Flowers || Iwaizumi Hajime x...

بواسطة infinitelyhopeful

758K 34.2K 51.8K

You never know whose day you might make just a little bit better by handing them a gift - or in your case, a... المزيد

[1] A Single Rose
[2] Wingman
[3] Cookies
[4] The Third Day
[5] Lunch Buddies
[6] Your Number
[7] Hoodie
[8] Volleyball
[9] Cultural Festival
[10] Answer
[12] Asking Out
[BONUS] Alone Time
[BONUS] Jealousy
a/n + artwork!

[11] Confessions

42.9K 2.1K 4.2K
بواسطة infinitelyhopeful

Iwaizumi had thought long and hard about the situation. He knew he had to ask you out, but the execution can't be that simple. Of course, it is just a question, but everything else that supports it – they way you word it, the timing, the supporting material – everything else matters too.

And because of that, he wasn't prepared to ask you out the next day. In fact, he avoided you, as he felt guilty for not preparing things yet.

But to you, it seemed as if Iwaizumi was avoiding you because he didn't feel the same way.

He did not come by your class during lunch as he usually would, and after waiting a solid 20 minutes, you knew he had just stood you up. It had been awhile since you had lunch outside, alone, and it hurt even worse when there was a broken heart accompanying you.

Even after that, when you spotted him on your way to the track as he was making his way to the gym for your respective club activities, he effectively ran away from your sight, averting his gaze and hoping you hadn't seen him. But you saw everything, and dear lord, it hurt.

But you told yourself you only had yourself to blame. You cursed yourself for thinking the perfect Iwaizumi Hajime could ever feel anything for you. But those moments: his stuttering, the way he blushed at your words, the way he would help you out in any way he could – you were convinced those were telltale signs that he felt the same way. And yet?

Perhaps, not.

That day, you went home without waiting for Iwaizumi.

You didn't even want to explain it to him, so you texted Oikawa instead.

To: Shittykawa

Tell Iwaizumi-san he doesn't have to worry about me anymore. I won't force my feelings down his throat. I'll stay out of his way.

And I'm sorry for ruining everything.

Oikawa was extremely confused by your text. Why did it sound like Iwaizumi had rejected you?

He immediately approached his wing spiker to interrogate him.

"Iwa-chan! What the hell did you do?!" he practically yelled in the clubroom.

"What do you mean?" Iwaizumi asked, unsure.

Oikawa rolled his eyes and showed him your text. "Looks like she thinks you rejected her!"

It took approximately 3 seconds for him to digest your words, pixellated on the screen of Oikawa's phone and like that, Iwaizumi's eyes widened.

"WHAT? But I didn't! I didn't say anything! I was avoiding her all throughout the day, ran away from her and– oh..."

He finally came to the realization that his actions had been misinterpreted, while Oikawa judgingly stared at him.

"You have to fix this! She's your only hope for not dying alone!" Oikawa exclaimed, causing Iwaizumi to headbutt Oikawa's face, effectively causing Oikawa's nose to bleed.


Iwaizumi finally settled down and frowned, knowing that he had made a mistake. And if anything, he had to fix the situation fast before you decided to leave him for good.


After several times calling your phone and you not picking up, Iwaizumi decided to confront you right away by going to your house. He noticed your father's car wasn't present and so knew that you had to be alone with Takashi. At least he could make more noise without disturbing your father.

He began to use all of his strength to knock continuously on your door. "(Y/n), please come out. I need to talk to you."

But you were too embarrassed. You didn't want to see Iwaizumi – at least not right now. You suspected he had come to apologize and tell you he would like to stay friends, and if anything, you weren't prepared to face the reality.

You had been crying to yourself, sobbing as you watched romantic films on TV while taking large scoops of ice cream straight from the tub and into your mouth. Eventually, you fell asleep on the couch, eyes puffed up. But even then, Iwaizumi didn't leave. He would sit on your doorstep for hours if he had to.

Takashi hated seeing you like this. Even after warning Iwaizumi not to break your heart, that was exactly what he did. He genuinely thought Iwaizumi was better than this, and if anything, he felt completely betrayed by the older boy.

After what felt like forever, Takashi finally opened the door and crossed his arms in defiance, boiling in rage as he saw the boy who broke you.

"You have to leave, Iwa-niichan!"

Iwaizumi begged, "Takashi, please. I need to speak to your sister."

"She doesn't want to talk to you! You've done enough damage already."

Iwaizumi pleaded, "I didn't mean to hurt her. Please, I just need to explain myself."

Takashi threw his arms in frustration, "I don't get you! I warned you not to break nee-chan's heart! I thought you liked her."

"I do," Iwaizumi simply stated, which caused Takashi's eyes to widen. He continued, "I do. I like her a lot. In fact, I might even be falling in love with her, and I completely screwed up. Please Takashi, help me fix this."

Takashi pondered for awhile, contemplating his words. For a second, he wondered if Iwaizumi was lying, and whether he was taking advantage of the situation, but seeing Iwaizumi's face, pleading eyes that nearly watered as he begged, Takashi knew – there couldn't be anything more sincere than this.

So, his expression softened. "Okay."


Iwaizumi thanked Takashi and promised him some ice cream, which he happily accepted. As he walked in, he noticed a cold breeze coming through him, as if he was nervous or afraid – which he was.

Takashi brought Iwaizumi to the living room and gestured towards you, passed out with tubs of ice cream and snacks all around you. Your eyes were still puffy too, and Iwaizumi could sense that you had been crying. He hated himself for causing you to be like this.

"Thank you, Takashi," he told your brother, who ran off into his own room to give you two some privacy.

Iwaizumi sat at the end of your feet, watching you closely. You looked so peaceful and beautiful asleep, and Iwaizumi could feel his heart pacing at the sight of you. Gently, he rocked you awake, nudging and shaking you to get a response.

"(Y/n)?" he asked.

You didn't want to wake up, and all you heard was your name. Immediately, you pressed your foot against the face of whomever it was trying to wake you up, thinking it was your brother. "Back off, Takashi," you groaned.

Iwaizumi chuckled a little at your response and removed your foot from his face, holding it in his hands. "(Y/n), it's me."

You grunted, stretching a little before finally turning to the voice that kept waking you up, your eyes still squinting. But eventually, your vision became clearer, and that was when you started to panic.

And you instinctively kicked Iwaizumi in the face, causing him to groan in pain. "OW!"

"Shit!" you panicked but eventually got up, sitting up on the couch. "What are you doing here?"

Iwaizumi was still trying to recover from the pain. He held out a hand, "Give me a moment."

And right then you recalled what had happened. You knew he had come to apologize and reject you. You knew it was coming. And perhaps, it was time to stop running away.

"Alright fine. Go ahead, reject me," you said.

Iwaizumi narrowed his brows before looking at you again, finally recovering. He asked, "What? I didn–"

You cut him off, "No go ahead. Tell me that I'm too annoying or not good enough or how you don't see me that way–"

"(Y/n) could you let me speak?" Iwaizumi asked, getting frustrated by you.

"Go on, just say you don't like me back! Just tell me everything I did wrong and how I ruined our whole friendship by being selfish and–"

He cut you this time by pressing his lips onto yours, holding your face as he kissed you softly to stop you from talking. Your eyes widened, eventually shutting up. For a moment, you focused purely on the boy before you, his lips extremely soft and moving against your own and as much as you wanted to return the gesture, you were too shocked to move.

He broke away, "Now if you would let me speak, I was going to say I'm sorry for freaking out and not telling you sooner. But I like you. You are the kindest, most beautiful person I know and you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I want you to be mine because I'm falling. I am falling so hard for you."

You were practically speechless. But after a while you found your words, "But why didn't you just say so? I thought you were getting ready to reject me."

Iwaizumi rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm sorry. I wanted my confession to you to be perfect and I guess I freaked out because I didn't really prepare anything for you a-and I was worried it wouldn't be good enough."

He breathed, "But that was dumb of me because it didn't matter if the moment was perfect or not. As long as it's with you, I don't have to wait for a perfect moment, because you make it perfect for me."

You felt the red tint forming on your cheeks, grinning wide before giggling. "Hajime, I knew you were a cheesy man."

He returned the gesture, chuckling slightly at your remark. His hands grabbed yours and with sincere eyes, he pierced his gaze straight into yours. Once more, he braved himself to tell you exactly what you had been waiting to hear.

"I like you, (y/n)."

Grinning as he did, you could feel the happiness bursting from inside the both of you. How could you not after all? Because finally, the boy you were helplessly falling for felt the same way about you. And you couldn't wait to start a new chapter with him.

"I like you too, Hajime."

He bit his lip nervously, his eyes piercing yours. And he couldn't help but think back to his first time seeing you, that feeling of being completely starstruck by someone's presence. He almost couldn't believe what was happening, and he wanted his feeling to last forever.

Bravely, he asked, "Sorry for not asking before but can I kiss you again?"

You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your forehead against his.

"I would like nothing more."


(extended ending)

After breaking away from a passionate kiss, Iwaizumi smirked playfully at you. "So a little bird told me you want me to press you up against a wall with my bara arms?"

Your face flushed completely red upon hearing that. "FUCKING OIKAWA THAT BITCH CAN'T KEEP HIS MOUTH SHUT!"

Iwaizumi laughed at your reaction. He shrugged, "Well, do you want to?"

You gulped, feeling all sorts of things in your tummy as he asked you that. Your mind wandered to some perverted scenes you would like to experience with the gorgeous boy who was sitting in front of you. You tried your best to keep calm, "S-sure."

He took your hand and brought you towards the nearest wall before trapping you against it in between his arms. You could feel sweat trickling the sides of your forehead as you witnessed the hottest thing alive.

"Remind me to thank Shittykawa for this," you murmured.

Iwaizumi chuckled, "Let's not think about him right now."

[at Oikawa's house]

Oikawa was making dinner for Takeru when he felt a sudden wave of excitement overwhelming him.

"Takeru! I feel like someone is thankful for me!" he exclaimed, grinning widely as he punched the sky.

Takeru judgingly eyed his uncle, "You're definitely just imagining it."



happy birthday to my king iwa-chan!!

i love u so much

also, one more (very short) chapter till we're done with this! OMFG

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