The MothMan Encounter

By Schizts

1.5K 66 19

It is the 1960's in Point Pleasant West Virginia. Twelve year old Anthony Grizzle hears talk of a man sized c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Final Chapter 7

Chapter 2

225 11 5
By Schizts

Everyone around town kept talking about the Mothman, it was either Mothman this or Mothman that. People were trying to understand why this possibly made-up creature was here. Some think it's a message from God sending an angel or a message from the lord of Hell sending a demon. Others were still skeptical, still thinking it was made up.

Some think it's a new species born in West Virginia and some just don't care, but that number of non-believers was small. The point is that the Mothman was the talk of the town and that it wouldn't go away. Eventually the curiosity in my mind started to swell and over take me. What was this creature? Why was it here? Is it really made up? Well it was about time I found out, I was gonna search for it and quench my thirst.

It was now December, Thanksgiving had come and past. It went well, nothing out of the ordinary. I decided I would go searching the first week of December. I knew I was young but I was smarter than some people would think. It was the winter season so it was snowing, just about everyone would be inside, especially at night. Considering the Mothman is an actual creature it would likely search for somewhere to keep away from the cold and it was first spotted around the TNT area so it will likely be in one of the domes.

I hadn't told anyone about my plans, I just wanted to be satisfied and not have anyone worry about me, didn't even tell Brian and Lisa. I chose to sneak out of the house at night and take my bike, luckily big trucks cleared the roads with snowplows so I could bike along the road and head over to the TNT area. I dressed as warm as possible with my long sleeve blue turtleneck, a cotton jacket, boots instead of shoes, and earmuffs.

I also took leftover thanksgiving food with me in a backpack if needed, along with a flashlight and a pocketknife. If this creature was dangerous I needed to be ready to either distract it with food or defend myself with a knife. I snuck out of the house with my stuff, took my bike and went over to the TNT area.

It was so cold out, especially while biking with the wind in my face, should've brought a ski mask. It was also dark so it was hard to see but I attached my flashlight to my bike to make it easier but I still had to be careful. I had made it to area, I had to follow a trail to get within the area, after which I parked my bike against a tree.

Here I was in the TNT area for the first time. The area was once a place to make ammunition during World War 2 but was since abandoned. The place had these bunkers that I assumed were for storage. They appeared as big mounds of dirt covered in grass from the back but the other side had metal double doors with a concrete frame.

To be honest I felt chills and I don't just mean from the cold, no. Here I was in an abandoned ammunitions site alone in the cold looking for a potentially dangerous creature and all I had with me was a lousy pocketknife. This was a really dumb idea to be out here but I just couldn't help it, I just need to find this thing, to know whether or not if this thing is real.

Dark thoughts kept creeping in. What if the thing kills me? Will it eat me or just kill me because I'm a threat? Will it toy with me first? Pick me off the ground then drop me from the sky? If I die could people find me? No... they wouldn't, would they? I could go back home, go back as if nothing happened, feeling unsatisfied, never knowing the truth. But here I am, searching for the Mothman, even a clear glimpse of it will saturate me. Well, here I go, off to find a giant moth.

I started to check each bunker one by one. They weren't all next to each other though so I had to look for each individual one. The first was empty with cigarette buds on the ground. I just don't understand why people would ever inhale smoke willingly. The second bunker had a broken hatch, likely broken into. It was also empty with a little graffiti saying "Wilson's spot."

I kept looking inside the bunkers, there was nothing there, they were either empty or had trash and graffiti. This search isn't going well, I was wasting my time here. This was stupid, my idea was stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. There is no creature, no giant bug no nothing, I should just go home. I'll just look at one more bunker and then leave.

Did I really just sneak out of my house to go search for nonsense? Why'd I think this was a good idea? My curiosity that's what. This isn't the first time that my curiosity screwed my over. Like when... There's blood. I had walked over to the last bunker and there was a small trail of blood. It was probably a fox that caught a rabbit and searched for a safe spot to chow down. If I see a dead rabbit in the mouth of a fox I am gone. I mean was already gonna leave but instead of leaving with disappointment I'd leave with disgust. I'd probably leave with both.

I slowly walked towards the doorframe, which was already open. I looked inside, it was of course empty inside and appeared at first empty like the rest of bunkers, but there was something in there. There was a black silhouette that looked round and was large. It seemed to be wearing a giant black blanket that slouched to the ground.

The thing was fidgeting along with making a squishing sound. This was no fox, couldn't be a wolf, and for sure wasn't a bear. I took out my flashlight to get a better look at the thing. The light covered it. The thing wasn't wearing a blanket, it looked like the wings of a butterfly with a bit, no, a lot of fuzz on them. The thing stopped fidgeting, it turned around. It had the face of an owl, a big black beak with a bloodied fox in it, enormous glowing red eyes. Red glowing eyes. It was the Mothman creature.

It had turned to look at me with its meal in its beak. For sure the Mothman looked like a moth but blown up to enormous size. It had multiple fuzzy black legs along its torso below its face. A moth doesn't have a face like an owl, but this thing did. I was stuck in place, my feet glued to the ground.

I couldn't think of what to do but stare in its hypnotizing eyes. The creature turned fully around to face me, dropped the dead fox from its beak. My god, this thing was a living nightmare, and I was fifteen feet in front of it.

The thing stood on its hind legs to appear larger and spread its wings out. The thing started making a buzzing noise similar to a bee but as if a bee was next to my ear. It was trying to ward me off, scare me. It wanted me gone, it saw me as a threat. If I don't go that thing will attack me. Here's something I could try.

I threw down my backpack and got one of the thanksgiving leftovers I brought with me. Turkey, I took out the turkey leftovers and took the lid off. I put it on the ground and slid it over to the creature. It stopped buzzing and looked at the turkey. It lowered its wings and stood on its other legs. It put its face towards the turkey. Could the thing smell the meat?

It grabbed a piece of the meat with its beak and swallowed it. The creature looked me in the eyes. I stared right back not making a move. The creature went back to eating the turkey putting its attention towards eating.

With its attention off me and on the meat I took a moment to stare at it. This was the creature the town was talking about, the one some feared, the one some thought was fake, this was the Mothman. It was no man, atleast it didn't resemble a person. It was a giant moth with the face of an owl and red eyes that glowed. I decided I stayed long enough, I took some more leftovers, mashed potatoes, and put it out for the Mothman to eat after the turkey and I left.

I got to my bike and started peddling away quickly. I peddled as fast as I could back home before the morning. Oh my god I saw the Mothman. Oh my god I encountered the Mothman! Oh my god I fed it! OH MY GOD I SAW THE MOTHMAN! 

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