Gamble Until You Can't

By parrillas_gang

58.4K 2.9K 665

Emma goes to Vegas with a group of friends, knowing her many years of gambling will help her through it. No o... More



3.3K 89 10
By parrillas_gang

"And that's a full house" Emma said, placing her great hand down with a large smirk.

"How? I called your bluff" the man growled, looking at the blonde with so much confusion.

"I guess your just not good enough. Who's next" Emma asked with a smirk as she pulled her chips towards her chest.

"Em you're on a roll. Let's finish this game before you screw yourself" Christina, one of Emma's friends, said as she placed her hand on the blonde shoulder with an excited smile.

"One more game of poker, I can tell he wants ago" Emma said smirking at a man who was holding a bag of chips impatiently.

"I'm next" a woman said, pushing past all the eager gamblers to get to the table. She had short brunette hair and wasn't very tall, she made up for her height with her cold glare. This time she held no glare, just a small smile as she sat down. "I've been watching you, closely may I add. My name is Regina, I'm the manager at this casino. If you will play me, I'd like a match"

"Deal me in" Emma said, without a hesitation, as she gave the attractive brunette a devilish smirk.

"Brilliant" Regina added, holding a half smirk, half smile as she rested back in her seat.

A man walked over, his hand held a tray of chips for the brunette. Regina smiled sweetly as she took her gambling tool and placed it in front of her. The dealer then began to divide the cards. Regina kept her eyes locked on the blonde in front, her lip biten and her smirk held. Emma noticed. She looked towards the brunette smirked at her look, running her eyes up and down her body.

"You may look at your cards" the dealer announced as he looked between the two girls. Each lifted the 5 cards from the table, held their stern poker face and evaluated their cards. "Make your trading"

"As the host, I offer you to go first" Regina said, holding her hand towards the blonde in order to gesture for her to start.

Emma looked at her hand, her reckless gambling mind taking over. She placed down one card, 4 of hearts. The dealer replaced her card with a new one that fit best for the blonde. Emma placed her cards on the table and waited for Regina to make her move.

"Your turn" Emma said, now rebiting her lip at the attractive woman.

"I put down two cards" Regina said, placing two queens down on the table.

The many people watching gasped, including Emma. Two such high cards to be thrown away is foolish. Regina gave a strong smirk as she held her hand towards the dealer, waiting for her fresh cards.

"You're a risk taker? I like it" Emma announced with a chuckle as she believed, more now, she would win this game.

"Go big or go home" Regina replied, smiling happily as she placed her cards on the table.

"Make your bets. The host shall go first" the dealer announced, bring both their attentions onto him.

"I'll start small... I put down 50" Regina said as she placed a $50 chip on the board.

"That's small?" Emma asked, knowing this woman was rich but this is something.

"Are you backing out already" Regina asked with a chuckle, sitting back in her chair and crossing her leg to help intimidate.

"Not a chance. I see your 50 and raise you another 50" Emma replied with a smirk, tossing her chips onto the table.

"I see your 50, my dear. I raise you 150" Regina said, placing her chips onto the table with a chuckle at the blondes attitude.

"I raise you 200" Emma bravely said, smirking at the large sum of money she was able to bet.

"You're a high gambler, dear. I'm impressed. I see your 200... And I raise 1 million" Regina replied, smirking as she rested back in her chair confidently.

The group watching gasped, all shocked by such a large bet even here in Vegas. Emma's mouth dropped. She couldn't possibly match that bet. Regina giggled as she watched the blondes mind fighting for a solution. Emma huffed, pushed her cards towards the middle and folded her arms. Her cards revealed a Straight in clubs.

"I fold" Emma growled, knowing she lost $500 on a game she was destine to loose.

"That is ashamed, dear. You would have won" Regina said with a giggle, showing a hand that would have lost against anything.

"What? You bet 1 million on a worse hand" Emma asked in pure shock as she sat up and looked at the cards in the brunettes hand.

"If you will follow me, I wish to talk to you" Regina simply said, standing from the table with a large smirk.

Emma thought about it. She lost so much money just now to a woman who knew she had a poor hand. To think Regina threw two queens down, confused Emma even more. She was curious by this brunette, who she was and why she took the risk.

"Sure" Emma hesitantly replied, standing up in order to follow the brunette.

"Em, you taking the piss? You just lost $500 to this woman, let's go before she makes you loose more" Christina sighed, gently placing her hand on her friends shoulder in worry.

"I won't make you gamble, just a talk" Regina replied with a chuckle, biting her lip seductively knowing it will draw the blonde in.

"I won't be long, Tina" Emma said, her eyes not moving from the brunette as she walked around the table to her.

Regina smirked as she led the way. They left the main casino area and headed upstairs. Regina took the blonde to her office, unlocking the door before allowing her to enter first. The room was huge, decorated the exact way Regina wanted. On the left side, a lounge area sat comfortably. On the right, a long table with chairs all around it. The back center held a large desk with a spinning chair tucked in. Regina chose to sit on the arm chair placed next to the sofa, the lounge side of course.

"Please, take a seat" the brunette offered, gesturing her hand towards the three seater sofa. Emma smirked at the woman, biting her lip again as she walked over. "What is your name, dear"

"Emma, Emma Swan"

"Nice name" Regina simply said, smirking seductively as she slowly lifted her leg to cross the other. "I've been watching you, Miss Swan. You're a good player but lack certain qualities to win every game" Regina explained, watching the blonde's movement carefully.

"What does it have to do with you how I play" Emma asked with a small chuckle, rested her arms on her knees as she sat forward.

"You see, Miss Swan, I'm not just the manager of this casino. I am the leader of a gang, one that has the best gamblers from all over the world. You're not the best but your better than most, I want to train you and keep you" Regina replied, smirking in the same seductive way as she has the whole time.

"Why? What do you get out of having me" Emma asked, laugh in amusement at the crazy offer.

"Do you know why I gambled so much on such a bad hand" Regina questioned, purposely ignoring what she was asked.

"Cause you can" Emma shrugged with a confused look on her face.

"Exactly. You see, in poker, the hand doesn't actually matter. You don't need the higher cards, you just have to be the richest player at the table" Regina replied with a chuckle at the blonde, making sure to never remove her eyes from green.

"That's a good tactic if your rich"

"I can make you rich"

"You still haven't answered why? How do you benefit" Emma asked, once again, knowing she will have her answer before agreeing.

"I'm always looking to expand my gang. You're a smart girl and I can do a lot with you. What do you say, Miss Swan? Will you join me" Regina questioned, sitting forward and biting her lip again in hope to draw the blonde in.

"You're smart, rich and manipulative as fuck... Who would give up that opportunity? I'm in"

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