Poisoned love (IM5 FanFic)

By IM5er4

1.3K 11 0

This is my sequel of my last FanFic 'in his arms' --- Ally finally chose who she wants to be with. And the bo... More

Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter elleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven

Chapter one

226 2 0
By IM5er4

A/N the pic is my fanfic 'in his arms' this fanfic is a sequel to it:)!

Poisoned love----
I'm ally smith, I'm 16, we've met before and you know about my life story. So let's just continue from where we stopped....

A few weeks later*
It's only been a few weeks since I've been with Cole. And we've been on four dates, and for the past few weeks, the boys haven't been talking to me or Cole.
"Hey babe?" I called Cole
"Yeah?" He asked
"Do you think they'll ever talk to us again?" I asked while looking at the the bracelet David gave me.
"Babe, it's all in your head, trust me. They won't last another day without talking to us. I promise, mark my words" he said then he kissed my cheek.
"I just hope they come through soon" I said
"They will" said Cole with a smile.
Cole went downstairs to prepare some snacks for me and the boys.
Meanwhile, I sat on my bed reading the song lyrics will wrote for me. I teared up so much, this is the best song ever!

Wait hold on, I'm cutting the story for a minute,
I forgot to tell you guys, my mom is out of town,
So, I get to stay with the boys for 4weeks straight. Ok, you may continue reading my life story. Lol.

The next few hours*
"Babe, you said they'll start talking to us by now!" I told Cole
"Ok that's it. I'll handle this" said Cole and then he yelled
"GUYS!!" He started knocking and banging on the guy's doors.
"Cole!" I Said
Then will, Dana, David, and Gabe came out of their rooms with frowns and sadness on their faces.
"Guys, you can't keep doing this anymore." Said Cole
"Just leave us alone!" Yelled David
"Guys, please, this isn't my fault" I told them
Will came closer to me and he held my hand.
"Ally, this isn't your fault." Said will.
"Then what did I do wrong?!" Asking in a way to make them understand I need an answer.
"Ally, it's not what you did, it's what you said" said will
"What?" I asked confused
"When you chose Cole, you said you love him more than you love us. That broke my heart."
"Oh my god will, I'm so sorry, I had no idea I said that. I'm sorry" I told him while crying
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words break my heart, I'm not as strong as you think I Am, I'm no superman." Said will as tears came out of his eyes.
"Will I had no idea you were so hurt" I told him as I hugged him
"Guys..." Cole interrupted.
He continued saying
"Have you forgotten who we are?! We're IM5. And we, I mean you...shouldn't be locking your selves up in your bedrooms crying and feeling miserable. Ok, look, I know your all really hurting, especially you Davey(David). But, you guys can find other girls, there are plenty of fish in the sea" said Cole making them tear up
"Guys, Cole's right, you shouldn't be crying over me, you should be happy, living your life normally, just not with sadness" I told them
"You know what guys, your right...your absolutely right. I shouldn't be crying all day over ally, I mean I still love her, but I shouldn't be depressed over a girl, a beautiful angelic girl like ally, but anyway, I'm back! I'm back to being a fun guy!" Said Dana
"Oh, thanks so much Dana, I love you" I told him.
"What about you will, are you back to normal?" I asked hoping he'll say yes
"Well, I am still hurting, but, Ya, I'm back" he said hugging me and then hugging Cole.
"Davey?" Cole asked
.sigh. "Um.....if it makes you happy ally, sure!" David said while looking into my eyes
"Yes, thanks Davey, and I'll always love you" I told him
"Thanks ally, just don't call me Davey, it's bad enough the boys call me that, I love it when you call me David" he told me and then he kissed my cheek.
"It's your nickname Davey" said will

"Ok, last but certainly not least, Gabe?" Said Cole sounding like a talk show host.
"Guys, I don't know" said Gabe
"Please gabe, come on" I told him
.sigh. "Ok fine, but I'm still hurt." He said
"Thanks guys, for finally coming through" I told them
"We'd do anything to keep you happy" they told me
I smiled and then they all hugged me.
There was complete silence after that....
"So, do you guys wanna rehearse?" Asked gabe breaking the silence
They all looked at each other and they all ran to the music studio down the hall, then they got the microphones and the drums and the guitars and they suddenly started singing.
"And a 1 and a 2 and a 1,2,3,4!!" Yelled Cole
(W-will, c-Cole, D-David, DV-Dana, G-Gabe, IM5-IM5)

W- I'm as bad as you want me, the side of me you'll never miss
But I promise I don't saving, cause I'm just tryna save my own skin
DV- I always show her nothin but the finest
IM5- (Finest)
And all she shows me is where the exit sign is
IM5- (Sign is)
So baby, if you fall for me don't ask for mercy please
I won't crash again
C- I come off a little rude, cause I got everything to lose
You really need to watch your step
And you think I'm heartless
D- well I just listen to my heartless
My heartless, I'm not heartless
No I just listen to my heartless
My heartless, oh I broke it one to many times now I listen to my heartless
W- I can feel you hold on me
That's why I'm drifting away
Cause, the minute I let my guard down
You walk right in and slam the door to my face
DV- I always show her nothin but the finest
IM5- (Finest)
And all she shows me is were the exit sign is
IM5- (Sign is)
So baby, if you fall for me don't ask for mercy please
I won't crash again
C- I come off a little rude, cause I got everything to lose
You really need to watch your step
And you think I'm heartless
D- well, I just listen to my heartless
My heartless, I'm not heartless
No I just listen to my heartless
My heartless, oh I broke it one to many times now I listen to my heartless
G- now I've been dealt a hand
Bad cards I wanna fold em
Been trying to break the ice, they always give me that cold shoulder
Yeah I've been left for the vultures, one to many times
So if he said she said I'm trouble, I tell you they ain't lying
Don't think that we're gonna last
I'll take all of your gifts and give em' right back
My love is a trap you know it's a fact
Baby I'm nothing but your extra rack
So you better keep your distance, or I'll teach you a lesson
And if you think I'm heartless
IM5- well I just listen to, my heartless
My heartless, I'm not heartless
No I just listen to my heartless
My heartless, I'm not heartless
No I just listen to my heartless
My heartless, I'm not heartless
No I just listen to my heartless
W- I got everything to lose, no, oh, oh, oh
IM5- my heartless
Oh I broke it one to many times, now I listen to my heartless
W- my heartless
I clapped for them.
"That was amazing guys! Wow. Great song selection, who sings it?" I asked
"Actually ally, it's an original, and here's the best part, will wrote it!" Said David
"Wow! Amazing, will, you wrote that song?" I asked will
"Yeah" he told me with a huge smile
"Wow! Your so talented guys" I told them
"Thanks" they told me
"you guys are really gonna make it, and your never gonna end up losing" I told them
"Thanks, you really mean that ally?" Asked Gabe
"Of course!" I told him
"Thanks, it means a lot that you believe in us" said Cole
"Oh my god, of course I believe in you. You guys are amazing. And all your 5ers believe in you as well" I told them then I hugged them.
"What's the song called?" I asked
"Heartless" said Gabe
"Wow, you guys are great" told them
"Awe thanks, I bet you're talented as well" Dana told me
"Nah! I don't know" I told him
"Oh come on, everyone has a talent ally" said David
"Even if I am talented, I don't know what my talent is" I told them
"We'll help you find it" said Cole
"Thank you guys"
We all left the room and we headed downstairs.
"Well guys, I'm gonna go for a walk, want anything before I leave?" Said Cole
"Tacos" said Will
"Man your always eating" laughed Cole
"Hey, no one, and I mean no one, hates eating" will said
"True that!" I agreed
"Haha, ok see Ya guys, see Ya ally" cole kissed my cheek and then he left.
"Ok guys I'm out" said David
"I'm out too" said Gabe
"So am I" I told them
"Bye guys" said will
"See ya" said Dana
We all went out the door and on to our separate ways.
I'm going to the park, will is going to buy stuff, David is gonna go to the mall, and Gabe and Dana, well, I don't know.
14 minutes later*
I finally reached the park. It's such a nice weather out here.
I saw the ice cream kart, I've noticed its always there, in the exact Same spot!
I got a chocolate ice cream and I just walked.
Then I suddenly bumped into someone, making him drop his bags.
"Oh, I'm sorry, you should know this always happens to me" I told the guy
He looked at me and then he had a surprised look on his face.
"Ally?!" He asked so surprised
I looked closer at Him and then I noticed him and I said
"Dalton?!" I asked
"Yeah, hey! It's Been so long." He said then he hugged me
"Yeah! It's been far too long. It's so good to see you" I told him
"You too....I mean it's good to see you too" he said
I laughed and then we just walked together
"What have you been doing?" I asked him
"Um...well, I joined a band" he told me
"Oh, cool, you sing?" I asked
"Yeah, I'm actually the lead singer" he told me
"That is so cool, I'm happy for you" I told him
"Thanks, what about you? What have you been doing? He asked
"my mom is out of town for three weeks, so I'm staying with my best friends, and my best friends are in a boyBand, they're amazing" I told him
"Well, who are the band? What are they called?" He asked
"Um...they're called I...." Then I got interrupted by Cole
"Dalton?!" Asked cole so shocked
"Cole!?" Asked dalton, pretty much shocked as well
"Um....do you guys know each other?" I asked
"Yeah, I was in Their band" said dalton
"What?! So you were the former member they told me about?" I asked
"Pretty much" said dalton
"Ally, what are doing with him?" Asked Cole
"Dalton was one of my best friends in seventh grade" I told Cole
"How come you never told me?" Asked Cole
"Ally, why didn't you tell me you're best friends with IM5?" Asked Dalton
"I wanted to tell you, but my boy friend here, Interrupted me" I told dalton
"Wait, Coles your boy friend?" Asked dalton
"Yeah, I am" said Cole
"Why don't you just leave" said Cole
"Hey, don't be so hard on him" I told Cole
"Ally you don't understand, he's a backstabber!" Said Cole
"Why?" I asked
"He left IM5 to go back to his old band FLY AWAY HERO" Cole said
"Well, I'm leaving" said Dalton then he left
"Bye" I waved to Dalton
"Please stay away from him" said Cole
"Whatever, I'm going" I told him
Then I just walked in the park

Cole's POV*
I was walking then I suddenly bumped into a girl
"Oh, I'm so sorry, let me help you up" I told her
"Um.....hi" she said as she stood up and looked into my eyes
She seems nice
"I'm Cole" I told her
"Um....hi" she said totally hypnotized
"Um....hello?" I waved my hands in front of her eyes
"Um...sorry.....I'm.....um....um, I'm becca" she said
"Nice to meet you becca, let's sit down on the bench and talk" I told her
"Sure" she told me
We talked about ourselves and our lives and then she asked me a question
"Doyouhaveagirlfriend?" She asked really fast
"Say that again" I told her not knowing what she said
"I said, do you have a girl friend?" She said
"Yeah, I do" I told her
"Um....really?" She asked
"Yeah...well, we actu..."
I got interrupted, wanna know why?
Because she kissed me!!!
I pushed her off me
"What the heck!!!!" I yelled
"Oops, sorry" she said
"I told you! I have a girlfriend!" I told her while yelling
Ally's POV*
That. Was. Terrible! He kissed her! I dropped my ice cream and tears came out of my eyes.
I walked over to Cole and that girl and I slapped him
"OW!" He yelled in pain
"How could you?!" I asked while crying
Cole stared at my face then he teared up
"No, no ally, this isn't what it looks like" he told me
"Well it looks like your cheating on me!" I yelled
"No you don't understand, I just met her. she kissed me" he tried explaining
"I told her I have a girlfriend" he added
"I'm going" the girl said then she suddenly ran away
"Cole, I'll never forgive you" I told him
"Ally please" he cried
"I've already had my heartbroken, I can't believe I chose you! I told him
"Ally...." He cried so hard with a lot of tears coming out of his eyes.
"I HATE YOU!!!" I yelled then I ran away crying.

Cole's POV*
That was the worst thing ever. Why did Becca kiss me?! She's such a bitch! Ally won't believe me, she hates me, and I think she just broke up with me. I lost the most important person in my life. I want her back! I'm so heartbroken right now! Now I know how the boys FELT.

Ally's POV*
.crying. I'll never forgive that jerk! He broke my heart, he doesn't care about me at all! I hate him! "I hate my life!!!" I yelled.
I was still running but I felt someone pull my arm gently.
It was-----------

Coles POV*
I started looking for ally but I saw dalton pulling her arm gently

Ally's POV*
It was dalton
"Ally are you ok?" Asked dalton
I just pulled him into a hug and i cried on his shoulder. He hugged me so tight.
"I'm just really heartbroken right now dalton" I told him while crying.
"Is it Cole?" He asked
"N-no, i shouldn't even be hugging you, I have a boyfriend, just leave me alone dalton. Bye" I told him
"Ok bye ally, see you later" he said
I turned around crying then I felt someone pull me into a hug
"Ally, I'm so so sorry, can't you see I'm in love with you" said Cole
"No, get away from me Cole" I told him as I turned around
"I want you by my side, I Wanna feel you touch me, I wanna feel you love me, do you care about me? I want you with me, I'm madly in love with you ally. Can't you see that?" He said while crying
"Why did you kiss her, you broke my heart" I cried
"Try to understand, she....kissed me. I didn't kiss her, she kissed me, she did. I told her I have a girlfriend , she's just crazy" said Cole.
"Cole..." I wanted to apologize to him but he cut me off
"Look, I know I've made a lot of mistakes in the past, but please forgive me. I won't break your heart again. I love you ally" he said
"Cole.....I forgive you." I told him
"Really?" He asked
"Yeah. look, I'm so sorry for what I said to you. I could never hate you I love you so much. Thanks for being here for me." I told him while hugging him
He put his arms around my waste and I put my arms on his neck, his nose touched mine, we were literally inches apart
"I love you too" he said
Then he kissed me. It lasted for about a hole minute. Haha.
"I hope I never see that crazy psychotic bitch again" said Cole then I laughed.
"I love you beautiful" said Cole
"I love you too babe" I told him
Then we hugged each other so tight.

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