Eyebee ( 50's AU Yandere 2p!H...

By WikedWitchOfTheWeebs

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(Y/N) was born and raised in a foster home by a wonderful caring man named Mr. Kirkland. Eventually (Y/N) is... More

In the mirror, Prologue
Fairies and Fireflies
The Fairytale of the Mirror
A Toast To The Middle School Orphans
The Heated Brawl
Quick confusion/Quick Victory
Everything that happend before Recess
To Summon A 2p
April trees
"Only to get stabbed by a knife"
A Waltz For A Certain Secret Breaker
The Other Side Of The Mirror
Little Red Dots
Non-Family Dinner
Back the way I came
A Letter In A Can Of Root Beer
Back To My Roots
Pond Frozen Over
Taking back The Good Life
Eyebee Act II now now

Thrill Of The Kill

77 3 0
By WikedWitchOfTheWeebs

The worst part about my daydreams is how real it can be, when the world of your imagination feels more like the reality you should be living than reality. What even is reality at this point, just another drop in my ocean of adventures.

"Daydreams aren't always good you know. Sometimes I make myself cry, sometimes I scare myself and I end up not being able to sleep. Sometimes my greatest enemies lay in my daydreams, permanently rested in the library of my mind, unable to get rid of. The pain is real, the blood is real, everything is real, but I can't leave.

If I leave I have to bear the real world, where there is no adventure and everything is mundane. I don't want to return to that place. I don't care what kind of monster I have created in my head, feeling scared or feeling pain is better than feeling disappointment, genuine sadness, grief, stress.

Why feel those pains when you could drift away into a different more magical world where those emotions don't exist. Because no matter how scary or depressing a daydream is, there is always a happy ending.

You can't say that about the real world."


(Y/n) opened her eyes, it appeared as if she woke up in the basement of a bakery. She was in the middle of the room. The tiles were black and white and the walls were pinkish maroon, there were decals of cupcakes that were either peeling off, decaying or stained. (Y/n) was tied to what seemed to be an armchair. Looking at her arms she could barely count the amount of bruises they left, frankly she didn't want to know

From the shadows of the barley lit basement she could barely make out a figure. He was stiff, leaning against a cupboard not really paying attention to (Y/n) flipping a half dollar up and down. He noticed she was staring at him and he gave her a death stare still flipping the half dollar.

"So, you're awake."

Viktor began to enter the light circling around (Y/n) like she was being questioned by the police, or a mafia of some sorts. (Y/n) barely processed what she was seeing when all the memories of her failure of an escape hit her, She jolted her eyes fully open moving her head back and forth struggling to get out of the binds.

"What, oh god no please what I-"

"I told you you were gonna lose, it was inevitable, not so clever now. Do you have any idea how long I have been watching you, since you got to Rosemary. I know you (Y/n), You may seem brave and witty on the outside but I know your weakness."

(Y/n) felt tears start to form in her eyes as her heart rate speeded up.

"No use lying your way out of this one. Thinking of all the ways I can kill you. Slowly claw and your flesh and watch you bleed out then make you drink your own blood as I slowly decapitate you, This is gonna be fun"

(Y/n) tried to scream when from Viktor's back pocket he pulled out a gun. (y/n) stopped immediately after and just stared at it for a while. Viktor put the gun away and stared hard into her soul.

"You know that no one is coming to save you. Not even Francesca who probably has something worse in mind (Y/n), you are alone. I'm gonna get a little someone."

"What do you mean?" (Y/n) inquired

"Fortunately for you, I'm not gonna kill you, Unfortunately for you a little jolly annoying baker is."

Just like that Viktor put his hands in his pocket and left the room leaving (Y/n) with more questions than answers. As if on queue Oliver bounces in Energetically making (Y/n)'s heart beat go a million beats a second. Oliver fixed his bow and stared at her in madness.

"Morning Poppet, of course you wouldn't know that since you aren't outside. I had the pleasure of looking outside to see the April flowers, bees and birds and pretty blossoming trees, things you will never see again."

That was enough for (Y/n) to finally break down into tears. Oliver smiles as Oliver whistles a tune to some musical as he brings in a cart full of weapons laid out next to a tray of cupcakes. Oliver picked up a knife and began to loudly sharpen it causing sparks to fly in the air imitating fireflies. Through her tears she was finally able to speak:

"What did I ever do to deserve this, why do you want me to suffer?"

Oliver stopped sharpening his knife as he grew wide eyed and blinked twice. He put the knife down smirking at (Y/n) placing both hands behind his back raising an eyebrow.

"We kill people like you for three reasons, if you witness us, if you try and disturb us or if you tell anyone about us. You did all three Poppet."

"Is there any way I can reason with you to get out of this?"

Oliver scoffed and turned around mindlessly pacing "No, we decide we want you dead, you die, simple as that. Hard to believe in the beginning I wanted you to live."

(Y/n) Jolted at the statement, Oliver went on.

"Oh Poppet, It is hard to be the good guy, the nice guy who always lifts everyone up, always cares about everyone, always bubbly, always the kind person when everyone spits in your face.

Everyone gawks over Luciano, everyone fears Viktor, Nobody cares about little old Oliver. I guess I don't care about them either, always so vile and cruel, Throwing profanities at each other like wild animals or beasts. Always "drinking their Alcohol" or listening to heavy rock- I'm a classical music person I do say so myself. I wouldn't even CARE that much if they didn't sweep me under the rug despite doing a quarter of the work here!"

(Y/n) stopped struggling and started listening to the man, unlike the other 2ps he wasn't mindlessly ranting, Oliver was actually trying to get a message across to her- whether good or bad.

"You see (Y/n), we have more in common than you think. After all we see things very....how do you say similarly. Me and you aren't present in this stupid mundane world we call reality no. We see far beyond that, we see the magic of the world that others find stupid, we see the fairies and fireflies that the world ignores. They hate anything that is magical because it is different, It doesn't conform to their boring vision of the world. They call us stupid, they call us crazy-maybe we are crazy but in all the right ways.

What separates us, Poppet, is how the world moves around us. I actually took up gardening once but I couldn't even grow a weed. It seemed as if everything that grew around me dies instantly, I watered the flowers, I cared for them and yet they still died. The flowers represent the world around me, everything I touch dies. Whenever I see a human, they die, whenever I see a human child, they die. Every unfortunate soul to enter these castle walls have died from my hands and now, I guess you are the latest.

You (Y/n), you are not like me at all, you bring life, you revel in how much you bring to the world. When you see life it doesn't die, you turn it into new life with art and poems and stories. Everything around your heart flourishes like a blossom or an April tree. People either die around me or die inside, you build them and bring them confidence, that is why you fascinate me, You see the world's magic and know that this world is boring and frankly evil yet somehow it doesn't eat you up inside?

I don't know how you do it, please tell me (Y/n), how have you filled your mundane world with love and beauty when you are enlightened like me because frankly. I can't even bear to look at myself in the mirror because I hate this reality so much. I really am losing my mind here, taking out any form of color of life in these castle walls because I know my world Is colorless, who can even blame me for just wanting the thrill of being able to kill at this point right?"

(Y/n) was speechless, This man, her, what was even going on, why did she feel so bad for someone who was, well a monster. Her heart was telling her to send her condolences but her brain was telling her to escape now and find an exit somehow and get out of here alive.

"I-i'm sorry Oliver, I didn't know anything, I guess I don't know, I don't know why the world grows around me, it just does and I don't know why but I can't control it, I just want to see my friends again please, I swear if you are going to kill me just let me say goodbye-"

"Your friends are dead Eyebee."


Just like that from all the kicks and chokes and stabs, it felt as though a diamond bullet pieced right between her ribs shattering all through her bones but directly into her heart, she couldn't move, she couldn't cry, it all just hit her. The world went numb and all the pain she went through disappeared, what was it all for?

Her heart beat slow, she could here it in her ribcage as she closed her eyes, no matter how hard she tried to open her eyes she couldn't wake up, this wasn't a fantasy, this wasn't a daydream, the wasn't a horror story, this was real.

(Y/n) just lost the only friends she ever truly had, and Lovino, Lovino....

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