for it and carefully held it on her palms. She gently reached into the pouch's opening and pulled out a blade, a dagger to be exact. Dohui smiled at the beauty she held onto.

She admired the pearl grip that rested smoothly on her palms. It was dusty, but aside from that, it remained just like how she's last seen it.
Her eyes drifted to the flattened iron carving that laid right on the pearly material, a cross separating the grip from the sheathed iron blade. Sliding off the dark leather that protected her from the sharp edges, to be graced with the double-edged iron blade in all its glory.

It wasn't new or fresh, it was quite the opposite actually. The metal was grazed over with scratches and there was barely seen chipping in some edges, but no matter as it still was strong. It held so much pride. Gifted to her from her beloved mother. A carving stuck to one side of the blade, a carving of Chinese characters that could be barely read as it was close to being pressed down flat. The only thing readable was the word 'Maria', the name Dohui gave to the old dagger.

Her adoring look at the blade was interrupted by a small knock on the door far behind her. Youra leaned on the corridor with a gentle smile on her face. She only beckoned the younger to come out and eat with them, leaving with the other tailing after.


It was a hot sunny afternoon as Dohui walked around the busy streets with a red shawl lightly wrapped around from her head to shoulders. The rest of her attire leaning more into earthy tones, the red shawl being the only piece of fabric that stood out.

The village was quite busy, perhaps it's because of winter nearing. Everybody rustling around selling firewood, blankets, food, and other necessities for the cold season. On some occasions Dohui would see little children who'd attempt to steal away a barbecue or two, some being sneaky and actually got some.

Dohui neared the huge bell tents of where the known medics were. Usually, she'd go around these parts of the market to observe how medical work was done. She wasn't the best at it, according to Jiro, but she's gotten the hang of the basics to treat herself or others when needed.

Dohui casually entered one of the tents and looked around after she removed her shoes. One of the medics asked if she needed anything, she only smiled and shook her head. She only came to observe the medical equipment, and if she was lucky, she'd get to observe how medical work was done.

She walked around the tent, glancing at the herbs, acupuncture, and other equipment that layed on wooden trays. She guessed this tent was one that didn't specialize in just one type of medical treatment, it was more generalized and for people who didn't know exactly where to go to. She found it quite odd to have separate bell tents for different specialized medical treatment, but she didn't mind it too much.

Fast-paced steps were heard behind her, making her whip her head back. People carrying a stretcher where a man yelling in pain while clutching onto his abdomen came rushing in. They quickly transferred him onto the wooden table that stood at the back area of the tent.

"A thirty-year-old found just right outside the village. There seems to be an infection near his lower left abdomen. It could be a parasite that entered, helminthiasis maybe." One of them informed, his voice firm and clear.
"What else?"

"Obvious signs of food poisoning but it seems to have been caused by a different parasite."

"A different one?"

"Yes, doctor."

"How long has it been since the first one entered?" One of the medics asked sternly while sliding off the pained man's top and inspecting the area of infection, the skin looked heavily irritated. "Estimated 2 and a half hours at most." The previous medic looked up.

"Call up doctor Yoon, now-" "I'm here." Dohui looked to see Jiro quickly walking in with a serious expression on his face. "There are two parasites found, doctor. One that caused the food poisoning and one caused a skin infection in his lower left abdomen."

Jiro walked to the man's left side, Dohui creeping not too far from the group of doctors. He looked closely at the infection, his eyes hinted shock after the observation. He looked up at the doctors who now seemed tense after seeing Jiro's reaction.

"It's an Erebuscaris infection." He stated with a hint of worry in his voice. The 3 doctors froze.

"How long has it been?" "Two and a half hours, doctor."

"Contact the Shadow's for the Light medics. If they can't get back to us then contact the Lights. We need someone who specializes on burning light." Dohui's ears perked up and her interest in the situation grew as she heard the name of an ability she was quite familiar with. Jiro sent out the other three doctors to get in contact with some other medics and to retrieve the herbs needed from his tent.

It grew quiet in the tent, the occasional pained sounds coming from the man filling in the quietness. This started to attract the attention of some of the people who passed, some of them peeking in the tent. Jiro rushed over to the entrance and untied the ropes to close the entrance off with the curtains, though it did not stop the chatters that came from those people outside.

Dohui peeked behind the curtains that were hung up to cover another empty wooden table behind her, quietly observing as Jiro applied a counterirritant around the irritated skin. She slid the curtains to the side and took quiet steps towards Jiro.

"What's wrong, doctor Yoon?" she said while walking near and scanning the patient. "Oh Dohui, why are you here?" the doctor looked up in surprise, putting away the cream on a nearby desk.

"Just looking around," she paused when her gaze landed on the infected and irritating part of the man's skin "Are you not going to answer my question?" She cocked a brow, facing Jiro from the opposite side of the patient.

"Oh, well- this man's infected by an Erebuscaris worm."

"You mean those helminths from the Shadow Empire?"

"Yeah, we had to get in contact with the Lights."

"Hmm, what if-"

"Don't get any ideas. I taught you about this but there's nothing you can do."

"But Jiro- the Shadow's are gonna take ages till they-"

"We can't risk it. We have to-" Jiro was cut off by the man's loud agonizing pain. He looked over at the patient and noticed from the bottom corner of his eye that the infected area started to darken. Splots. Dark- almost-black shaded spots. "It's.." Jiro's voice trembled. "It's what?"

"He's in the first stage of Erebuscaris Neurophage. Once the parasite enters the organs, there'll be a great chance it'll birth a new one before it reaches the brain." Concern flashed on Dohui's face after what he said.


"Dohui," Jiro cut her off, she raised her head to look at him "You remember what I taught you, right?"

It took Dohui a few seconds to process what the doctor just said. A confident smile graced her shocked features. She nodded, "Of course, doctor Yoon."

"Then let's get to work."

That was how Dohui found herself facing the patient with one of her hands hovering over the patient's irritated abdomen.

To her left was an open window, the hot setting sun peeking through. Dohui reached out to the sun's rays, she felt warmth crawling up to her wrist from the tips of her fingers.

Light. The light enveloped her pale hands.

Her hand followed where the other was, placing its palm over the one that hovered over the spot-filled skin. She could see the light growing brighter and brighter, the warmth growing and spread on the patient's skin.

A bright flash of light accompanied by a warm gush of wind ran across the enclosed space causing everyone in the room to shut their eyes. Dohui fluttered her eyes open, for a few seconds her vision was blurry. She pulled her hands away, a smile of relief shown on her face as she stepped back. There was barely any spots found, hints of the irritation remained, but other than that, it was gone.

Dohui was about to cheer, but it was halted once they heard a gasp.

"What the fuck did I just see." Jiro and Dohui snapped their heads in confusion towards the now opened entrance to see a young man standing, his brows furrowed.

"She- She just light bended!" He pointed at the dumbfounded girl, who's face now contorted into one of dread. She could feel her heart beating faster and faster. His next actions is what made her almost collapse.


This made everyone's attention drift towards them. Dohui looked at Jiro in panic. He signaled her to run with the same panicked expression. And she did.

Dohui pushed past the man in the entrance and stumbled through the crowd whose eyes were now on her nervous figure. She could feel heat crawling down from her head. Bullets of sweat dripping from her face as her heart pounded loudly against her chest.

She caught a glimpse of very familiar figures from the corner of her eye. This was enough for her to run faster.

The knights of the Shadow empire.

By then, she knew they've already noticed her presence as an intruder as she heard their horses' steps behind her. It was another chase.

She felt sick in the gut as soon as she took a turn, only to be met with a dead end. The next thing she knew she had her back pressed against the wall with the knights towering over her.

"We came here to send medics, not a damned chase." One of them complained through his mask.

That moment it felt like time froze. She was cornered. It was dark and she felt like she was about to faint. Her thoughts were clouded and she was desperate to get out. She tried to get her thoughts together but to no avail.

But the last thing she thought she would do was to blind them with light.

Right as soon as the knights were distracted and blinded, Dohui took this chance to run away. By the time she halted at an alley she could feel her feet burning, only realizing that she wasn't wearing her shoes.

The air around her felt thin, her world was spinning, and she was heavily breathing, her chest continuously rising and falling. A sharp pain was felt in her head and she winced in pain. Energy draining out of her, she collapsed on the dry earth's surface, her eyes shutting close. The last thing she heard were light footsteps from behind.


Erebuscaris Neurophage ain't a thing so don't expect a proper result from google when you try and search it up-

Also this was hella long

I was thinking whether or not to rewrite the second chapter in 1st person but we don't want anymore inconsistencies- the way I write is already enough of a mess as it is so :pp

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