Percy Jackson & The Doom Slay...

By TheIronGhost1223

65.9K 712 423

Gaea has risen, and her armies stand near Camp Half-Blood. The Seven drop in, safely landing as their flying... More

1; The only thing they ever feared.
2; The True Saraphim, and the story of Doom.
3; YOU! Me.
4; VEGA shows himself.
6; These are Demons.
7; This is not intimidation.
8; Daisy pulls a sword out of her ass.
9; Spartan Samson.
10; Red Mist in the Sky

5; Everything

7.1K 80 50
By TheIronGhost1223

The ground shook with the weight of the Slayer's scream.

"Hey, hey, hey," Oizys said, slowly stepping towards him, "Its okay, its okay, you're safe here."

The Slayer spoke quietly, with a low, raspy voice that definitely sounded as though it hadn't been used in centuries, "No, no, its not okay," he dropped to his knees, causing Oizys to jump slightly, "They're gone, they're all gone.."

He began to tear his armor off, throwing its pieces down next to him. As Oizys spoke again, tears began to slowly flow down his face, "You sacrificed your life to protect those you loved. There is no greater thing in this world. Whats your name?"

The Slayer looked at her staring for a moment. He had managed to take off his torso and arm armor plates before he began to really began to cry. He leaned forward, resting on his elbows and knees, "My name. My name. My name." He shook slightly, before screaming, "MY NAME!!" and punching the floor with such force that his fist cracked the polished marble floor.

Annabeth then rushed forward. Percy tried to grab her, fearing what he would do to her, but she wriggled out of his grip, approaching the Slayer slowly, and speaking softly.

"Hey. My name is Annabeth. You saved us back there." She said, kneeling in front of him, "You can't remember your name-" the Slayer gasped slightly, "But we can give you a new one. You've been fighting for us for longer than I've even been alive. You've done your part."

The Slayer looked up at her, face soaked with his silent tears. Annabeth spoke one last time, "You can rest now."

His face contorted in a sadness that none of them had seen before. Annabeth leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his neck. He sat up, and hugged her back, still crying.


"So, tell me again, what the fuck happened?" Nico asked. They were all in Cabin 3 at Camp Half-Blood. Not too long after Annabeth calmed the Slayer down, Chiron showed up with 5 or 6 campers dressed for war, seemingly to combat the Slayer. We returned, followed by Oizys, Apollo, and Poseidon. Chiron had Annabeth stay with them in the Big House, and sent the rest of us away for the moment.

"Annabeth hugged him, he cried a little more, and we came back." Jason said, head hung low as he sat on the bunk next to Percy's.

Nico thought for a moment, then chuckled, "You made one of the strongest mortal beings in the universe, maybe multiverse now, cry?"

"Not really," Hazel said, sitting next to Nico, "It seemed more like he remembered something. Something he had lost," She sighed lightly, "And I guess, in his case, he's lost everything. Right down to his own name."

"Not exactly something to laugh about." Percy said, laying on his bunk, "What does Chiron need Annabeth for?"


The Slayer's voice was deep, rumbling, like thunder in the distance. He only spoke one word since we got back from Olympus, "Annabeth." He had said it at least seven times since our arrival at Camp, where Chiron had sent everyone but me and the gods that followed us away.

"Annabeth." He spoke again, his voice slightly more confident. I turned to him, and he curiously held out a red party cup towards her, turning his head and pointing, looking for a drink.

"Theres water bottles in the fridge," I said, pointing towards the opening that led to the kitchen.

As the Slayer walked towards the kitchen, Chiron put a hand on my shoulder, "It is honestly surprising how you ground him."

"What?" I asked, turning to him, and noticing that he was now in his wheelchair.

"You are the first human to show him kindness in centuries. I believe he is attached." Chiron said, wheeling himself beside the couch that Oizys, Posiedon, and Hades were seated at.

"That is obvious. But what do we do with him?" Athena said, petting the living tiger head above the fireplace.

Apollo spoke, "We should contain him here. It would make it easy for me to watch him, watch his health."

"His health is out of the question," Hades said, "He is basically immortal. I believe he absorbs the life force of every monster he kills. He should have enough energy now to live for many more centuries,"

"You are right there," Oizys said, "But we should still contain him here. He needs human contact, and we cannot allow him into the mortal world at the moment."

We all turned as we heard the crunch of a water bottle, and saw the Slayer coming back into the room, struggling to open a water bottle. We watched him for a moment, before he got a slightly enraged look on his face and tore the top of the bottle off.

Zeus spoke from his armchair, "He needs a name. We cannot keep calling him 'the Slayer.'"

"Agreed." Poseidon said, and gave me a look a knew well from Percy.

I sighed, "How about Will?"

The Slayer coughed, and we all turned to him, "William."

"What?" Chiron said.

Then came the Slayer's longest string of words, "My name is William."

After a short pause, Oizys said, "You remember?"

He nodded, "Everything."

Im sorry this chapter is kinda short, but I wanted to get more story out to y'all because its been so long. Trust me, next chapter will be much, much longer.

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