The Rejected Omega

By SilentAlejandro15

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Nick Jackson was the omega of the Slivermoon pack. His parents rejected him at birth, and so did the pack. He... More

Chapter 1: My life so far and back then
Chapter 2: He is here
Chapter 3: Mated & Rejected
Chapter 4: Snow
Chapter 5: Our new home
Chapter 6: Weclome to The Snow Wolf Pack
Chapter 7: I'M WHAT
Chapter 8: 3 months pregnant
Chapter 9: The White Wolf???
Chapter 10: You idioit
Chapter 11: Picture of people I hate
Chapter 12: Who ordered it?
Chapter 13: A Secret
Chapter 14: The pups are coming
Chapter 15: Pictures of them
Info update
Chapter 16: Time sure dose flys by
Chapter 17: Belive or Disbelive
Chapter 18: The kiss
Chapter 19: Why would you
Chapter 20: Talking
Update and New character info
Chapter 21: The Evans
Chapter 22: Shouldn't have seen
Chapter 23: I forgive you...
We need to talk
Chapter 24: Sky
Chapter 25: Hi.....
Chapter 26: I can explain
Chapter 27: Deal
Chapter 28: I can't
Chapter 29: Yes
Chapter 30: I found you

Chapter 31: What do I say

9.2K 230 68
By SilentAlejandro15

Nick's POV

"What do mean your going to leave?" I asked her

"With how thing are going on now, I want to keep your son safe...and Vincent is going to need more help controlling his wolf and Theo is the best teacher I can think of" Ruby said

"But do you plan on coming back when our son's turn 18?" I asked her

"Yeah bec-...and Lucy is coming, she looks sad?" Ruby said as she was look out the window

Just like she said Lucy came rushing into my house and she did look upset??

"Lucy, what's wrong??" I asked her and she just broke into tears

"Mike...he...cheated on me" Lucy cried out as she hugged me

"What!!!!" We all said

"Lucy, are you sure he did???" Alex said

"He's been acting really different lately at home...and he been going out at night. Then I saw on his phone a text messages from a girl and photos of them kissing and all" Lucy said sadly

"Lucy, you and I know Mike..he wouldn't do something like that" I said

"But he did...maybe he doesn't love me anymore and this girl is more prettier and hotter than me and she even has a bigger boobs then me......I'm hopeles" Lucy said crying even more

"I'm sure that isn't true" Alex said

Lucy stopped hugging me pulled out her phone showed Alex a of the girl

"What do you think then, would you sleep with this whore?!" Lucy asked him

I looked at Alex and he stared at the picture and looked at me

"...No. I wouldn't" Alex said

"Honestly Alex, would you???" I asked him

" is pretty hot" Alex said hesitantly

I slapped him, Lucy slapped him, and Ruby backed hand him.

"Ok, Alex your sleep on the couch for a mouth" I said

"Owwww...hey, you said to be honest about it" Alex said

"I can believe you" I said disappointed

"Wait, I will be right, back" Ruby said as she speeded out of my house

She then came back with Victor, Chris, and Theo, she pull Chris to us and grabbed Lucy's phone. She showed the picture to Victor and Theo.

"Is this girl hot and would you smash??" Ruby asked them

"Ye-" they both stopped

All hell broke loose, Ruby and Chris kicked them in the balls and Lucy and I kicked them booth, too

"SON OF A BITCH" they both shouted in pain

"You two are disgusting" Ruby said

"What's so good about that bitch" Chris said angrily

"You three, only care about looks" I said disgusted with them

"This bitch is stealing our mates" Lucy said angrily

I got mad and kicked Alex in the balls and everyone else punched or kicked him. I then thought about something.

"Let's go and beat up Mike and make him tell us where this bitch lives!!" I shouted

They all agreed and we all went on a bitch hunt

Alex's POV

What the actually fuck just happen, we are in pain on the ground and they are the one who asked for our opinion.

"Hey, Alex...they asked you, too" Victor said as groan in pain

"Yeah...but we were just being..honest" I said as I was still in pain

"They have no ideas how it feel to get hit in the dick is like" Theo shouted in pain

"Well, your mates are guys" Victor pointed out

"Well, they aren't as fully grown out as us" Theo said

"We have to find Mike before they do and kick his ass because this is all his fault" I said angrily

Out of no where, Mike just showed up and saw us in the living room on the ground

"What's my fault? And why are you guy holding on to your dicks?" Mike said

The three of us glared at him and tackled him to the ground and pinned him down

"Why the hell would you cheat on your mate!!" I shouted at him

"Wait what-what do you mean, I would never cheat on Lucy???" Mike said confused

"She has proof that you did and she told all of our mates" I said angrily

"Yeah, we got beat up because of your stupidly on cheating on your mate" Theo said

"What the hell is wrong with you" Victor said

"But could I have cheated on her when I was training the younger kids like I do every early Monday morning, then I took a nap under a tree and I just woke up, I came here to report to, Alex" Mike said

We all looked at him as if he was crazy

"Mike, it's not is Thursday?" I said

He looked shocked when I said that

"Your joking's Monday?" Mike said as if we're crazy

We got off of him and we all stood up, and Theo, Victor and I pulled out our phones to show him the date

"How can this happen?, I was asleep for four days" Mike asked

"You weren't, you have alway been with me when we worked, but today Lucy came and told us that you been acting different lately and that you cheated on her" I said to him

"I don't remember anything" Mike said

"You did take any drinks from any strangers or remember anything after you took a nap" Victor asked

"No, I haven't and all I remember was watching the last kid getting pick up by his mom and I went under a tree and took a quick nap..I would have know if anyone was near me" Mike said as he was rubbing his head

"How about we go find our mate's and Mike can explain himself he's mate and our mates won't be mad at us anymore" Theo said as he made it sound like a great idea

"They won't, they will still hate us for say yes to the photo" I said

We all stood there in silence

"We're fucked either way" Mike said hopelessly

"To be honest here, your mate is going to kill you, while the rest of us will probably be hated for a hundred years, but your case Alex, your probably never getting laid" Victor said seriously

"God dammit...I haven't actually had real sex since I mated and rejected Nick 5 years ago" I said shocked, I just realized it just now

Mike, Victor, and Theo gave me a confused look...I shouldn't have said that out loud...this is fucking embarrassing.

"What do you mean by "real sex" Alex" Theo asked

"It's nothing, let's just force on Mike here, who just may not see tomorrow" I said trying to change the subject

"Wait..don't tell me...have you been using those magic items sex doll...for 5 years" Theo said as he tried to hold back himself from laughing

"Yeah" I said embarrassedly as I felt my face getting hot

They all started laughing at me

"Okay, okay that's enough, lets plan how we get our mates not to hate us" I said annoyed

"Well, now that we know that Alex is a virgin" Mike said

"I had sex before, so shut up" I shouted angrily at him

"Okay, no need to get mad, we are only just teasing you" Theo said

" did it feel when you were doing the doll" Victor said as he and the other two laugh

"I swear, I will call them and tell them that your here Mike and that all three of you said that you like that girl" I said as I was about to call Nick

"Okay we will stop" Theo said

We all started talking how we can fix what Mike started and what we said to our mates, but every outcome is just us getting hurt by them.....

At night ( 10:45 pm )

"So....they aren't back yet?" Victor said look at the clock

"They should have been back here to kick Mike's ass" I said

"Hey" Mike said

"It's not my fault your a idiot, but still they should came...Nicks anime shows comes on around this time and he never misses them" I said

"Do you think they are still at my house" Mike said

We all went over to check and we saw the living room lights on...they were still there?!

"Should we go in??" Mike said

"Its your house house, be a man and go in first" Theo said as punched him toward the front door

"Like hell I am, I don't want them to kick my dick" Mike said

"I can't believe your scared of going in your own house, I will go in first and you guys wait here until it's safe to go inside" I said as open door and walked in

I walked in and everything was dark, so I went towards where the light was coming from, and it was the living. They were all asleep and drunk because there bottles of beer, tequila, wine, and vodka all around and I walked outside to tell the other come in.

"How the hell did they find my hidden stash of alcohol!!, and this was a gift I got I got from my grandpa's caller and I wanted to share it with Lucy" Mike said sadly as he held his empty wine bottle

"Lucy shared it with everyone but you" I said

Victor, Theo, and I carried our alcoholic mates

"We are going to head home, now" Victor said

"Wait, aren't you guys going to help me clean up??!" Mike said as we heading out

"This your fault and its your house" Theo said, then Victor and Theo disappeared

"Alex, your going to help me...right?" Mike said I looked at him and then at the open door and ran all the way home

I locked all the doors and went into Nick's room, put him down on his bed and trunked him in. I was about to leave until Nick grabbed my hand.

"Where the hell do you think your going" Nick said

"I was just about to leave?" I said, he was completely wasted

"Your a really....really guy" Nick slurs as he pulled on to the bed and got top of me

"Nick, your drunk can please get off, you need to sleep" I said

"Your no fun, come on, don't you want to have sex with me" Nick said as he pulling off my shirt

"I don't want to have sex with you" I said even thought I do

"First my mate, now a sexy guy like you doesn't want me" Nick said as he cried

"Hey, you said you have mate, shouldn't be loyal and do it with him" I said, what the hell am I going to do

"Loyal to him....that asshole wasn't loyal to me to begin with....after he had sex with me, he rejected me and had sex with someone else...I suffered alone through out all my heats alone...I raised our kids alone...I always get jealous  of other mates loving happily together...I want that, too.....why did he reject me...was it because I was when I said I gave him a second chance I hoped he would at least make a move on me...that idiot hasn't done anything to me" Nick said kind of angry

"But do you love him, after everything he did to you, maybe he wants to takes things slow with you. You should you tell him you want him to be more affectionate with you" I asked him

"I'm scared, I think he cheat on me...I'm not good looking, sexy, or cute...I hate having nothing to offer. That idiot would bang every girl that meets his standard. I saw him talk to some girls on the training field, those girls were flirting with him rubbing there boobs all him and he takes glances at them....just thinking about it pisses me off, I should just kick his sorry ass...but we haven't mated he wouldn't mind me cheating on him for once" Nick said ripping my pants

" can't do this" I said as I got him off of me and I jumped out of bed

"fine, I will get naked first and get myself ready" Nick said as he got naked and fingering himself


'hurry u....."  Nick moan

"Nick, just stop this...I know your drunk and may or may not remember what I'm about to say so.....I love you, Nick, and I only want you, so I know you are upset with me on what I said today. But I would chose you over that girl in that photo because you are my mate, and the mother of my children. I love you, Nick, I will always love you" I said as I turned to face him

He was fell asleep....This is embarrassing

( The next morning )

Nick's POV

I woke up to the sound of a heart beating and I rubbed my eyes. I then notice I was sleeping on something squish, but firm. I got myself up to see what I was sleeping on.....I was sleeping on top of Alex and. He had no shirt or pants on. I looked down at myself and saw that I was naked as a baby, a million thing started going through my mind.

"Hey, wake up!!" I said panicking as I was shaking him to wake up

"Huh...what's wrong" Alex said half asleep

"Wake the hell up before I ripe off your dick and balls" I said annoyed how he slept with me

"Wait, what?!" Alex said who finally awake

"You took advantage of me last night...didn't you" I said as I held knife mad of ice

Wait, we didn't do anything and you were too drunk, and you tried to have sex with me" Aled said as he was looking at the knife

"I-I..what?!!!!" I said shocked and embarrassed

"I promise, I didn't take advantage of you, while you were drunk and you fell asleep" Alex said

"But why are you sleeping on my bed, I may have accepted you as my mate...but I'm not ready for thiese kinda of things " I said embarrassed

"You stopped me from leaving when I put you into bed...but I really didn't want to go to my room, I really just want to...sleep together with you, I'm sorry" Alex said blushing slightly

"No, I should be the who be apologizing, I drank to much...I remember only bits and pieces of what happen last night, but I'm not sure if that really happen" I said trying to think about last night

"What do you remember?" Alex asked

"Not much, but I'm sorry if I said anything stupid" I said thinking about it

"I actually wanted to ask you something about that, last night, you wanted me to be more loving towards you and I'm will happily do that, I'm sorry, I just wanted you to be more comfortable around me and thinking of me as your mate" Alex said

"I can't believe I said that....but it's true, I want you to be more open with our relationship. I want other to believe we are mates" I said blushing as he kissed my cheek

"I will, but can I sleep in your room, now?" Alex asked

"Fine, you sleep here...but your not allowed to have sex with me until I'm ready and if you break that rule, your going back to the other room" I said

"I won't, I promise" Alex said happily

"Good" I said

"I also want to ask you something" Alex said as got of the bed and was looking through the his ripped pants

"What is it?" I asked him

He got down on knee as he open a small black box with a ring

"Will you marry me?" Alex asked a bit nervously

What do I say......

Sorry for the very late update, I just haven't been feeling good and with everything going on...its been kinda crazy. I hope all of you are safe and please wear face when you go outside and. go into place this requiring you to wear, please follow them. It's helps stop the spread of COVID-19 from spreading, and again please wear a face mask.

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