Too Far (A One Direction fanf...

By ayeelarry

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Niall loves Liam. But Liam really isn't sure if he loves Niall, he thinks he loves him but he really isn't su... More

Chapter 1: The Crush
Chapter 2: A Big Mistake Is To Lie To A Pal
Chapter 3: I dont understand!
Chapter 4: Ziam moments
Chapter 5: Visiting and caring
Chapter 6: The big fight that ends to the question
Chapter 7: The Confession
Chapter 8: Yes or No?
Chapter 10: The interview and the choice
Chapter 11: Cutting isnt that beautiful
Chapter 12: Will Anything Be Noramal
Chapter 13: Saying Goodbye
Chapter 14: One Direction
Chapter 15: Forever Your's/Ending

Chapter 9: The Welcome Home that turns bad

121 5 0
By ayeelarry

Harry's POV:

I was standing at the entrance of the hospital waiting for the lads to come. I wonder what had happened while I was gone,all Louis told me was Zayn and Liam are dating and Niall has feelings for Liam. Maybe ill find out more tonight. I saw Louis. "BOOBEAR!!" I hugged him. He kissed me, I kissed back. Maybe we were dating also. "Woah, you two dating or something" asked Zayn. I looked at Zayn, then at his hand that was wrapped really tight into Liam's. My face got all red. "Maybe" said Louis joking. Niall half smiled at me, you could see he was crying. "What happened to Niall" I whispered to Louis. "Long story." "I've got time" I smiled at him still whispering. Before he could tell me Zayn yelled "Let's go!" I was happy to go home, but by the looks on Niall's face it looked like I missed a lot and things weren't gonna be good when we got home. Zayn was driving with Liam right by his side. Louis kept smiling at me. Niall was crying but hid his face. "Aye buddy you okay?" He looked up. His face all red, his eyes all red also and his eyes puffy.. He shook his head. "What's wrong?" He sighed and said "Liam.." Liam? What did Liam do. "What he do?" He hid his face before I could get a answer. Hmm this isn't good.. We finally got home. That car ride felt like it was forever. Louis dragged me inside. Niall stayed on the porch crying. "Boobear, can I see what's wrong with Niall first?" He nodded and let me go. He smiled at me as I sat by Niall. Niall looked up and saw me, so he hid his face in his legs. "Can you please tell me what Liam did." He wiped his tears. "Zayn yelled at me and it was all my fault. I told Liam I loved him, and he said he loved Zayn. So I was gonna try to make Zayn yell at me for Liam could come and yell at Zayn but instead he yelled at me and he doesn't want anything to do with me." He cried even more. I rubbed his back. "Wanna come inside and ill call a pizza?" He put his hoodie over his face and nodded. We walked inside. Zayn and Liam were sitting on each other kissing and smiling at each other. Louis shook his head. Niall ran to his room before I could say anything. I looked at Louis and he went after Niall. Why was Liam acting like a child and why am I acting like a grown up!?! "LAIM AND ZAYN!" They let go. "Vas happenin pal" said Zayn smiling. Liam laughed. "You guys need to keep your love in a room, Niall is taking 'loving Liam' thing too far. So will you guys get a room before I make you split up." They looked at me and Liam shivered. Zayn grabbed Liam's hand and ran to Zayn's room. I called for Pizza."WHO WANTS TO COME AND GET PIZZA WITH ME!" Louis dragged Niall out of his room. Like really DRAGGING him. "No Louis! I want to stay with LIUMMMM!!" "Come on! You can't be a stalker and watch their every move, were coming Harry!" I got the keys and waited in the car. Soon I saw Louis still dragging Niall to the car. "Louis if you want me to feel better, drag Liam to the car with me for I can talk to him and you stay with Zayn" he got up. "Oh- right be right back, Niall GET IN THE CAR!" Louis ran back to get Liam. Niall sat in the car waiting.

Louis's POV:

I barged into Zayn's room. "Every heard of a knock lad" asked Zayn giving me a look. No time, I grabbed Liam and dragged him outside. "AYE YO! WHAT DO YOU NEED!?!" Liam looked back at Zayn. Liam got up and walked himself. That's good cause my arm started to hurt. "Your going to get away from Zayn for 10 minutes and get pizza with Hazza" I looked at Liam. "Oh okay!" He walked to the car. I'm glad Liam is a easy going person. Zayn sat on the couch and mad at sad face at me. We both laughed.

Niall's POV:

Liam got in the car and sat by me. "LIUMMMM!!" He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Hey Niall." He got buckled. Harry started the car. "Liam-" he growled when I said his name. "I'm sorry I yelled at Zayn. I don't know why I made him yell at me.. I haven't been the same without you being my partner. Zayn changed you, you never hang out with me or even talk to me. I'm just scared I'm gonna lose my best buddy and my room mate." He looked at me and put his head on my lap. He smiled at me. "It's okay. I should spend less time with him anyways. Right? So how about we watch a movie tonight? Oh and- once you get the Payne, the Payne don't leave." He laughed. I smiled and nodded. I finally got my Liam back, well he's not mine YET but he's my buddy again. That's all I needed right now. "I'll be right back, don't do anything stupid." Harry walked out of the car and smiled at me. Liam looked back to make sure Harry was gone. "Liam what are you-." He kissed me. With full force. I kissed back. He put his hand around my neck and my put my hand around his waist. He put his other hand in my hair. He kissed me with his sweet lips. He pulled me closer into him, well as close as being in a car would let us. He kept kissing me and pulling my hair playfully. He rubbed his tongue on my bottom lip, he waited for A entrance. His tongues went into my mouth. It's the most amazing kiss ever. I wonder if he felt the fireworks too. He let go, maybe cause Harry was back. Yep, Harry got in the car and drove home, he was quiet. "What about Zayn" I whispered to Liam. "He's just gonna have to wait" he kissed me on the cheek and put his head back on my lap. Did that mean he was breaking up with Zayn!?! I sure hope so.. I couldn't help but smile about that thought.

Zayn's POV:

I sat on the couch waiting for Liam. He walked in with Niall whispering to him. Hmm wonder what was going on with those to. I got up and jumped on Liam. "LIAMM!!" He laughed. "Hey Zayn." He smiled at me. I kissed him. His lips were warm.. What in the world did he do!?! I got up and he walked away. Weirdo. Harry walked in with Pizza, we all ran into the kitchen. I was starving! I sat by Liam. Niall sat by Liam also. Harry and Louis sat by each other like they always also. Liam grabbed me a piece and himself a piece. Knowing Niall he grabbed three. Liam laughed at Niall. "I'm a big boy" yelled Niall talking with his mouth full of food. Liam closed Niall's mouth and laughed. Liam finally looked at me with tears in my eyes. I got up and went to the bathroom. I watched Liam look at me while I left. I heard Louis yelling at them. "LIAM YOU'VE GOTTA CHOOSE NIALL OR ZAYN!!!" "But Niall is just my friend.. And Zayn is my boyfriend" you could hear him say Niall's name really soft. I heard him crying like I was right now. "Yah, but both of them like you so you need to choose one" Harry's voice got quiet. Liam walked away. "Zayn you need a crying buddy?" I smiled when I saw it was Liam. He hugged me and closed the door behind him. We sat in the floor together. He laid his head on my shoulder. I turned his head around and kissed him. He kissed me back but very softly like he didn't want this to happen. I let go. "Zayn..? Why you acting weird" he looked at me. I'm the one who's acting weird!?!?? Sure.. "I'm not, now come here you little Payne!" I winked at him. He come on me and kissed me. Then we just sat there staring and thinking. I don't know what he was thinking about but I knew I was thinking about him. I was playing with his hair. "Boyfriend, I'm gonna take a shower." He called me boyfriend! Woo!!! YAH BUDDY!! OH SNAP!! "Oh alright, I shall leave you to it." I got up and smiled. "Wait Zayn" he grabbed my arm. "Do you also call ME boyfriend?" I wasn't gonna lie so.. "Of course." He smiled, "Oh and Zayn, can you get me my pjs?" His smile could light up the world. I nodded and walked out. I went into Liam's room. "Oh hey Zayn!" Niall looked at me. "Vas happening" he laughed. "You in a good mood?" "Yeah. I'm sorry bout this morning" he smiled at me. "Aye no worries man, I'm sorry I been taking Liam away from you.. He really needs you and I not to fight." He got up and hugged me. "So we good" he asked in between laughs. "Yeah of course!" I got Liam's pjs and walked into the bathroom. "Liam, guess what!?!" I sat down on the floor and put his pjs on the table. "Oh my lord what" he laughed. He doesn't say god cause he thinks its not nice or something. "Me and Niall are buddies now, so now you can hang with us both with no problems" I smiled. "That's great! Zayn I'm proud of you" I could see he was smiling in his voice. "Thanks buddy. Well I'm gonna leave yah now" I got up to walk out. "Wait Zayn." What now? "Yes?" "I love you." My heart raced so fast when he said that. "I love you too Liam." I smiled as I walked out.

Louis's POV:

I was sitting on the couch when I saw Zayn walk into his room and yell "YES!" I rolled my eyes. He's a weirdo.. I'm so glad that Harry's home and nothing really bad happened to his little cute mind. Harry came and sat by me. I wanna know if he wants to date or just stay friends. Cause while he was gone I got feelings for him, like really close feelings. I don't know how he will react but I gotta get it out- like Niall did.. But besides Liam hating him I hope Harry L-O-V-E-S me. Harry was staring at me while I thought. His amazing green-hazel eyes, staring into mine. He smirked. I smiled really big, I probably looked like a weirdo.. He laughed at me and turned on the tv. "Harry?" He looked away from the tv and looked at me. "Yes Boobear?" He smiled. Alright I'm gonna tell him how I feel. Soon my heart froze, he was waiting for me to say something. "While you were uh gone.. I've gotten some feelings for you, you know like more than fiends. Like Liam and Zay-." He cut me off by kissing me. His beautiful lips touched mine. "I love you too Louis" he smiled. "So are we." He nodded before I could finish. YES!! YAH!! "Now come here Boobear" he said pulling on my shirt making me fall onto him.

Liam's POV:

I got out of the shower and when I was about to walk into the living room, there was Louis and Harry kissing repeally. I shivered and walked to Niall's room. Well it was my room too but he had his stuff all over so it mostly looked like his room. "Hey, did you tell Zayn yet?" He lit up when he said that. "No.. I'm hoping he'll get the point soon though" I sighed and sat by Niall. I loved Zayn.. But as a friend, I did love him more for a while but now that Niall likes me I don't think I wanna be with anyone else but Niall. From the start I liked Niall but really never noticed it but now that he love me and I love him I can't back down from him. I kissed him, once again I started it. Then the door opened, PLEASE DON'T BE ZAYN! DON'T BE ZAYN!! I PRAY TO GOD IT WAS HARRY OR LOUIS NOT ZAYN! I looked at the door, there he was, mouth wide open and staring at me and Niall. "IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" I like screamed.. This can't be happening not now OH COME ON!

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