Why Her (SNSD Fanfiction)

By JMVillavert8

3.2K 40 1

This is a story involving SNSD, especially Tiffany. After the events of the Japanese flag scandal the group s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
기념일 (제시카의 에피소드)
기념일 (소녀 시대)
Final Bonus Chapter: Now, Always and Forever
Supermarket flowers (Random Stories)
Would you still Love me
The Future
New Start
Author's note

My Once in a Lifetime

98 1 0
By JMVillavert8

Taeyeon took a couple of detours around Seoul before going back to the dorm to calm herself down before facing Sunny's wrath.

Taeyeon's POV

I made my way up to the dorm and the first thing that greeted me when I entered the dorm was a strong hug from Seo, I expected Sunkyu's loud and annoying voice but I'd prefer Seo's hug.

She's me like there's no tomorrow, "Okay, Okay I'm sorry for worrying you Seo." I said as I patted her back to reassure her, when I looked up I'm surprised to see the rest of the girls there, "Ohh? Why are you guys here? I mean I miss you and us gathering but as far as I know Yul aren't you supposed to be in New York for a photo shoot? Soo I thought you went home after the charity event, and Hyo aren't you supposed to be preparing for your comeback? And Seo aren't you shooting a new drama? Why are you here??" I asked.

"Well Soo here called us about what happened and it turns out we all had the same plan." Sunkyo said, "What plan?" I asked, "We thought it's been a while since we got together as you said, so we all decided to have a sleepover." Yul said.

"I miss you all, I really do but aren't you all busy? Are you sure it's okay? Have you tal-", "Yes Taeng we've already asked permission from manager Oppa and besides there's nothing he could do we already decided it, right girls?" Hyo said, and the girls smiled and cheered.

"You are more important than any of our schedules Taeyeon Unnie." Seo said while realeasing me from the hug, Yoong came up to me and gave me a warm hug as well, "We all missed you Taeyeon Unnie, besides I miss your home cooked meals and I miss hanging out in the dorm with all of my Unnies." She said.

"And besides we've already brought alcohol, food and a couple of new movies we could watch tonight!" Hyo said. The other girls just laughed and we all settled in, I'm happy to see everyone again; I miss the atmosphere whenever we're all together.

I excused myself and went to my room, "Taengoo! Hurry up we'll watch a movie later!" Sunkyo yelled, so I hurriedly washed my face and changed into some pajamas and went out. The girls were all huddled up in front of the flat screen TV and the two giants were already munching on the popcorn. I sat in between Seo and Yuri. Sunny was currently looking for a movie for us to watch so we decided to watch the news while waiting, I wasn't really paying much attention and was daydreaming when suddenly Seo elbowed me.

"Unnie look!" she said, apparently what happened at the charity event caught a lot of people's attention, some amateur caught a video of the whole scene, the caption was 'Girl's Generation leader and K-Pop idol legend Kim Taeyeon reportedly broke down after singing at a charity event for cancer patients.'

"Hmm, looks like the death of her fellow member and reportedly best friend Tiffany Hwang is still affecting her." One of the reporters commented, "It seems so, those two seem to have been really close even before they're debut as Girl's Generation, they even have their own fandom called Locksmiths." Another reporter said.

I wasn't really upset that it got out to the media, I mean I don't really care besides what they're saying is right, even if it's almost 2 years, I still haven't moved on, and I think I never will.

Seohyun's POV

After I heard about what happened to Taeyeon Unnie form Sooyoung Unnie I immediately asked the director and producer if I could leave early for today and take a day off since I've already finished most of my scenes in the drama ahead of time.

I asked manager Oppa to clear my schedules for tomorrow and I'm sure Unnies also did the same; it's been a while since we've all been together and I think this is a good opportunity for us to bond and just relax together again.

When I arrived at the dorm Sunny Unnie and Sooyoung Unnie were the only ones there first and soon Hyo Unnie, Yuri Unnie and Yoong Unnie arrived. We've all decided to surprise Taeyeon Unnie so we set everything up, we planned to have dinner together, watch a movie, chat and just catch up. We were all excited but after 3 hours of waiting we all started worrying and called Taeyeon Unnie.

Sunny Unnie was really mad at Taeyeon Unnie for not answering her calls and not telling us where she is this late at night. We were all shocked when the door suddenly opened and in came Taeyaon Unnie, I suddenly rushed to hug her and tears escaped form my eyes, we were all so worried about her. Ever since Tiffany Unnie died Taeyeon Unnie changed, it wasn't a really dramatic change and to fans she seems okay but when we're together or at the dorm she would often cry herself to sleep and we would hear sobs early in the morning or late at night.

After Taeyeon Unnie explained to us where she was and what happened we decided to resume our original plan and watch a movie. We all gathered in the living room and while we were all waiting for Sunny Unnie to pick a movie we watched the news and we saw that the headlines for tonight's news about Taeyeon Unnie's breakdown. We all listen to the news and I took a peek at Taeyeon Unie who was beside me, she was just quiet and I think she's lost in her own world again, which happens often nowadays.

Sunny Unnie is taking a long time picking a movie since Hyo Unnie would disagree with her choice, Yoona Unni and Sooyoung Unnie went to the kitchen to get more popcorn and Yuri Unnie went to the fridge to get another can of beer. I looked at my side and Taeyeon Unnie is still daydreaming so I stood up from the sofa to get a pillow from my room, on the way back I walked past the organ we used to play around with, it's been ages since I last touched it since I moved out of the dorms, I plugged it in and to my surprise it still works, I practiced on it for a while then a familiar tune came into mind.

Taeyeon's POV

I was again lost in my own thoughts, I didn't even notice that I was the only one left on the couch, what brought me back to reality was the sound of piano playing a familiar melody. Once in a lifetime, i thought to myself, I stood up from the couch and went to where the sound was, I saw Seohyun playing the piano and I stood behind her and closed my eyes, listening to the music and reminiscing about how Fany-ah and I talked about the song.

"Taetae! Come here, look look! I mean listen to this, it's one of the songs for my album!" Pany-ah said excitedly, I just smiled and laughed at her cuteness, "Okay okay, calm down Pany-ah, and let's listen to it together." I said as I ruffled her hair which earned me cute pout from her which only made me laugh more and pinch her cheeks, I sat next to her on her bed and she snuggled next to me while putting the other earphone on my ear. The song was titled Once in a Lifetime, it was a pretty good title, we both listened intently to the song and it's lyrics, and I hadn't noticed that halfway through the song I realized the song reminded me of Pany-ah, I quietly looked at her and a smile immediately appeared on my face. "The lyrics are very meaningful, it's a very beautiful song Pnay-ah." I said as I looked at her and she just snuggled closer to me and I hugged her back, "You know it kind reminds me of you Tae." She said out of nowhere, I was shocked and I blushed but since she can't see my face I asked her why. "I just do, especially the 2nd verse of the song..

'..I denied at first saying that we aren't meant to be

Because we were so different

I thank the extraordinary forces

That entwined us little by little

I don't think anyone will be able to pull us apart..'

It reminds me of us when we first met." She said and I agreed, "Hmm, you're right it does. I was so flustered back then since during the first few weeks you would lash out on me and I would always hear you sobbing in your room." I said "I know right, I was really moody and spoiled back then I guess." Pany-ah said then it went silent for a while.

"Thank you..." Pany-ah said suddenly which caught me off-guard, "Hmm? For what?" I asked, she snuggled closer to me and I held her tighter. "Everything...Gosh I'm so tireeeed~....I miss this, I miss you...I miss us!" she said.

I just smiled and laughed at her statement, "Me too, we've both been busy, when I had my solo you were alone here and now you're having yours and now I'm the one alone in the dorm!" I say and tickled her. "Yah!!Tae!? Stop!" she said with tears in her eyes since she's very ticklish.

After our little tickle fight we laid on the bed again all snuggled up to each other, she played the song and we listened to it in over and over again, singing along.

"The bright light shining upon me is you..you are the one that bloomed flowers in my desolate heart." I sang and she pinched my nose. "You're such a cheesy dork you know that right?" she said I just shrugged.

"You are the one person who made me smile again.." this time she was the one singing, we both smiled at each other "Look who's being cheesy," I teased "That's because you're rubbing off on me." She replied we both laughed.

We decided to just sleep like that since we were both too lazy and comfortable to move. "Goodnight Pany-ah~ you're my once in a lifetime." I say and I could feel her smiling which in turn made me smile as well.

"Goodnight Boo~ You're my once in a lifetime too." She said then we both drifted to sleep.

When Seo finished playing the song, I didn't realize tears escaped from my eyes. Seo turned to face me and she saw my tears, she apologized and it seemed we caught the other's attention since they were all gathering around us. I could see the worried look on all their faces. "Unnie I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry! I'm really really sorry for being insensitive! The song just came to mind and I just played it without thinking!" Seo said frantically I shook my head to tell her it was okay.

"No, it's okay I just remembered something, that was very beautiful by the way, you played it beautifully I'm sure Pany-ah would love to hear that." I say and the other girls just sighed and looked down, "The song is really beautiful, it's one of my most favorite songs, the lyrics are very meaningful as well." Seo said, we all agreed.

"Okay! Enough of the drama! I think we all have had enough for today so c'mon let's watch the movie! Let's have a Tim Burton Movie Marathon!" Sunkyo said and we all agreed.

As the first movie started playing Yul's already on her 3rd can of beer and so is Hyo, and the two giant pigs are already halfway through to their 2nd batch of popcorn. Sunkyo's nagging Sooyoung for eating all the popcorn and the two alcoholics are busy teasing each other, Seo and I are the only ones really watching the movie so far, she's been quiet and I can see she's tired from the taping so pulled her close and told her to lean on me and rest, she nodded her head and minutes later she as out. I guess she was really tired but still she came all the way here just to make sure I was alright, same goes with the others since I know they're all busy.

I smiled at their childishness, they're such a troublesome bunch for sure but I love them they're family and I'm just thankful I have them.

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