Inazuma Eleven: Ore Tachi no...

By Kaitou_Mighty_ZX

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The event of this story is few years after the incident in Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy. It's about Endou Kaminar... More

Let's go! Raimon Eleven!!
The Match! Raimon vs Kaiou!!
Soccer Festival! The Wind Returns!!
Our First Match! Tengawara Jr. High!!
The Wild! Nosei Jr. High!!
Fighting All-Girls Team!
It's Time! Raimon Move Up!!
For Real?! The Hard Training!!
Final Match! Teikoku Academy!!
The Strongest Hero! Kaminari's Keshin!!
The Nationals Tournament!
Hakuren's Blizzard! New Power!!
The Strongest Defense!
Breaking Through! Inazuma Break!!
Hard Clash! Another Tough Challenge!!
Raimon VS Gassan Kunimitsu!
The Genius Playmaker!
Heat Up! Match on the Hot Field!!
The Semi-Final Match!
Clash! Raimon vs Arakumo!!
Blow Everything! Sunshine Break!!
The Finals of Soccer Festival!
Intense Clash! Raimon vs Kidokawa Seishuu!!
The Beginning of New Reign!
Special! Camping Trip!!
Bad or Worse! Shinsei Inazuma Japan!!
The FFI Vision 3! Begin!!
Kai's Desicion!
Fierce Opponent! Storm Wolf!!
Burst! Yamata no Orochi!!
The Impregnable Defense!
Ryuu no Hoko!
The Warrior of Ocean!
Wolf's Determination! With Fire and Ice!!
The Practice Match! Inazuma Japan vs Resistance Japan!!
Breaking Our Limit!
Fierce Challenge! Malaya Beast!!
Final Play! The Representative of Asia District!!
It's Break Time!
Shinsei Inazuma Japan vs Inazuma Legend Japan: Part 1!
Shinsei Inazuma Japan vs Inazuma Legend Japan: Part 2!
Reserve Players for Inazuma Japan!
To the World Stage!
The Group League Starts!
The Fight Continues! Awaken Soul!!
Reunion with Friends!
Clash! Japan VS America!!

Let's Play Together Again!

711 16 4
By Kaitou_Mighty_ZX

After the yesterday match, Raimon even more determined on winning in the Soccer Festival that will held not really long from now.

At Raimon Jr. High...

Raimon team are practicing with the traning menu that Kidou gave them. Like always, there are some hard part but they still able to withstand it.

Homura: Hey, Senpai.

Yuuya: What?

Homura: Endou-senpai will ever to play with us again?

Yuuya: Who knows. He don't like soccer for long time, and the reason he play in the match yesterday was Coach Kidou asked me.

Homura: I know that, but...

Yuuya: What? Are you relying on how good his play is?

Homura: That's not it. All I wanted Senpai to play along with us. I mean... despite knowing he didn't smile the match, he seems happy.

Yuuya: Happy?

Homura: *nod* Yes, Senpai seems happy when he was playing.

Yuuya: I see. But that doesn't mean he still wanted the play like yesterday.

Homura: I guess, you're right...

Gento: What are you two talking about? This is training.

Yuuya: *turn to Gento* I know that, Kazuma-san. What's wrong with someone teaching their junior?

Gento: Don't think about that too much or you'll lose focus.

Yuuya: I know that.

Homura: Sorry, Gento-senpai. Let's get back to training.

Yuuya: Okay.

Suiryuu and Shinji are training with dribbles while Shin and Shun trying to defend the goal from Enji and Gento. Ren kick the ball and at the goalpost but Higashi able to catch the ball before went into the goal.

Higashi: Good, you just need to put more power in that shoot.

Ren: Thanks, Senpai!

Higashi: By the way, I've been thinking about this. Aren't your brother a defender in Inazuma Japan, why do you want to be a midfielder?

Ren: Because I like to do more shooting than just defending. Also, I want to surpass him with my own ability!

Higashi: I see, you're cool guy.

Ren: I-I see...

He scratch the back of his head while laughing awkwardly. Asuma run fast and kick the ball right into the other goalpost.

Asuma: *panting* Not enough... I need to be stronger!

Kidou and Asuka are watching the team practicing from the side. Kidou look at the board about the detail of the whole members in the team.

Kidou(In mind): It's true that they become stronger when Kaminari fought along side them in the last match. But this isn't enough...

Asuka: Coach, is there something wrong?

Kidou: The current Raimon isn't really strong enough.

Asuka: What?

Kidou: It's true that I choose Hazama to be the captain, but it's only for one purpose.

Asuka: Is it... to make Kaminari-kun join the soccer club?

Kidou: No. Hazama don't really understand the role of a leader, that is why I choose him so he can understand the role. Even if he fail, this is for the team.

Asuka: But Coach, is it okay if we don't have Kaminari-kun in the team...

Kidou: That is why Kaminari don't want being in the team. He don't like when people depend too much on him to do all the work and they can just relax just because they have him.

Asuka: I see. Then isn't there any way we can ask him to join the soccer club?

Kidou: Leave him be. Hazama and Minamisawa still have faith for him to come back. Just leave him for now.

He walk away as Asuka look back at the field. While walking ahead, Kaminari stop and look at the field where Raimon soccer team is training really hard.

Kaminari(In mind): This feeling... It's half-half again...


While reading magazine in his room and lying on his bed, he heard the door was knocked.

Kaminari: Come in.

When the door opened, it reveal it was Nami.

Nami: Nii-chan.

Kaminari: *sit up* Nami, huh?

He sit up at his bed while Nami went sit next to him on Kaminari's bed.

Kaminari: What do you want?

Nami: Actually, Nii-chan... *smile* Today's match is great! Nii-chan finally play soccer again!

Kaminari: Eh?

Nami: That shoot you use in the game! Thunderbolt! That was the original hissatsu technique that you came up long time ago, and I finally get to see it!

Kaminari: Well, that's...

Nami: Nii-chan, is there something wrong?

Kaminari: I'm still not sure.

Nami: About what?

Kaminari: About playing soccer again. There's some part of me that wanted to play soccer, and some part of me that still hates it. Now I don't know which of my feelings that should follow...

Nami: Then just listen to your heart.

Kaminari: Listen to your heart?

Nami: *nod* Yup. Like Dad always told us, if we have some problem, we should listen to our heart.

Kaminari: *look down* Well...

Nami: Nii-chan, are you still mad to Dad?

Kaminari: *sigh* I'm not sure... I only get mad at him because keep losing my chance to play soccer with him...

Nami: It's true Dad aren't here to play soccer with us again because he have to be the coach for an international team... But we still have our friends, and me too. Nii-chan can play soccer with me!

Kaminari: Nami...

Nami: Also, Nii-chan still didn't show your full potential, right? The match between Raimon and Kaiou, you're just playing around, aren't you~?

Kaminari: How do you know?

Nami: I always watch Nii-chan's match during our time as kids. So I know when you get serious in playing or not.

Kaminari: That is you're a pain for at some point, you know that?

Nami: Nii-chan, you're so mean!

Kaminari: *small smile* But you're such nice a little sister.

He pat Nami's head, making her smile and giggle and hug him.

Nami: And you're a nice big brother to me!

Kaminari: Well, I'm still thinking about being the Raimon team. So make sure your team become stronger, okay?

Nami: Okay, Nii-chan!

(Flashback End)

Kaminari: It's true that Nami will be happy if I join the soccer club and play soccer again, but...

He look at the ball that Asuma kick but Higashi able to block it. Then he throw it back to Asuma, asking him to make a stronger kick so it might get pass him. He put his right hand at his heart.

Kaminari: I still can't get rib of this hate...

While practicing, Higashi and Yuuya look up and saw Kaminari. Then Kaminari walk away from the area.

Yuuya: Endou-san...

Higashi: Kaminari...

When look in front, the ball suddenly hit him in the face making him fall back and hold his face.

Asuma: Are you okay, Higashi-san?!

Higashi: Ow... *stand up* I'm okay...

Asuma: I see... *relief sigh* Thank goodness. I thought I just make a mistake...

Yuuya: That is a mistake, but it was Hazama that did that. He didn't focus in the pratice.

Higashi: I know... Sorry...

(Time Skip)

Kaminari is sitting on the bench near the field at the riverbank. He look at the place where he always play soccer with his father. Then he look at soccer ball with lightning mark on it near his legs.

Kaminari(In mind): What should I do? Play soccer, or not?

???: That was a good play yesterday.

Kaminari snapped and look at the right side. He saw the captain of Kaiou team, Dan Kaiji. Kaiji has dark blue spiky hair and black eyes, and mostly seen in Kaiou's tracksuit and soccer jersey.

Kaiji: Nice to meet you again, Endou Kaminari.

Kaminari: Dan Kaiji, huh? What do you want?

Then Kaiji sit on the bench next to Kaminari.

Kaiji: I heard that you only a helper back at yesterday match. I can see that you aren't seriously play back then, why?

Kaminari: I don't know. I only help my school soccer team just because Kidou-san ask me to. I don't know if I wanted to play soccer again.

Kaiji: Then, let's play against each other again!

Kaminari: *turn to Kaiji* Huh?

Kaiji: I mean your hissatsu technique was great! I never see anything like it, your shoot even break through Garu's defense so easily!

Kaminari: I'm... not a guy that like soccer that much...

Kaiji: Eh?

Kaminari: I lose my interest in playing soccer long time ago. Even if I still can play, I don't know if I wanted anymore.

Kaiji: What are you saying? You're skill is even better than me, no, than all of us in the field! Compare to my team and Raimon, you're in a different level!

Kaminari: *grin* What? You admit someone like me is better than you?

Kaiji: It's not that I really admit, it's just wasting your talent if you didn't do anything with it.

Kaminari: I can anything beside playing soccer.

Kaiji: This is year Kaiou will participate in the Soccer Festival. I hope Raimon can give us some challenge when you're not there to help them.

He stand up.

Kaiji: If your ever join in Raimon Soccer club, promise that you'll fight against us again! We'll beat you with our spirit!

Kaminari: Fine then...

Kaiji look at Kaminari before he leaves. As Kaiji disappear from the view, Kaminari stand up and grab the soccer ball on the ground. He clench the ball and then start dribbling.

(Time Skip)

Higashi and Yuuya are walking home from the training. They really worn out after the practice that Kidou gave them.

Yuuya: Hey, Higashi, are you okay?

Higashi: No idea... Coach Kidou's training menu is really tough as always. But at least we able to complete it.

Yuuya: I wonder who will be our first opponent in the prelim.

While walking home, they saw Kaminari is training by himself again. He balancing the soccer ball on top of his head and heading it into the goalpost.

Higashi: Should we ignore him this time?

Yuuya: No, I think this is the best to talk with him. *smile* By playing soccer.

Higashi: I see. I get it, but not much.

Yuuya(In mind): *sweatdrop* I knew it, Higashi doesn't seem to be a good captain...

They went to the field and put their bags at the bench. As they turn back to look at Kaminari, they saw the ball flying to toward them but Higashi able to catch it in time.

Higashi: *relief sigh* That was close...

Kaminari: What are you two doing here?

Higashi lower the ball and saw Kaminari walk toward them and stop in front of them. Yuuya grab the ball from Higashi and step forward.

Yuuya: Are you really don't like soccer?

Kaminari: What if I don't like it?

Yuuya: Then why you train almost every three days a week right at this exact place by yourself? We saw you train like... all the time.

Kaminari: So?

Higashi: That's mean you still soccer, and your skill still improving!

Kaminari: Don't say anything about that. I never wanted to train at all.

Yuuya: Then why did you train?

Kaminari: *look down* Because I'm confused...

The wind slowly blowing making stranda of their hair moves.

Kaminari: Part of me still wanted to play soccer, while other part didn't want. I don't know what should I do... I'm...

Yuuya: Then...

He hold up the soccer ball in front of Kaminari.

Yuuya: *smile* Let's play soccer.

Higashi: *smile* Yeah, let's play like we always do!

(A/N: If I forget to mention, Yuuya is also Kaminari's childhood friend but for some reason Kaminari call him by the last name when they in junior high school)

Kaminari: Geez, you two... *smirk* Are interesting friends!

After the talking, Higashi put on the goalkeeper gloves went to right side goalpost. Yuuya doing some dribble until Kaminari steal the ball and kick it toward the goalpost but Higashi caught it.

Higashi: This feels good...

Yuuya: It does bring back memories when we play here.

Kaminari: I thought you'll said that.

Higashi throw the ball at them and they continue to play soccer like they always did. Kaminari didn't smile much since he stop playing soccer, but now, he able to at least smile a bit when they playing right now.

Kaminari: *pass the ball* Yuuya!

Yuuya: You called my name? *receive the ball* Okay!

He stump the ball causing it to spin up and covered with white-green energy.

Yuuya: Sonic Shot!

He kick the ball. It stopped for a moment before dashing toward the goalpost.

Higashi: I'll block it!

He raise his right fist and clench as green energy covered his right hand and pull back.

Higashi: Metal Hand Punch!

He punch the ball in full force and it sent fly away but Kaminari able to catch it and kick it up in the air.

Yuuya: Do it, Kaminari!

Kaminari: And you also called my name!

He jumped up.

Higashi: Come at me!

The ball covered with yellow energy as Kaminari's right leg covered with lightning energy.

Kaminari: Thunderbolt!

He kick the ball hard and it burst toward the goalpost.

Higashi: I'll block it!

His right hand already covered in green energy and pull back his right hand.

Higashi: Metal Hand Punch!

He punch the ball in full force but it didn't even move back an inch. Higashi keep trying to punch it away but the ball push his hand back and enter the goalpost.

Yuuya: You did it!

Higashi: My hand kinda hurt... But that shoot is amazing!

Kaminari: You two are quite amazing, too.

Yuuya: What?

Higashi: Did you just praise us?

Kaminari: What if I do?

Yuuya: Then this is the first you ever praise any of us.

Higashi: It's kinda cool, and creepy as well!

Kaminari: Hey, what's wrong with how I praise you?! It's not like I praise people all the time!

Yuuya and Higashi just laugh at Kaminari because it's funny that he never praise anyone. Then Kaminari also join them laughing because it's been a while since they were together.

(Next Day)

At Raimon Jr. High...

At the Soccer club...

Raimon Players: Ehhh...?!

The rest comes in, including Asuka, felt really suprised. They saw Kaminari is in the club with Higashi and Yuuya, wearing Raimon tracksuit.

Homura: Wh-Why is Endou-senpai is here?

Higashi: From now on, Kaminari will be one of us. He's now an official member in the Raimon Soccer club!

Ren: No way!

Kaminari: I'm Endou Kaminari, a second year student. Nice to meet you all. You can call me Kaminari.

Yuuya: And our new captain.

Kaminari: Yes, I'm-- *turn to Yuuya* Huh?! Hey, I never agreed to be the team captain!

Higashi: I'm not good being captain, so I ask Coach to make you the captain, and he said, "Okay."

Kaminari: Kidou-san, you traitor!

Yuuya: Well, what if your first word, Captain.

Kaminari: Geez, my first word... *point at the team* Don't slow me down, follow my instructions, and... we'll win the Soccer Festival.

Homura: All right! We'll participating in this year tournament!

Ren: Wait, Captain, I'm not ready for such tournament!

Suiryuu: Just bear it, I was nervous when entering it with Hazama and the others. But in the end, it was fun.

Gento: Yeah, but the fun is over when we only reach the best 8 in the Soccer Festival National tournament.

Shinji: I agree, it was frustrating when losing.

Asuka: I kinda felt bad for those who in the club last year...

???: Winning and losing are normal things that happened during game.

They turn around at the door and saw the council student, Kazemaru Riko, Ren's older sister. She has long green hair ties in two long twintail and aqua eyes and she mostly seen in school uniform. She is kind and generous but sometimes mean toward Ren.

Ren: *suprised* N-Nee-san! What are you doing here?

Riko: After thinking for long time, I think I'll join Raimon Soccer club as manager just Asuka.

Ren: Eh? Manager?

Riko: *glare* Is there something wrong with that?

Ren: N-No at all! Nee-san is good to be a manager!

Homura(In mind): What a scary sister he have...

They introduce themselves to each other. And like always, Kaminari didn't smile much. They all trying to get along with each other, Asuka and Riko will do their good job as manager to help them.


In Soccer club office...

Kidou is looking at the empty stadium from his office as he take out his phone and make a call. After few moment, the call is answered.

???: Hello?

Kidou: It's me.

???: Coach Kidou, it's been a long time.

Kidou: It is. And my time is almost up to help Raimon is almost over.

???: What do you mean?

Kidou: Endou become the coach of Raimon before I did, so I wanted to you be the new coach for this team. I have to be a coach for an international team just like Endou and most of us.

???: I see. Okay then, I also want to lend my knowledge to these new generation for Raimon.

Kidou: It's all up to you. Make Raimon the strongest team once again, and help them achieve their dream in winning.

???: Okay, I'll do my best.

Then Kidou hung up. He look at the stadium again before smile.

Kidou: Endou, if you heard that Kaminari has return to play soccer, it will make you happy.


"Coach Kidou has left the team in the charge of the new coach. We Raimon still have hard time in believing it. Who will be our new coach? Wait, this guy... No way, it is really him...!"

"Next time, Soccer Festival! The Wind Returns!!"

"This is super-dimensional soccer!"

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