I'll Wait ~Frank Lopez~ Sweet...

By sw33tea_Bitxhhh

36.8K 411 68

Thought why not make the first one about Frankie my baby boi😌 ~~~ He's in love with her, she's in love with... More

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1.5K 23 2
By sw33tea_Bitxhhh


August 30, 2019


Sweetea whOres 🥤

Are y'all ready or wha?

Waiting for Danny and Logan🙄

Danny Boi🤡:
Stfu Julian you're the one inside the bathroom taking pictures of yourself

Peaches 🍑 🤪:
Can y'all juss hurry tf up 🙄
Santi and Mari left Bc y'all
Are taking your damn MF time!

Damn mamas chill,
We on the way😂

Yeah bitch Chill tf

Who you callin a bitch?
Trick ass hoe!

You, you stupid ass

LOGAN stfu and get
Out here so we can fucking

I'm coming damn
Y'all are so grumpy🙄

Bitch don't even
Star- yk What juss
Hurry up🙄🖕🏾

* Five minutes later *

I sat there patiently waiting outside. Soon enough I see the boys pull up. "Finally" I said aloud as Danny got out so I could get in. "Fuck you logan." I Said and punched his arm. "Love you too WHORE!" He said punching my thigh. "Damn you fucker" I said in pain.

We all laughed as we took off towards Santi's best friends house. We've known her since we were little but she was more closer to him than I. We would have our moments where we'd stay the night at each other's houses. "So whose house is it again?" Julian asked.

"It's a family friends house. Santi's girl best friend." I said. "Ohhhh" they all said and started smirking. "That's what I said." I laughed. "She's cool though, so most likely she won't mind if I brought you bitches." I said. "Thanks." Danny rolled his eyes as I laughed.

*At Party*

We finally pulled up and tried to make our way inside, but there was a line to even get in. I didn't care, I was told to just come to the front door. "Hey what the fuck." Some girl complained as I told the boys to follow me.

"You gotta Wait in line." Some dude said at the door. "Nah it's okay they're with me." Leila said over the music and let us in. "Hey Lia!" She smiled and gave me a hug. "Hey Leila, thanks for the invite." I smiled. "Girl of course" she said taking a sip of her drink. "These are my close friends. Danny,Julian,Logan and Frank." I said introducing them. "Nice to meet you all, enjoy yourself. Just don't break my shit." She smiled

"Thank you!" Logan said over the music. We all saw how crowded it was inside as well as outside. "Please don't le-." I looked behind me to see them all scattered out. "Great." I said to myself and pushed my way through the kitchen. I needed a drink so I tried to push through the crowd and I finally made it through to the kitchen.

"Fuck." I said aloud. I grabbed a cup and mixed myself a drink. "Finally." I smiled to myself taking a sip. As I turned around I ran into Julian. "There you are bitchass." I said as he had his camera laughing. "My bad." He laughed "please don't leave me." I pleaded as he nodded his head as we walked through the sea of people trying to get to the back yard.

Soon Julians hand was taken by a girl. "Peaches!" He said pleading. "It's okay go ahead." I smiled as he did too. "Thank you" he worded as I nodded my head and let my friend go and have some fun.

I took another sip of my drink as I saw Mari and tapped her. "Bitch! You're here!" she slurred giving me a hug. "Took awhile but hey let's have some fun!" She said as I nodded my head and we started dancing and having fun.

*Thirty minutes later*

I had my drink in my hand taking another sip but when I turned around my top got all wet. "Oh shit I'm so sorry." The dude was saying. I shook my head "it's cool. Don't worry about it." I said shaking it off. "For real I'm sorry." He said as I told him it was okay.

"I'll be back." I said to Mari as she nodded her head. It took me awhile but I found Leila. "Leila!" I yelled over the music inside. "Hey Lia! You having fun?" She asked dancing on Santi. My eyes will forever be scarred but I'm happy they're together.

"YeH, but hey can I actually borrow a shirt? A dude bumped into me" I said pointing at my soaking shirt. "Go for it!" She smiled as she turned around and wrapped her arms around my brother. Oh my gosh I might puke.

I had to push through the crowd once again just to get to Leila's room. Once I got up the stairs I made my way to her room. I looked through her drawers inside her closet trying to find a shirt she wouldn't mind me using. Luckily I found a worn out plain tshirt that used to be Santi's.

As I started changing the door raddled. "Shit" I said hiding in the closet. "Oh fuck" I heard someone moan. "Oh hell no" I mouthed to myself shaking my head. "Damn baby." I heard, I knew that voice. "Wait." A girl said "what about your girl?" She asked "my girl?" He questioned. "Cecilia?" She asked.

"She ain't my girl baby. Don't worry about her, now come on" he said. Right then and there my heart broke. As cheesy as it was he was my everything, hearing those words come out of his mouth just hurt me more. I couldn't breathe and I couldn't stay inside here for everything. I opened the closet to see a shocked Frank and some random girl.

"Lia?" He said confused. Tears formed in my eyes as I shook my head and ran out of the room and down the stairs.

I couldn't see straight, everything was blurry. My tears weren't any help. I forced my way and trying to make it to the front door. I couldn't breathe everything was hard to focus. My breathing was unsteady and this big crowd didn't help me. "Cecilia!" I heard as I couldn't deal with anything right now. I didn't realize where I was going until I bumped into someone. "Oh shit. Lia?! Are you okay?! What happened?" I heard and I knew exactly who it was.

"I can't breathe Danny." I cried trying to catch my breath. "Okay, okay come on! Let's go outside let's go!" He yelled grabbing my hand and leading me through the crowd. "Get out the fucking way!" Danny yelled as I tried to control my breathing.

Soon enough we were next to Julians car that was a couple houses down. "Lia, whats wrong? I really just need you to breathe okay?" He said trying to calm me down.

I couldn't calm down. I just heard the one person I've fallen head over heels with say not to worry about me. He was about to fuck another girl and I was almost there to witness it.

I shook my head and took Julians keys out of my pocket and got in not wanting to talk to anyone. Danny looked at me and sighed. "Lia come on." He said. I just curled up on the seat and cried. He meant everything to me and now I mean nothing to him?


Sorry it wasn't that good, I just kinda... nah I fucked up that's all I got lmao

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