Worlds Colliding (Legacies) B...

By heartofice97

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Kaylin Salvatore-Mikaelson Nicola Salvatore-Mikaelson Lindsey Davis-Thompson Tory Thompson Luke Thompson Ryan... More

Ariara's Family + Xavier (shown in flashbacks) + Supernatural Form/Features
chapter 1 - This is the Part Where You Run
chapter 2 - Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn
chapter 3 - We're Being Punked, Lyla
chapter 4 - I Felt Like Launching the Revolution
chapter 5 - Malivore
chapter 6 - Mombie Dearest
chapter 7 - Death Keeps Knocking on My Door
chapter 8 - Maybe I Should Start From the End
chapter 9 - What Was Emma Doing In Your Dream?
chapter 10 - There's a World Where Your Dreams Come True
chapter 11 - We're Gonna Need a Spotlight
chapter 12 - There's a Mummy On Main Street
chapter 13 - The Kids Who Still Have a Lot of Good to Do

chapter 14 - Let's Just Finish the Dance

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By heartofice97

From 1.08 "Maybe I Should Start From the End", outside Seylah's Corner Coffee, Landon and Owen looked inside to see Seylah serving customers.

Rae: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Legacies)."

From 1.08 "Maybe I Should Start From the End", in Tory/Luke's office, Tory and Hope sat across from each other at Tory's desk.

"Kaylin, Aunt Nikki, Rae and Madison, Owen and Landon, they don't remember a thing about Seylah," Hope explained. "I can lie to Owen and Landon about all of this, and I can make it easier on Kaylin, Aunt Nikki, Rae and Madison, to where I don't have to tell them the truth and make sure that they don't feel guilty about keeping this from Owen and Landon, so that they can stay protected. And Luke, Lindsey, Ryan, Emma, Danny, Ariara and Lyla can stay in the dark so they're not put in an awkward position, but I'm sorry, Tory, I just have to talk to someone about this. I can't lie to you."

From 1.08 "Maybe I Should Start From the End", in Triad headquarters, Seylah took a swan dive right into the black pit of Malivore, being erased.

Rae: (voice over from 1.08 Maybe I Should Start From the End) "Literal pit of doom."

From 1.08 "Maybe I Should Start From the End", in the motel room, Hope explained to Owen and Landon. "That consumes creatures and wipes their existence from the collective conscience."

From 1.05 "Malivore", in the school gym, Lizzie confronted Penelope. "What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?"

Penelope walked closer. "It's about how you treat Josie. She spends all of her energy taking care of you. Oh, she won't ever burn your world down. So I will do it for her."

From 1.12 "There's a Mummy on Main Street", in Madison/Lizzie/Josie's dorm room, they, Hope and Rae were talking.

"You had a crush on Ariara, and Hope before you got over that crush when you met Ariara?" Madison asked.

"Of course I did," Josie answered. "Who wouldn't?" She looked even guiltier. "And Penelope found out about this somehow, and she told Ariara that even though I might have liked her, I would never be with her, because of Lizzie, and this is why. And she made it seem like no matter what, I would choose Penelope over her, even when I hated Penelope. And Ariara admitted that she liked the thought that she liked me knowing that I wouldn't be with her, because it was her form of self-punishment for not being able to save her kingdom. The other Natas. Just don't tell her yet, okay? Or Lyla, Emma and Danny, because I want to be the one to tell Ariara."

From 1.13 "The Kids Who Still Have a Lot of Good to Do", in the school, Tory, Lindsey, Luke and Ryan had brought Rafael and Ariara back to the school, having them sitting down. Kaylin, Nicola, Rae, Hope, Madison, Emma, Danny and Lyla walked closer worriedly.

"We know what's going on with them," Luke told them. "It's the same thing that was happening to Ariara when Kacie and Mikayla first brought her to the school two years ago. The reason why she was having so many issues until they and Eliza found that remedy for her."

"What?" Lyla asked.

"Shifting psychosis in Ariara's case," Ryan answered. "Lunar psychosis in Rafael's."

Ariara's lip quivered as she tried to focus her mind enough. "This condition... it means that our minds are in flux, trapped between animal and human states, making it harder to bridge the gap and access our memories like we normally would. Shifting would become a problem as we've seen with me."

From 1.13 "The Kids Who Still Have a Lot of Good to Do", in the school hallway, Kaylin, Nicola, Tory, Rae, Hope, Emma, Danny, Madison and Lyla were talking.

"Which means that we're gonna have to call Kacie, Mikayla and Eliza to come back and help us with the treatment for Ariara if we ever want her to become better again," Kaylin told them worriedly.

Nicola nodded in agreement, worried. "Kacie, Mikayla and Eliza are the only ones that can help Ariara completely."

From 1.13 "The Kids Who Still Have a Lot of Good to Do", in the woods, Kaleb, Luke, Ryan and Lindsey ran to kneel at MG's sides.

MG was crying as he told them what happened with his father. "He didn't want me anymore. He was right to be afraid of me. I can't go back to that school, Ryan."

From 1.13 "The Kids Who Still Have a Lot of Good to Do", in flashback to the woods, MG's face started to transform, lost in rage to the bloodlust and his own anger, knowing that Ariara was having control issues, ripping off her bracelet that allowed her to control her shifting.

MG: (voice over from 1.13 The Kids Who Still Have a Lot of Good to Do) "Not after what I did."

Rafael was chained to the tree. "She can't control it!"

Ariara was forced to transform into her animal form, her snake tail slitting and biting into Owen's neck, delivering the deadly poison. Owen fell unconscious. Animal!Ariara had slashed into him a couple times, but the human part of her was trying to get control back, making herself back away. MG rushed toward Landon, transformed, biting deeply into his neck to feed and ravage completely, draining the blood, letting his body fall to the ground next to Owen's, his throat nearly ripped out.

From 1.13 "The Kids Who Still Have a Lot of Good to Do", in the woods, everyone was gathered around Owen and Landon's bodies. Landon's body continued to burn as they all watched in shock and slight horror, the flames high, bright, beautiful but terrifying. Owen started to glow gold, brightly, as everyone backed away from the brightness. Wings started to grow from Owen as he was glowing. The wings were blue and purple, but outlined in gold. Wings that protected him and could protect others.

"What the hell is going on?" Kaylin asked.

"What's happening?" Madison asked.

"We've been wondering if they're supernatural," Ryan told them. "We have our answer."

The glow around Owen flared brightly, making everyone cover their eyes. The ash around Landon started to shatter, revealing a hand underneath. Everyone watched the two in shock. Landon broke out of the ash limb by limb, causing ash to fall around the gold lit forest and everyone in it, covered in ash and dust. Owen slowly rose to his feet, still glowing gold, with his wings out behind him. Landon slowly rose to his feet. The glowing gold light started to fade, leaving everyone in darkness once again. Kaylin, Nicola, Hope, Rae, Madison, Lindsey, Tory, Lyla, Luke, Ryan, Danny, Emma, Rafael, Ariara, MG and Kaleb looked at the newly resurrected Owen and Landon in complete shock and relief.

Ariara looked at them in amazement, relief. "You ever heard of the legends of the Phoenix and Guardian?"


Day One

Morning - Triad Headquarters - Malivore Room

On the balcony that overlooked the black pit of Malivore, a figure was tied to a chair, a hood over its head, concealing what, or who, it was.

Clarke walked closer. "So we're clear then. You'll bring me what I want, by any means necessary. I need some indication that you agree. Or else I withdraw my very generous offer and I toss you in... right now. Will you do it?" The figure nodded. Clarke spoke into a radio. "I need an unmarked vehicle with an armed plainclothes driver to transport an asset. It's high priority."

Man: (on radio) "Copy that, Agent Clarke. Destination?"

"Mystic Falls, Virginia," Clarke answered. "The Salvatore School."


Worlds Colliding (Legacies)


Salvatore Boarding School - Emma/Ariara's Dorm Room

Ariara was laying down, sleeping, in her bed, alone in the room. She was having flashes of how she had had to kill Owen in 1.14, and more flashbacks of the Kiesha'ra war in her kingdom, but this time remembering how Kacie and Mikayla helped her get out of the kingdom after they had saved her in the flashback in chapter 1.07.




Day - Castle - Throne Room

Ariara was sleeping in her ruined palace after losing control, on a dais, waking up in the same state that both Ariara and Rafael had been in during 1.13 after turning back to human form before they were supposed to, very disoriented and weak, but not completely weakened, and still able to walk and talk with ease, though it was hard to focus and keep control. She started to wake up, groaning in pain, seeing the two hybrids that saved her life and helped her regain control. "Kacie? Mikayla? Those were your names, weren't they?"

Kacie and Mikayla walked closer.

"Yeah," Kacie answered. "Yeah, that's our names. How are you doing, Ariara?"

"Kind of a stupid question right now, Kacie," Mikayla pointed out. "Ariara... are you in control now?"

Ariara scoffed softly, sighing. "Depends on what you mean."

Ariara groaned in pain, her eyes flashing gold and slit before fading, repeatedly.

"What's wrong?" Mikayla asked.

"I changed back before I was ready to," Ariara answered. "I won't shift, but it's painful. This has happened before, because of trauma." She had tears in her eyes, shaking her head. "I cannot be the last. I can't be the last of my kingdom. My family..."

"It's okay if you want to cry again," Mikayla told her.

Ariara shook her head. "A serpent is not supposed to cry, especially on the battlefield, in the midst of the dead. She's not supposed to scream or beat the ground or curse the sky. Among the serpents, tears are considered a disgrace to the dead and a shame among the living."

"Well, I don't know what kind of insane logic that is, but where we come from, crying over your lost loved ones is not a shame," Kacie told her.

Ariara looked down. "It's not a shame among the golden eagles or the lions, either."

"And that's what you turned into?" Mikayla asked. "The lion, with golden eagle wings, and a snake for a tail?"

"Yes," Ariara answered. "But the no tears... it kept the heart from breaking with each new death. It kept the warriors fighting a war no one could win. It kept me standing when I had nothing to stand for but bloodshed."

"That's a little dark," Kacie told her. "And we come from a very dark past and very dark families."

"Kacie," Mikayla whispered.

Kacie sighed. "Mikayla's right. I'm sorry, Ariara."

Ariara shook her head weakly. "Don't be. You're right. There's three main bloodlines of my kingdom."

Mikayla and Kacie were tending to Ariara as much as they could, but without magic or psychics, they couldn't do much.

Mikayla nodded. "The eagles, serpents and lions."

"Yes," Ariara answered. "Long ago, the three lines were all at war. But as a kingdom, they made compromise. Arranged marriages that would stop the wars and make our kingdom stronger. My grandmother, a golden eagle, was married to a lion, my grandfather. They bore a lion golden eagle, my mother. And in a way to salvage another peace treaty with the serpents, my mother was arranged with a marriage to the serpent king, my father. They had me, my brother Acilino, and my sister Arlette."

"Making the three of you all three species," Kacie finished.

"Yes," Ariara answered. "Acilino was the oldest, so he was to become king. But another battle killed our parents and Acilino that day. Arlette and I were the only ones left. We had other enemies to face. The closest one to becoming allies were the tigers. When I became queen, I was to wed one of the tigers. A man named Xavier. Then another war came. The final war. And with so few of our numbers remaining... Arlette and Xavier died. Everyone died. Even I almost had. Except the two of you came. Kacie... Mikayla... thank you. You saved my life. Though right now, I'm not sure if want to be alive."

Mikayla nodded sadly. "I understand completely. But it's not over yet. There's still some out there that were trying to kill us. Kacie and I had to bring you in here to protect you until you woke up."

"We can take you out of here, to safety, but we have to end the battle once and for all for us to leave," Kacie told her. "We can take you somewhere safe, far away from here. Will you come with us?"

Ariara looked around the ruins of the castle in despair. "A queen isn't meant to leave her kingdom behind."

"Unless that kingdom is already gone," Mikayla told her sadly. "I'm sorry, Ariara. But there's no one left besides the men that are trying to kill you. Kill us."

"You don't have to come with us if you don't want to," Kacie told her. "But we can get you to safety, make sure that you get better. Will you?"

Ariara, weakened and in pain because of the state that she was in, breathed heavily, considering. "Okay. But I can't fight. Not like this."

"We know," Mikayla told her. "But we can. Come on."

Kacie and Mikayla helped Ariara off of the dais that she was laying on, helping her walk along since she didn't have enough strength at the moment to do it on her own.

A group of men ran toward them.

Ariara grabbed the two swords on the wall nearby to throw them to Kacie and Mikayla. "Here!"

Kacie and Mikayla caught the swords, spinning them around, falling back into fighting positions, ready.

Kacie struck her sword through the heart of a warrior, turning to slash through another. The warrior tried to slash into Kacie. Kacie ducked, punching her hand into his chest to rip out his heart, letting the body fall dead, tossing the heart to the ground.

Mikayla spun in a circle to get closer to a warrior to slash into him, spinning away just as quickly before he could slash into her, whipping her sword around to disarm the warrior, throwing him against the wall, stabbing him deeply in the chest to kill him.

Kacie pushed another knight into a stone, slashing her sword at his neck to decapitate him, taking her sword away, whipping it around, watching the headless body fall to the ground.

Mikayla punched and kicked a knight, elbowing him in the face. A knight tried to grab her from behind. Mikayla broke free with a yell easily, turning to decapitate him with her sword, watching the headless body fall. She turned toward the other in front of her, punching into his chest, ripping out his heart, letting the body fall, tossing the heart down.

A man grabbed Kacie. Kacie elbowed him fiercely in the chest to make him let go, spinning her arms free, kicking the knight in front of her. Two guards grabbed Kacie's arms. Kacie jumped up, using their momentum to flip those knights to the ground, flipping with them, landing on her feet.

Kacie and Mikayla exchanged a knowing look, smirking, letting their eyes glow gold. They started to shift into their wolf forms with a lot more ease than previously before, a lot faster. They attacked the rest of the warriors with wolf rage, tearing into them as the warriors were too weakened from the previous battle to fight back against two hybrids in wolf form since they had far better speed and strength.

Ariara watched in surprise but awe, impressed, though she was gravely weakened from the war herself, added to the after effect of turning back too soon from the trauma like she was in present time.

Kacie and Mikayla returned human once the rest of the warriors were torn apart, covered in blood, both naked since they had to have had torn through their clothes before to shift.

Ariara averted her gaze.

Kacie sighed. "All right. You got any extra dresses we can wear on the way out of here?"

Ariara nodded. "My mother's. If that's okay with you."

"Sure," Mikayla answered. "Do you think you can..."

"I can go get them," Ariara answered. "I may be wounded, but I am not weak. Not completely, anyway."



Day - Salvatore Boarding School - Emma/Ariara's Dorm Room

Ariara woke up from her dream, looking out of it, disoriented. She was relieved that she had seen a memory of Kacie and Mikayla helping her get free from the enemies, and not more death like she had seen before.

Emma opened the door. "Hey, Ariara. Look who's here. Aunt Kacie and Aunt Mikayla. Eliza's downstairs with Madison."

Ariara sat up gingerly, groaning a bit.

Kacie and Mikayla stepped inside, managing small, sympathetic, worried smiles.

"Hey, Ariara," Kacie told her.

Ariara looked at them in relief. "Kacie. Mikayla."

"Hey," Mikayla told her softly.

Ariara stood, walking closer so that she could embrace Kacie and Mikayla. Kacie and Mikayla held Ariara tightly, comfortingly.

Emma managed a small smile. "I'll give you guys some time."

"Thank you, Emma," Ariara told her. "Tell Eliza I said hi."

Emma nodded in agreement. "I will."

"We'll be down with everybody soon," Mikayla told her. "Tell Eliza that we'll need her help with the treatment soon."

Emma nodded, closing the door, leaving the room.

Kacie brought Ariara and Mikayla over to Ariara's bed so the three of them could sit down. "Mikayla, Eliza and I knew that the anniversary of the other Natas dying, the kingdom, was coming up, Ariara. And we were trying to make it back before..."

"Something like this happened?" Ariara finished. "Before I could lose control and kill someone. Too late."

"Owen was not your fault," Mikayla told her. 

"And Owen's alive," Kacie added. "You can stop blaming yourself for that."

Ariara nodded, looking down, gazing off.

"Ariara," Mikayla said softly to get her focus back. Ariara looked up. "I know how hard it is to focus with this happening to you again, but stay with us, okay? It will be easier to keep you in control until we get you back on the treatment. And we can find a way to alter it to help Rafael, too."

Ariara sighed heavily. "I know. How long do you think the treatment is going to last this time? The last time we started this, not too long ago, it took months, and this still happened. And now..."

"We don't know how long," Kacie admitted. "But we'll keep at it as long as we have to."

"And summer's coming up," Mikayla pointed out. "You can spend the summer with me and Kacie away from the school so we can continue the treatment, and with magical and psychic help from Tory, Lyla, Rae, Auria, Freya, Hope, Lindsey, Emma and Danny, should be a breeze this time."

Ariara chuckled, knowing that she was trying to make her feel better. "You really think so?"

"I don't know," Mikayla admitted. "I just know that we won't give up until you're better again. And not even this is enough to keep the Nata queen back for long." The three of them chuckled. "And it can be a Frankenstein Family gathering this summer. Reunions all around. You're always with Kaylin, Nicola, Rae, Hope, Madison Lindsey, Tory, Luke, Ryan, Emma, Danny and Lyla at the school, and you've seen me, Kacie and Eliza somewhat, but over the summer, you get to see us for a lot longer. And get to see Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra, Lucien, Kol, Rebekah, Freya, Keelin, Nick, Marcel, Noah, Caitlin, Auria. It's been a long time since we've had a Salvatore-Mikaelson-Fell-Forbes, Davis-Thompson, Lockwood-Labonair, Nata, Castle, Dumaine, Gerard and Rayvnne gathering. And we always pay respects to Hayley and Riley since they aren't with us, but the Grey part of the family still is in spirit. And of course Kaylin, Nicola and Rae have to have a moment with the rest of their family, plus the Hunter part of their family, Stefan, Damon, Alex, Elena, Liv and Cristian, and their kids. Lindsey, Tory, Luke and Ryan always have to have a moment with their best friends Liv and Cristian, and Kacie and Eliza with their best friends. And Madison with Lizzie and Josie as her other cousins."

"Very true," Kacie agreed. "Mikayla, Eliza, Kassandra, Klaus, Elijah, Lucien, Kol and I may always be busy trying to find ways to help Rae, Nicola, Kassandra, Emma, Danny, and you, Ariara... and Kaylin, Nicola, Lindsey, Tory, Luke and Ryan may always be busy here at the school with you, Hope, Rae, Madison, Emma, Danny and Lyla... but we miss the big Frankenstein Family gatherings. Rebekah, Freya, Nick, Keelin, Marcel, Noah, Caitlin, Auria, they miss it too. And we can always sneak some moments in with Stefan, Damon, Alex, Elena, Liv and Cristian and their kids too. And pay our respects to Riley and Hayley. Okay, whatever family you like, at least this way, you don't have to choose between Salvatore-Hunter-Mikaelson-Fell-Forbes, Davis-Thompson, Lockwood-Labonair, Nata, Castle, Grey, Dumaine/Gerard/Rayvnne, at least they're all interlinked. Team Frankenstein, all the way."

Ariara knew that Kacie and Mikayla were going on and on like that because they were trying to distract her and make her feel better, smiling. "Team Frankenstein."

Mikayla nodded in agreement, smiling. "Team Frankenstein."

Ariara, Kacie and Mikayla embraced.


Rae/Hope's Dorm Room

Rae and Danny were the only ones in the dorm room, laying on Rae's bed, sleeping.

Danny seemed to be seeing the visions that Rosalita had been giving him for two years to try and make him lose control. He woke up, sitting up slowly as to not wake up Rae, worried that he could be close to an episode of wolfing out. "No, no, no. You will not do this to me again." Danny's eyes glowed gold as he was fighting off the visions, holding his head as he groaned in pain, claws and canines growing. He groaned in exertion as he tried to force himself back into control. After a moment or so, he could finally make his eyes, claws and canines return to normal. He sighed in relief. Rae was still sleeping, seeing flashes of a psychic dream in her sleep, starting to whimper as if in pain, like she was fighting to keep Rosalita locked away inside her while she was sleeping. Danny turned to look at her in concern. "Rae?" Rae groaned in pain, whimpering. "Rae, wake up." Danny walked closer. "Rae. Wake up."

Rae woke up with a yell, psychic energy lashing out, throwing Danny across the room into one of Hope's paintings across the room, making him fall. Seeing what happened, Rae gasped, sitting up. "Oh, my God. Danny, are you okay?"

Danny sighed, pushing himself up. "Well, I just pulled myself back from the edge of a vision-induced wolf out, so I think a psychic toss across the room is nothing."

"Vision induced wolf out?" Rae repeated. "Rosalita was trying to make you lose control again."

"Yeah, and she kinda did make you lash out," Danny pointed out. "You were having a nightmare, and then you screamed, and a psychic wave hit me, and now I have art supplies where no man should." Rae looked at him in concern. Danny was just as concerned about her, walking closer. "What did you see? It was a psychic dream, right?"

Rae nodded slowly. "I saw Hellfire intertwined in darkness. It was like a cyclone, a tornado of some kind. I don't know. But it was intense and wild, and... If it's a psychic dream like we think it is, we need to talk to Tory and Lyla."

Danny nodded in agreement, concern.



Emma was walking down the hallway. She had to pause when she heard whisperings of a spell inside her mind. She knew what that was from this time, shaking her head worriedly. "No, no, no." She walked down the hallway, looking around. Lindsey and Ryan were trying to deal with school stuff. Emma walked up to them quickly. "Mom? Dad?"

"Emma," Ryan told her, concerned by the look of her. "Hey. Are you okay?"

"Um, not really," Emma answered. "Can we talk?"

"Sure, of course," Lindsey answered.

"Is Danny with you?" Ryan asked.

"No, but I think..." Emma trailed off. "No, I know... that Rosalita's trying to get to me again."

Lindsey frowned worriedly in concern. "Do you hear..."

"A spell being whispered into my head?" Emma asked. "Like the last time with the death spells? Yeah, loud and clear. And it's stronger this time, Mom. I don't know what she wants me to do this time, but..."

Lindsey and Ryan both took one of Emma's hands to calm her down.

"Emma," Lindsey soothed. "Breathe." Emma took a deep breath, nodding, sighing. "You did the right thing coming to talk to us about it right away. And we'll help you, any way that we can. You and Danny and anyone else. Ryan, Tory, Luke and Lyla can help."

Emma nodded in relief, sighing. "I just... the last time this happened, I tried to kill Owen and Landon. And I don't want anything like this to happen again."

"We know," Ryan told her in concern. "We know. We can talk to Tory, Luke and Lyla. See what we can do, okay?"

Emma nodded.


Tory/Luke's Office

Tory and Luke were sitting at their desks, with Lyla in the room.

"Mom, Dad, I am telling you, this dream I had, it was so freaky," Lyla told them. "I saw Hellfire and darkness, and it was circling around each other and it was so huge."

Tory frowned in concerned. "I saw the same thing. It looked like Hellfire and black magic, rotating like a cyclone."

Luke nodded cautiously. "Okay, that's concerning. Every time that you two have a psychic dream about the same thing, Rae has one too, and things tend to go bad."

"Are things gonna go bad?" Lyla asked.

Tory sighed. "I don't know. I mean, Emma was hearing a spell being whispered into her head again. Something to do with black magic, I'm sure of it. That's why Lindsey and Ryan are with her, trying to help her. And Danny... I don't know."

Danny walked into the room. "Hey, Aunt Tory, Uncle Luke?"

"Speak of the boyfriend of the devil that is holding the real She-Devil hostage," Lyla commented.

"Hi to you too, Lyla," Danny told her sarcastically. "I couldn't find Mom, Dad or Emma, so can we talk?"

"Of course," Luke answered. "What's up, Danny? Emma's with Lindsey and Ryan. She said that she was hearing a voice whispering in her head about a spell, like before. We think that Rosalita's trying to get Emma more into dark magic."

"Yeah, well, that makes sense, since I was just seeing random visions of people I love dying and me losing control, and I nearly wolfed out in Rae and Hope's dorm room," Danny admitted.

Lyla, Tory and Luke looked at him in concern.

"Are you okay, Danny?" Lyla asked. "I mean, Uncle Ryan and Aunt Lindsey are trying to make sure that Emma is, but..."

Danny shrugged. "I don't know, Lyla. All I know right now is that after I managed to get myself back into control, Rae woke up from a psychic dream. She saw..."

Tory and Lyla nodded, rolling their eyes, speaking at the same time as Danny. "Hellfire and darkness."

Danny looked at them cautiously. "Yeah. So I take it as a sign that you guys saw it."

"Yeah, they did," Luke answered. "So like we expected. Tory, Lyla and Rae all saw the same thing. Emma's hearing black magic whispering in her head again from Rosalita. Danny's having visions trying to make you lose control. Rae's probably gonna be losing control soon too. Ariara and Rafael are recovering from their psychosis, thanks to Kacie, Mikayla and Eliza coming back."

"Aunt Kacie, Aunt Mikayla and Eliza are already back?" Danny asked.

"Yeah, they just got in," Tory answered. "Kacie and Mikayla are up with Ariara. Eliza's with Madison."

"Aunt Kacie and Aunt Mikayla are trying to help Ariara the first chance they get," Lyla explained. "Eliza's gonna help Rafael for Emma and Madison. Is Rae okay?"

"For now," Danny answered.

Luke sighed. "All of this happening at the same time, it can't be a coincidence."

"It's not," Tory agreed. "But we can deal with it. I promise."



Kaylin, Hope and Rae were in workout gear to train, using half staffs again. 

Nicola was training with Owen, both in work out gear as well.

Landon was watching.

Madison led Eliza inside. "And here they are."

Eliza smirked. "Hey, Kaylin, Nicola. Rae. Hope."

Hope sighed in relief to see her, walking closer. "Aunt Eliza."

Hope and Rae embraced with Eliza. Eliza pulled Madison in with her other arm.

"Hey, Eliza," Kaylin told her.

"Hey," Eliza greeted.

"Thank God you, Kacie and Mikayla are here, Eliza," Nicola told her.

Eliza tilted her head. "Well, it's good to be needed. Even though I am pretty much needed everywhere lately."

Owen chuckled. "Uh, Mrs. Forbes-Mikaelson, happy to see you again. We met once two years ago. With Elijah, Kassandra, Kol, Kacie, Mikayla, Klaus, Kaylin and Nicola."

"Yes, I know," Eliza agreed. "And I sent my ex boyfriend to find you, Landon and Rafael to bring you back to school and warned you not to hurt Madison again, since she clearly fell for you."

Madison blushed a bit in embarrassment. "Mom!"

The others chuckled.

Owen smiled. "Right. Well, I, uh, fell for her too, no pun intended."

Madison smiled.

"Call me Eliza, Owen," Eliza told him. "Not Mrs. Forbes-Mikaelson."

Owen chuckled. "Got it. Eliza, then."

Eliza looked at Owen and Landon. "So a Guardian and Phoenix, huh?"

"Yeah, according to Ariara and her Nata kingdom legends," Landon answered. "And obviously we're dying to know more." He looked at Hope and Madison nervously. "Uh, pard--pardon the pun." Hope and Madison exchanged a look. "But there's just a lot of other things going on with everyone else. Like Ariara and Rafael, their shifting stuff, uh, Rae, Emma, Danny with their Rosalita stuff, and Tory and Lyla with psychic stuff too."

"Right," Nicola agreed. "And I'm trying to help MG with the Ripper stuff again. And Owen, Landon, I am so sorry that I couldn't be there for when he... you know... killed you, or had Ariara lash out and kill Owen."

"Nicola, that's not your fault," Landon told her. "We get it."

"And I'm honestly just glad to know what we are, and that we belong at this school," Owen admitted.

"Good," Kaylin told them. "Apparently Emma's hearing spells being whispered into her mind again." Owen and Landon looked nervous by that. "And no, Owen, Landon, she's not set to kill the two of you this time." They relaxed. "But Rosa's clearly upping her game from locked inside Rae, because Tory, Lyla and Rae all had psychic visions of Hellfire and darkness, Danny had a vision that nearly made him wolf out this morning. Ariara and Rafael are needing help from Kacie, Mikayla and Eliza..."

"So just add it to the growing problems that we all have to deal with," Hope told them sarcastically.

Kaylin looked at Rae. "Danny told me about your little incident. Psychic blasting him across the room."

Rae sighed, tilting her head. "Isn't boyfriend confidentiality a thing?"

"Not when it comes to your mother needing to know things that might set you off because of Rosalita inside you," Kaylin answered.

"How about you guys worry about Ariara, Rafael, Emma and Danny?" Rae asked. "They're going through a hell of a lot more than I am right now, pun intended. And Tory, Lyla and I may have all seen the same dream, but..."

"But what?" Hope asked. "You gonna tell us not to worry about it? That's not gonna work."

"You definitely seem tense, Rae," Madison told her. "You're stressed, you're manifesting anxiety."

"I think all of us are considering everything that happened recently," Nicola pointed out. "Lindsey, Tory, Luke and Ryan are dealing with Emma, Danny and Lyla. Kacie, Mikayla and Eliza came back to help Ariara and Rafael. As usual, Kaylin, Hope, Madison and I will deal with Rae. Though it normally takes all of us for an episode concerning Rosalita and Hellfire."

"Well, it's a good thing that Kacie, Mikayla and I did come back, huh?" Eliza asked.

"Yes," Madison answered. "Mom, thank you."

"Yeah," Owen agreed. "Rae, are you--"

Rae held her head for a moment, getting overwhelmed from Rosalita and everyone's concern. "I said I'm fine!"

Psychic energy was released from Rae's mouth, throwing Kaylin, Nicola, Eliza, Hope, Madison, Owen and Landon to the floor, causing everyone, including Rae, to be in shock.

"This is what she considers to be 'fine'?" Landon asked skeptically.

Hope tilted her head, shrugging. "It's nothing compared to some of her episodes, trust me."

Rae cringed in guilt, apologetic. "I'm sorry."

Kaylin, Nicola, Eliza, Hope, Madison, Owen and Landon stood, groaning.

Kaylin walked toward her daughter, taking both her hands in hers to calm her down. "Rae. Breathe. It's okay. Everything's gonna be okay."

Rae breathed deeply, nodding, trying to convince herself and them. "Yeah. Fine. Okay, I--I could stand to blow off some steam. I'm gonna... go to the woods, shoot Hellfire if I have to."

"What's happening to us?" Owen asked. "All of us?"

"I don't know," Nicola told them grimly. "But it can't be good."

They all exchanged a nervous look.



Eliza and Madison were walking down the hallway together.

Eliza looked at her in concern. "Are you sure that you're okay?"

"Why are you worried about me?" Madison asked. "I mean, with everything going on with Tory, Lyla, Rae, Emma, Danny, Ariara and Rafael, I'm the last person that you should be worried about."

"Not true, because you're still my daughter, even if it's by adoption," Eliza told her. "And you're always gonna be a first priority, even though I am worried about everyone else too. Kacie and Mikayla are starting Ariara on her treatments as we speak, again, and I'm gonna step in to help when they need me. Right now, I'm trying to find a way to alter the treatment to fit the needs of a wolf like Rafael, but I'm gonna do it. And yes, I am worried about the visions Tory, Lyla and Rae saw. And I am worried about what Rosalita is doing to Rae, Emma and Danny. But I am also worried about you and Hope."

"Why?" Madison asked.

"Why?" Eliza asked skeptically. She nodded sarcastically. "Maybe because you two saw Owen and Landon dead, and with our family history of Frankenstein bad luck... maybe that has something to do with it."

Madison took a deep breath. "It shook me up a lot. It did. But I'm okay. Or at least as okay as I can be. And so is Hope. Owen and Landon are okay. We saw them come back to life, and Ariara figured out what they are. We're... fine compared to everyone else."

Eliza turned to face her. "Madison. It is okay not to be fine. I admit, that the others are going through a lot, a hell of a lot, literally, but so are you and Hope. And I just want to make sure that all of you kids are okay."

Lizzie and Josie walked closer, excited to see their step aunt. "Aunt Eliza!"

Eliza smiled. "Speaking of two girls that I wanted to make sure that were okay." Lizzie and Josie walked closer so that they could embrace with Eliza. Madison smiled slightly at this. "Hey, Josie. Lizzie."

"Oh, thank God that you came," Josie told her. 

"Aunt Eliza, we need you," Lizzie told her.

"Well, I'm here," Eliza told them. "For all of you. What do you need?"

"They won't unload the trucks without a signature from someone that works at the school," Lizzie explained. "And Lindsey, Ryan, Tory and Luke are busy with Emma, Danny and Lyla, and Kaylin and Nicola are busy with Hope, Rae, Owen and Landon. But you, Kacie and Mikayla also work for the school as recruiters, remember? That's how Kacie and Mikayla found Ariara in the Nata kingdom, because they were recruiting for the school, and they're busy right now giving Ariara new treatments." Josie looked worried. Madison looked at Josie knowingly. "And so that just leaves you."

"Leaves me for what?" Eliza asked.

Josie handed Eliza a clipboard. "For this. Kaylin, Nicola, Lindsey, Tory, Luke, Ryan, Kacie and Mikayla might not be able to help because they're helping Hope, Rae, Owen, Landon, Emma, Danny, Lyla and Ariara, but we were wishing that you could sign."

Eliza frowned, reading from the clipboard. "Tables, chairs, flowers and a... helium tank? What's all this for?"

Lizzie and Josie gave Eliza and Madison a look, waiting for them to get it. Eliza and Madison realized at the same time, exchanging a look of surprise. Lizzie and Josie nodded in confirmation.


Grand Hall

Lindsey and Ryan had called the students together for an announcement. Tory, Luke, Kaylin, Nicola, Eliza, Kacie and Mikayla were standing in the back of the room.

"We have some news," Lindsey told them. "Many of you, like us, have forgotten that we are hosting this year's Miss Mystic Falls pageant." Students were muttering to themselves, groaning. "Trust me, I know. But the rotation is set in stone. So let's take the opportunity to maintain our image as a normal school for the rich and amazing."

"As usual, anything remotely magical, enchanted, vampire, wolf or witch-related, or Other related, must be kept tucked away, hidden, and under lock and key," Ryan explained. MG was sitting at the back, looking toward Owen, Landon, Rafael and Ariara in guilt for what he had done to them. Ariara felt that she was being watched, turning her head to see MG looking. MG looked away guiltily, unable to meet her eyes after he had been the reason that she had lost control and killed Owen so that she couldn't stop him from killing Landon. Ariara looked hurt but not hateful, turning her head away. "Now, with your chore assignments. Okay, so we'll split into teams."


Common Room

Rae, Kaylin, Eliza and Madison were standing together, helping clear everything magical away.

Eliza sighed. "Miss Mystic Falls. Makes you reminiscent, Kaylin?"

"Why would it?" Rae asked.

"Well, because in 1864, when I was human, I was supposed to enter the pageant, the first year," Kaylin answered. "Cristian was going to be my escort."

"Whoa, seriously?" Madison asked.

Lizzie and Josie were cleaning up things behind them, listening, chuckling.

"Yeah," Kaylin answered. "My father's idea. He was an abusive dick, but since I looked like my grandmother, he wanted me to act like her, so he signed me up and said that I didn't have a choice. But then everything about vampires was revealed, Stefan, Damon and I were turned, killed by our father, by the way, and Cristian was thrown into the tomb for 145 years, yada, yada, yada."

"So you didn't get the chance to be in the pageant," Rae finished.

"Yeah," Kaylin answered.

"I was supposed to be in the pageant the same year that Caroline won," Eliza added. "Alex and Elena were in the pageant that year too. Kacie was announcing the names. It was soon after Cristian got out of the tomb and he met Liv, that's where they had their first official date, at the pageant."

"That's cool," Madison told them. "I know that one of my cousins from back when, who you and Kacie tried to help, Violet... before Alex killed her. She was Miss Mystic Falls. My mother was too."

"I know," Eliza agreed.

Lizzie and Josie walked closer.

"Aunt Eliza, you said that you were supposed to be in the pageant," Josie told her.

"Yeah," Eliza agreed. "Why?"

"Why weren't you in it?" Josie asked.

"Well, I was considering on dropping out, dead set on it, so that Caroline could win," Eliza answered. "I always sacrificed a lot to make sure that my sister got what she wanted. She just seemed to want everything a lot more than I did." Josie looked stunned by those words. "And then there's the whole thing with Stefan going off the rails and kidnapping me and nearly killing me that night, but..."

"Yikes," Lizzie said.

"Yeah," Kaylin agreed.

Josie pointed from Kaylin to Eliza. "So both of you, from Founding Families, Salvatore and Forbes, in different centuries, were supposed to be in the pageant but neither of you got the chance, because of drama and tragedy, besides Aunt Eliza trying to drop out for Mom the same year that Aunt Alex and Aunt Elena were in the running?"

"Yeah, sums it up," Kaylin answered.

"Was Aunt Liv ever in Miss Mystic?" Lizzie asked.

"Liv?" Kaylin repeated, as both Kaylin and Eliza laughed in amusement at that thought. "No, Liv joked about running once with Cristian, but she never really did, though she did have the dance at the last pageant we all went to. We all did the dance, actually. Me, Stefan/Alex, Damon/Kacie, Liv/Cristian, Tory/Luke, Lindsey/Ryan, Eliza, even Nikki. But Liv didn't really care about the pageant stuff, though she loved to dance."

"Yeah, Liv and Kaylin were always dancing," Eliza agreed.

"But Tory was in Miss Mystic, the first year that she came back to town," Kaylin explained. "With Luke as her escort."

"Tory and Luke did?" Madison asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, because of Eliza," Kaylin answered.

Eliza smirked. "She means that I basically blackmailed Luke into being an escort and forced Tory into the pageant, back when I was still human."

They all smiled, laughing.

"And Madison's real mother and a lot of her Fell family, another Founding Family, were in the pageant and have won," Josie added. "And now she's also a Mikaelson by adoption, and Rae is by marriage, and that family lived here a thousand years ago."

"Yep," Rae agreed. 

"Looks like," Madison agreed.

Lizzie chuckled. "Cool. Just so you know, Aunt Eliza? Josie and I are in the pageant, taking after you and Mom, Aunt Alex and Aunt Elena. Even if Aunt Liv wasn't in the pageant, she did joke about it with Uncle Cristian, apparently, and she did do the dance. Though I still can't believe Tory and Luke were apart of it once too. So it's taking after a lot of you."

Josie nodded in agreement.

Eliza looked at Josie knowingly, having seen her reactions to the way she had described how she had wanted to drop out for her sister in the past. "I see. In more ways than one."

Josie looked up. 

Lizzie looked at her phone. "Oh, Aunt Liv is supposed to call to verify if she and Uncle Cris, Isaiah, Isaac and Anna can come to the pageant. I should go call her."

"Go ahead," Josie told her. "We've got more cleaning stuff to do."

"Right," Lizzie agreed.

They all walked away to continue cleaning.



Lizzie walked down the hallway, on the phone. "Aunt Liv? Hey, are you and Uncle Cristian still coming?"

On the other line, Liv and Cristian were dealing with the sick Isaiah, Isaac and Anna in their own home.

Liv held the phone. "Lizzie, hey, sorry. Just got Isaiah, Isaac and Anna to sleep."

"What's going on?" Lizzie asked.

"The triplets got sick," Cristian answered. "We can't make it tonight."

Lizzie tilted her head back in complaint. "Really? You guys promised."

"I know, and I really wanna be there for you and Josie, but the kids are just too sick," Liv told her. "I'm so sorry."

Lizzie sighed. "No, it's fine. I get it. Disappointed, but it's not your fault. Tell Isaiah, Isaac and Anna that I said to get better soon."

Cristian chuckled. "We will, once they wake up. They're down for the count."

Lyla ran by to help clean the school up. "Hey, Lizzie."

"Hey, Lyla," Lizzie replied.

"Who you talking to?" Lyla asked.

"Aunt Liv and Uncle Cristian," Lizzie answered.

Lyla turned to face her in excitement. "Oh, are they coming to the pageant? I would really love to see Anna, Isaac and Isaiah. It's so boring without more friends my age. Pedro's awesome, but he's basically the only friend my age that I got."

Liv and Cristian heard her. "Hey, Lyla."

Lyla smiled. "Hey, Liv. Hey, Cristian. Are you guys coming?"

"No, we can't come," Cristian answered.

Lyla pouted. "Aw, why?"

Lizzie chuckled. "That was my reaction."

"Isaac, Isaiah and Anna got really sick," Cristian answered. "We gotta stay home and take care of them."

"I'm really sorry, Lyla," Liv told her.

Lyla pouted, sighing. "It's fine. There's a lot of stuff going on around here anyway. Wish to see you guys soon though."

"Us too," Cristian told them. "Bye, girls."

"Bye, Aunt Liv," Lizzie told her. "Bye, Uncle Cristian." They hung up. Lizzie knelt in front of Lyla. "Don't pout, Lyla. I'll give you something to do. How would you like to be my second in command in this little pageant adventure?"

Lyla smiled. "I get to boss people around without mind control?"

"Well, mind control would be helpful, but don't worry," Lizzie told her. "They'll listen to you either way. Everyone just loves you too much, Little Lyla. Come on."

Lyla smiled. "Okay."

Lizzie stood, smirking, offering a hand to Lyla. Lyla took it, as they walked off.


Danny/Rafael's Room

Danny and Rafael were sitting on their beds.

"How you doing?" Danny asked. "Aunt Kacie, Aunt Mikayla and Eliza help you out?"

"Yeah, a little," Rafael answered. "They're trying to find a way to fit the treatment for Ariara to the needs of a wolf, and it's harder than they expected."

Danny nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I figured that."

"You?" Rafael asked. "I heard about the visions and wolfing out, Danny."

Danny shrugged. "It's hard, yeah. But not nearly as hard as what you got right now, Raf. Or Ariara, Rae and Emma. Aunt Tory, Uncle Luke and Lyla are worried about everything and the psychic dreams, so..."

"Yeah," Rafael agreed. "Everything's so intense lately. Ever since..."

"Yeah," Danny agreed.

Rafael looked concerned. "How is Emma?"

Danny looked at him knowingly. "Yeah, dude, not gonna talk to you about my sister when you're clearly crushing on her. And she clearly feels the same about you, the way she was with you when everything was going down. Emma doesn't show that much caring for just anyone." Rafael didn't know what to say to that. Emma knocked on the open door. Danny gestured to her. "Why ask me when you can ask her?"

"Shut up, Danny," Emma replied. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm dealing," Danny answered. "You?"

"Same," Emma answered.

Danny nodded, standing, looking between Emma and Rafael awkwardly. "Right. Well, I'm gonna go help with cleaning out the school, so... see you."

"Later, Danny," Rafael told him.

Danny walked by Emma, patting her on the shoulder sympathetically, both twins worried about each other, nodding to each other, as Danny left the room.

(Song:) The Other Side - Ruelle

Emma walked closer to Rafael. "I heard that Aunt Kacie, Aunt Mikayla and Eliza were helping you. Trying to adjust Ariara's treatment to fit your needs, too."

"Yeah," Rafael agreed. "It's not easy so far, but... it's something."

"Right," Emma agreed, clearing her throat. "Um... I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. Raf, I was so... worried about you, and Ariara, and now..."

"Now you've got to worry about yourself, Danny, Rae, more about Ariara," Rafael finished. "And the visions that Tory, Lyla and Rae were seeing."

"Yeah," Emma agreed. "And you've got to focus on getting yourself better... after what happened with MG, Ariara, Owen and Landon."

Rafael nodded. "I know. And I didn't know what to say before. That's why I was..."

"Avoiding me?" Emma suggested.

"Trying to think of what to say when I saw you," Rafael answered. Emma nodded knowingly, looking down. "Emma..."

"Rafael..." Emma trailed off. "I know that whatever we have going on right now... we have to stop. Press pause or whatever. At least for now. Until we can make sure that you get better again. And until I make sure that Rosalita's not gonna overwhelm me with mind control and black magic again. I don't want her to have control like that over me again."

Rafael nodded in agreement. "I know. And we just got to this point, Emma. I don't want it to end. But..."

"But it has to," Emma finished. "Until we both are sure that we can trust ourselves. And be better than what we are now."

They both looked emotional yet both trying not to feel.

"So..." Rafael trailed off. "We're agreed. We can't go on like this. Not until everything settles down, and I get better again. And you're sure that she doesn't have control over you."

"Right," Emma agreed. "Yeah. As long... as we're clear. Until this is over... we are."

Rafael nodded, eyes glazed over. Emma looked away with eyes glassed over, biting her lip lightly. Neither of them knew what to say at the moment anymore, since they had said what they needed to say for now. Emma turned around slowly, walking out of the room. Rafael watched her go sadly, turning away in frustration, lashing out by punching a wall. He gazed off, his mind not all collected since the treatments on him had just started, and they had been altered to fit his needs, which was not an exact science.



Emma walked down the hallway, breathing heavily, freaking out more than she had wanted everyone to believe, leaning against the wall, tears in her eyes. She was upset about having to end things with Rafael for the moment until they both knew that they were in a decent shape to be in a relationship, and she was overwhelmed with the voice of Rosalita whispering the spell in her mind. She felt the mind control even from the distance away, fighting against it, grabbing her head, hitting it against the wall in frustration as she was trying to shut out Rosalita's voice. Her eyes briefly went black as the mind control was fighting to have a tighter hold on her. Her magic lashed out and destroyed a table nearby, making it explode into a shower of wood. Emma took a deep breath to calm herself down, closing her eyes, and then reopening them. Her eyes were back to normal. She had no clue that they had been black just a moment before.


Lounge Area

Ariara was sitting, focusing, closing her eyes, sighing.

Josie was walking by, seeing Ariara, looking at her in concern, walking closer. "Ariara, hey."

Ariara looked up to see her, managing a small smile. "Josette. A face I'm happy to see."

Josie chuckled. "You always go back and forth by calling me my full name or nickname."

Ariara shrugged. "I told you before, nicknames weren't a real big thing in my kingdom, but I like either of your names, so..."

Josie smiled. "Yeah. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay, and say that I am so sorry about what happened. I know that MG was your friend, and..."

Ariara looked down. "Yeah. Well, things are complicated now."

"I know," Josie agreed sadly. "Where are Kacie and Mikayla? I thought they were helping you with your treatments again."

"They are," Ariara answered. "They just went to go help Rafael too. They and Eliza are trying to figure out how to adapt the treatment to help a werewolf as well. The thing is, I don't always need them by my side when doing the treatment, which is why it was okay for them to leave a little while ago. And they came back to help me again, but they don't always have to be here to hold my hand through it."

Josie nodded sadly in understanding. "Still. I'm sorry. If you need any help, let me know."

Ariara chuckled lightly, nodding. "Thank you, Josie."

Josie looked nervous, not wanting to push right now, but wanting to make sure. "Have you talked much to Hope and Rae about the trip that we went on with Lizzie, Madison, Kaylin, Nicola and my father when we went after the mummy? When Tory, Luke, Lindsey, Ryan, Emma, Danny and Lyla were helping Kaleb, and you, Owen, Landon, Rafael and MG... The entire Davis-Thompson, Salvatore-Fell-Forbes-Mikaelson thing, Lockwood-Labonair things lately..."

Ariara shook her head. "I haven't talked much with anyone about anything since what happened. I was too worried about what would happen if I lost control."

"Right," Josie said softly in understanding. "Okay, then, never mind."

Josie stood, turning to leave.

"Why?" Ariara asked.

Josie stopped, turning to look at her. "No, really, it's nothing. You've got enough on your plate, Ariara."

Ariara gave her a look, tilting her head. "Josie. Seriously. What happened... happened. I don't need anyone treating me like I'm glass ready to break."

Josie nodded slowly in understanding. "I know. I don't mean to..."

"I know you don't mean to," Ariara told her. "So whatever you wanted to say, just say it."

Josie sighed nervously, sitting down across from Ariara, nodding. "Okay. Um... when we were on the road trip, Lizzie kept bringing up the fire that happened in your and Emma's dorm room two years ago. About a month after Kacie and Mikayla brought you to school, when Hope, Emma, Danny and Rae were in the room with you."

"The fire that wiped out half of my stuff and some of Emma's?" Ariara asked.

"Yeah," Josie answered sadly, guiltily. "Lizzie was blaming the fire on you, Hope, Rae, Emma and Danny, thinking that it was your way of stopping Madison from going on a spring break with us, but that's not how it happened. And, um... Lizzie explained why she hated you guys so much, other than thinking that you were taking Madison away from me and her. It's because she thought that you, Hope, Rae, Emma and Danny were telling the school about her bipolar disorder."

"But we weren't," Ariara told her in confusion. "We wouldn't do that."

"I know," Josie told her in guilt. "I told Lizzie that because... I didn't want her to know that I had a crush on you. She had already suspected it, and the lie just slipped out." Ariara looked at her in surprise, not knowing how to react to that. "And the fire... that was because of me. I had slipped a note under the door to your and Emma's room. And I regretted it, but I couldn't get into the room because I heard you inside with Emma, Danny, Hope and Rae. So I did a fire spell under the door. I didn't mean to start a huge fire. I just tried to burn the note."

Ariara processed all of this. "You lied to Lizzie about Hope, Rae, Emma, Danny and I spreading rumors about her... just because you didn't want her to know you had a crush on me?"

Josie nodded guiltily. "It's just that... every time I liked someone, if it was a boy, she would go after them romantically and take them. And if it was a girl, she would befriend that person and I still wouldn't be able to be with that person. And I didn't want to lose you as a friend. But I couldn't be with you... because of this."

Ariara chuckled darkly, shaking her head. "This is what Penelope meant, isn't it? All the times that she was mocking me about you and Lizzie."

"Yes," Josie answered sadly. "I don't know how she found out, but..."

Ariara shook her head. "Doesn't matter how she found out, Josie. I don't care about how she did. And under different circumstances, I would probably be thrilled to hear that you had a crush on me, back then, or now, but... I know that you're not over Penelope, even though you want to hate her."

Josie shook her head. "Ariara, no..."

"It's okay," Ariara assured. "It's okay that you're not over her. Because right now, I am in no shape to be with anyone." Josie nodded in understanding. "I need to focus on making sure that I get better again. Be in control again. I can't..."

"Is this more of you punishing yourself for Kiesha'ra?" Josie asked.

"No," Ariara said. "I don't know. Maybe. But whether it is or not, the fact remains. I need to focus on bettering me before I can pursue any kind of relationship. And by the time I'm better, you may be with Penelope, or you may be with someone else, but... I need to focus on me."

Josie nodded. "I understand. I'm sorry, Ariara. For everything."

Ariara managed a soft smile. "I know. It's okay."

Josie took a deep breath, nodding. She stood, starting to walk away, looking back at Ariara. Ariara nodded, walking away in the other direction.

(Song Ends)



Hope was in the library, cleaning.

Landon brought over two cages for two rats. "Hey, Hope. You have any idea where these guys go?"

"Yeah, anywhere but with the birds," Hope answered. "The ravens and the finches are fine, but the rats drive the owls crazy."

"So I've been thinking about why you've been acting so weird," Landon told her.

"Suddenly everyone's got a psychology degree around here?" Hope asked.

Landon walked closer. "No, I just--I just think you have cold feet."

"About what?" Hope asked.

"Us," Landon answered. "You know, we're good. We're finally in a solid relationship based on honesty and openness, and... I'm indestructible. You're relatively indestructible. We finally have a long, clear road ahead of us, you know, with no obstacles." Roman Sienna walked into the library. Hope looked at him in shock. Landon turned to follow her gaze. Roman waved. Landon looked at Hope. "Who is that?"

"Um, that is Roman," Hope answered. "My ex-boyfriend."

Landon looked away awkwardly. "Oh."



Tory, Luke, Lindsey and Ryan were outside, trying to maintain everything.

Veronica walked up to them.

Tory was surprised to see her. "Veronica. I didn't expect we'd see you again so soon."

"Well, I'm here to discuss my son," Veronica told them.

Luke nodded. "Oh, great."

"Uh, well, uh, as we told you when we called, we have a good handle on MG's therapy," Ryan told her. "Lindsey's an excellent counselor, and Nicola is someone that can relate to MG's needs and knows how to help him, when he allows her to."

"He killed a fellow classmate, and had his own friend lose control and kill that classmate's brother," Veronica told them.

Lindsey looked around to make sure no one was listening. "Who, thankfully, resurrected, and harbors no ill will."

"When you recruited Milton, you didn't mention anything about monsters, much less him having a Phoenix and a Guardian as classmates," Veronica told them.

"It's, uh, a recent development," Tory admitted. "But I assure you, we remain committed to MG's care."

"He's a good kid with a big heart," Luke told her. 

"I know this," Veronica told them. "I raised him. But when he left my home, he was not a murderer."


Inside - Library

Roman was talking with Hope and Landon. "Kaylin, Nicola, Tory, Lindsey, Luke and Ryan have been a little overwhelmed, so, uh, I've been doing a little... recruiting recon for them lately. But with everything going on with Ariara, Rae, Emma, Danny and Lyla, they asked me to come in today and lend a hand with the pageant. Since even Kacie and Mikayla and Eliza came back to help with Ariara, that wolf Rafael, and for Madison."

Roman looked at Landon, who was behind Hope.

Hope turned to look at her boyfriend. "Oh, uh, this is Landon."

Landon turned his head to look at Roman, arms crossed over his chest, trying to be cool and intimidating. "Her boyfriend. And a Phoenix, by the way. Which is... so cool."

Hope smirked thinly.

Roman nodded. "I better go find Lindsey, Ryan, Tory and Luke."

Roman walked away.

Hope turned to look at Landon. "That was a little alpha male of you."

Landon sighed. "Is that the 90 year old vampire ex you may have mentioned helped kidnap you, Tory, Luke, Kacie, Mikayla, Emma and Danny and murder your mom?"

"It is," Hope answered. "Though he was under brainwashing of his mother and mind control of Rosalita and Maia, so we don't hold him responsible for what happened anymore."

Landon didn't know what to say to that, nodding. "I'm gonna go hide more rats."

Landon walked away.

Hope sighed in frustration, overwhelmed, putting a hand to her head. She considered what to do for a moment, walking toward the door.

Nicola walked in, looking around, seeing her. "Hey, Hope."

"Aunt Nikki," Hope greeted. "You just get done with MG?"

"Yeah, for now," Nicola answered. "Things are a lot tense around here."

"Yeah, no kidding," Hope agreed. "Um, Roman is here." Nicola nodded in understanding. "And everything with Owen and Landon... Rae, Emma, Danny, Ariara and Rafael, and Tory, Lyla and Rae's visions... it's got everyone so on edge."

"Yeah, it does," Nicola agreed. "Do you need to talk?"

"Yeah," Hope answered. "Yeah, but I know Kaylin's busy with Rae, and you're busy with the school stuff and MG, and..."

"Hope, you can still talk with us," Nicola assured.

"No, I know," Hope agreed. "It's just I don't want to burden you guys. I was actually wondering if I could use your phone. I wanna talk to Aunt Kassandra. She always kind of knew what to say to these things, and the whole Phoenix thing, Lucien always called them phoenixes, they both burned to ash, and they came alive again, and..."

Nicola nodded in understanding. "Sure. Of course."

Nicola took out her cellphone, handing it to Hope.

Hope took the phone, embracing Nicola thankfully. "Thank you, Aunt Nikki."

Nicola returned the embrace. "Anything I can do to help."

Hope managed a small smile, walking away.



Josie was helping with pageant prep.

Penelope walked closer. "Hey, how about we blow this popsicle stand and go to my room for a little binge watch and chill?"

"You and I only make out when magical slugs invade our brains," Josie told her.

"I actually want to talk to you about the letter I wrote," Penelope admitted. "Which I'm guessing you haven't read yet."

"Been dealing with family drama, friend endangerment and the pageant, Penelope," Josie told her.

Penelope nodded. "Yeah, I can see that. See, this is me offering you a viable option out. This pageant is misogynistic and archaic. Stop enabling it."

"I can't," Josie told her. "I'm a contestant."

Penelope made a face. "You know, I wish I was drinking something right now so I could do a spit take."

"You know my mom was Miss Mystic Falls?" Josie asked. "The same year she won, my Aunt Alex and Aunt Elena were in the pageant, and Aunt Eliza was supposed to be, but she dropped out for my mother to win, and something else happened. Aunt Liv was even joking about being apart of it. Lizzie's been dreaming of this day since she was little. Things have been rocky between us recently, so if me throwing a few events helps her win the title, I'm all for it."

"You agreed to help Lizzie win?" Penelope asked.

"I'm supporting my sister, like Aunt Eliza did for our mother when they were our age," Josie told her. "It's Lizzie's crown, and I'm fine with that."

Penelope nodded sarcastically. "So Eliza drops out for your mother and gets attacked by a vampire, and you decide to throw your pageant to let your sister win. You sure that's what you really want?"

Josie was confused as to how Penelope knew about the vampire part, but annoyed by Penelope pointing out the obvious, walking away.


Outside - Garden

Hope was on the phone, sighing. "So that's it."

On the other line, Kassandra was in a hotel room, sitting down on a window seat, leaning against the wall, tilting her head. "Your boyfriend is a bloody Phoenix, in actuality? And you saw him and his brother Owen, Madison's boyfriend, come back from the dead? And Ariara called Owen a Guardian?"

"Yeah," Hope answered.

"What the bloody hell is a Guardian?" Kassandra asked.

Hope laughed lightly at the classic reaction from Kassandra. "I'm not sure yet, Aunt Kassandra. Ariara hasn't been able to give a lot of answers yet after what happened to her."

"Of course not," Kassandra agreed, sighing, tilting her head back. "Poor Ariara. Forced to kill someone she cared about because of a friend. I know that feeling all too well. Blamed myself as hard as I bet Ariara is blaming herself right now."

"Yeah, well, maybe you could tell Ariara to stop blaming herself," Hope told her. "She's not listening to Aunt Kacie and Aunt Mikayla about not blaming herself."

Kassandra chuckled. "Maybe I will, if Ariara would give me a call like you did. It's no wonder why Kacie, Mikayla and Eliza had to leave me, Niklaus, Elijah, Lucien and Kol again, even when Rebekah came to help us. To help Kaylin, Nicola, Lindsey, Tory, Luke and Ryan, since they obviously have their hands full with you, Lyla, Rae, Madison, Emma, Danny, Ariara, Owen and Landon. And that boy that you said Emma had a crush on, Rafael."

"Yeah," Hope agreed. "Things around here are hectic, I'll tell you that."

"Sounds like it," Kassandra admitted. "From what you've told me so far, sounds like even when Rosalita is locked inside Rae, she's wreaking havoc on her, Emma and Danny. And Tory, Lyla and Rae's visions sound very troublesome indeed." Hope nodded. "Hope?"

"Yeah?" Hope asked.

"Why did you really call me, love?" Kassandra asked.

Hope hesitated, licking her lips. "I know that Lucien used to call the two of you phoenixes rising from the ashes, especially when both of you were burned to ash and came back as Enhanced Originals, even though you were both hexed and driven mad and..."

"Hope," Kassandra said gently.

Hope sighed, getting to the point. "You saw Lucien killed three times."

"Yes, I did," Kassandra agreed solemnly.

"How did you get over it each time?" Hope asked.

"Well, the first time, Lucien came back as a vampire, so it was fairly easy to get over, even though I didn't know that he would turn into a vampire, since he was the first one turned by an Original," Kassandra answered. "The second time, it was complicated because Lucien was hexed and he had kidnapped Freya and Auria and he turned into the beast and tried to kill so many more, because of Rosalita's mind control and the hex. The third time... it was hard because it was after I had died myself and came back as a beast as well, betrayed by my family. And I thought that the third time would be for good. And it was, until the Hollow came and used her power combined with Rae's to bring Lucien back. Each time was hard, Hope. And I had to deal. But there's no real answer to 'get over it'. You're asking because you can't get the image of seeing Landon dead out of your mind."

Hope nodded, sighing. "Yeah. Of course you knew that because you went through it three times yourself. I just wanted to know how you dealt with it."

"The first two times, I knew that he was still there, with me, even though the second time was a disaster because of the hex and Rosalita's mind control," Kassandra answered. "The third time was best because he was himself again. Lucien was Lucien again, and he was in control. He righted his wrongs when he was hexed by saving the ones he wronged, by taking in a part of the Hollow to save you, Rae, Emma and Danny when you were kids, so much more. No one can tell you how to deal with what you saw, Hope. Or Madison for seeing Owen that way too. But all you have to realize is that Owen and Landon are both still alive and they're still here. With you and Madison."

Hope managed a small smile, nodding, chuckling. "I knew I should've called you. Thank you, Aunt Kassandra."

Kassandra chuckled. "You're welcome, darling. This summer, we can all see each other, all right? Us as a family. Not just Mikaelson, Salvatore, Fell, Forbes, Lockwood, Labonair, Castle, either. But Davis-Thompsons as well, since little Nick is their blood as well, thanks to Ryan and Lindsey helping Freya and Keelin have him. Ariara's been part of the family for two years after Kacie and Mikayla saved her from the Nata kingdom downfall, so she's still sort of new. She can get used to being around us longer and better during the summer when we all have the chance to make her better again. And the Gerard/Dumaine/Rayvnne part of the Frankenstein Family misses all of you too, like the rest of us do. Marcel, Noah, Caitlin and Auria said that they would love to join us this summer, wherever we would be."

Hope smiled. "That sounds like fun. Only two missing are..."

"Hayley and Riley," Kassandra finished sadly. "I know. But they are still with us in spirit. I can sense the Greys in the air sometimes."

Hope managed a small smile. "Yeah. Me too. But it would be good to see Marcel, Noah, Caitlin and Auria soon though. Madison and I sent Owen and Landon to them to help them find their mother, but... that turned out bad. And I know that you, Dad, Uncle Elijah, Uncle Kol, Lucien and now apparently Aunt Rebekah are busy with helping Rae, Aunt Nicola, Emma, Danny, Ariara and yourself... the reason why Aunt Kacie, Aunt Eliza and Aunt Mikayla came back because they can help Ariara a lot sooner... coming back since Kaylin, Aunt Nikki, Tory, Lindsey, Luke and Ryan are spread so thin trying to help everyone here... so seeing everyone and having a big Frankenstein Family reunion summer vacation sounds pretty good right about now. It'll be fun to have a Salvatore-Mikaelson-Forbes-Fell, Lockwood-Labonair, Davis-Thompson, Nata, Castle, Gerard, Dumaine, Rayvnne summer. It'll be like old times. Without Mom and Riley, but like you said. They're with us in spirit. Grey air and all that."

Kassandra chuckled. "I'm glad to hear that our talk helped. I miss you all."

"We miss you too, Aunt Sandra," Hope told her. "We'll see you this summer."

"Looking forward to it," Kassandra told her.

Hope smiled. "Yeah, me too. Bye."

"Bye, darling," Kassandra told her.

They chuckled, hanging up.



Lyla, Lizzie, Rae and Madison were working on pageant prep. Ariara, Hope and Emma walked toward them.

 "Ariara, hey," Lizzie told her. "Surprised to see that you showed up for pageant prep. I mean, after..."

"Yes, I know," Ariara told her. "I'm out of control again, Lizzie, not broken. I need something to keep me busy."

Lyla handed a list to Ariara. "Right, well, I got something perfect to keep you busy, Ariara."

Ariara chuckled. "Thank you, Lyla, but what are you doing with pageant prep?"

"I appointed her my second in command," Lizzie answered. "Aunt Liv and Uncle Cristian couldn't make it with Isaiah, Isaac and Anna, and Lyla got really bummed, so I figured this could make up for it a little bit."

Madison smiled a bit at Lizzie. "That was nice of you."

"Yes, Maddie, I can have the tendency to be a little nice sometimes," Lizzie told her.

Emma nodded. "That's a first. Should put up more of an effort to getting along though. Ariara told me about what Josie did two years ago. The crush, the fire, the lies. Intense. Didn't think that she had that in her. Guess we all have a little darkness inside waiting to be tapped into."

"Morbid much?" Lyla asked. "Come on, Emma, I know the black magic mind control is trying to get a hold of you again, but you can fight it if you can keep busy. And Rae and Madison and Hope should stay busy too because of all things Rosalita, and Owen and Landon dying thing..."

"Yes, we get it, Lyla, thank you," Rae told her.

"She's right," Hope told them. "We need another task. Something more strenuous, if you have it."

"Does this have anything to do with the return of Roman Sienna?" Madison asked. "'Cause I can think of something real strenuous."

Hope tilted her head. "It's not about Roman."

"Whatever," Rae said. "I just need a release before I blow. With all these humans coming to campus, I can't just release Hellfire into the sky like I usually do."

"Okay, I'll make you guys a list," Lyla offered.

"You're pretty good at the second in command thing, Lyla," Emma told her.

Lizzie smirked. "Isn't she?"

Lyla smiled. "It's fun. It gives me something to do too."

Ariara chuckled. "I bet."

Lizzie looked toward the door, seeing two people walk in. "The judges are here. Excuse me." She walked up to two people, greeting the woman. "Mrs. Romson. It is such a pleasure to see you again. I have your tea waiting for you in the Great Room. Earl Grey, milk, two sugars." She shook the hand of the male judge. "Dr. Brandt. I was so sad to hear about Muffin. She was a fine dog."

A woman walked in. "Lizzie Saltzman? Vera Lilien."

Lizzie saw a pin for Dana on Vera's shirt, looking nervous, putting on a fake smile. "Dana's mom. Oh."

"My dearest Dana told me so much about you before she passed," Vera told her.

Lizzie smiled nervously. "All good things, I hope."

Vera chuckled sarcastically. "Not remotely."

Lizzie's smile faded.


Lindsey/Ryan's Office

Lizzie had gathered Rae, Hope, Emma, Madison, Lyla, Ariara and Josie in the room. "I am withdrawing from Miss Mystic Falls. Effective immediately."

Ariara sat down. "I thought you had something important to tell us."

Emma held out one hand mockingly. "Come for the underwhelming announcement." She held out the other hand mockingly. "Stay for the epic meltdown."

Josie looked at Lizzie. "Okay, wait, why are you quitting?"

"A personal issue with one of the judges," Lizzie answered. "A direct result of that bitch Dana's sabotage."

Hope gave her a look. "She's dead, Lizzie."

"Correction, that dead bitch Dana's sabotage," Lizzie told them. "Costing me the crown from beyond the grave."

Lyla made a 'burn' face, shaking her head. "Ooh."

Madison chuckled. "Lyla..."

Lyla shrugged. "Just saying."

Lizzie sat down. "The head judge is her mother." Josie sat down. "The town pharmacist. There is always next year for me. But that does not mean that we here at the Salvatore School shouldn't bring home the title and stick it to those townies. Ariara Nata is a real princess from a real kingdom that could really show them what real royalty is."

"I'm not doing it," Ariara told her. "I have to focus more on my treatments than some lame pageant."

"I figured that you would say that after what you went through because of MG," Lizzie told her. "I'm always up for some personal improvement too. So, Ariara, since you can't do it, someone else will have to. I have studied all of the stats and advanced metrics, and I have narrowed it down to two girls who could bring home the crown. Rae Salvatore-Mikaelson and Madison Fell-Mikaelson."

Rae and Madison both looked at Lizzie in surprise.

Ariara, Hope, Emma and Lyla looked at Rae and Madison.

Josie looked disappointed.

Rae raised her eyebrows. "Seriously?"

"No, it's perfect," Lizzie told them. "Kaylin and Aunt Eliza were telling us earlier about how they were supposed to be in pageants and never were able to, right? Kaylin was supposed to be in the very first one. Aunt Eliza, from another Founding Family like the Forbes, was supposed to be in the pageant the same year Mom was, but she dropped out for her, before she got attacked by Ripper Uncle Stefan. Rae, you are the poster child for this school, literally, it is your namesake, and you are a Founding Family. Madison was born of a Founding Family and adopted by another, and both of you are apart of the Mikaelsons, who originally lived here a thousand years ago. You have a chance to make up for the fact that Kaylin and Aunt Eliza were never in the pageants, and Madison, you said it yourself, so many other Fells were in the pageant and won Miss Mystic. And there's never been a Salvatore in the pageant, so it's breaking new ground even as a Founding Family. I'm betting if any of us can win, it's one of the two of you. Plus the Forbes side of the family for you, Maddie."

"I hate to say it, but she's right," Hope told them. "But don't do it because you know that one of you two are gonna win. If you're gonna do it, do it for Kaylin and Aunt Eliza. They wouldn't care either way, but if you got to do what they couldn't..."

"It's pretty poetic, even by my dark standards," Emma agreed.

Ariara shrugged. "We were all hoping for a distraction today, right? To keep us busy. Especially you, Rae. If you and Madison did it for Kaylin and Eliza, it would be poetic, and it would keep you busy and make sure that you couldn't lose control. And it could help Danny, distract him from his visions, keep him from wolfing out. Since he would obviously be your escort. This could help both of you."

"Maybe," Rae replied.

"Come on, Rae," Lyla pleased. "You could win. So could Madison. Plus, I'm pretty sure Danny and Owen would love to escort you two, right, Emma?"

Emma smirked. "Right."

Madison bit her lip, considering. "All right. I'll do it. Because Lizzie asked, and for Mom... both my moms, actually, since my real mother was Miss Mystic, and many other Fells, and Eliza never got the chance to be." She looked at Rae. "But you have to do it with me. I wanna keep you in control, Rae. Whatever we have to do to make sure you stay in control. And Danny. He needs the distraction too. From the visions, from wolfing out."

Rae sighed, looking at all of the expectant stares, giving in, a little frustrated but amused. "Fine. I'll do it. For Danny, and for Mom."

Lizzie, Hope and Lyla smiled. Emma and Ariara smirked. Josie looked a little happy for Madison, but jealous and wanting to win herself but not knowing how to say it.


Kaylin's Room

Rae and Madison had come to tell Kaylin and Eliza the news.

Kaylin raised her eyebrows in surprise. "You two are gonna be in the running for Miss Mystic?"

"Lizzie talked us into it, saying stuff about how we were the perfect candidates," Rae explained. "Hope, Emma, Lyla and Ariara helped her talk us into doing it for our families, mostly me for you, Mom. And Madison for Aunt Eliza, and the Fell side of her family, not just Forbes or Mikaelson. Madison also said that she would do it if I did it."

"Yeah, to keep you and Danny in control," Madison pointed out. "Kaylin, Mom, I know that you two don't care about this stuff anymore, after everything you two went through, and how dark you guys have gotten since that part of your lives, respectively, but..."

Eliza smirked. "Madison, it doesn't matter how dark Kaylin and I've gotten since the days that we were pageant hopefuls. Whether you're doing it for us or just to stay busy and in control and so on, not just Rae but Danny too... I'm happy for you."

Kaylin smiled. "So am I. I'm happy for you, Rae."

Rae and Madison smiled. Kaylin and Eliza exchanged a look, smiling. The four of them embraced.



MG was walking down the hallway.

A vampire passed MG by, mocking him. "'Sup, killer?"

MG came upon a girl named Nia. "Hi."

Nia turned to face him. "Hi."

MG gestured down the hallway. "Visiting contestants' changing rooms are down that way."

Nia smiled. "Okay, thanks."

MG gestured to Nia's Green Lantern pin on her jacket. "Do you like comics? The Green Lantern?"

Nia smiled. "He's only my favorite." They both chuckled. Nia offered her hand. "I'm Nia."

MG shook her hand. "MG. If you want, I could show you around the school. Yeah? Okay, solid." He led Nia along. "Uh, welcome to Salvatore School."



Lizzie led Madison and Rae into the room. "They call it rehearsal, but make no mistake. The competition starts now."

Lizzie and Josie shared a knowing look across the room.

Penelope walked up to Josie.

"What are you doing here?" Josie asked. "Isn't your presence alone a huge win for the patriarchy?"

Penelope shrugged. "Mm, not if I'm your escort."

"MG is my escort," Josie told her.

Penelope tilted her head. "Well, I might have convinced him to sit this one out."

"And why would you do that?" Josie asked.

"If you'd read the letter, you'd know," Penelope told her.

Vera cleared her throat to get attention of everyone in the room. "Tome for rehearsal."

(Song:) Just Dance - Vitamin String Quartet

The pageant hopefuls, including Rae, Madison and Josie, faced their escorts, Danny, Owen and Penelope.

"Honor your partner," Vera told them. They bowed to each other. "Right hand around. Flirt with your eyes." Rae/Danny, Madison/Owen and Josie/Penelope raised their right hands, circling around each other, doing as told with the flirting of the eyes. Owen was making faces to make Madison laugh. Madison smiled, lowering her head to hide a smile. Josie was annoyed with Penelope being there. "Left hand around." Rae/Danny, Madison/Owen and Josie/Penelope raised their left hands, circling around each other in the opposite direction. "Both hands."

Rae/Danny, Madison/Owen and Josie/Penelope raised both their hands, circling around each other.

Rae and Danny continued to practice.

"Are we really doing this?" Danny asked in amusement.

Rae shrugged. "Don't blame me, okay? Lizzie dragged me and Madison into it. Madison wouldn't say yes until I did. Lizzie, Hope, Ariara, Lyla and Emma think that we have the best chance of winning. Josie wasn't saying much. But, uh, they think it'll help distract me, keep me in control. Rosalita's getting stronger, and I need to focus on something else or I'm gonna lose control."

"I get it, Rae," Danny told her. "You don't have to explain yourself to me. And I wish they're right. Lizzie, Hope, Ariara, Lyla, Emma and Josie, I mean. That it can help you. I mean, that's why Madison dragged you into it, too. And it's why I'm here, to help you."

"And to distract yourself from the visions that Rosa keeps giving you, so you don't wolf out with all these humans around?" Rae asked.

"Yeah, that too," Danny answered. "We both needed the distraction, Rae. So let's just make the most out of this stupid pageant and wish it helps both of us. And you and Madison, if a part of you two are doing it for Kaylin, and Eliza, and other Fells... not just for the Salvatore-Mikaelson-Forbes side of the family... then all for it."

Rae smiled. "Thank you, Danny."

Rae suddenly looked out of it for a moment, blinking, tilting her head, trying to focus.

Danny looked at her in concern. "You okay?"

Rae snapped out of it, nodding. "Yeah. Let's just finish the dance."

Danny nodded in agreement.

Madison and Owen continued to practice the dance.

"I'm not surprised that the Fells were apart of this pageant, since they are a Founding Family," Owen admitted. "So I'm not surprised that your mother and how many cousins of yours have been in this pageant and won. And I know about Kaylin and Eliza's deal with the pageant. The Salvatore and Forbes that got close to being in the pageants their years, but couldn't be in them, let alone win. And when those families are intertwined with Mikaelsons, you and Rae have the biggest chance of winning out of anyone. Impressive, Madison."

Madison chuckled, a little nervous. "Yeah. Guess so. I mainly agreed to get Rae to agree, so that she and Danny both have something to distract them, to keep them in control so they don't lose it. Rae's about to burst, Owen. I know the signs. And Danny could wolf out again like he did this morning, but worse. And they can't do that with all these humans here."

"I know," Owen agreed. "So you said yes so that you could distract them and help them stay in control. Rae and Danny are lucky to have you, Madison."

Madison chuckled a bit. "Thanks. Honestly, Owen, I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to still have you. That you're a freaking Guardian, whatever that all means."

Owen chuckled. "Well, I'm sure that Ariara will be able to tell us more about Phoenixes and Guardians when she has a chance, after she gets used to the treatment that Kacie, Mikayla and Eliza are helping her with. I hope so, anyway."

Madison nodded in agreement. "Still. Thank you for agreeing to be my escort."

"Why wouldn't I?" Owen asked. "I know that seeing me dead scared the hell out of you. But know this. I'm not going anywhere, Madison."

Madison smiled as the two continued to dance.

Kaylin and Eliza walked into the room, watching Rae/Danny and Madison/Owen, smiling slightly.

Tory, Lindsey, Nicola, Kacie and Mikayla walked closer to watch.

"Kaylin, Eliza, seems like your girls are trying to do this for a lot of reasons, but mostly for the two of you," Tory told them. "You must be happy."

"I don't care about the pageant, Tory," Kaylin told her. "Just as long as Rae, Danny, Madison and Owen are happy and distracted from all the darkness lately."

"One good thing about the pageant, I guess," Lindsey admitted. "I'm glad it's distracting Danny. Wish it could distract Emma more."

"Rae, Danny, Owen and Madison seem happy though," Eliza told them. "For the moment. That's all that matters to me."

Mikayla chuckled. "I bet. Have you guys seen Ariara or Hope?"

"Hope?" Nicola repeated. "Ariara?They're busy setting up with Emma and Lyla."

"Good," Kacie told them. "As long as they all don't get sucked into darkness too much."

Penelope and Josie were practicing.

"This is the death of feminism," Penelope told her. "At least your other girlfriend Ariara's kingdom had a lot better dances than this, judging by her dance at the talent show. Natas knew how to throw down, apparently."

"Don't start about Ariara," Josie told her. "Not after everything she's gone through recently." She looked toward Lizzie. Lizzie nodded to Josie. "I'm gonna trip now."

"What?" Penelope asked.

Josie faked a trip. Penelope caught Josie before she fell, making it seem like she just lowered her into a dip, pulling her back up.

Vera saw them. "Ooh, very nice. But there's no touching during this part. It's all about the simple intimacy of the near touch."

Kacie, recognizing the line from what her mother had said during the times she coached pageants like this, scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Who does she think she is, my mother?"

Eliza chuckled. "Kacie."

"Seriously, Eliza," Kacie told her. "No one can pull off that line better than my mom."

Kaylin, Nicola, Lindsey, Tory and Mikayla chuckled as well.

Tory put an arm on Kacie's shoulders in a half embrace. "I'm glad you're here, Kacie."

Kacie leaned her head on Tory's head. "I'm glad to be here, Tory. Even given the circumstances."

"Me too," Mikayla agreed.

The practice continued.

Josie gave Penelope a glare. "Don't ruin this for me."

"For you or for Lizzie and Madison?" Penelope asked.

"For all of us," Josie answered. "There's a plan. That plan now involves helping Madison and Rae. I already told you I don't want to win."

"But did you mean it?" Penelope asked. Eliza was listening to them. "Or would following in your mother's footsteps be cooler than you could ever imagine? Would winning Miss Mystic Falls bring your family history full circle in a way that Lizzie... would never appreciate?"

"Why would you say that?" Josie asked. "It's not about my family history. Madison is part of that family history. And two others. A lot more Fells than Forbes have won the pageant, and Madison's mother won too. Her real mother. Aunt Eliza was supposed to be in the pageant and she wasn't. She gave that up to my mother. Winning could mean a lot more to Madison considering everything she's gone through lately. Seeing Owen dead, thinking that she lost him. If I could make Madison feel happy for even a moment, I'll do it. And if Rae wins, then at least it distracts her from Rosalita. And it keeps her in control. Danny, he's having issues too. All of us are. So helping them is a lot more important than winning."

(Song Ends)

Common Area

MG and Nia were walking together.

"Like there's a question?" Nia asked. "John Stewart is the best Green Lantern by a mile. Not even close."

"But that Hal Jordan story is for real, though," MG told her. "I mean, dude kills his friends and still redeems himself. If he can make good on that, then there's hope for all of us, right?"

MG was clearly thinking about what he did to Ariara, Owen, Landon and Rafael.

Nia looked impressed. "That's deep."

MG nodded, ashamed. "You kind of caught me at a deep moment."

Nia looked around. "So, this is the third time we've been through this room and you still haven't introduced me to anyone else around here, like your friends."

"But maybe later, I'll introduce you to..." MG trailed off, seeing Veronica walk in, surprised. "My mom?"

Veronica looked at Nia. "Young lady, do you have something else to do?"

"Yeah, I guess I do," Nia answered.

"I'm sorry," MG told her.

Nia left the room.

Veronica walked up to MG. "Milton, we have to talk."



(Song:) Pictures of You - Vitamin String Quartet

Josie was stretching.

Eliza walked up to her. "Hey, Josie."

"Aunt Eliza," Josie greeted. "Hi. Um... what are you doing over here?"

"I heard you talking to Penelope," Eliza answered. "There something you want to talk about?" Josie had a busted look. "Did Lizzie ask you to throw the pageant for Madison and Rae? Mostly Madison though?"

"No," Josie answered. "It was my idea. I just... I see how everyone's intense and hurting right now. Kaylin, Nicola, Lindsey, Tory, Luke and Ryan are spreading themselves so thin trying to take care of Rae, Hope, Emma, Danny, Madison, Lyla, Owen, Ariara and Landon, and Rafael after what happened. And I know that you, Kacie and Mikayla came back to help with that. Especially Ariara and Rafael. Rae and Danny are so close to losing control, and if this pageant keeps them distracted and focused, then we have to make sure it does because of all these people here, we can't risk exposure. And Madison... she just saw Owen dead. Both her families are former Miss Mystic Falls. And I know that you bowed out of your year because of Mom, so..."

"You thought it was best to throw the pageant for one of them to make it easier on everyone else," Eliza finished. "Josie, you really do remind me of me when I was your age. I was so focused on taking care of everyone else. Pretending that everything was fine. Delusionally happy is what everyone called me. I gave up a lot to Caroline to give her what she wanted. Because she wanted it a lot more than I did. Like you're doing for Lizzie. Because on some degree, Lizzie does want you to throw this pageant for Rae and Madison."

"We're just on the same page on what it means to everyone," Josie told her.

"Maybe," Eliza agreed. "But I know that you want to win, too."

"How?" Josie asked.

"Because I did, even when I dropped out," Eliza answered.

Josie looked surprised. "You did?"

"Yeah," Eliza answered. "To follow after familial footsteps. Because I worked hard for it. I would never ask you to throw a pageant like this. Never ask you to do the things I did to make a sister happy. And I thank you for what you're doing for Madison and Rae, but I'm gonna tell you something that a lot of people, including Kacie and Rebekah, used to tell me. It is okay to want something for yourself and to go after what you want. You don't have to keep putting yourself in the background, into the shadows. It took me too long to learn that lesson."

Josie considered this seriously. "Did you resent my mother? For her always getting what she wanted, for you giving her what you wanted?"

"I had... deeply buried anger at Caroline for her selfishness, for not realizing how much I needed her, especially when I was under the control of the Siren, without humanity," Eliza answered. "But I didn't resent her. Not when I was me. I made a lot of choices that led to that too. It's a two way street, Josie. You have to tell Lizzie what you want. Or it's gonna be a cycle. And I don't want the same thing to happen to you two. You can make it better now, for both of you, and be happy together, and with Madison."

Josie bit her lip, not knowing what to do. Eliza put a hand on Josie's arm, managing a small smile, walking away.

(Song Ends)

Rae was at the side of the room, having taking a break from the training to get a drink of water. She could feel Rosalita pounding away in her head, groaning, holding her head. The power it took Rae to mind control Rosalita to not cause a scene in front of everyone was creating a minor psychic earth rattle around them, not quite an earthquake.

Lizzie and Madison saw this from across the room, walking closer to help her.

Madison put her hands on Rae's shoulders to calm her down. "Rae, come on."

"Come with us," Lizzie told her. "We can get help."

Rae was thankful for the help, letting Lizzie and Madison lead her out of the room.


Common Area

MG and Veronica were talking.

"I don't think this school is a very good fit for you anymore," Veronica told him.

"What?" MG asked. "They're taking good care of me here. Plus, it's not like you're willing to take me home."

"There are other schools overseas for people like you," Veronica explained.

MG shook his head. "I don't want any other school. And I honestly don't need you judging this one, either. At least here they see me for who I am, ugly parts and all. This school is run by people who are from a big group that call themselves the Frankenstein Family, because they know that even the baddest people out there, have a lot of good in them too. And that even the best people out there have a lot of bad in them. They give second chances to Rippers, to killers. Because they all got second chances. They help redeem them. And there's no other school like this one. So maybe you should go home and leave me be."

MG walked away.


Old Mill

Hope, Ariara and Emma were standing in front of the old mill. Lizzie, Rae and Madison walked closer.

"Where are we going?" Rae asked.

"What are you doing out here?" Ariara asked.

"What are you doing out here?" Madison replied.

"Ariara needed a place to go to see if she could do the treatments on her own without having humans interfering," Hope answered. "Emma and I are here on emotional support."

"Plus, I needed to get away from the school and try and get away from the whispering spell in my head, because I know that Rosalita is trying to make me use dark magic again," Emma added.

Lizzie looked from Madison to Hope. "So Rae and Emma are ticking time bombs, and Ariara, Danny and Rafael are all having issues with shifting control. Great."

"Okay, fine," Madison sighed. "Well, we can't have Rae releasing Hellfire with all the humans around, so maybe we can do it another way, before Rosa makes her hurt someone."

"Or worse, cost us the pageant," Lizzie told them.

Rae sighed in frustration. "I'm fine, okay? I just needed some air."

"You are far from fine," Lizzie told her. She looked from Rae to Emma. "You two are one small moment away from a meltdown, trust me. I know the signs. You know that feeling inside, like a balloon constantly filling up, always on the verge of popping?"

"Maybe," Emma answered.

Madison turned to Rae. "Well, let it pop. Scream as loud as you can."

"So she releases psychic energy but not Hellfire, and maybe it can calm her down and make Rosalita stop tormenting Danny and Emma with visions and dark magic whisperings," Hope realized.

Ariara sighed. "Well, hopefully it works."

Hope, Emma, Madison, Ariara and Lizzie backed away from Rae, given a safe amount of distance to where her psychic scream couldn't hurt them.

Rae sighed, nodding, knowing it was the best bet for now, taking a deep breath, holding her hands out at her sides, screaming as loud as she could, releasing waves of psychic energy from her mouth and hands, that soared all across the woods, blowing around leaves, tearing down trees. 

Hope, Emma, Madison, Ariara and Lizzie were impressed by the amount of power Rae had behind a single scream, but were not surprised.

Rae stopped, breathing heavily in relief.

Rae, Hope, Emma, Madison, Ariara and Lizzie made their way back toward the school.

"You know, I actually feel a lot better," Rae admitted.

Emma nodded in agreement. "Me too. I don't hear whispering right now."

"I'm glad," Hope told them.

"So am I," Ariara agreed. "But maybe we should go back to our rooms, call it a day."

"No, Ariara," Lizzie told her. "You are not letting another incident define the rest of your life, or at least the next two years. And Madison and Rae are not dropping out on me. If I'm right, which I am, our win probability is still at 87%. Even after having to walk out of rehearsal. So buckle up. We're in this till the bitter end."

"I'm still trying to get used to us being friends," Emma admitted.

The girls smiled in agreement.

Landon, Owen and Danny walked closer.

"Hey, you girls okay?" Owen asked. "You ditched out on rehearsal pretty fast."

"Yeah, we're okay now," Madison answered. "We got it handled. But thanks for coming to check up on us."

"What did you guys do?" Danny asked. "I don't see any visions right now."

Rae, Hope, Emma, Madison, Ariara and Lizzie exchanged a smile, happy that Rae screaming helped herself, Emma and Danny.

"We just found another way for Rae to get a release," Hope answered. "Without using Hellfire. And we're lucky that it helped you and Emma too, Danny."

Danny walked closer, looking at Emma and Rae. "So you're both okay now?"

Rae nodded. "And so are you. For now."

They smiled.

"Can't promise for how long though," Ariara admitted. "Hellfire is the best release. Screaming off the energy won't hold Rosalita off for long."

"Way to talk yourself out of a victory, Ariara," Owen told her sarcastically.

Landon smiled. "Glad that things are better, at least for the moment." He looked to the side. "Where did this statue come from?"

"Uh, I don't know," Danny told them. "Somebody probably moved it up here when they were cleaning? Looks like one of the statues from the basement."

"Call me crazy, but doesn't this look like MG's mom?" Owen asked.

Ariara took a closer look, in shock. "I think it is MG's mother."


Now Lyla, Tory, Luke, Lindsey, Ryan, Kaylin, Nicola, Kacie, Mikayla, Eliza and MG were with the group.

"Who would do this to my mom?" MG asked.

"Well, not just who would," Ryan told them. "Who could?"

Lindsey frowned. "It could be a bad spell translation."

Tory shrugged. "A potion mishap?"

"Or a monster," Kaylin stated the obvious.

"There's no reason a monster would be here," Nicola told them.

Lizzie looked at Owen and Landon. "Unless these sentient jars of artisanal mayonnaise activated a new artifact."

Eliza stifled a laugh. "Lizzie."

Lizzie shrugged.

Madison tilted her head at Lizzie.

Kacie looked at Owen and Landon. "What did you touch?"

"Everything," Owen answered. "We cleaned the school from top to bottom, remember?" 

"All right, fine," Mikayla agreed. "No one's blaming you."

"But if we're just gonna throw out wild theories, here's one," Landon told them. "What if the person who did this showed up today, out of nowhere, acting all buddy-buddy, manipulating romantic feelings to get someone's guard down?"

MG immediately thought of Nia.

Danny scoffed. "Do you seriously suspect Roman?"

Landon nodded. "Yeah, we all should. The timing is too convenient."

Lyla gave Landon a look. "You stupid." Landon was startled by that, giving Lyla an offended look, while MG and Owen tried not to laugh. Lizzie smirked smugly. Rae, Hope, Emma, Danny, Madison and Ariara chuckled. "Roman was brainwashed and mind controlled before. He's not to blame for before, not now, so get over it."

"Listen, Lyla--" Landon started.

"No, Lyla's right," Luke told him. "If you want to blame Roman for things that Rosalita and Maia mind controlled him to do, you'd have to blame all of us for something they made us do. You willing to do that?" Landon shook his head, looking down. "Didn't think so."

"All right, girls, you keep an eye on the contestants," Kaylin told them.

"Ric's searching the campus," Tory explained.

"MG, you good with searching, too?" Lindsey asked.

MG nodded.

"Danny, Owen, keep an eye on the escorts," Nicola told them. Danny and Owen nodded in agreement. "Landon..."

"I'm gonna go ask Roman some questions," Landon told them, starting to walk away.

Luke rolled his eyes. "Yeah, super helpful. Ask a vampire how he turned a woman to stone."

"All right, everyone stay alert and be careful out there," Ryan told them.

Kacie was impressed. "Damn. You guys got even better at this split up take down missions."

Mikayla chuckled. "Come on, Kacie. Let's go look."

"All right, let us know if you find anything," Eliza told them.

MG turned to his friend in guilt. "Listen, Ariara..."

MG didn't know what to say, too ashamed.

Ariara nodded, looking down, still a little hurt. "We'll talk later. Okay?"

MG nodded. The others looked at them knowingly, sympathetically.

Trying to lighten the mood, Lyla snapped her fingers, waving her arms, speaking in a cute, funny singsong voice. "Let's go!"

Lyla started a little dance walk down the sidewalk toward the school. Rae, Hope, Emma, Danny, Madison, Owen, Ariara and Lizzie chuckled, following her. Kaylin, Nicola, Lindsey, Tory, Luke, Ryan, Kacie, Mikayla and Eliza smirked, splitting up.



Landon was walking with Roman. "So this has got to be weird for you. Lot of emotions coming up, been a while since you've seen Hope."

"I thought we were supposed to be looking for the boulder bandit," Roman told him.

Landon stopped walking behind Roman. "Yeah, about that." Roman turned to face him. "Are you sure I'm not looking at him?"

Roman scoffed, nodding sarcastically, walking closer. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, you solved the case, Sherlock. I'm gonna turn the entire school to stone, steal a horse from the stable, and Hope and I are gonna ride off into the sunset. Stop beating around the bush. Ask me what you really want to know. Do I still have feelings for Hope? Yes, of course I do, and I always will, but she would never get back with me. And look, you don't have to trust me on this, but you should definitely trust her."


Kaylin's Room

Kaylin took out a box from her closet, turning toward Rae and Hope.

"I thought we had to be looking for the... whatever is doing this," Hope told her.

Kaylin carried the box to the bed, setting it down. "Well, you still have a pageant to get ready for. I know it's helping you and Danny with control, Rae. The distraction. So whatever you need to feel more comfortable. And more you. And feel connected to all the reasons why you're doing this."

"What is it?" Rae asked.

Kaylin opened the box to reveal the beautiful golden gown that Klaus had given to her for the Mystic Falls ball in WCTVD 3.14. "This... is a present from Klaus." Hope and Rae looked at her in surprise. "It was during one of the many fights that Rosalita put us in, but he always called me the beauty to his beast, the ray of light in the darkness. So this... was pretty fitting."

"Dad gave this to you?" Hope asked.

Kaylin smiled, nodding. "Yeah. Even though he knew that I liked getting my own things, he always gave me stuff that made me feel special." She showed them the bracelet she always wore. "Like this bracelet. He gave it to me in the 1920s, and again the night he gave me this gown."

"They're beautiful," Rae told her.

Kaylin chuckled. "Yep. Nik always knew how to sweet talk his way out of an argument, or at least try to, because not of that worked on me, I would still be pissed, mostly because of mind control, but still." Hope and Rae laughed. "Whenever he got me a dress, he always made sure it was the best. Fit for princesses and queens. You know, royalty of Chicago or New Orleans. Queen and king." Hope and Rae nodded in understanding. "Which makes both of you princesses, and you're gonna look like it tonight."

Hope and Rae smiled.

Hope looked at Rae. "Dad always treated you like his real daughter. And you always looked up to him like he was your real father."

"Of course I did, considering my actual father beat Mom until he killed me," Rae agreed. "But I love Klaus. He is really my father. Not just my stepfather."

Hope smiled. "Then you should wear it. Our father picked the dress out, but it is your mother's. My stepmother's."

Kaylin, Hope and Rae smiled.

"I know I can never be what Hayley was to you, Hope," Kaylin told her. "And I would never try to be. But I love you as my daughter. Not just stepdaughter. I love both of you with equal measure."

Hope and Rae smiled.

"I love you, Kaylin," Hope told her. "Just as much as Mom. Just like I loved Riley just as much as Dad. Like you said. Equal measure for all of you." She put an arm around Rae. "And we all know that we love each other like real sisters."

Rae smiled. "And take care of each other and protect each other like real sisters."

Kaylin smiled at her daughters. "Come here."

Kaylin, Hope and Rae smiled, sharing an embrace.


Madison/Lizzie/Josie's Dorm Room

Madison was practicing from cue cards to Lizzie. "Though I still struggle daily with a profound sense of loss... Lizzie, um, why are all the answers that you've prepared for me about death and grief?"

Lizzie gave her a look. "The Q&A portion of Miss Mystic Falls isn't just about A-ing the Qs, Maddie. You and Dana's mom have a lot in common. She lost Dana, you lost your real parents, most of that family, Owen almost. Hayley, Riley."

Madison shook her head. "I'm not... I'm not struggling anymore. I've dealt with it and moved on."

Eliza walked in with three garment bags over her shoulders. "Madison, Lizzie, hey. Where's Josie?"

"She should be here soon," Lizzie answered.

"I think you should talk to her before the pageant starts," Eliza told them.

"Why?" Madison asked. "Is something wrong?"

"That's something you have to talk to her about," Eliza told them.

"What you got there, Aunt Eliza?" Lizzie asked.

"Josie and Madison's pageant dresses for tonight, and the dress you will wear for attendance," Eliza answered. "Can't outshine them this time, Lizzie." Lizzie smiled. Madison smirked. Eliza put the garment bags down, turning to Madison. "I wish we knew about the pageant and that you were going to do it before all this. I would have brought something a lot more sentimental. But I think you're going to like your dress either way."

Madison smiled. "I know I will. Thank you... Mom."

Eliza and Madison smiled, embracing. Lizzie smiled at this.



Josie was on the way to the triple dorm room to join Madison, Lizzie and Eliza.

Penelope walked by Josie. "How'd the interview portion go?"

Josie looked at her sarcastically. "Great. Totally blew it."

"Hey, hey," Penelope told her. Josie stopped. "I think we should talk about how you really feel about this."

Josie just looked at her. "Okay, sure. Or maybe I could just..." She took out a pen. "Write it all down with this. I was wondering how you quoted my exact thoughts on Miss Mystic Falls, word for word. And I kept wondering how you knew how I felt about Ariara, but why I couldn't be with her, because of Lizzie. How you knew to keep taunting Ariara about it. How you knew that Aunt Eliza was attacked by a vampire the year that she was in the pageant. Then I remembered I wrote it all in my diary, using one of the pens you gave everyone for Christmas. You spelled it. You're using it to spy. I siphoned one. There's enough magic in it to levitate an elephant."

Josie handed the pen to Penelope.

Penelope sighed. "You caught me. Yeah, I've been reading your journal. I've been reading everyone's journal. But I am only using the information for good."

"Torturing Ariara is good?" Josie asked.

Penelope shrugged. "Good for me. If it meant that you would choose me over Ariara. But I don't have to worry about that anymore." Josie gave her a cold look. "But something good for you? Like convincing you to win Miss Mystic Falls."

"Even if I hadn't already tanked it, I don't want to win," Josie told her. "Because then I'd be beating Rae and Madison, and Lizzie wants one of them to win. We both want Madison to win, because she deserves it after everything she went through, and Rae doing this, Danny being apart of it as an escort even, is keeping them in control and distracted, so we don't all get exposed. So all of your selfish, obnoxious and evil meddling was for nothing."

Josie turned around, walking away.


Old Mill

MG walked into the old mill.

Alaric was already here, carrying a crossbow. "If it's a monster, my guess is it's a Gorgon."

"What's that?" MG asked.

"You ever hear of Medusa?" Alaric asked. "She's the most famous one. They're supposed to be incredibly beautiful with snakes for hair, turn men into stone."

MG had the suspicion that the Gorgon was Nia. "Uh, wh--what if she was doing it off of instinct? You know, Gorgons gonna Gorgon. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe she's actually super smart and-and-and chill and she's just scared or confused or something. Maybe."

Alaric turned to face him. "What do you know?"

Before MG could answer, Alaric was turned to stone.

In shock, MG turned around.

Nia, with snakes for hair, walked inside. "Where are Owen Church and Landon Kirby? I won't hurt you or anyone else if you just take me to Owen Church and Landon Kirby."

MG shook his head. "I'm not giving up any of my friends, but I'm definitely not giving up Owen and Landon."

Nia seemed to be trying to turn MG into stone, but when it didn't work, she let the snakes turn back into braids. "Why aren't you stone?"

MG shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe because I'm a vampire?"

Nia raised her eyebrows. "You're a vamp?" She smiled, nodding. "That's dope." MG chuckled. "Two things. Stewart is the best."

MG shook his head. "Whatever. And?"

Nia sighed. "And... I'm sorry."

Nia used a snake extension to snap MG's neck, letting him fall to the ground.


Night - Salvatore Boarding School - Outside

Landon was sitting outside, drinking.

Penelope walked up, taking the bottle from Landon to have a drink. "Hmm. It's not bad."

Landon took the bottle back. "I don't think you've ever spoken to me before."

"You've never had free booze before," Penelope replied.

Landon nodded. "Right. Makes sense."

Penelope took Landon's bottle to have a sip. "So, what sorrows are we drowning?"

Landon sighed, taking a drink. "My brother and I came back from the dead. I did in a burst of flames, and Owen had wings and he was glowing... he has these weird tattoo mark on his neck and wrist now. And now we finally know what we are, but we still have no idea what we can do or if we're dangerous or not." Penelope nodded. "And after everything, you'd think that would earn us a couple days of feeling special, but the irony about this place is that... Special is just normal. All it takes is one good looking vampire, and then I might as well be back at Mystic Falls High. Maybe I should just tell Hope how jealous I am of vampire Captain America. I should put it all out there, right? And just say it. If I've learned anything from Hope, it's that honesty is the best policy."

Penelope was in the middle of taking  a sip, doing a spit take at those words. "I'm sorry. Did you just put 'Hope' and 'honesty' in the same sentence?" Landon looked at her in confusion. "You are all so blind to the hypocrisy of this place. You know what? Let me tell you how honest your girl is."


Inside - Ballroom

(Song:) 1950 - King Princess

Hope, Lizzie, Kaylin, Nicola, Lindsey, Tory, Luke, Ryan, Kacie, Mikayla, Eliza, Emma, Lyla and Ariara were standing around the ballroom with other guests, all dressed up for the pageant like in the past Miss Mystic Falls pageants how everyone would dress up.

Josie, Rae, Madison, Danny and Owen were on top of the stairs.

Owen offered his arm to Madison. Madison smiled, taking his arm, as the two slowly walked down the stairs.

"You look beautiful," Owen told her. "I've never seen you so happy. Even with all the darkness."

Madison smiled slightly. "Well, even in the darkness, we need a little light. Just ask Rae. That's why she's named that."

They chuckled. The spotlight shone on Madison and Owen.

Vera was announcing the hopefuls and their escorts. "Miss Madison Fell-Mikaelson escorted by Mr. Owen Church."

Madison and Owen smiled as they descended down the rest of the stairs. There were smiles and cheers and applause from everyone. 

Penelope made her way up to Josie.

Josie was annoyed. "You are like a lingering cough."

Penelope shrugged. "MG's MIA, Ariara's forced to make sure that she's not in a relationship so she can focus on making herself better. You're stuck with me." Penelope offered her arm to Josie. Josie reluctantly took it. The started down the steps, waiting to be called. "Riddle me this. How does you losing everything help Rae or Madison win?"

"I'm the fall girl," Josie told her. "I had to make it into contention to this point, the final event, so I could take a literal fall and take out Madison and Rae's closest competitor."

"For real?" Penelope asked. "Josie, you are so much better than that. I know Lizzie doesn't think that you can win, but I do. And I bet you that Madison would, if you had just told her that you wanted to win. Madison wouldn't let you do this."

"Well, that's why Madison doesn't know," Josie replied.

"Come on," Penelope whispered. "Go down swinging. You deserve to walk down those steps with your head held high, like your stepmother did."

The spotlight shone on them.

Vera announced them. "Miss Josette Saltzman, escorted by Miss Penelope Park."

 There was applause from the crowd, including Madison and Lizzie, who were both smiling.

Josie and Penelope continued to descend the staircase, smiling at the crowd, and eventually each other.

Ariara was watching from her table, lowering her gaze, but knowing that she needed to focus on herself to get better. Kacie and Mikayla looked at Ariara, taking either of her hands. Ariara smiled slightly in thanks.

Josie had noticed Ariara's reaction, looking a little guilty. She looked at Madison, reminded of what she wanted to do. She looked at Lizzie.

Lizzie nodded slightly to Josie.

Josie looked at Eliza.

Eliza shook her head, silently asking her not to do it.

Josie gave an apologetic look to Eliza, but she threw herself down the remainder of the stairs, knocking down the couple in front of her.

The crowd gasped.

Kaylin, Nicola, Lindsey, Tory, Luke, Ryan, Kacie, Mikayla, Ariara, Rae, Danny, Hope, Emma, Danny, Lyla and Owen were all very confused.

Madison was confused and concerned, walking over to Josie. "Josie, are you okay?"

Josie nodded.

Lizzie smirked slightly.

Madison helped Josie up.

Penelope shook her head at Josie. "What are you gonna do when I'm not here fight for you anymore?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Josie asked.

"You want to know?" Penelope asked. "Read the letter."

Penelope gave a glare to Lizzie before leaving the room.

At the top of the stairs, Rae and Danny walked closer to the stairs.

Rae looked dizzy, lightheaded.

Danny looked at her in concern. "Hey. You okay?"

Rae nodded, breathing deeply. "Trying to be."

"Is it getting bad again?" Danny asked.

"Almost," Rae answered. "I'm fighting it. And I can feel Tory and Lyla using mind control from here. They're helping from down there."

Rae and Danny looked down toward Tory and Lyla, who both nodded to them reassuringly.

Sitting at another table, Emma looked lightheaded. Her eyes flashed black again as Rosalita was invading her mind once again, whispering a spell into her mind. She struggled to force the voice out of her mind, and the black eyes faded before anyone saw them.

Landon walked into the room, standing with Hope, clearly drunk and upset.

"Hey," Hope greeted. "Where have you been? You okay? Why do you smell like a bar?"

"Penelope Park told me that you are keeping a secret, about my and Owen's mother," Landon answered. "She says that you, Owen, Madison, Kaylin, Nicola, Rae and I met her and that we don't remember it... but you do." Hope looked stunned, guilty. "She's lying, right? Just tell me she's lying, Hope." Hope couldn't find the words to say. "You know, I wasn't always the most honest person, but... you were the one that taught me the value in being truthful. And the truth... I can't be here right now."

Landon walked away.

Hope turned after him desperately. "Landon. Landon..."

Hope let him go, ashamed.

Mikayla saw this from across the room, walking across the dance floor, closer to Hope. "Hope? What's wrong?"

Hope had tears in her eyes. "Aunt Mikayla, I screwed up. Really bad."

Mikayla looked at her in concern, pulling Hope into an embrace. Hope returned the embrace gratefully, in guilt.

At the top of the stairs, Rae was breathing heavier because she could feel Rosalita getting stronger.

Danny tried to reassure her, though he could see flashes of a vision. "Rae, we're next. It's okay. Just keep focused on the pageant. The dance. She can't take this away from you."

Rae shook her head, almost hyperventilating. "I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't."

Rae turned to Danny.

Danny rested his hands on her shoulders, calming her down. "Just five more minutes. Get through this and it'll all be over."

Rae slowly nodded, linking her arm with Danny's, turning forward. She leaned her head back, taking several deep breaths to try and remain in control.

Tory and Lyla were focusing harder on trying to help with mind control, but it was a little hard to do that in secret while in public, and all the way down the stairs and a little bit across the room.

Emma could feel Rosalita in her mind more than ever, holding her head, standing, walking away before anyone could ask her what was wrong. 

Vera announced Rae and Danny. "Miss Rae Salvatore-Mikaelson, escorted by Mr. Danny Davis-Thompson."

Rae and Danny smiled as they descended down the rest of the stairs. There were smiles and cheers and applause from everyone. 



Landon walked outside, hearing someone behind him. "Hope, if that's you, I--" He turned around, gasping upon seeing Nia there, with her snake hair out. "Perfect."


Nia walked closer. "You're Landon, right? I don't want to hurt you, but I will. So please just tell me where Owen Church is, so we can go."

"Who are you?" Landon asked. "Please don't say Medusa."

"Sorry about this," Nia apologized. "Just doing what I have to do."

Landon closed his eyes tightly.

They heard a bell ringing, which caused Nia's snakes to return to braids.

MG walked closer with the bell, rushing closer to inject a sedative into Nia's neck, laying her down as she fell asleep.

"How did you know the bell thing would work?" Landon asked.

"I read everything I could on Gorgons, and there was one line in one book that said three tolls from a bronze bell would disrupt their power," MG answered. "It was all myth, but... the only other option was straight up decapitation, and... I didn't feel like I should take the whole murder route, considering what's happened lately. Are we cool?"

Landon sighed. "She was coming after me and Owen. So we're even." Landon and MG did a fist bump. "Now you just have to make it up to Ariara."

MG nodded nervously. "Yeah. I'll talk to Owen. But making it up to Ariara might be harder."


Inside - Ballroom

(Song:) Always - Gavin James

Kacie and Mikayla took either of Lyla's hands to spin her around, as Lyla danced around, having fun.

Lyla embraced them. "I missed you, Aunt Kacie. And Aunt Mikayla." She embraced Eliza. "And you, Eliza."

Eliza chuckled. "We missed you too, Lyla."

The dance began while everyone watched.

Rae/Danny and Madison/Owen and the other couples bowed to each other. They raised their right hands, circling around each other. 

During the dance, Madison and Owen were looking at each other happily during the dance, smiling.

Rae and Danny were worried about the threat Rosalita was posing on them now, but was determined to not let her take this away from them, content to be doing this together.

"You doing okay?" Danny asked.

Rae nodded barely. "Fine. Let's just get through this like you said."

Rae/Danny and Madison/Owen and the other couples raised their left hands, circling around each other in the opposite direction. They raised both their hands, circling around each other. All the couples took each other in the dance like the pageants shown before, a traditional, simple dance, but beautiful.

During the dance, Owen and Madison looked at each other like just now realizing how far they had really fell for each other, captured in the moment.

Rae and Danny looked at each other, holding tightly onto their anchor for sanity and control, knowing how deeply they were in love, and hoping it was enough to save both their minds.

Lizzie was standing near the door, waiting, seeing Josie walk in. "They're about to announce the winner. Where have you been?"

"I was getting the note that Penelope wrote me," Josie answered. "She's leaving the school."

Lizzie chuckled. "Oh, yeah, I knew that. I overheard Lindsey and Ryan talking to her parents."

"And you didn't think to tell me?" Josie asked incredulously.

"The Dark Lord is exorcising herself from our lives," Lizzie told her. "That's good news. And I thought you liked Ariara more. Why are you acting all annoyed?"

"It's not about Ariara," Josie told her. Lizzie gave her a skeptical look. "It's not. Ariara can't be with anyone until she gets better, and I actually did care for Penelope once. I can't believe this. She's been telling me all along, but I could never hear it. You never consider anybody's feelings but your own."

"What?" Lizzie asked. "That isn't fair."

"Isn't it?" Josie asked. "It's bad enough that you didn't think I'd want to enter, but not a single part of you thought that I could even win."

Madison saw them fighting from the dance floor, frowning in concern.

"Jo, I'm not Rae, Tory and Lyla, okay?" Lizzie asked. "I'm not a mind reader. If you wanted to win..."

"Of course I wanted to win," Josie told her. "But the second you dropped out, you gifted your entire plan to Madison and Rae. And I get why. We both what Madison to shine more. But I want to shine more too. And Rae needed the distraction, sure, and so did Danny. But she didn't need to win. You just assumed that both of them could beat me."

"Because of science," Lizzie told her.

"Lizzie, listen to yourself," Josie told her. "Science? What about your sister's feelings?"

On the dance floor, Owen followed Madison's gaze to Josie and Lizzie. "What are they fighting about?"

"I have no clue," Madison admitted. "But it looks serious."

Eliza followed their gaze, seeing that Josie and Lizzie were fighting, tuning in her hearing to listen.

"Do you know how good it would feel to actually be competing?" Josie asked. "You know, Aunt Eliza tried talking to me about just talking to you before, she thought that she could stop the cycle that started with her and Mom, but it's too late. It's already started. And I'm not gonna be as silent for as long as Aunt Eliza was."

Eliza sighed, tilting her head, walking toward them. "Lizzie. Josie."

They looked at her.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Eliza," Josie told her. "I just can't do it."

Josie walked away.

Emma stood at the back of the room, eyes flashing black repeatedly, saying a spell silently under her breath.

On the dance floor, Rae could feel the effects of the spell slightly, and feel the fight of Rosalita inside getting stronger. She looked even more dizzy and out of it.

Danny looked at her in concern. "Are you okay?"

The dance came to an end.

"May I have your attention, please?" Vera asked. "Without further ado, it is my honor to announce our very own Miss Mystic Falls. From the Salvatore School, Miss Rae Salvatore-Mikaelson."

The spotlight shone on Rae, and there was cheers and applause, as Vera draped the sash around Rae, and put the crown on her head, but Rae was too close to losing control to enjoy her victory, breathing heavily, nearly crying. A mini psychic earthquake started as a result.

Kaylin, knowing that she was about to lose control, walked closer to her daughter immediately, embracing her to calm her down. "Congratulations. Shh. It's okay. Let's get you out of here."

Rae nodded in agreement.

Danny gestured to the door. "Come on, come on."

Kaylin and Danny led Rae off the dance floor. Madison and Owen followed worriedly.

Hope and Mikayla opened the doors for them, letting Kaylin, Danny, Rae, Madison and Owen out, before following. Knowing that they needed help, Kacie, Nicola, Tory, Lyla, Lindsey, Luke, Ryan and Eliza followed. 

Emma walked out worriedly.

(Song Ends)



Emma walked outside, trying to calm down, but the dark magic and mind control was getting too much, holding her head in pain, falling to the ground on her knees, as some of the lights above her shattered from magic, crying because of the pain this was causing her, and the need to get in control. "Please just make it stop I can't do this. Just make it stop. Don't make me do that again. I don't wanna hurt anyone."

A vision of Rosalita appeared behind Emma, smirking. "Oh, darling." Emma turned to see her. "I messed with you good, didn't I?"

Emma shook her head in denial. "No. This can't be real. Rae still has you--"

Rosalita knelt next Emma. "Oh, Emma, don't you know by now that I am unstoppable?"

Emma crawled away from her. "You're not here."

"No, I'm not," Rosalita answered. "I'm a mental projection into your mind, but real enough."

"What do you want from me?" Emma asked.

"I want to help you, Emma," Rosalita told her. "I can make the pain go away, if you just let go this once, and we both get what we want."

Emma shook her head. "You're a liar."

"You can't control it anymore, Emma," Rosalita pointed out mockingly. "You're losing it. Just let go, and the pain will go away."

Emma shook her head again, closing her eyes, some tears falling as she looked down. "No."

Rosalita brushed back some of Emma's hair in a fake act of compassion, just doing it to make her fall deeper into the spiral she had made for her. "Just let it all go."

Emma looked up as black veins started to appear on her face, and she opened her eyes, which were fully black, as she was fully taken over by Rosalita now, acting completely emotionless. "I'm ready now."

Rosalita smiled smugly, already loving all the pain and chaos they were about to bring. "That's my girl."



MG had locked Nia in the cell.

"I was basically off the grid," Nia explained. "Just me and my family. No neighbors, no friends. We only went to town for the necessities. Then one day, men from some place called Triad Industries showed up. They had guns. They said they would kill me, and, like, erase me from memory if I didn't come here and do what they asked."

"I understand why you had to do it, but what about my mom?" MG asked.

"I saw the way she talked to you," Nia answered. "Honestly, she deserved it. I'm in so much trouble, aren't I?"

MG walked closer. "Listen, Nia, here, it's not about how bad you mess up, it's about if you make up for it. You can start by undoing the damage you've caused."


Madison/Lizzie/Josie's Dorm Room

Madison, Lizzie and Hope were talking.

"So you guys got Rae calmed down?" Lizzie asked.

"Sort of," Madison answered. "She's still lashing out real bad, but they think if they keep her away from prying eyes, we'll be okay. Owen and Nikki went to go find Landon."

"I need to go find him, too," Hope told them.

"Just give him a minute to breathe," Madison told her.

"Boys need some space before they come crawling back," Lizzie told them.

Madison looked at Hope. "I can't believe you lied about Owen and Landon's mother."

"Madison..." Hope trailed off worriedly.

"I'm not judging," Madison promised. "I just... thought you would tell us something like that."

"I didn't want to burden Kaylin, or Aunt Nikki, or Rae, or you," Hope admitted. "Not with how close we were getting to Owen and Landon, and I didn't want to hurt them. I wanted to protect them. Tory was the only other one to know, and we think that we remember much more, because we're both tribrids. Like Lyla." They nodded in understanding. Hope took a deep breath. "But you both helped Rae really well. Madison, you've always been able to help Rae well. But I didn't know that Lizzie could do that too. How did you know what to say? How did you know what to do?"

"It's just what Josie and Madison have done for me a thousand times," Lizzie answered. "Josie's really mad at me. I don't think I've ever seen her so angry."

Hope sighed. "Landon's pretty mad at me too."

"After the secret reveal, I don't know where Owen and I stand," Madison admitted.

"Then let's make a deal," Lizzie told them. "You help me get Josie back, and I'll help you get or keep Landon and Owen."

Lizzie held out her hands toward Hope and Madison, pinkies up on both hands. Hope and Madison chuckled, both doing a pinkie swear with Lizzie, and each other.


Rae/Hope's Dorm Room 

Rae was still in her dress, looking at Kaylin sadly. "I'm sorry. I thought that I could hold it together until the end, but..."

Kaylin shook her head, walking closer. "No. Don't apologize. Rae, you did so well today, whether you think you did or not. I'm proud of you."

Rae managed a small smile. "Thanks, Mom. But you know it's not over."

"I know," Kaylin agreed. "But just relax for tonight, all right? You won Miss Mystic for crying out loud."

Rae smiled, nodding. "Yeah. I won."

Kaylin and Rae embraced.

Emma stood in the doorway, her eyes and veins black as she was completely overtaken by Rosalita by now. "But you're about to lose a hell of a lot more."

Kaylin frowned in confusion, alarm. "Emma? What the hell is going on?"

Emma waved her arms toward Rae and Kaylin. "Ad somnum."

Emma's spell caused Kaylin and Rae to fall asleep and fall to the floor. Emma walked closer, looking down at Rae with a slight smirk, completely overtaken. She grabbed Rae by the wrists to drag her along.



Nicola and Owen found Landon, sighing in relief.

"We just got done calming Rae down, even though not for long since Rosalita is fighting back more than ever for some reason,' Owen explained. "Where the hell have you been?"

"I just needed some time to think," Landon answered.

Nicola shook her head. "Landon..."

"Did you know?" Landon asked. "Did you know that Hope remembered meeting our mom?"

"No," Nicola answered. "I didn't. Hope thought that by keeping it secret, she could spare all of us pain or burden. Cut her some slack, okay? She just wanted to protect you."

Landon started crying. "Protect us? I can't deal with this right now."

Landon walked away.

"Landon..." Nicola trailed off.

Owen turned to look at Nicola, nodding. "I'll talk to him. He's drunk and he's upset. Maybe I can get him to calm down."

"You think?" Nicola asked.

"If I can help calm Rae down even a little bit with the state Rosalita's in, then I can definitely calm down Landon," Owen pointed out. "Just might take a while."

Nicola nodded sadly in understanding. Owen turned around, walking away.


Inside - Hallway

MG was saying goodbye to Veronica. "How you feeling?"

"Much lighter, thank you," Veronica answered.

"Look, Ma, I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier," MG apologized. "You didn't raise me to talk to grown folks like that. But you did raise me to be my own man and to make my own choices. I have friends here. Nicola, Kaylin, Lindsey, Tory, Luke and Ryan have my back. This is the only place that would give me a second chance after doing what I did."

"Milton..." Veronica trailed off.

"I don't like being called that, and the only way I am leaving this place is dead, with a stake in my heart," MG told her. "Or when I graduate. "Hopefully when I graduate."

Knowing that she couldn't convince him otherwise, Veronica nodded.


Main Hall

(Song:) What Am I Here For - Jade Bird

Penelope was about to leave.

Josie walked closer from behind her. "You weren't gonna say goodbye?"

Penelope stopped. "I did, in my letter." She turned to face Josie. "Which I'm guessing you finally read."

"Belgium?" Josie asked.

Penelope nodded. "My mom got a job. And there's a great witch-only school, so I don't have to deal with wolves or vamps or Lizzie or Ariara."

Josie slowly walked closer. "Penelope. Don't leave."

"You know, for weeks, I have been hoping that you would give me one reason to stay," Penelope admitted. "Instead, you have me a thousand reasons to go. Losing on purpose, always putting yourself second. My heart can't take it." She started to cry. "And I will not wait around and watch what happens to you next."

Josie frowned in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

Penelope reached into her bag. "You know the pens I was using to spy?" She pulled out a very thick journal. "This records all of it. It's basically a log of everything written down at the Salvatore School. And I want you to read what your dad wrote about something called the merge."

"I don't understand," Josie admitted.

Penelope handed the log to Josie. "Well, you will. One day, you will understand why I did everything I did." Josie was now crying as well. Penelope wiped her tear away. They leaned their heads together, kissing goodbye, embracing. "I love you, Jo-Jo." They pulled away. "I love you with all of my obnoxious, selfish, evil heart."

Penelope walked out of the school.


Another Hallway

Kaylin walked down the hallway quickly after waking up from Emma's spell, calling out for help. "Lindsey! Ryan! Danny! Tory! Luke! Lyla!" They ran into the hallway from hearing the urgency in Kaylin's voice. "Where the hell is Emma?"

"I don't know," Lindsey admitted.

"Why?" Tory asked.

"What's going on?" Luke asked.

Nicola, Kacie, Mikayla, Eliza, Hope, Madison and Ariara walked into the hallway.

"What's wrong?" Nicola asked.

"We don't know," Ryan told them.

"Ask Kaylin," Danny told them.

"Kaylin?" Kacie asked.

"Emma just appeared in Hope and Rae's room, she had black eyes and veins, and she said a spell to knock me out, and now Rae's missing," Kaylin explained.

They were all horrified.

"What?" Hope asked.

"Come on, split up," Eliza told them.

"We gotta find them," Madison told them.

"What's happening?" Lyla asked.

Ariara was horrified. "I think Rosalita's using Emma. She's trying to get out. Tonight."

Mikayla sighed worriedly. "Come on."

Kaylin, Nicola, Hope, Madison, Eliza, Tory, Lyla, Luke, Lindsey, Ryan, Danny, Kacie, Mikayla and Ariara marched down the hallway, on a mission, looking very angry, determined, protective and intimidating, even though they were all still wearing their pageant outfits.



(Song:) Fire Meets Fate - Ruelle

Rae was unconscious on the floor inside a pentagram that was painted on the floor beneath her.

Emma was working on some ingredients on a table.

Rae gasped awake, breathing heavily, trying to move, but unable to, realizing she was in the gym, confused.

Emma spoke in an emotionless monotone. "It's pointless to move." Rae looked at her. "The pentagram immobilizes your body until I'm done. Sure, you could try to overpower it, but Rosalita inside you will overpower you and mind control you not to move at all. She's strong enough to do so, especially now, when you're here.. all alone... with me... no one here to help you."

Rae swallowed nervously. "Emma, what's going on?"

Emma turned to face Rae, revealing her black eyes and veins to Rae once again. "She's ready to be free."

"What?" Rae asked.

She heard Rosalita's voice. "She means me, darling." Rae turned her head to the side, seeing Rosalita laying on the floor outside the pentagram, next to her. Rosalita was laying on her side, facing Rae, propping her head up on her hand, smiling evilly. "Hi."

Rae shook her head worriedly. "No, you can't be out."

Rosalita smirked smugly. "Oh, yes, darling. Or, well, I will be in a minute." She stood, smiling mockingly, spinning around in a dance, waving her hands like a bird. "I'm just a mind projection right now, but soon, I am going to be as free as a dove."

Rae glared at her furiously. "What did you do to Emma?"

"Well, someone had to set me free," Rosalita pointed out. "I mean, did you really think that I didn't have a plan to get out?"

"Where is everybody else?" Rae asked. "What did you do to them?"

"Well, little pet Emma over there knocked Kaylin out, but I'm guessing she's already awake, and she went to get everybody else for help, " Rosalita answered. "But it doesn't matter. They'll be too late to interrupt our fun girl time."

Emma walked closer. "We need to start now. I can sense them. They're gonna be here soon."

Rosalita sighed, rolling her eyes. "Suck the fun out of it, why don't you?"

Rae struggled, but could not move any part of her body. "Emma, you can fight her!"

"No, she can't," Rosalita corrected. "She's tried fighting me all day, but she finally lost the battle. And before you try to mind control her, you can't. The pentagram, and I, can make sure of it."

Rae glared at her. "You're not getting away with this, you bitch."

Rosalita smirked in irony, leaning closer to Rae mockingly to whisper tauntingly. "I already have. You see, Emma is gonna take me out of you. It will require all the dark magic she has right now and a hell of a lot more. And trust me, it is going to hurt excruciatingly for you. And I'm gonna bring hell to everyone you know and love."

Rae looked truly scared of what Rosalita would do to everyone, trying desperately to talk through to her best friend. "Emma, please."

Rosalita winked mockingly to Rae, blowing a sarcastic kiss, looking up at Emma. "Start the spell."

Rae struggled to move, which only caused her pain. "No!"

Emma raised her hand, casting the spell, her fingers flickering with dark magic. "Infernum."

The pentagram underneath Rae started to glow the color of Hellfire, and a glowing pentagram also appeared on Rae's forehead, as if carving into her forehead to reveal the Hellfire inside, causing Rae's eyes and veins to glow with Hellfire as well, in such an excruciating pain that it made her scream in agony.

Rosalita knelt down to mock Rae again. "I did say it would hurt like a bitch, didn't I? Oh, Rae, you were a fun toy for a while, but now I'm just bored. I need to be free again."

Emma magically pulled a knife from the wall across the room into her hand, making it fly across the room to her to do so, catching the knife in her hand, spinning it around. She knelt down next to Rae, who was still glowing with Hellfire and screaming in agony. Emma raised the knife, casting another spell, making the knife glow with Hellfire as well. "Dimidere."

Emma raised the glowing knife high above her head, using all her strength to stab it down into Rae's heart, releasing the spell/psychic lock that kept Rosalita inside, making Rae scream in agony, as Emma dragged the knife down Rae's chest, and slit open her arms, and slit Rae's throat deeply, making blood pour out of her wounds and stain her skin, clothes, hair, and the floor, also making Hellfire leak out of her wounds. Rae gasped in agony as she could no longer scream with her throat slit.

Rosalita watched, smirking, satisfied. "Now let's get to the good part, shall we? Well, better than this part, because watching Rae suffer like this at the hands of her best friend alone is just the cherry on top."

Emma stood up, raising her hands, starting her final spell. "Dei tempus, sit nobis, reddere, iter recipere, ut heri." Darkness started to leak out of Emma, starting to surround them. Hellfire energy leaked out of Rae's wounds, surrounding them in a vortex, the darkness and the Hellfire moving around chaotically as if in a tornado, in a beautiful mixture. The Hellfire started to go to Rosalita, which was her spirit, starting to be released to make her truly free. Rosalita's eyes glowed with Hellfire, as well as her veins, as she smiled sadistically in victory. "Dei tempus, sit nobis, reddere, iter recipere, ut heri."

The windows in the room were shattered by the cyclone of darkness and Hellfire, as the shards were suspended in air, spinning around them in the tornado, Emma's hair whipped around with the wind.

Kaylin, Nicola, Hope, Madison, Eliza, Tory, Lyla, Luke, Lindsey, Ryan, Danny, Kacie, Mikayla and Ariara ran up to the gym after finding them, but they couldn't get inside because of the protection spell at the door, covering their eyes to shield them from the darkness and Hellfire cyclone in front of them.

"What the hell is that?" Kaylin asked.

"Like Rae, Lyla and Tory's dreams," Mikayla answered.

Eliza nodded. "Dark magic."

"And Hellfire," Madison added.

Hope called out for her stepsister worriedly, seeing how much pain she was in. "Rae!"

Kaylin slammed against the boundary spell to try and help her daughter.

Lindsey and Ryan were trying to get past as well. "Emma!"

Danny could feel the effects of dark magic on his twin sister, his eyes and veins black as well, falling to his knees. "Emma, stop!"

Rosalita smirked insanely. "Oh, Danny. The twin link isn't so great right now, is it? You and Emma might not be as linked as Lizzie and Josie, since they are the Gemini twins, and they literally have to merge, so you may not feel everything that Emma does, but you'd feel dark magic if it was a hell of a lot of it, like it is now."

Nicola glared at her. "Go to hell, you bitch."

Rosalita smirked, tilting her head, shaking it. "Hmm, no, I'm bringing hell to all of you, Nikki."

"We have to do something," Ariara told them worriedly.

"Mom and I can siphon the spell," Lyla told them.

"Tory, Lyla, do it," Kacie told them.

Tory nodded in agreement. "Come on, Lyla."

Tory and Lyla put their hands on the barrier, starting to siphon it away, their hands glowing red as they did.

Rosalita smirked. "You're too late."

Hellfire was still being given to Rosalita, while Emma was still chanting the spell, and darkness was coming out of her, and Rae was screaming in complete agony as Rosalita's spirit was being ripped out of her.

Emma looked completely exhausted, her nose bleeding heavily, but because of the mind control, had to keep going to finish the spell. "Dei tempus, sit nobis, reddere, iter recipere, ut heri." The last of Rosalita's spirt was finally ripped out of Rae. Rae was knocked out by the force of the power of the spell, becoming unconscious. Emma was almost completely out of darkness, waving her arms in two concentric circles to finish the spell. "Dei tempus, sit nobis, reddere, iter recipere, ut heri."

All of Rosalita's spirit finally went to her. As soon as she was fully released, the dark magic and Hellfire cyclone dissipated with a burst of power through the room.

Emma's eyes returned to normal, as did her veins, the black finally fading, looking very pale, blood streaming down her nose and lip, falling unconscious to the floor.

Rosalita took a deep breath, smiling smugly, laughing, spinning around happily, turning to face the ones outside, who were still trying to get in. "Did you miss me, Frankensteins?"

Kaylin scoffed, glaring at her. "Oh, hell no."

"Oh, hell, yes," Rosalita replied smugly, throwing her arms out in a shrug, smiling. "Darlings, the bitch is back."

Luke shook his head, completely fed up. "Someone rip my heart out. I can't handle another of this annoying hell bitch's wars."

"But you will, Luke," Rosalita told him. "Because now I am free, and back, with a hell of a lot more plans, schemes and games, and reveals, and you're in for a wild ride, but for now, I have things to do, so I'll torture you all later."

Rosalita waved bye sarcastically, as a cloud of Hellfire appeared around her as she teleported away.

Lyla and Tory had finished siphoning the spell just as Rosalita disappeared. 

Kaylin, Nicola, Hope, Madison, Eliza, Tory, Lyla, Luke, Lindsey, Ryan, Danny, Kacie, Mikayla and Ariara ran into the destroyed gym to check on Rae and Emma. Kaylin, Nicola and Hope immediately knelt next to Rae. Lindsey, Ryan and Danny immediately knelt next to Emma. Danny, feeling the effects of Emma's massive use of dark magic due to mind control, fell unconscious, as Lindsey and Ryan held them both. Everyone was beyond worried and concerned about them and what Rosalita would do next. 



Owen and Landon walked together.

"I don't wanna go back right this second," Landon told him.

"I'm not asking you to," Owen replied. "I need a moment to think myself. I just don't want you running off and doing something stupid."

Veronica pulled her car up next to them. "Owen and Landon, right?" They nodded. "I was mortified when I heard what MG put you and his friend Ariara through. "

"Uh, we worked it out," Landon told her. "It's cool."

"Let me give you a ride somewhere," Veronica told them.

Owen shook his head. "Thanks, but we're just getting some much-needed air."

Veronica shook her head. "It wasn't a question."

Veronica took out two tasers, shooting Owen and Landon with them, shocking them both into unconsciousness.

Rosalita appeared next to them in her whirl of Hellfire. "Not bad, Veronica. Need a lift to headquarters?"

Rosalita waved her arms, using Hellfire swirls to teleport herself, Veronica, Owen and Landon away.


Triad Headquarters - Malivore Room

Rosalita appeared with Veronica, Owen and Landon in swirls of Hellfire. She held her hand toward Owen and Landon, magically pushing them into two chairs, making ropes appear and tie them down forcefully, making them both wake up.

Clarke walked down the stairs, looking at Owen and Landon.

Veronica walked closer. "Agent Clarke."

"Mrs. G," Clarke greeted.

"Your asset failed her retrieval mission," Veronica told him. "I cleaned up her mess."

Rosalita walked closer. "And I brought them all home to you."

Clarke smiled. "I knew they couldn't keep you locked up for long."

"I could get out any time I wanted," Rosalita pointed out. "I just thought that it was time. Two years is a long time to be a willing captive just for a game of torture and reveal, but it was totally worth it."

Clarke smirked. "I bet it was."

Owen and Landon looked horrified to know who was in front of them. "Rosalita."

Rosalita smiled. "My reputation precedes me. Hi, Owen. Hi, Landon. We're going to have so much fun. And I've been waiting a hell of a long time for some fun."

Rosalita smiled sadistically.

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