
De HaveFaith101

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(ONGOING STORY, updates are once/twice a week) Freedom, that's all she ever wanted. She never expected to fi... Mais

Introduction to the book


1.1K 34 25
De HaveFaith101

See the colors of the sky
Slowly turn from black and white
A rising hope, bright as gold
And now there's nothing left to lose
So we're breaking all the rules
And they don't know what we know
'Cause I can hear the thunder from afar
A lightning in the dark
I can feel a fire come alive
So calm before the storm
So dark before the dawn

-Robin Schulz

His words rang in my head I'm taking you with me...

My mind cast back to the history books that I had read about the Demon Alpha. No one knew where he lived, only because of modern technology he was able to be contacted. I remember one place in those books standing out to me, a place that everyone believed to be made up because no one knew how to get there or where it was... Regnum.

I shrugged off my thoughts and thought about the more pressing issues that were now confusing me.

1. How did the Demon Alpha get into my room, especially without the key to the door?

2. How was he able to come back onto the pack territory without anyone knowing?

3. Where would he be taking me?

All I could do was stare at him in shock, my body trembling in fear as he held me in his arms as if I weighed nothing. He smirked in amusement, which did not make me feel better it just made me more anxious.

"You don't need to fear me, Valerie," he chuckled lightly, adding emphasis to my name. Swallowing hard, I tried to break eye contact with him but I couldn't. My eyes were locked onto his and anyone would've felt uncomfortable for how much I was staring at him but he didn't seem to mind. My eyes left his for a few seconds as I looked at what he was wearing, he was still dressed in the professionally designed black suit as earlier, the material of his suit felt expensive. I breathed in deeply, trying to be as subtle as I could, but in the end, I just sounded like I had a sniffly nose. The smell of fresh pine and cinnamon entered my nose, that was one hell of an expensive cologne. My eyes drifted up to his, trying to memorise every bit of his perfect face.

"As much as I like you looking at me, we need to go," he spoke again, catching me off guard and I looked as he gestured to the bedroom door with a nod of his head.

I glanced at the door and shook my head, I was unable to find my words. I couldn't speak, my throat felt as if I had swallowed a ton of sand. I wanted to tell him that it was locked and could only be opened from the outside. The words never came out but they didn't need to, because he spoke exactly what I was thinking.

"I'm aware it's locked, I didn't come through the door." I turned back to look at him, frowning at his words.

I watched as he glanced over me, his eyes trailing to my hands that rested on my stomach and soon they zeroed in on the Alpha Richards' ring. I felt the Demon Alpha stiffen, his body instantly getting hotter; he was angry.

"Take that off before I do it for you."

The threat was light, he was testing me to see who's side I would choose; my fated mate or the forced mate. Obviously I would choose the former and I wasted no time in sliding the clunky ring off my finger and dropping onto my unmade bed.

The Demon Alpha's anger vanished his body temperature regulated and he exhaled out softly. I felt sick, could I deal with his flashes of hot and cold?

"I know you don't trust me but close your eyes." He dictated softly. I immediately assumed the worst, why did I need to close my eyes? What was he going to do? He must have sensed my apprehension at his words because he smirked, his eyes lighting up.

"Just close them."

He didn't have to ask me twice, I willingly closed my eyes. The air around us felt thin for about five seconds, and soon I felt a cold chill bite at my skin. I flinched at the coldness and my eyes flew open. My eyes darted around taking in my surroundings... I was outside the pack territory. I had never stepped foot outside of the Pack Boundary lines, I was never allowed to do so. In my nineteen years of existence, I hadn't even circled the whole of the Shields' pack territory. I couldn't believe how the Demon Alpha easily got us out, it made no sense. I let my eyes wander up to look at him, the soft moonlight was shining on his face and I couldn't help but swoon. How was he so powerful that he could just poof to anywhere he wanted.

"One of my many abilities," he shrugged nonchalantly as if being able to teleport was normal.

Many questions floated around in my head but I knew better than to speak without permission. He stated many abilities, just what else could he do?

I shivered and gasped at the nippy coldness of the air, it didn't help that I was wearing flimsy pyjamas... and no bra. At the thought of being braless, I quickly crossed my arms across my chest. The Demon Alpha's strong arms held me tightly, one arm was under my thighs and the other was supporting my back. His arms felt muscular and thick, he must have worked out constantly because this specimen seemed to be made of nothing but muscle.

"Alpha, are you ready to leave?" A masculine voice asked I turned my head slowly to see an individual in the dark shadows of the night. I couldn't make out what he looked like, but from what I could tell he wasn't as tall as Demon Alpha.


Before I could even blink we were walking fast, through the deep trees and away from the Shields territory. One thought left my mind, did they know that I was gone?

We walked for what seemed like half an hour, I was silent the whole time; too scared to speak. I wasn't even surprised if the Demon Alpha thought I was mute! He made no effort to talk to me either, which only made me think he was like Alpha Richards; just wanting a female on his arm. But if he did want that, then why was it so important for him to have me; a weak female wolf? The forest was dark and with my simple human eyes I couldn't see much except darkness, in a way I was grateful that he was carrying me because I wouldn't have been able to walk through the forest without constantly falling; also I had no shoes on!

Eventually, we came to a stop and I looked around my surroundings and saw two huge Range Rover SUVs. One SUV had the lights on in the car, and multiple males seated inside. The male that had walked ahead of us, went to the SUV with males already seated inside, he got in the driver's side and slammed the door shut.

The Demon Alpha walked us to the empty SUV and unlocked it. He effortlessly opened the front passenger seat and put me in, before taking a rucksack off his back and throwing it behind me in the back passenger seats. I recognised the bag to be mine, did he take some of my belongings?

He soon shut my door and was quick to get into the driver's side and start the engine. Within a minute, the car was moving and he was driving. I was finally leaving the Shields pack.

Hours seemed to have past as he drove, we hadn't spoken to each other at all. I didn't know what to do except just sit and stare out of the window. I watched as trees, forests, mountains passed us. It was well past three in the morning and I was shattered, but my body was fighting to stay awake, fighting against the sleep it craved. I didn't want to close my eyes, after all the person next to me was the dangerous Demon Alpha.

"You must be tired." His words came out strained.

I didn't say anything, was he expecting a reply?

I could feel his heavy gaze on me as I continued to look out of the window.

"If I didn't want you to talk, I wouldn't bother trying to communicate with you. I don't bite... much." I could hear the smirk in his voice and for some reason it made me turn towards him. He looked so powerful and in control, as he drove the car; shifting the gears when he needed to and glancing in the rear mirror from time to time. He must have been going at least eighty miles but it didn't feel like it. The other SUV was behind us, keeping pace and not straying far from us.

I bit my tongue, not knowing whether to speak. I wanted to badly, for once I had the opportunity to voice my opinion. I took a deep breath and uttered out one word.

"Okay," I whispered, allowing him to hear my voice.

The sound of my voice definitely affected him, he tensed slightly his grip on the steering wheel tightened. I watched as he inhaled sharply and exhaled before glancing at me his dark eyes locking with mine for a brief second.

"So Valerie Shields can speak."

I nodded my head and then slipped back into silence. It wasn't fair that I couldn't feel the pull of the mate bond, I wanted to so badly.

"What do you like to do?" He asked suddenly, this time there was more force in his tone; as if he wanted me to open up to him.

"I'm sorry.. what?" I questioned completely forgetting what he had asked.

"What do you like to do in your spare time?"

He didn't seem annoyed that he had to repeat himself, I guess that was the difference in having a mate... they were meant to bring out the best in you.

"Well?" He asked glancing down at me with his dark brown eyes.

"I read," I answered instantly feeling shy. It seemed pathetic, my whole life seemed pathetic. I was sure my mate was more adventurous, he probably spent most of his time in the outdoors, shifting into his wolf, he had the luxury I didn't. I could already tell by his huge build that he spent plenty of time working out and training... he was incredibly strong.

"What do you read?"

I sighed heavily and turned my body to face him despite the seatbelt restricting me. He kept his eyes on the road, the control he had on the car amazed me. I had only been in a car a handful of times, and all those times I was almost car sick. I hated the fast movement of a vehicle but with the Demon Alpha driving, it was as if the car was barely even moving.

"You don't need to do this, I know I'm only here to bare your pups-"

"I'm not that fucker Zander Richards, yes you will need to birth my pups but I also need my Luna. I don't give a damn if you're as weak as your pathetic father says you are or if your wolf doesn't connect with you!"

I swallowed hard, he was definitely not what I thought he was. I had thought strength and power meant everything to the Demon Alpha.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I instantly closed it. What could I say to him?

"I'm not your average Alpha, you'll soon come to realise that." His words were soft but they were laced with something dark.

"I think I already have," I whispered more to myself, I hadn't expected him to hear or let alone reply to what I said.

"Only an insecure Alpha would be worried about the status of his mate. I'm not insecure," he said gently and I looked up again letting our eyes meet.

I hadn't expected him to be so open with me, to be honest, I had expected him to be repulsed by me; like everyone else was. I had thought that all he was saying and doing was just for show, an act to make me think that he wanted me. So many thoughts filled my head, and I tried to stop thinking just for one moment but it was almost impossible to do so.

The rest of the drive was quiet, he didn't speak again and I didn't voice my thoughts. Sleep eventually came to me, but not for long. 

When I woke up, it was still dark outside and by looking at the time on the dashboard; I had only been asleep for an hour.

"Good you're awake, we're almost home," The Demon Alpha said, glancing at him, I noticed that he had taken his suit jacket off and that his tie was loosened.

"Where are we?" I asked timidly, my mouth feeling slightly dry.

With his left hand, the Demon reached behind him and soon produced a water a bottle. He held it out, and I quickly took it from him; unscrewing the cap and quenching my thirst.

"That was actually for me."

I almost spat the water out of my mouth, as guilt filled me and I felt incredibly stupid. How could I have not realised it was for him, he didn't even say that it was for me! Fear shook in my body, was he going to shout at me for taking something that wasn't mine, was he going to break my arm as he did to Alpha Shields.

"Oh my god! Please don't hurt me, don't hurt me! I'm so sorry!" I chanted out pathetically as I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting him to do something.

After a minute, I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. His jaw was tense and locked into a scary scowl.

"You'd think so low of me?" He questioned darkly, his voice was icy and it made the hairs on my arm stick up.

"I will never hurt you, I'm here to protect you and care for you, don't ever think for once that my hands would give you any pain!"

Breathing in heavily, I felt the trails of tears stream down my cheeks. I couldn't help but feel stupid, why did I panic like that?

"Also I was joking, it was for you," he said tightly almost as if he had regretted what had happened.

"I'm so sorry Demon Alpha."

My eyes widened at my words and I mentally wanted to slap my face. Why oh why was I so stupid? I slowly looked up and saw him staring at me blankly, his jaw was clenched hard as if he was holding back his anger.

"So they're still calling me that huh?" He asked. I nodded my head weakly, feeling sick.


Slowly, the car came to a stop and as I stared at the view in front of me all I saw was a huge forest with a line of wolves in front; standing guard.

I tensed up, the sight was extremely intimidating. I had never seen so many wolves together at once there must have been at least twenty of them.

"Don't be scared, it's just my border patrol."

"Why are there so many?" I thought out loud.

"My territory is huge Valerie, this is the northern border and that's just the minimum amount of wolves on patrol tonight."

The Demon Alpha rolled down his window and made a signal with his hand, before retreating his hand back.

The wolves slowly started to part like the Red Sea, and the Demon Alpha restarted the engine and started to drive off again.

"How big is your territory?" I asked him.

"The Shields territory could fit about ten times into mine," he answered.

My eyes widened and I glanced again at my surroundings as we drove into the dark forest. There was so much greenery, not even the Shields pack had this much.  The Demon Alpha's huge car drove effortlessly through the dirt road, the car didn't even jerk once as it drove over a few bumps. The thick trees started to decrease in number and soon enough I started to see lamposts and lights everywhere. I could see multiple buildings of houses and a few shops and what seemed like more buildings. There were streets and pavements, something that wasn't at the Shields pack. The Sheilds pack was more like a tiny village whereas the Demon Alpha's land appeared more like a busy city or town. I had watched enough Netflix to know that what I was seeing was definitely lavish and well looked after. The dirt from the forest turned into a main road, and the trees turned into planted bushes and shrubs.

The Demon Alpha continued to drive through the town like area, I couldn't see much more but from what I could tell it was a huge town, that seemed to spread further out as we continued to venture through.

"And to answer your question from before, we're in Regnum."

This was Regnum, no wonder it was so different than any other Alpha land. Regnum seemed more human-made than anything. In the Shields territory, there were houses and buildings but nothing as well constructed as what was in Regnum.

"Regnum," I whispered.

It took another fifteen minutes until he drove towards a huge house, that was different from any other house we had driven past. It was the only one at the top of a small hill, the start of a deep forest surrounded the house from the back. Instantly, I knew that this was his house. The house itself was stone grey, with huge glass windows that overlooked the entire land, so it seemed. A grand paved driveway was in front, along with a few other cars parked on the dark brickwork. I swallowed hard, the house was so large and isolated from everything. He pulled closer to the house and parked in the drive.

The Demon Alpha turned the engine off and got out of the car swiftly, storming off to the second SUV, I watched in the side mirror as he spoke to the driver. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but soon the driver began to reverse out of the driveway. The Demon Alpha walked back to the car and opened the back passenger door. He grabbed the rucksack and slung it on his back before opening my door. I quickly unclipped my seatbelt and just when I was about to get out myself, the Demon Alpha grabbed me as if I was a small child and hoisted me up into his arms.

I squeaked at his fast movement, feeling slightly embarrassed that he was holding me, yet again.

"Sorry...I can walk-"

"You're not wearing any shoes and the ground is cold."

I instantly shut up, his word was final and left no room for argument. I pursed my lips and stayed still as he slammed the door shut and locked the car.

He strided up the driveway to the front door of the house,  even at night it looked amazing. I couldn't wait to see what it looked like in the daylight... that was if the Demon Alpha allowed me to go out.

He effortlessly unlocked his front door and let us in, placing me down on my own two feet as soon as we were inside. My feet touched the cold wooden floor and I shivered slightly.

The lights automatically came on, and all I could do was stare in awe. The inside of the house was just as beautiful as it was outside, completely minimalistic from what I could see with only a simple colour scheme of grey and black. I took a small step forward and before I could take another, the Demon Alpha was standing directly in front of me, towering over me with his great height.

"You can explore tomorrow, come on," he gestured to the stairs, that was placed conveniently in the middle of the foyer. Instead of looking at the marbled stairs, I took in his appearance, I could finally look at him in the light.

He was larger than any man I had ever seen, his wide shoulder were muscled, along with a broad chest. He must have spent excessive time working out because all I could see through his white shirt was the outline of his abdominal muscles and built pecs. I cleared my throat and looked away from his torso and back up to his face, my neck straining to look up. It was the same face I had seen hours earlier, the same face that made my heart almost stop. His strong bone structure stood out, his jaw was chiselled as if he had been carved out by the Moon Goddess herself. One feature that made me crumble was his eyes, those rich brown eyes. It was as if I was seeing his eyes for the first time, and I had to remind myself that just because he was attractive it didn't mean that I should easily trust him. How could I trust him, after all, he was the Demon Alpha.

My legs followed him as he walked up the grand staircase, my hand holding onto the smooth bannister all the way to the top.

We passed many rooms until he stopped outside of one.

"This will be your room, get some sleep," Alpha Creed said opening the door and gesturing for me to enter.

As soon as I entered the lights turned on automatically and I was shocked at the sight before me. The room was extremely empty with just a small double bed in the middle and a chest of draws next to it. The room itself was overly large with huge bay windows, allowing the natural light of the night to come in. I was surprised by his words, this was my room?

"We won't share a room?"

I turned my body to face him, watching as he placed the rucksack on the bed that was made up simply with a few silk pillows and duvet.

A small chuckle left his lips and he smirked at me.

"Not yet."

His handsome face stared back at me, taking in every detail of my appearance. He smiled slightly in appreciation? Did he like the way I looked? I know I definitely liked the way he did but did he approve of me?

A dark emotion suddenly crossed his face and I prepared myself for the worst, what was wrong now? His fists clenched at his sides and I could feel his body temperature starting to overheat.

"Let me get one thing straight Valerie, I am not your father." He spat the last few words out as if they were poison to his tongue.

I nodded my head, he didn't need to say anything else but he did.

"Besides you need time to adjust, I'm sure your brain is in overload."

I had the urge to voice my opinion, I had so many questions but I wasn't sure if he would answer them.

Our eyes met and before I knew it I was firing out my thoughts.

"Why are you being so nice to me. I don't understand, you should be cruel and cold. You're the Demon Alpha... you're Alpha Creed," I exclaimed. I hadn't meant to sound so insulting but confusion was getting the better of me.

"You're my mate you're not meant to fear me." He said softly and I opened my mouth again but he quickly stopped me from speaking again.

"Get some sleep. It's late." He turned on his heels and made a move to leave the room.

"Wait!" I yelled, grabbing onto his arm. He looked down at my hold on him, almost shocked; as if I had electrocuted him with my touch, it was the spark of the mate bond. He felt it and I didn't, I felt nothing. 

"What?" He asked softly, as he slowly exhaled; looking down at me.

"I don't know your name..." I felt so stupid saying it but at the same time, I couldn't lie and say that I did know.

Shock ran through his eyes as he stared at me intensely.

"You know who I am but not my first name?"


Did anyone know his first name, I had never ever heard anyone say his name and it wasn't in any of the history books I had read.

Alpha creed sighed heavily and ran a hand through his thick brown hair.  He must have felt confused, I was pretty sure that the basics of meeting your mate was also finding out their name. He knew mine but I didn't know his. It hadn't crossed my mind before, in a way I had completely forgotten that he had a name. I was so used to people referring to him as the infamous nickname that I deemed that as his identity.

"My name is Alaric... but you can call me Ric," he uttered out.

Alaric Creed.

His name had a nice ring, it suited him. The name was dark and broody just like him. I hadn't expected him to have a name that seemed olden, well I had never given thought to his name.

"Okay," I nodded my head.

"Goodnight Valerie."

With that, he left me alone in the room, and one thing that stood out to me was that he didn't close the door. The door was left open...



Thank you so much for 300+ reads already, really means a lot to me!

I know you must be thinking about Alaric from The Vampire Diaries, and honestly, I really love that name; you don't hear it a lot so I thought it was fitting for the Demon Alpha!

Does anyone know what Regnum translated means?

Please, please VOTE and COMMENT! I would love to know what you think about this chapter, I know it wasn't the best and some things may be confusing, I'm still getting used to writing a werewolf story!

Until the next chapter, which will probably be up in a few days!

Cover made by @NFPotterhead

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