A Girl Named Sam

Par Leslie94

34.6K 256 46


A Girl Named Sam
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 1

2.8K 17 1
Par Leslie94

Are your parents easing up on you yet, Raiden?

Nope... apparently being gay requires endless harassment. I still have to listen to them yell at me every night

I'm sorry... wish I could do something to help

Maybe I could get my mind off of it if I went out tomorrow. You doing anything?

Yeah. I'm going to the mall with Sarah, remember?

"Michael and Raiden, eyes up here please. Unless you wish to share your private conversation with the class? Its obviously more important than this lecture."

Michael and I rolled our eyes and said "no sir" in unison. Mr. Strickland turned back around to the board. I giggled and whispered "jinx, you owe me a soda!" as I stuck my tongue out at Michael and stealthily slid the note we were passing back towards myself.

Michael was my best friend. We spent most of our time together. He had been one of the very few who stuck by me when he found out that I was a lesbian. Third period was our first class together of the day and we had gotten pretty good at our sneaky note-passing.

Oh yeah, your friend from camp, right?

Yep. You're welcome to join us if you like.

Nah, you go ahead. I don't really know her... wouldn't wanna be a third wheel or anything

You sure?


Ding ding

"There's the bell. You want me to carry your books for you?" Michael asked. Such the gentleman.

"Yep!" I plopped the stack of books in his hands. It was because he was always doing stuff like this for me we got asked almost on a daily basis if we were dating. Not feeling like explaining to every person who approached me about it that I was gay, I just shook my head and said "Nope. Just best friends."

Michael handed my books back to me when we got to my locker and held out his hand after I threw them in. I smiled and we performed our secret handshake before parting to go to our next class.

* * * * * * * * * *

Ah, Fridays. Who doesn't love them?

I sighed in relief as the final bell rang and headed out of the classroom towards my locker. As I threw the books I needed into my backpack and began zipping it up, I felt someone approach me from behind. Mmm... that perfume. I knew who that was.


Ba-bump. Ba-bump.

I turned around and my heart started racing as soon as I saw her face. She started speaking but I had no idea what she was saying. I was lost in her beautiful eyes. Her voice was like music...and with her minty fresh breath in my face, it was everything I could do to keep from planting one on her right then.

Damn those straight girl crushes.

"So what do you think?"

I cleared my throat. "Um, what?"

"I said Tyler just asked me to homecoming. I should say yes, right? I'm so excited! You know I've liked him since 7th grade, Raiden!" Her already sparkly eyes lit up even more as she told me. I smiled back at her and tried to appear happy even though I felt kind of like someone had just kicked me in the stomach.

"That's really great, Case. You should definitely go with him." I picked up my backpack and slung it over my shoulder and she grinned at me. I did my best to grin back and she let out a squeal of excitement before leaning in to hug me. I bit my tongue to keep from letting out the moan that was in my throat. God, could she hear my heart pounding? I patted her back like an idiot before she let go.

"So, are you up to anything interesting this weekend?" she asked.

"Not really. Just hang out at home I guess. How about you?"

"Eh, not much." She sighed. "Maybe Tyler will call me," she added cheerfully.

"Yeah..." I tried to smile but was afraid it appeared as more of a grimace. Casey looked at me, concerned, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Mhmm, I'm fine," I tried to assure her. "Just kinda tired." I used that line a lot. Biggest lie ever.

I turned to shut my locker and grabbed my ipod out of my pocket. I put an earbud in with one hand as I clapped Casey on the shoulder with the other before heading down the stairs.

"So I'll see you Monday, kay?"

She smiled at me and my heart melted.

"Yeah, bye Raiden."

* * * * * * * * * * *

I hung my head as I trudged off the bus towards my house. I wasn't looking forward to going inside. School was the only reprieve I got from the constant hostility and turmoil that was my home life.

Ever since they had found out that I was a lesbian, my parents had punished me to no end. The groundings and the fact that I very rarely got to communicate with the outside world were bad enough. But the worst part of it all was dealing with the constant verbal assault that they threw at me every time we were in the same room. Every "good morning" I gave them seemed to be and invitation for a fight. Every question I asked turned into a screaming match. I was "disgusting", "repulsive", and "unnatural". I was going to "burn in hell." Needless to say, my self-esteem took a bit of a plummet. I learned to just not say anything to them at all. Ever since then, the environment in my house had become somewhat.... less than pleasant.

Hence my reluctance to come home from school everyday. I mentally braced myself as I walked up to my porch steps and opened the door.

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