
By AsWeKnowIt_

17.4K 812 189

Job after job. Bullet after bullet. Kill after kill. He worked hard to get his name out. Now fast forward ten... More

01| A Favour
02| Distractions
03| Mystery Man
04| The Falls
05| Joy Ride
06| Boston
07| Dead Ends
08 | Calm Before The Storm
09 | Nothing But A Towel
10 | Special
11| Nightmare
12 | Fear
13 | Gelato Kisses
14| Imposter
15 | Traffic
14 | Dessert
15 | Realizations
16 | I work alone
17 | Regrets
18| Julian
19| Police Records
20| Breakdown
21| Recycle

16 | How Bad?

401 25 7
By AsWeKnowIt_

Double update today :)))


The smell of warm pizza filled her new apartment. Romeo paid the delivery guy and shut the door and bought in two boxes of cheesy goodness to the kitchen.

Her apartment. She couldn't stop saying those words. Just like she couldn't stop looking around her new living space and admiring her furniture. Finally, she was out of her parent's house. As much as she loved her mom and dad it's a relief not having them breathing down her neck. Of course, Nate had shed a few tears but that was inevitable.

Her apartment. Well technically it was hers and Jades but that made it even better.

The moving truck had brought all her things in, it was just a matter of bringing them up assembling it all. And tomorrow afternoon, Jade will be moving her things in.  Danny had gone back downstairs to grab her toolbox from her car when she saw Romeo's missed calls. She wasn't sure if she should be touched that he cared or be worried that he freaked out over something so trivial...

Either way, his concern was heartwarming.

Daniella pulled out two cans of cold beer from the fridge and placed them on the counter next to the pizza and sat down while Romeo placed a plate in front of her.

Together, they had put most of the apartment in a few hours. Well, he did most of the work while she secretly ogled him. He easily hauled her boxes up the stairs while she held the door open. She watched his hands screw, hammer and do all types of handyman things. His big hands with long fingers, thick strong arms and muscles made from hard work moving across her apartment and belongings stirred feelings in her stomach. Clearly, he knew how to work with his hands. Hands that pulled her into a bone-crushing bear hug the second they laid eyes on each other.

The balcony was open and the curtains were floating from the wind. The view was amazing. Not as good as the view from Romeo's apartment, but fairly decent. From here, she could see her college campus and if she ever needed them, her parents lived thirty minutes away.

Despite the day's work, Romeo didn't break a sweat. Daniella could not say the same. She took a quick shower while Romeo ordered food. Now assembled at the newly built table, they dug into the pizza while an episode of Shameless was playing on Daniella's laptop.

Even the way Romeo ate was sexy. Resisting the urge to shovel down the pizza like a pig and match his grace, Daniella made sure to take small ladylike bites.

Throughout the evening, she caught Romeo on his phone typing away in what seemed to be frustration and intense concentration. When it became clear neither of them were paying attention to the show, she decided to start a conversation and quench her curiosity. "So, what were you doing today? I mean before you came here?"

He didn't hesitate before responding, "Nothing important, just collecting some paperwork for my boss."

Finishing off his beer, Romeo got up from the seat and picked up his plate. "Are you done eating?" When she shook her head yes he picked up her plate as well.

Daniella's eyes followed him as we took both their plates to the sink and started rinsing.

On the car ride to her new apartment, Romeo had promised himself that he would start to distance himself from Danny as soon as he was confident she was safe. Yet that idea immediately proved impossible when he saw Daniella open the door with a wide smile. He couldn't ignore the immediate relief and rush of serotonin just seeing her face gave him. How can he let go of someone who meant so much to him? Who else will make him feel this way?

If he couldn't let her go, then he was sure as hell going to protect her with his life. First, he would have to make some safety arrangements. Hence why he was typing away furiously at his phone assembling two men to take shifts trailing Daniella.

"You still haven't answered my questions, you promised that you would." Daniella's sweet voice distracted him from the task at hand.

Since the mood was comfortable between them, Daniella decided to test the waters and see if he would open up some more. The past few hours he had been extra affectionate. Leaving small kisses on her forehead, taking every opportunity to hold her close, and giving her sweet pet names. If Romeo was uncomfortable by her prying, he didn't show it.

"Ask away, Danny baby."

Instead of slowly inching toward the topic as Romeo would have, she went straight to the point. "What do you do? You didn't really explain properly the last time I asked." She fumbled with her thumbs, still watching him while he rinsed the dishes. Romeo had a very sexy back, not as hot as his front, but still sexy.

"I thought I did, I work for an influential man and I inherited a shit ton of money from my dad." She was crossing boundaries Romeo never thought he would have to put up. "I can't go into detail about my job, I signed an NDA when I accepted the job."

"An NDA? Holy shit, have I have heard of your boss? Is he a celebrity?"

He chuckled at her. "No not a celebrity. You may have heard of him or his.. organization on the TV though." Never before in his life, has he tried to deliberately hide who he was.

"Well, what kind of work?"

This time, he didn't reply instantly. Romeo put away the plates and turned around, taking in an exhausted breath. He wasn't tired because of all the physical work he'd done, but he was tired of putting up a fake front.

Slowly walking her way, Romeo took a seat right in front of her, noticing the way she instantaneously tensed up. Her posture straightened and she swallowed, her pretty brown eyes looking into his own hesitantly.

After spending the day with Romeo and both of them being so affectionate and relaxed, she had forgotten how dominating his presence could be.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you, wouldn't that be a shame?" He leaned in closer, one arm lazily slung across her waist, his fingers drawing lazy circles on her lower back. His words were closer to the truth than he liked. Involving Daniella in his occupation was essentially a life sentence.

"Huh?" Her eyebrows furrowed and her lips formed a small pout. Romeo bit back a smile, her face was so cute. "Will you ever be able to tell me?"

"Maybe. Some day." He couldn't fathom how he could confess his status in the mafia to her. How he could admit he was a murder and thief and a liar.

She took his smile as a sign that he was just being silly and rolled her eyes and laughed with him when he chuckled. Daniella couldn't be angry at him, Romeo being silly was a rare treat. Romeo propped his elbow on the counter, looking away from her, out the window and shook his head.

His expression turned serious again as he played with her hair. His stare was intense. "I'm bad, Danny.. maybe even too bad for you."

"I kinda had that part down." She mumbled.

"Good. Now that I've said it out loud you can't say I didn't warn you, okay?"

Romeo had put it out there that he was bad but all it did was make her more curious. Her heart beat faster at the thought of having someone exciting in her life. Daniella has been infatuated with the fact that someone like him would be with someone like her. The dangerous aura that came with this man was something she carved.

He knew that. Romeo was a master of the mind. He knew what people wanted, and he played them accordingly. Although, he feared that if she knew just how dangerous he was, she wouldn't be as hooked on having him near her.

"How bad?"

Romeo shrugged. "You don't want to know."

She huffed and pouted again. "Shouldn't I be the one to decide?"

"Shoot, baby." He continued to play with her hair. His roaming hands left goosebumps on her back.

"Umm okay, have you ever been arrested?"

Once again, Romeo scoffed. He had lost count of all the times he had been handcuffed as a delinquent. He was the walking definition of street vermin. It was always for small things like stealing, or fighting. Now that he was older, Romeo has mastered being above the law, he never gets caught.

"I've seen the back of a cop car a couple of times, mostly when I was young." It was a half-lie, a necessary one if you will. He hated this showing Daniella the ugly parts of him. The heavy baggage that clung to him, the extra weight that he couldn't shake off. It was keeping him from completely taking flight with Daniella. He knew he had to do it though because trust was very important and trust goes both ways. He wanted her trust so she would let him take her on more dates and long car rides. So she can trust him enough to spend long nights together. So he could spoil her and treat her right. He's gained trust without honesty before but he wasn't going to cheat Daniella like that

"So you have a record?"

He nodded and pulled her close, kissing her cheek to avoid looking into her eyes.

"Is it long?" Her eyes fluttered close when his lips met her skin. He was doing it again, being sly and distracting her from the conversation.

"Depends on your definition of long." Romeo pulled both his hands around her waist, and rest his head on her chest, right above her breasts.

"Enough talking, I want dessert." He gripped her hips, hard and playfully bit her skin, right under her collarbone. Daniella yelped and tried to push him away but Romeo buried his head in the crook of her neck. His breath deliberately ticking her. She jumped out of her seat and he followed, tickling her.

"Oh my gosh, Romeo! Stop!" She laughed and he smiled into her neck. He loved teasing her like this, and he had a feeling Daniella loved it too.

"I'm serious, I want dessert. I think there's a churro place that's still open down the street." he removed his head from her chest so he could kiss her mouth. Her lips were soft and inviting as once again, Romeo took the lead and moved his lips over her own. "Or, there's perfectly good dessert right here."

His hands moved down her back, finding her ass and squeezed. The action moved Daniella to clench her thighs, but she could only do so much with Romeo's legs blocking the movement. he gently pushed her back into her seat so he could stand between her thighs.

"What do you say?" He spoke into her ear and she caught his slight accent coming through. "Posso mangiare voi invece."

(I could just eat you instead.)

He met her lips again, slowly building the intensity with little nips. She hesitantly licked her tongue to the seam of his lips making him groan. His roaming hands moved to her knees,  travelling upwards, rubbing small circles. When he felt she was out of breath, Romeo moved his lips to her jaw, leaving kisses until he found her ear "Voglio assaggiare il tuo sapore." He smiled when she shuddered in his arms. He nipped her earlobe, pleased with the effect he was having on her.

(I want to taste  you.)

"W-what?" She groaned when  Romeo skimmed his hands under her shirt, grazing over her ribcage. She felt a pressure building between her things and all she could do was squirm in his arms.

She loved it when he spoke Italian. The words were rough and husky and she knew he was talking dirty. Daniella bit her lip anticipating his next move. Her own hands found his back. She felt the muscle tense underneath her palms as she moved one hand up to clutch his shoulder.

"I said.." Kissing her neck, he marked her skin. Romeo's hands found the sides of her breasts and he softly squeezed through her bra. "I want to spread you across this table and bury my face between your legs." His voice was husky and Daniella almost missed what he said, she was too busy basking in the feeling of his hands touching her sinfully.

When her brain registered what he said, she sucked in a breath at a loss for words. She tightened her legs around his waist when he squeezed her again. His lips met her open mouth for another kiss, they were hungry as he took what he wanted. His tongue met hers and explored.

He pulled her left leg around his waist roughly and pressed himself into her. immediately her head fell back as she let out a moan, eyes closed in pleasure. Romeo couldn't stop staring at perfection in front of him. He grabbed her other leg and pulled her completely against the counter.

He grabbed her hips under her shirt and moved her groin to meet his. Romeo's hands felt like they were branding her skin. She felt hot over and suddenly the clothes separating them were too much.  Daniella gave him sweet whimpers when he moved lips moved down her jaw and neck, and across her collarbone, reaching the tops of her breasts. From between her cleavage, he looked up at her.

"How long before your new neighbours hear you scream my name?"


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